THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, December 11, 1959-30 a 40A—EMPLOYMENT WANTED One-Minute Israel Speech Reaffirms RELIABLE woman wishes baby sit-,. Aqaba Gulf RightS ting, day or night. Call UN 4-6746. People Make News BABY SITTING, available anytime. WE 5-2022. A testimonial celebration will JERUSALEM, (JTA)—United be tendered by the World Acad- chairman of the committee on emy in Jerusalem to Rabbi Her- tourism and aliyah for the Zion- Arab Republic President Nasser bert S. Goldstein on the occa- ist Organization of America, has is trying to divert attention sion of his 70th birthday, it was been named to the newly-estab- from his difficulties in the Arab announced in New York by lished aliyah department of world by announcing his oppo- Herman H. ZOA, it is announced by Abra- sition to Israel's implementa- Cohen, chair- ham A. Redelheim, president of tion of the Jordan River irriga- man of the the organization. The new de- tion project, Israeli circles de- celebration partment will furnish informa- clared. Nasser was reported by Cairo committee. tion and guidance to prospec- dispatches to have issued a The honorary tive immigrants to Israel. statement opposing Israel's irri- chairman is * * * gation project. Observers are, Chief Rabbi Rabbis DAVID MOGILNER however, of the belief that he Isaac Nissim of Israel. To- and BURTON COHEN and is in desperate need of an anti- Israel issue to cover splits in- gether with LEVI SOSHUK have been side the Arab bloc. him are Dr. • named the new directors for the His plan to stem Syrian oppo- Samuel Belkin, Rabbi Goldstein 1960 season of Ramah camps president of Yeshiva University, located in Wisconsin, Pennsyl- sition to the merger with Egypt Mayor Robert F. Wagner, and vania and Canada, respectively, in the UAR is understood to Judge David N. Edelstein, as according to an announcement have run into great difficulties. honorary chairman. Rabbi Gold- made by Abe Birenbaum, The Egyptian ruler also fears stein is the oldest living president of the National the effects of the reported move American-born Orthodox rabbi. Ramah Commission, Inc., and by Iraq to revive the plan for a "fertile crescent," a move He is the rabbi of New York's Rabbi Seymour Fox, associate that would join together Iraq, West Side Institutional Syna- dean, Teachers Institute of the Jordan and the Syrian region gogue, professor of homiletics at Jewish Theological Seminary of of the UAR. Yeshiva University, member of America. Rabbi JEROME the New York Committee for ABRAMS will continue as di- the United Nations and chair- rector of Camp Ramah in Con- Avner Succeeds Lourie man of the board of trustees of necticut. Selection of a director as Canada Ambassador the World Academy in Jerusa- for the California camp is ex- JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Ger- lem. pected to be made in the near shon-Avner, head of the United * * * future. States Division of the Israeli Detroit attorney IRVING B. Foreign Ministry, was named ACKERMAN has been appoint- as Israel Ambassador to Otta- Report on Remaining ed by Mayor Louis C. Miriani wa, succeeding Arthur Lourie, to the Mayor's Committee for Gestapo Army Men who becomes Ambassador to London. the Rehabilitation of Narcotics BONN, (JTA) — "Not more" Addicts. Avner, 40, was educated at than 400 ar 500 fornier members Exeter and Oxford University .* * * Election of Rabbi AARON of Gestapo Chief Heinrich and had foreign service assign- H. BLUMENTHAL, of Congre- Himmler's elite SS troops are ments in Europe. He was coun- gation Emanu-El, Mount Ver- serving in the West German sellor of the Embassy in Lon- non, N.Y., as the new chairman army, a commission of the don before being assigned to of the National Jewish Welfare Resistance Fighters for a United the. American desk. Arthur Liveran, counsellor of Board Commission on Jewish Europe has been told by the Chaplaincy was announced yes- Speaker of the Federal Parlia- the ,Embassy in London, has been appointed head of the terday at the quarterly meeting ment. of the - commission. He succeeds Hans Fritzsche, in giving