The Suburban Community o Jewish Ghetto in Detroit, ims Sociologist Mayer he Oak-Woodser peated charge that s are becoming s" is not true- ically speaking. assurance from ayer, associate iology at Wayne y, who knows about the com- e local Jewish an any other De- ormal evaluation of t "Is There a Jewish n Detroit?" before the Affairs Luncheon Club e Jewish Community Cen- ter, Prof. Mayer claimed that neither in Detroit nor its sub- urbs is there a ghetto as we have come to understand the term. The true ghetto, Dr. Mayer explained, is that which our fathers and grandfathers knew in Europe—an area where only Jews could live and usually HAS ITS TASTY. PLACE ON YOUR "WANT - TO - PLEASE" MENUS It's Horowitz-Margareten, of course, who brings you this aristocratic delicacy. Gefilte fish made with choice PIKE and WHITE FISH exclusively from cool North- ern lakes ...blended tradition- ally with the other wholesome ingredients of home-made gefilte fish. So fluffy • . so luscious with homey thick, shimmering jelled sauce, where Christians could not, an area which was inhabited by Jews according to either law or custom. Even at the height of its concentration, Dr. Mayer said, the Dexter area contained only about 60 percent of the Jewish population of Detroit, and, even then the area was only about 60 percent Jewishly populated. Now, he said, only about 3,000 families — about . 10 per- cent of the 28,000 Jewish fam- ilies in the Metropolitan area —live in the Dexter area, while 60 percent live in the North- west. The latter he bounded by Woodward and Evergreen and 6 and 8 Mile Rds. - The remaining .30 percent are in the suburbs, mostly Oak Park and Huntington Woods. . Areas such as Southfield, Li- vonia, Birmingham, Franklin and Farmington Township have lesser numbers but are increas- ing steadily. There are still other smaller centers of Jewish settlement, as well. Dr. Mayer predicted that in the next five to six years, it will be rare to find a. Jewish family below Six Mile Rd., and the suburban areas will see further growth. As he chooses to move into new areas, Dr. Mayer said, the Jew, "by a subtle and complex process," will select certain w e 11 defined neighborhoods, often for social and economic reasons. "As more families move into a specific section," Prof. Mayer asserted, "other Jews feel that it's a good place to live. The non-Jew figures it's going to be Berkley Schools Drop Sectarian Baccalaureate Complaints by parents of Jew- ish pupils enrolled in the. Ber- kley school system, registered with the Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Detroit, have led to the abandonment of baccalaureate services in con- nection with senior high school graduation exercises. The decision of the Berkley Board of Education to discon- tinue the baccalaureate services (More Suburban News on Page 22) Bnai Moshe Sets `Limited' Drive Cong. Bnai Moshe this week embarked on a membership, campaign to bring into the syna- gogue a limited number of fam- ilies for which it now has room in its new building at 10 Mile and Kenosha, in Oak Park. At a workers' brunch last Sunday, Eugene Weiss, chair- man of a special membership committee, said that the con- gregation has the room, the or- ganization and the staff to serve 750 families. The nearly - finished sanc- tuary is scheduled for comple- tion on Jan. 15, when its en- tire facilities will be made available to the membership for the first time. Assisting Weiss as co-chair- men of the campaign are Theo- dore Curtis, Alfred Deutsch, Sam Freedman and Ben Gold- man, past Bnai Moshe presi- dents, and William Gottlieb, Louis Kepes and Richard Guns- berg. Families interested in details may call any of the chairmen or the synagogue office, LI 8-9000. A special brochure de: scribing synagogue facilities' and policies will be mailed on request. FOR THE FINEST HANUKAH USE PLANTERS OIL NO% PURE. KOSHER PEANUT Odorless - Ttastier - Healthier Ole gclea al • FOR COOKING • FRYING • SALADS was announced this week by the Council. It followed a series of discussions between school officials and religious leaders. The talks were initiated by Your meals will be the Southern Oakland County extra delicious, .. Committee of the Council, after Set Sabbath Discussion when you use several parents had expressed Ben Weinstock will lead the their feelings that the sectarian nature of the baccalaureate pro- discussion this week at Young grams made it improper to have Israel of Greenfield.'s Sabbath afternoon sholos seudos. Co-ordi- them in the public schools. Following a review of the nator for the Saturday after- PLANTERS NEW PEANUT BUTTER_ problems by the SOC commit- noon Torah sessions is David PLANTERS COCKTAIL PEANUTS tee, Rabbi Mordecai S. Halpern, Tanzman. Each week a different of Cong. Beth Shalom, and Rab- member of the congregation SO VERY GOOD! bi