Sage-Siegel Nuptials Planned for Ala rch ews Brevities .Talents of two distinguished Two students of the Graduate persqnalities—film star Edward School in the Natural Sciences G. Robinson and author Leon of the Weizmann Institute of Uris—are united in the half Science in Rehovoth, Israel, hour picture documentary, gave their lectures for their "Israel," coming to the Tele- Ph.D. degrees from the Hebrew news Theater. University. For Dr. JOSEPH * * KURTZ, a native of Poland, it Mesdames LEONARD H. was a long tortuous career that W E I N E R, GABRIEL ALEX- led to his doctorate at the age ANDER and JULIAN H. of 50. Dr. ZEEV ALEXAN- KROLIK have been named to DROWICZ, 30, likewise had a the steering committee for the varied career which began in 25th anniversary celebration of Poland. * * * the Women's Division, United Community Service s, to be Two Synagogue Council of mark e d from Feb. 1 to 14. America leaders were named to Principal highlights of the cele- key positions in the 1960 White bration will be a banquet Feb. House Conference on Children 10, at the Sheraton - Cadillac and Youth. Rabbi MARC H. MISS INA NANCY SAGE Hotel and a concert by the De- TANENBAUM, executive direc- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sage, of troit Symphony Or c h es t r a, tor of the Synagogue Council, Ilene Ave., announce the en- conducted by Paul Paray, on was designated chairman of the gagement of their daughter, Ina Feb. 14. copy committee, and Dr. BER- * * * Nancy, to Dr. Allen Siegel, son NARD LANDER, chairman of The HORDES A G E N C Y, the Synagogue Council Com- of IVIr. and Mrs. Joseph Siegel, 17616 Wyoming, is being hon- mission on Family and Youth of Liberty, N.Y. Miss Sage is a graduate of the ored by the Columbus Mutual Welfare, was named technical University of Detroit school of Life Insurance Co. for outstand- consultant on studies. * * * dental hygiene. Dr. Siegel, who ing production during a recent studied at the University of campaign. Frederick E. Jones, Dr. EUGENE ROBERTS, Buffalo dental school, is now Columbus Mutual president, chairman of the department of interning at Sinai Hospital in will award the firm's Presi- biochemistry, City of Hope Detroit. dent's Cup to Earl Hordes. Medical Center, has been elected Plans are being made for a Special recognition also will be a Fellow of the New York Aca- March 8 wedding. accorded to George Gray and demy of Sciences. Dr. Roberts, William Hordes. a graduate of Wayne State Uni- * * * versity, took his Ph.D. in bio- SHELDON LEDERMAN, a chemistry at the University of Detroit school teacher, has been Michigan in 1942 and was with named chairman of the newly- the Manhattan Project during organized Michigan Committee World War II. * * * for Stevenson for President, a Prof. SIDNEY BRAUN, chair- group which supports the candi- The sum of $11,700,000 in po-1 tential income has been secured I dacy of Adlai Stevenson for man of Yeshiva University's by the Foundation for the Jew- President. Headquarters for the Department of French, received ish National Fund through be- organization will be at 20501 the degree of the order of the Chevalier des Palms Academ- quests, assignments of insurance Westbrook, KE 3-8719. * * * iques from the French goVern- and other gifts to be used in Rabbi JULIUS WEINBERG, ment. * * * the develop- spiritual leader and director of Rabbi Emanuel Rackman, ment of Is- Beth Israel Center, in Ann rael's s o i 1, it Arbor,_ has been appointed to president of the Rabbinical was announc- the faculty of Eastern Michigan Council of America, announced ed in New University, in Ypsilanti, as an the appointment of Rabbi LEON York by Judge instructor in American history. KATZ, of Congregation Adas Bernard A. Rabbi Weinberg, formerly di- Israel, Passaic, N. J., as chair- Rose n b latt, rector of internal relations for man of the Rabbinical Council's president of the Detroit Jewish Community annual mid-winter conference. * '* * the founda- Council, has been in Ann Arbor tion, at a spe- LEWIS L. STRAUSS, former since 1953. During that time he cial meeting received his master of arts de- chairman of the Atomic Energy of the Founda- gree, and is currently a candi- Commission, has been elected tion board of date for a PhD in history. Rabbi a director of the Radio Corpora- directors at Weinberg, his wife, the former tion of Ameriea and National the Woodstock Al e z a h Dworkin, and their Broadcasting Company. *. * * Hotel which three daughters, reside at 1113 w a s followed PHIL deBEAUBIEN, publish- Olivia, Ann Arbor. Yarden by a Bon Voy- * * * er of the Detroit Times, will age Dinner in honor Hanan R. The renaming of RUTGERS serve as 1960 Wayne county Yarden, world director of the PLACE on New York's lower Michigan Week chairman. His Keren Kayemeth Leisrael Foun- East Side to WORLD ACAD- appointment was announced by dation in Jerusalem, who has EMY PLACE will take place Thomas Adams, president of just completed a two-year tour today, it was announced by Her- Campbell-Ewald Advertising of duty as Acting Director of man H. Cohen, chairman of the Agency and regional chairman the JNF Foundation in the committee for the celebration for the southeastern area of United States. Yarden's accom- of the 70th birthday of Rabbi Michigan. plishments for the Foundation * * * Herbert S. Goldstein. In recog- were cited by Mendel N. Fisher, EPHRAIM R. GOMBERG, for- nition of Rabbi Goldstein's rec- JNF