THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, January 15, Purely Commentary What's the Sense in Sending Emissaries? Jewish organizations have begun to send emissaries to Bonn to confer with Dr. Konrad Adenauer and other West German officials on the issues involved in the recrudescent wave of anti-Semitism. We see no sense in such procedures. If all the past conferences with Adenauer and other German leaders failed to stem the tide of hatred, then the solution must be found in other directions. They can be searched for from the desks of the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith and other move- ments. They can be done over the telephone — and per- haps the activities should be extended through the church pulpits and radio and television airways. We repeat the question: what's the sense in sending emissaries, when the anti-Semitic sin is so evident and its crime is admitted? The Jewish organizations wouldn't think of sending emissaries to every capital of the world where the anti-Semitic sparks have been causing con- flagrations. Yet, spokesmen for Jewry are trekking to Bonn on missions that appear to us useless, fruitless and senseless. It is high time that we reserved our 'energies for activities on the home fronts, for international educa- tional purposes, to enlighten our own people on the need for the retention of calmness as well as for the strength- ening of the courage with which we always meet trage- dies and external attacks. Insofar as the worldwide anti-Semitic catastrophe is concerned, the responsibility for its eradication, and for the removal of all the causes that lead to hatred of our people, lie upon Christianity. We can point the finger of accusation at the guilty, and we can mobilize the forces of decency against them, from where we operate. Cause for Panic . . . Unity Vital for Jewry There is No By Philip Slomovitz were repudiated by as much vigor by Christians as they were repulsed by Jews. The Royal Oak attacker met with rebuke and he abandoned his radio hate campaign. Hitler •came, and the world warred against him. Now his followers are trying to reintroduce his poison. In-between these occurrences, there were many anti- Semitic incidents, there was an avalanche of anti-Semitic literature. Only the stupid could possibly dream of de- stroying Jewry. Now we are again reminding our. neighbors that anti-Semitism is not a Jewish problem, that it should be — as we believe it is being recognized as — the concern of the non-Jewish world. This is a time for prayer that. there should be a re- awakening of the realization that what is threatening the Jewish people today may be the threat to the entire world tomorrow; that bigotry is not an isolated deadly germ that affects a handful of people; that it is a menac- ing symptom of an illness that must be cured, else the entire structure of civilization will collapse. It is not, of course, Christianity alone that owes a duty to find a positive cure that should be as close to permanency as possible, but Mohammedanism as well. Where the anti-Jewish poisons are being spread by Mos- lems, the responsibility reverts upon our Arab cousins to fumigate them, else they, too, may collapse if the structure of decency crumbles as a result of harm done to Jewry. Jewry will survive the present storm, just as we have weathered the most serious ones in our history. We may even emerge spiritually stronger as a result of the errors of our neighbors. It is those of our neighbors who are committing the crime of anti-Semitism for whom we have chief concern. If they do not cure themselves from the virus of hatred and bigotry, they and their children will suffer with those whom they now seek to harm. Plans Set for JWF Institute on Wednesday Headline speakers at the Jan- uary Institute of the Women's Division of the Jewish Welfare Federation, Wednesday, at the Jewish Center, 18100 Meyers, will be Prof. William Haber, of Bernstein Prof. Haber the University of Michigan, and Philip Bernstein, executive di- rector of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. Dr. Haber will open the Insti- tute at 10 a.m., by telling his audience how their families can benefit from advances in the social services and Bernstein will discuss Jewish needs over- seas, with reference to Israel, In truth, it is humanity's fight against the in- at the afternoon session, reports * * * humanity of man to man. Mrs. Isadore Winkelman, Insti- tute chairman. One of the ways by which we should condemn the Israel Is Off the Front Page There were some interesting views on the selection criminals—whether they • are in Bonn or Berlin or Dublin Bernstein, active in Jewish or Washington or New York or Stockholm or Vienna, of news for the front pages of Jewish periodicals in communal service for more than recent years. 20 years, has been associated whereVer they may be—is by our determined will and For many years, Israel occupied the top position with the CJFWF since 1943, our readiness to retain our dignity, and by reaffirming our allegiance to our Jewish heritage. This_ is not only in news headlines, and there were many who tired of it. Many of the Jewish editors hoped for important our strongest weapon: it is one that has never been dulled and always has led to triumph in our battle for survival. news to replace the Israeli cables-en- the front pages. While this commentator also sought other avenues for emphasis, his search was accompanied by a prayer—that Indeed, we must always remain vigilant, lest the bigots it should not be the tragedy of anti-Semitism that will should'gain even more ground than they already are occupying replace Israel as top news. That is why news about today . . It was not so long ago that a house painter nearly brought Jewish educational advances always received priority at our hands. the entire world to the brink of destruction .. . Now his disciples are painting swastikas on tombstones . . Now, the negative has