Milton Rosenbaum, of Tern- leads the discussion.. ple Emanu-B1, took part in meetings called by the Super- For The Finest in Kosher Catering intendent of Schools with vari- ous clergymen in the area. Strictly Fresh Food - Best Service Following the decision to dis- pense with the baccalaureate services altogether, the clergy 24250 Kenosha, Oak Park and the school officials accepted the alternate suggestion of Rab- Trays - Carry Outs - Free Delivery a Specialty bis Halpern and Rosenbaum Call LI 8-5863 that the various churches and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Herskovitz synagogues have their own bac-. calaureate exercises for their respective congregants among a Jewish area, so he moves out. the graduates. "It's much the same way with Negroes moving into Jewish areas," Dr. Mayer continued. "And while it's not necessarily bias, a family will figure that it is good to get out early in Lou Melton became the • PEPPERED BEEF the game." fourth worshipful master of • LIVER SAUSAGE While we do not have a tradi- Oak Park Lodge F&AM at a re- • FRANKFURTERS tional ghetto, then, we can say cently h ld election. that Jews tend to move into The newly elected officers • CORNED BEEF areas where there is some Jew- were installed Dec. 9, at the • PASTRAMI ish settlement, whether it's only Berkley Temple, Berkley, Mich. • BOLOGNA for the "comfort of having a David E. Utley was the install- • SALAMI synagogue or a bagel factory ing officer, assisted by Cantor near by," he added. Hyman Adler as soloist. "We are likely to have identi- Other elected officers are as AT LEADING DELICATESSENS, SUPERMARKETS & RESTAURANTS fiable communities for several follows: U.S. generations for these very rea- INSPECTED Sol Age'', senior warden; AND PASSED BY sons," Dr. Mayer concluded. Jack Green, junior warden; Al DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SAUSAGE COMPANY OF CHICAGO "This is not only true of the Teitel, treasurer; Bill Stahl, EST. I Illinois 159 South Water Market, Chicago 8, Jew, but also of the Negro and secretary; Robert Sahl, senior other ethnic groups. Only the deacon; Alex Lipson, junior J. M. LEFKOFSKY Jew and Negro are likely to deacon; George Amberg, senior 4089 EIMHURST AVE. remain more identifiable, both steward, and Ted Stone, junior Detroit, Mich. WEbster 3-8816 by outward and inward manifes- steward. tations." The appointed officers are Rudy Newman. chaplain; Joe Bnai David Affiliates Shur, tiler; Charles Sill, or- PHYLLIS WOLFF says: Join for Cabaret Night ganist, and Al Silverman, mar- shall. A cabaret night will mark Appointed as stewards were the first joint affair of the three affiliates of Bnai David Syna- Al Bennet, Milt Moss, Al Zeit- gogue — the Men's Club, Sister- lin, Art Luzkow, Mary Palmer, -47115 ( 411, hood and Young Married Cou- Morey Katz and Joe Turner. N' 4 4 A New Year's Eve dinner ples Club—at 8:30 p.m., Jan. 23. Q The show, to be presented in dance honoring the newly the synagogue social hall, on elected and appointed officers Southfield, between Nine and 10 will be held at the Statler Hil- A "haimishe" standby Mile Rds., will feature mem- ton Hotel. ... for old-timy good Kasha bers of the three groups. Danc- Varneshkes, Kasha Knishes, and ing and refreshments also will Pepper Cooks Up Movie Party for OP Youngsters other treats. Less than 20 a serving! be featured. Pepper PTA will present the Also enjoy Wolff's Creamy Kernels (grits) . first in a series of theater par- Oak-Woods Young Israel Wolff's Kasha 'N' Gravy ... Wolff's Kasha Soup. ties at 1 p.m. and at 3 p.m. Sat- Enlarges Youth Program Send for FREE KASHA COOK. BOOK: The expansion of the youth urday in the multi-purpose PHYLLIS WOLFF, Penn Yon, New York program of Young Israel Center room of Pepper School, Church of Oak-Woods is announced by Rd. at Dartmouth, Oak Park. Al Levine, movie chairman, Michael Dworkin, youth direc- tor. A game day will be held announces that "The Littlest every Tuesday, beginning Dec. Outlaw" and a Disney cartoon will be featured. 22 at the Center. Tickets will be sold at the Two sessions, from 10 a.m. DISTRIBUTED BY: to 12 noon, and from 4 to 6 p.m., door on Saturday. Admission is NATIONAL WHOLESALE GROCERS will feature ping-pong, chess, open to all, but children under 8938 Twelfth Street, Detroit 6, Michigan checkers, dominoes, bowling and five must be accompanied by an TRinity 1-0606 Mbar o- a imaQ adult. • • PLANTERS OAK MANOR KOSHER CATERING CO. Melton to Head Oak Park Masons KOSHER ZION Ah-h-h... Kasha! ` KASHA Of course! Four healthy portions in each full 16-ounce jar ... de luxe ...truly delicious! You'll also enjoy regular Horowitz- Margareten Gefilte Fish in jumbo or snack-size I ' portions ... with clear or jelled sauce... tops in taste! Made by the bakers of "THE MATZOH WITH THE TASTE" and other Kosher foods