the Foreign Ministry's British Com- Rabbi Morris Lieberman, of figure, said there were no gen- monwealth Division. He is pres- Baltimore. erals or colonels among the ently in New York, serving as * * * former SS troops in the Bundes- Chairman of a special United Joseph I. Lubin has been wehr. He- added that most of the Nations committee surveying elected national chairman of former SS men are serving as UN pension questions. He will the Society of the Founders of specialists in the Air Force or be succeeded in London by the Albert Einstein College - of the Navy. None of them held a Gideon Shomron, first secretary igl‘g e d i tine of rank above that of a non- of the Embassy in. Moscow. Yeshiva Uni- commissioned officer during the Mrs. Brandwine to Sum Up versity, it was Hitler era. Pancl at Sisterhood Meeting announced by He said the West German former Attor- Bnai David Sisterhood will army had screened all applica- ney General meet Monday afternoon, in the tions and on principle will not ::Nathaniel • L. accept any applicant who was a synagogue social hall. Mrs. :Goldstein, Morris Brandwine- will give a member of the special execution chairman o f and concentration camp units of resume of a panel discussion the Board of which she - narrated between the SS. Overseers o f Sisterhood members and the A turbulent debate took place Jewish Family Service. t h e College. Lubin Lubin suc- in the North-Rhine Westphalia ceeds George Albert, president Parliament over a petition en- Who gives the poor money is of the New York, New Haven tered by the Free Democratic blessed six-fold; who gives him Party to ease some of the laws morale is blessed seven-fold.— and Hartford Railroad. * * * placing restrictions on former Isaac Nappaha, Talmud: Baba Bathra, 9b. Ref. to Isa. 58-8ff. Rabbi M. ROBERT SYME of Nazis in public office. Temple Israel, Detroit, will rep- resent the Jewish Chautauqua NEM Society as lecturer at Eastern Michigan College, Ypsilanti, BY HENRY LEONARD this Tuesday and Wednesday. * * * MRS. LOUIS SIMON, of Brooklyn, was elected National President of the United Order of True Sisters, America's old- est national Jewish women's organization, at its 109th annual Corivention in New York. * * * The appointment of Capt. JOSHUA. L. GOLDBERG as assistant to the president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion was an- nounced by Dr. Nelson Glueck, president. * * * DR. ABRAM L. S A C H A R, president of Brandeis Univer- sity, in a letter. to Rev. Ber- nard Hanninger, Methodist, of Saugus, Mass., said that the Catholicism of Senator Kennedy should not influence his candid- acy for the Presidency. * * * HARRY H. MEISNER, com- missioner of the Port of Detroit, proposed the creation of a De- "And this, Mrs. Aronsohn, is my baby boy, Max." troit-Windsor international sea- Lsosiang PriWirte Cor, port, and his Plans were enthusi- astically acclaimed this week. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., (JTA) — Israel gave a one- 45—BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES minute reply to a three-hour Saudi Arabian attack against FURNITURE STORE Israel's right to freedom of shipping through the Gulf of Modern 2 story building-6,000 Aqaba and the Straits of Tiran. square feet. Warehouse in rear —3,000 square feet. Large garage Shabtai Rosenne, Israel's del- with loading facilities. Gas heat. egate on the General Assem- Excellent location, for light manufacturing, etc. Will rent, bly's Legal Committee, took the lease or sell. Available January 1. floor at the Committee meet- FOR INFORMATION ing here after • Saudi Arabia's Ahmad Shukairy concluded a Call VI 2-5775 long; quasi-juridical , address which he first began in an ef- fort to "prove" that freedom 50—BUSINESS CARDS of shipping in the Gulf of CARPENTER WORK of all kinds— Aqaba can be enjoyed only by Porch. floors, steps, kitchen cabi- nets. doors, panelling. Work my- the three Arab coastal states. self. UN 4-1897. Rosenne, in reply, told the BASEMENT DAMP? Clothes dryer committee only that Israel's need venting? Call Wolfe, BR position "as one of the four 3-4446 KE 2-7850. coastal states on the Gulf of Aqaba" was made clear in the LARKINS MOVING General Assembly on March 1, AND DELIVERY SERVICE 1957 and in the records of the Aise Office Furniture. United Nations Conference on Any time. the Law of the Sea held last Reasonable. year. On both those occasions 3319 GLADSTONE Israel had made it clear that TY 4-4587 it considers the waters in. the PAINTING and wall washing Rea- Gulf of Aqaba free to all ship- sonable price Quick service. 