NEW YORK, (JTA)—There will be no revival of Yiddish- language schools in the Soviet Union, Soviet Minister of Edu- cation V. P. Yelyutin told a New York Times correspondent prior to his departure with the Khrushchev party to Moscow. At the same time he denied that the Soviet government dis- criminates against Jews in edu- cational opportunity. Yelyutin said Jews constitute 10 per cent of the students in Soviet institutions of higher education although they are only two per cent of the Soviet population. He claimed there are no quotas limiting the ad- mission of Jews to any educa- tional institutions. He said there is no point re- .viving Yiddish-language schools . because Jews are widely dis- persed among Russians, Uk- rainian and other non-Jewish peoples. If Jews were to be taught in Yiddish, they would not be able to work effectively with their non-Jewish fellow- citizens. The minister did not reply when asked why recent Soviet listings of scientists by ethnic groups had oinitted Jews though a 1955 listing showed Jewish scientists to be about 10 . per 'cent of the total: A Soviet Embassy attache com- mented that omission of the Jews had been a "mistake," the Times reported. The Premier's son, Sergei, denied reports that his wife Galin,a was Jewish. He said the , Premier's past references to having half-Jewish grandchil- dren reflected the fact that his first son, Leonid, a fighter pilot during World War II, was married to a Jewish girl. * * * Manchester Guardian Says Soviet Authorities `Encourage' Anti-Semitism LONDON, (JTA) — The Man- chester Guardian said in an editorial that there was no evi- dence that the Soviet authorities were taking steps to stamp out anti-Semitic hooliganism but that, on the contrary, anti- Jewish feelings were being en- -eouraged. The British liberal daily commented that what Lenin had called one of the most hateful characteristics of Czarism—"to play up the most despicable prejudices of the most ignorant strata of the population against the Jews"—seemed to have sur- vived the Bolshevik Revolution. Recent incidents, the paper said, "may be acts of hooligan- ism rather than of deliberate policy. But there is no evidence that the authorities are taking energetic steps to stamp out this evil before it spreads. On the contrary, anti-Jewish feel- ings are being encouraged both by newspaper articles and by administrative measures." (A Moscow dispatch to the New York Herald Tribune re- ported that the Soviet Union still has 15 ships' pilots on duty in the Suez Canal. The pilots have been at work, aiding the Egyptian Suez Canal Authority since 1956, according to the dis- patch.) ORT Receives $1,700,000 from JDC for Program The Joint Distribution Com- mittee will provide $1,700,000 during 1960 for the vocational training programs of ORT, the Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training, it was an- nounced by officials of both organizations. • The funds will help finance trade education and economic rehabilitation activities which ORT conducts in Europe, Israel, North Africa and Iran. More than 35,000 persons are exL , pected to receive such assist- ance in these areas. . NEW YORK, (JTA) — James Rice, executive director of the United Hias Service, questioned a statement by Rep. Frances E. Walter, Democrat of Pennsyl- vania, who had declared that the European refugee prob- lem had been virtually solved. Rep. Walter, chairman of the House Immigration subcommit- tee, based his evaluation on a seven-week study of refugee and other problems in Europe and Latin America. Bills in Congress still call for the ad- mission of nearly 70,000 per- sons to the United States alone. Rep. Walter said that only 28,000 refugees registered for transfer to the Western Hemi- sphere remained on the lists, and therefore "there is now no European refugee problem." Rice said that the 28,000 fig- Tom Borman, left, general chairman of the Detroit Israel Bond Committee, presents State of Israel Bonds Scroll of Honor to Elias Goldberg, of Pisgah Lodge, Bnai Brith, at the annual Pisgah Lodge and Chapter Israel program, in recogni- tion of Goldberg's efforts on behalf of the Bnai Brith Israel Bond program. Goldberg was chairman of the Metropolitan De- troit Bnai Brith Council Israel Bond Drive in 1954-55 and 1958-59, and is co-chairman this year. He is also program chair- man and past president of Pisgah Lodge. The Pisgah affair resulted in $37,100 Israel Bond sales, bringing the Bnai Brith Israel Bond drive total for 1959-60 past the $75,000 mark, with sales at two affairs yet to be reported. ure was accurate only for ref- ugees still living in European camps, but that there were still at least an additional 70,- 000 persons who, though not living in refugee camps, actu- ally were homeless. He said they lived on relief or marginal jabs while waiting for an oppor- tunity- to migrate for perma- nent settlement. This, he said, would make the true total of European refugees at around 100,000 and not 28,000. Rice said that -there were 6,000 Jewish refugees in Eu- rope registered for immigration with Hias, including 1,000 Jew- ish expellees from Egypt. He said there were also other Jew- ish refugees in Europe who had not registered for resettle- ment for various temporary reasons. LEASE I /CHEVROLET/ BUY , SEE JOHNNY LEBOW AT HANLEY DAWSON CHEVROLET 14501 W. 7 Mile Rd. UN 4-2300 Bik. West of Jas. 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Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 1 3-THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Fri day, January 8, 1960 Yiddish Through Goldberg Gets Israel Bond Scroll Refute Rep. Walter on Refugee as Soviet Tongue Problem; Cite 100,000 Homeless