occurred: the story of bigotry Let us beware of the spreading insanity .. is replacing the news from Israel. Does that make the * former critics of Jewish headline-writers happy? We doubt it. Nevertheless, the undesired and the tragic has Stop Pulling in Different Directions happened. Anti-Semitism again dominates the headlines. There is only one target in the present anti-Semitic (Once again, Jews are News, in the most negative form.) campaign: the Jew. Therefore, it is high time that there * * * should be an abandonment of competing movements pulling in different directions. Each one looks for an opportunity to send emissaries to Germany, to issue statements, to act as Jewry's spokesman. Jewry needs one spokesman: one chosen from the entire people, in matters involving our security. Several months ago, we published an appeal by James N. Rosenberg, the venerable New York Jewish leader, for the abandonment of divisive methods in Jewish ranks. He called for the unification of Jewish movements and for the creation of a single force to speak for Jewry. Now is the time to revive his appeal. We endorsed it then, we favored it in the days of the American Jewish Conference, we uphold the idea in principle now. * A Suggestion to Cartoonists Many pages of news space have been and continue to be devoted to reports that come from all parts of the globe of the spread of anti-Semitism. We have a suggestion for cartoonists who desire to summarize the world tragedy in the shortest amount of space that is required for a cartoon: Just reproduce the world's map and paint on it the swastika, since hatred has encircled the universe. Then quote for the culprits the Ten Commandments and re- mind them that it is their victims' gift to all humanity, and primarily to Christianity. If this does not put the guilty to shame, what else will? * * * The Local Swastika-Painters. If there are any in our midst who are beginning to yield to panic as a result of the several minor incidents of anti-Semitism in our midst, let them review the events of the past 40 years. The early 1920s began with pogroms in Poland. There were a few Poles who tried to humiliate their Jewish neighbors in our own community. They remained a defeated minority. Then came the attacks from Dearborn, Mich. They Dr. Haber, professor of eco- nomics at the U. of M., special- izes in manpower, industrial re-1 lations and social security prob- lems and has had wide experi- ence in these fields. At one time he served as labor manager in the Chicago clothing firm of Hart, Schaffner and Marx. He is chairman of the Bnai Brith National Hillel Commis- sion which administers the Hil- lel Foundations for Jewish youth on the campuses of the American colleges and universi- ties. As president of the Ameri- can ORT Federation and of the Central Board of the World Dr. Alvin Johnson's 85th Birthday During the tragic years of the Nazi persecutions, Dr. Alvin ORT Union he works with peo- Johnson, the founder of The New School, in New York, took the ple in 19 countries, including lead in establishing a special committee that was engaged in Israel and North Africa to help guide vocational training. rescuing scholars from the bestialities of Hitlerism. For many years, he defended the rights of the oppressed Mrs. Benjamin E. Jaffe, In- and he was always in the front ranks of those who spoke up stitute co-chairman, says that against tyranny. women have been asked to reg- His great services to the causes of justice and freedom for all ister for one of three workshop peoples were recalled last week when he was honord on his sessions, "N ew Images in 85th birthday. It was an occasion for the Jewish community Health," "New Images in Fam- to recall his valiant services in behalf of the oppressed. ily Living," and "New Images It is a distinct privilege to join with his many friends in Education and the Arts," in . greeting this distinguished scholar and libertarian on his which will be conducted after birthday. Dr. Haber's talk. • Midrasha Institute to Be on Theme of 'Messianic Ideas .; Lectures for 1960 Dedicated to Theodore Bargman's Memory Albert Elazar, superintend- ent of the United Hebrew Schools, announced this -week that the fourth annual Midrasha Institute this year will be con- ducted in March, on four suc- cessive evenings, on the theme "Messianic Ideas and Move- ments in Jewish Life." A generous gift from Mrs. Theodore Bargman makes it possible for the Midrasha, the College of Jewish Studies of the United Hebrew Schools, to offer these lectures without charge, this year, but partici- pation still will be limited to a group registering in ad- vance, Elazar stated. The year's lectures will be dedicated to the memory of Theodore Bargman, in whose tribute Mrs. Bargman made her gift to Midrasha. Elazar stated that the lectures will be heldin the audito- rium of the Esther Ber- man Branch of the United ;Hebrew Schools a n d that the pat- tern of the last three years — of T. Bargman question and answer and discussion periods by the lecturer and the audi- ence, after the guest speaker's address—again will be followed. The lecturers and their topics this year will be: March 9—Dr. Moses Hadas, professor of Greek and chair- man of the department. of Greek and Latin at Columbia. Univer- sity—"Messianism: the Hellenis- tic Background." March 16—Dr. Israel Kazis, rabbi, Temple Mishkan Tephila, Newton, Mass.—"Messianism in the Age of the Talmud." March 23—Prof. Shelomo Gel- tein, visiting professor of Arabic at the University of Pennsyl- vania, on leave from the He- brew University — "Medieval Messianic Movements." March 30—Dr. Jacob B. Agus, rabbi, Beth El Congregation, Baltimore, Md.—"The Messianic Ideal in Modern Times." Institute registrations will commence next week. The planning committee for the Midrasha Institute consists of Mrs. Carl Schiller, chairman; Louis LaMed, Rabbi Milton Arm, Lawrence Aronsson, Rob- ert Kasle, Mrs. David Schachter and Rabbi M. Robert. Syme.