"Affectionately, F. D. R.," a son's remarkable tribute to his eminent father, is an exception- ally well written account of the life of the late President by Congressman James Roosevelt of California. Sidney Shalett collaborated with F. D. R.'s son in writing this story, published by Harcourt, Brace & Co. (750 3rd, N.Y. 17). Franklin D. Roosevelt is de- scribed as a lonely man, yet the affectionate story by his son is replete with many heartwarm- ing and human interest epi- .sodes. A number of things in the book have important bear- ings on American Jewish in- terests. There are special references to Henry Morgenthau Jr. and the jokes. that F. D. R. played on him. On one occasion the Secretary of the Treasury came to F. D. R. with his "resigna- tion," out of resentment against tricks on Morgenthau at a poker game. But "he was talked out of it." Henry Wallace is quoted as saying that Morgen- than really wanted to be Sec- retary of Agriculture. A puzzling thing about the book is that it makes no refer- ence to Herbert H. Lehman, who was •one of Roosevelt's closest associates and who suc• ceeded him to the Governor- ship of New York. There is no reference to Judge Samuel Rosenman, who was one of Roosevelt's guides and ad- visers. Reference is made to an "in- triguing bit of memorabilia" involving Supreme Court. Jus- tice Felix Frankfurter. The most puzzling report in "Affectionately, F. D. R." is the account of Roosevelt's meeting with King Ibn Saud. There is not a word in James Roosevelt's account of what F. D. R. had "learned," as he later told Con- gress, about Saud's attitude to- ward Zionism! In fact, there are no references whatever in the entire hook to F. D. R.'s Zionist or Jewish attitudes. There is passing reference in the James Roosevelt ac- count to the late Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg. What a sensational tale is available on the Roosevelt-Vandenberg controversies — but it is Miracle-Cured Boy Flies Back on El Al Last May, 8-year-old ABRA- HAM FALLER was flown to New York from his home in Israel for heart surgery. Little hope was held out for the lad to lead a normal youngster's life, but a team of 16 doctors, nurses and technicians co- operated in a seven-hour oper- ation at Brooklyn's Jewish Hospital to perform the near miracle. Now, young Abraham is on his way home to Israel fully cured aboard an El Al Israel Airlines jet - powered Britannia. One chore remain- ed before El Al Captain MAURICE BEN-SIMON (cen- ter) took him aboard the giant airliner bound for home —a call to the hospital to thank those responsible for a new life. The lad's mother (right) beams as he speaks his thanks. missing from the new Roose- velt book! Rep. Roosevelt does mention in his book the visit with his parents, on Feb. 12, 1925, of "prize guests, Sir Oswald Mosley and his wife of that time, the beautiful former Cyn- thia Curzon, daughter of Lord Curzon, ex-Viceroy of India." Mosley has since become a rabid anti-Semite. He was defeated for the House of Commons in the last election. Rep. Roosevelt comments: "Mosley at that time was a respectable Member of Parlia- ment—he was not to become the notorious, Hitler-loving fuehrer of the British black- shirts until later." James Roosevelt tells many episodes involving the habits and prejudices of his grand- mother, Mrs. James (Sara Delano) Roosevelt. pie relates: "There was a bit of tradi- tion-flouting, going back to Father's birth, in the fact that I was christened James. — after my grandfather — rather than Isaac. There had been a long-standing custom in the Roosevelt family — adhered to with reasonable fidelity — of alternately be- stowing the names Isaac and James on the first-born son of each generation. Grand- father James was the son of my Great-grandfather Isaac. When his first son by his first marriage came along, he broke the chain by calling him — rather excessively, I always thought—James Roose- velt Roosevelt, known in the family as 'Uncle Rosy.' When Father entered the world, Grandfather, as I heard the story, was all set to appease tradition by calling him Isaac. He reckoned, however, with- out Granny. She detested `Isaac' and was determined that her son would bear a really DISTINGUISHED name, so the child was chris- tened Franklin Delano Roose- velt, after one of her favorite uncles, Franklin Hughes Delano. Originally, Grand- mother planned to name him Warren Delano Roosevelt after her father, but her bro- ther, Warren Delano, had just lost an infant son who bore the same name; she told her sister it would grieve him if she chbse that name, so the future president became Franklin instead of Warren. "In due course, when I was born, the family blithely re- verted to James on the con- venient theory that it was Father, not I, who should have been tagged Isaac. My only regret is that, had tradition been respected, there would have been an 'Ike' — Ike Roosevelt! — in the White House long before the advent of a certain military man." "Affectionately, F. D. R." has the merit of a human document. It is informative and entertain- ing. It reveals a great deal about the character and abil- ities of Eleanor Roosevelt. There are regrettable omissions from the record, nevertheless it is a noteworthy book. —P. S. Surinam Jews Receive Jewish Congress Books 5 000 Jews Settled in Brazil Since '57 RIO DE JANEIRO, (JTA)— Approximately 5,000 Jewish im- migrants have come to Brazil since 1957 under an agreement between United Hias Service and the Brazilian government. It was reported that the im- migrants included 2.804 Egyp- tian Jews who were brought here when the Egyptian govern- ment declared Jews to be state- less persons after the Sinai campaign in 1956. The Roman Catholic church is credited with a major role -- • The World Jewish Congress in New York has sent a ba- sic library of Jewish books as well as educational materials to aid one of the oldest Jew- ish communities in the West- ern Hemisphere—Paramaribo, Surinam. Dispatched by the WJC's cultural department, the library will be housed in the community's synagogue and center (above) which Princess Beatrix of the Neth- erlands visited when last in Surinam. in helping to develop the pro- gram conducted by Hias. The newcomers, whose transporta- tion and resettlement were handled by Hias and other Jew- ish groups here, have integrated themselves with substantial suc- cess, it is reported. The majority of the Egyptian immigrants had special skills or experience in managerial re- sponsibilities. It was relatively easy for them to learn Portu- guese. Their assimilation was termed smooth and rapid. gdalled, TacieJ BBL Best Light Scotch Whisky Blended Scotch Whisky 86.8° Proof. Imported by Munson G. Shaw Co., Inc. New York 17, N.Y. $5.66 per Fifth There are 27 million Amer- icans who are without public library service. Greatest num- bers are found in the south, southwest and midwest. Michi- gan has over a million. Available in SDD and State Stores • IN TOM £S MAXI AC tszR EE, cG: , TTS E RCiA, PA, • • • Israel to Request Open to a good suggestion? Open a can of Heiin $60,000,000 Loan strictly Kosher Beans tonight. Heat! Serve! And from World Bank watch 'em disappear. Sit back (for a minute) and JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Israel will shortly submit to the World Bank detailed requests for loans totaling $6'0,000,000 for various investment projects. The Treas- ury is now drafting plans for investing the loan in the con- struction of the new port of Ashdod, expanding potash pro- duction and financing an indus- trialization institute which would make investments in de- velopment projects. enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that every spoon. ful is a delicious, nutritious delight. It's a pleasure —isn't it?to get up again when they sing out, "More beans, please!" EVERY LABEL CARRIES THE (CD SEAL OF APPROVAL OF THE UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGREGATIONS OF AMFRICA 1. 9-THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, December 18, 1959 `Affectionately, F .D.R.',. Instructive, Informative and E ntertaining Book