20 ping of all nations including years experience. TE 4-5864. Israel. FOR BETTER wall washing, call A move by Ahmad Shukairy, Tames Russell. One day service- head of Saudi Arabia's delega- TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont. tion here, to inject a discus- sion of Israel's right to free- J. STEEL dom of passage through the LANDSCAPING CO. Gulf of Aqaba was effectively QUALITY WORKMANSHIP sunk in the General Assem- 3 YEARS GUARANTEE bly's Legal Committee. Shukairy uttilized his right DI 1-9206 UN 2-0574 Office Res. to debate and delivered a long speech claiming that the Gulf I. SCHVVARTZ. All kinds of carpel'. ter work, no job too big or small. of Aqaba was an Arab sea. TY 7-7758 LI 54035. A resolution sponsored by five of the 82 members- in the TILE committee suggested disposal of the item by referring it to DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? the International- Law Commis- New and Repair Special sion with - a reCoMmendatitm U OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO that the ILV handle the matter UN 1-5075 of historic waters "as it deems appropriate." The delegations co-sponsoring the resolution are the representatives of Greece, Mexico. Chile, Japan and Li- beria. Contrary to Shukairy's Complete plastering. New suggestion for urgent action, homes and repairs. Walls, this resolution would postpone arches, and doorways built a study for years. or removed. Patching $3.00 Rosenne took the floor again up. Special discount on all to say that Israel does not attics and basements. Free think that "historic waters or estimates, City wide and sub- historic bays" can be "sub- urbs. jected to a single legal regime." HOLIDAY SPECIALS TR. 4-1076 Election Results Show Growth of Neo-Nazi Influence in Austria LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason- 'able. Free estimates. UN 4-3339, VE 5-7453. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES repaired, window• glass, sash cords replaced. All kinds of household repairs. Reasonable .rates, work guaran-. teed. TO 5-5862. • • DRESSMAKING service, expert al- terations and re-styling. 17175 Roselawn. Call UN 3-8283. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, altera- tions. Your home or mine. TO 5-2929. PAINTING $6 to $12 per room until • Christmas. Guaranteed, best ref- erences. Evans. WA 5-9691. 55 — MISCELLANEOUS VIENNA, (JTA)—Returns in municipal elections held throughout A u s t r i a revealed alarming signs of the growing influence of neo-Nazi forces in this country. In the Salzburg district, the Freedom Party. a neo-Nazi or- ganization, made tremendous gains and increased the number of seats it held from 110 to 181. Its gains were at the ex- pense of Chancellor Raab's Peoples Party and the Social- ists. The coalition parties, how- ever, retained their position as the strongest parties. 57—FOR SALE: HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND FURNITURE BEST PRICES PAID for men's suits, topcoats and shoes. TU 3-1872. • ACCORDIAN, 120 bass, used very little. Cost over $300, will sell $100. UN 1-6668. HAND MADE- large crochet bed- spread, popcorn stitch fringes, $300. KE 5-3238. LADIES' Diamond Ring, 93 point caret. Marquise, platinum, - 2 ba- guettes. Good buy. UN 1-6486, UN 4-0478. FRENCH PERIOD Comode — Rose- wood with Satinwood inlay, very -loVely. Huntington- Woods. LI 7-2737, KE 7-6889. 50—BUSINESS CARDS 50—BUSINESS CARDS ALL CITY MOVING & STORAGE CO. VE 8 7660 - 14948 Meyers Rd. Complete Moving Service No Job Too Large — Too Small Always Opcit 'Nasser Seen Seeking Anti-Israel Issues HAROLD W. CARMELY, to Cover Difficulties AMU