national executive direc- mer Detroit newspaperman, tor; who made presentations on ord of service to the American who also practiced law here, behalf of the Foundation board way of life, the Borough of later becoming associated with of directors to Yarden and his Manhattan has decided to honor the Jewish Federation in Phila- wife, who will depart for Israel him by changing the name of delphia, addressed the annual Rutgers Place. shortly. meeting of the Franklin Settle- * * * The Foundation for the JNF A suspenseful drama is un- ment here, yesterday, in his new was established for the purpose capacity as director of the 1960 of creating funds to assure the folded in "LIBEL." Olivia de White House Conference on Havilland, two-time Academy uninterrupted progress of JNF Children and Youth. work on Israel's soil. The funds Award winner, plays one of the * * * are derived from bequests, wills, most dramatic roles of her Mr. and Mrs. IRVING GORIN assignments of life insurance, career opposite Dirk Bogarde transfers of Israel bonds and in MGM's sensational court- of New York, will dedicate a other gifts which establish p±.4- room drama, based on the New room in Yeshiva University's ects in Israel in the names of York and London stage success, Leah and Joseph Rubin Resi- the donors Or in their memory. the next attraction at the,Trans- dence Hall in memory of their Lux Krim Theater, Woodward late son, Leroy. *, * * at Six Mile. Two United Nations officials will teach courses during the C.0111,111.q . 5.0.011 Israel Philharmonic Spring Semester, at Yeshiva To Play in. Cyprus University's Graduate School of The Israel Philharmonic Or- Education, Dr. Benjamin Fine, chestra will play two engage- dean of the school, announced. ments in Cyprus at Nicosia on Dr. BENJAMIN COHEN, the occasion of the celebration Chilean delegate to the UN, of the country's declaration as will teach a course in the prob- a republic. Jean Martinon, the lems of world geography. A musical director of the Israel course in current economic Philharmonic Orchestra, will problems will be taught by conduct the concert on Jan. 30, LOUIS A. SHAPIRO, program and George Singer will conduct officer of the UN Special Fund the concert on Jan. 31. .for Economic Development. JNF Foundation Progress Told at Yarden Dinner; Ann .Gottlieb to .Wed Dr. Sidney H. Weber Yiddish Dictionary Due Soon, Detroit Conference Is Told Genie Sulkes, distinguished Yiddish journalist, Warsaw Ghetto fighter who survived the Nazi terrors, on Sunday addressed a conference of com- munity leaders in behalf of the local effort to support the pub- lishing of the forthcoming "Yid- disher Werterbuch" (Yiddish Dictionary). Miss Sulkes explained that the dictionary will appear in 10 volumes, containing a total of 160,000 words. Displaying galley proofs, she • said that the first volume of 20,000 words already is in the hands of the printers and that it will be off the press shortly. Wolf Snyder, chairman of the MISS ANN BETH GOTTLIEB local committee, said that a celebration - will be conducted At a recent family dinner locally_ when the first volume party, Mr. and Mrs. Harold arrives. Gottlieb, of Vassar Dr., an- nounced the engagement of Though he fall, he shall not their daughter, Ann Beth, to be utterly cast down; for the Dr. Sidney H. Weber, son of Lord upholdeth him with His Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Weber, hand.—Pslam 37, 24. of Warrington Dr. Miss Gottlieb attended Mich- Music and Entertainment igan State and Wayne State Universities. Her fiance is a graduate of the University of Michigan school of dentistry, and his Orchestra and is affiliated with Alpha DI. 1-1609 Omega dental fraternity. An April 21 wedding is planned. env/mit Sheldon Rott Women's Groups Set Kashrut Discussions and his KEY-NOTES 01=j "Music As You Like It" A majority of the 575 sister- hoods of traditional Jewish con- gregations which are members of the Women's Branch of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Con- gregations of America, will hold special meetings during Febru- ary to enhance observance of the Jewish dietary laws, accord- ing. to Mrs. Allen I. Edles, of Woodside, N.Y., national presi- dent. An explanation of the effect of modern food technology on the centuries-old requirements for maintaining a kosher home will be a feature of the nation wide educational program, ac- cording to Mrs. Edles. RIVIERA BEAUTY SALON LYNN Formerly of the Mary Dee Salon Now at New Location on 7 Mile Road Call: KE 4-9521 TO 8-7228 1HE NEW BOESKY S •The most beautiful cocktail lounge in Detroit • The food and service is better than ever before I BR 2-0644 Free Parking Carry-Outs - Complete Dinners OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. Fri. and Sat. 'til 3:30 a.m. ALL. WELCOME _- AFTER BOWLING Dressed As You Are! Another Boesky's 12th at Hazelwood Coming Soon .. Great News DAVE LI 8-2266 FROM DOMBEY AsstrATEs PHOTOGRAPHERS LI 8-1116 FOR A MODERN JEWISH - EDUCATION Enroll your child NOW for the Second Semester — at the WORKMEN'SCIRCLEJEWISHSCHOOL 18340 W. 7 MILE RD. (near Southfield) ...Jewish Music .-.. Hebrew Holiday Celebrations ...Jewish History Bar Mitzvah Preparation ...Jewish Literature ...Current Events .. Transportation provided to our New, Modern, Fire-proof, Air-conditioned Building. For. registration or additional information Call: KE 7-5440 Office open 10 to 6, Mors. thru Thurs. 10 to 12, Sun. .