Direct JTA Teletype Wire To The Jewish News JERUSALEM—President Ben- Zvi on Thursday began the cus- tomary formal consultations with party leaders before call- ing on one of them to try to form a new coalition govern- ment. He is expected to appoint David Ben-Gurion for the task. The Prime Minister met Tues- day -,:ight with General Zionist leaders despite flat statements by Alapam and Achdut Avodah leaders that they would not join a coalition in which the General Zionists were participants. Ben- Gurion said again that he wanted a broad coalition, in- cluding both the General Zion- ists and the two left wing parties. The newly - elected Knesset. Israel's fourth Parliament since the establishment of the state, convened Monday afternoon and elected Kaddish Luz, leader of Premier Ben-Gurion's Mapai party, as Speaker of the House. Luz was Minister of Agriculture in the outgoing Cabinet. Prior to Luz's election as Speaker, his resignation from the govern- ment was announced by Pre- mier Ben - Gurion. With the Communist deputies abstaining, Luz was elected by 112 votes. The Communists explained their abstention as an expres- sion of protest for not including one of their -members among the Deputy Speakers. The president's flag was borne into the Knesset—which still convenes in the improvised foyer of premises intended for a bank — as the distinguished guests took their seats. They included all ex-members of the previous houses, Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Nissim, members of the Supreme Court and f or m e r French Premier Pierre Mendes- France, currently visiting Israel. After reviewing the Knesset's guard of honor, President Ben- Zvi entered the chamber and in a brief address, welcomed the new and veteran legislators, and wished them a productive ses- sion. Former Speaker Nahum Nir was invited to preside as the oldest member of:the house. He called on each m e rri b e r alphabetically to take the oath and maintain the laws. of . the St at e. Interpreters translated the entire proceedings via an earphone system for the benefit of the seven Arab members. Both President Ben-Zvi and Nir paid tribute to the late Speaker of the Knesset, Yosef Sprinzak, Deputy Speaker Israel Rokach and other members who died during the past year. Luz, the new Speaker, who is 64, was born in Bobroisk, Russia, and studied at universities in Es- thonia and France. He was an officer of the Russian Army during World War I and was later one of the leaders of the labor movement in Palestine. There are 12 parties in the Fourth Knesset, nine of them Jewish and three Arab—one Moslem, one Christian-Arab and one Druze. The three Arab parties are all pro- Mapai and generally vote with Mapai. There were fewer women in this Knesset than in the three preceding assemblies— only nine women having won seats. Esther Wilenska, the Communist leader who served in every Israeli parliament, failed of election to this one. The youngest member of the house is Moshe Benjamin Nis- sim, 23, son of the Sephardic Chief Rabbi, who was elected on the General Zionist ticket. Minister of Labor Mordechai Namir will give up his portfolio to become Mayor of Tel Aviv. Minister of Education Zalman Aranne and Minister of Social Welfare Peretz Naftali are not inclined to continue holding their present portfolios. The fate of another Mapai Cabinet member, Minister of Police Behor Shitree t, is _ not yet known. His Ministry is expected to be incorporated in another portfolio. The National Religious Party, including the Mizrachi and Ha- poel Hamizrachi, emerged as a factor in the negotiations for the formation of the new coali- tion. Leaders of the party met with Ben-Gurion. The turn in the status of the religious group is said to be the result of the conference held by Ben-Gurion and Rabbi J. L. Maimon. The rabbi, known as "the grand old man" of Miz- rachi," reportedly persuaded Ben-Gurion to make peace with Moshe Shapiro, the f or m e r Cabinet member, and leader of Hapoel Hamizrachi, who left the Cabinet during the quarrel with Ben-Gurion over the issue about "Who Is a Jew?" The Detroit Jewish commu- nity will take a look backward over 60 years of achievement and a look into the community's future at the 60th anniversary dinner and celebration of the United Jewish Charities. 6:30 p.m., Sunday,- at the Jewish Center, 18100 Meyers. Mapai Considers Coalition The Prime Minister, it was understood, would leave several cabinet portfolios open for the anticipated additional coalition partners. It was presumed that he wanted so small a coalition on the premise that talks with the other parties will be lengthy and that coalition would strengthen his hand in negotiat- ing with the Mapam, Achdut Avodah and the National Reli- gious Party, and perhaps accele• rate their joining. Direct JTA Teletype Wire To The Jewish News JERUSALEM — The possi- bility emerged from negotia- tions Tuesday that the tiny Pro- gressive Party would join with Prime Minister Ben-Gurion's Mapai Party to enable the Prime Minister to present - a "narrow coalition" to the Knes- set while continuing talks for a broader coalition. Map a i and the Mapai- - Charles Aaron, president of the Jewish Federation of Metro- politan Chicago, will be prin- cipal speaker. affiliated Arab parties, plus the Progressives have 58 seats in the 120-member Knesset—three short of a majority. However, the six deputies of the ultra- Orthodox Agudat Israel have been instructed by their rab- binical leaders to abstain during the required Knesset vote of confidence for the new govern- ment. The projected "narrow" coalition would thus have a slim majority of the other 114 votes. Mayor Louis C. Miriani will greet the assembled guests. Judge Theodore Levin is cele- bration chairman. Justice Henry M. Butzel, one of the UJC incorporators, who was chairman of the building committee for the Hannah Schloss B u i l d i n g—the first structure built under Jewish communal auspices, dedicated in 1903—will salute the de- scendants of former leaders. Mrs. Joseph H. Ehrlich will present a special message. Max J. Zivian, the United Jewish Charities' present and 13th president, will report on UJC achievements, purposes and endowment funds. There will be an exhibit of materials tracing the history of Jews in Detroit prepared by Irving I. Katz, executive secre- tary of Temple Beth El. Dr. Clarence Hilberry, pres- ident of Wayne State Univer- sity, and Leonard N. Simons will announce plans for pub- lication of a history of Detroit Jewry. 4_4_5) (2_4 FOR THE FINEST WATCHES SEE E GULTRE'S AT GEORGE OHRENSTEIN Certified Master Watchmaker & Jeweler 18963 LIVERNOIS UN 1-8184 People Are Saying . . HARRY ABRAM is giving the best deal on the "ALL NEW" 1960 / And CORVAIR SHORE CHEVROLET Immed. Delivery on all models 12240 Jos. Campau I'm as near as your phone TW 1-0600 Res. LI 8-4119 RA wtatt.. :Mot WA iw pa toiled Money placed in an American Savings Account by the 10th ... earns from the 1st of the month I You'll enjoy these other American Say- ings advantages, too—highest earnings on every dollar in your account—your savings recorded electronically to save you time—your money available im- mediately when you need it. No • notice of withdrawal has ever been required. 12% Current Rate On ANY Amount All Savings Insured to $10,000 by An Agency of the United States Gov't DEXTER at CORTLAND • LIVERNOIS at W. 7 MILE • W. 9 MILE near COOLIDGE Main Office: Woodward at Congress • 4 Other Branches 3-THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, December 4, 1959 Knesset Reconvenes; Mapai Leader Justice Butzel, Mrs. Ehrlich, Chas. Aaron, Kaddish Luz Is Elected Speaker Max Zivian to Address UJIC Celebration