THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, Nationa, Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35. Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Offic,.., Detroit. Mich under act of Congress of March 187:: PHILIP SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ FRANK SIMONS Editt r and Publisher Advertising Manager Circulation Manager City Editor May Allah Bless You for the Things You Do! Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the twenty-seventh day of Heshvan, 5720, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateitchai portion, Hayye Sarah, Gen. 23:1-25:18. Prophetical portion, I Kings 1:1-31. Licht Benshen, Friday, Nov. 27. 4:45 p.M. VOL. XXXVI, No. 13 Page Four . November 27, 1959 Our Community's 60th Anniversary Detroit Jewry's numbers have multi- plied ten-fold since the formation of the -United Jewish Charities 60 years ago. At the same time, our responsibilities to our local agencies and to world .Jewish needs may safely be said to have increased at least a thousand-fold. It is not only the duty we accept toward the upbuilding of Israel that has added to the - financial burdens of our community. During the past ten decades we have learned to recognize the primacy of Jewish cultural needs and the pressing requii- ements for Jewish educational ef- forts, and We have come to realize that the training of our youth holds first rank in our community endeavors. • For these reasons, we have expanded our communal school systems and are striving to prepare our young people for a better understanding of their heritage and for proper leadership in their com- munities in the years to come. The 60 years that have passed since the United Jewish Charities were trans- formed into the property-holding agency of the Welfare Federation, which now assumes the major role in our com- munity's Jewish functions, have been marked by many changes. We are now obligated to contribute many millions of dollars for the integration of immigrants into Israel's economy, for local and na- tional social and welfare as well as educa- tional and recreational purposes. The United Jewish Charities commenced its functions by raising several thousands of dollars yearly. Now the Allied Jewish Campaign alone raises approxiMately $5,000,000 a year. We even had a $6,000,- 000 campaign year. With due pride in our accomplish- ments, the 61st year of our community's history should be inaugurated with sober planning. In the course of the decades that have passed, we have witnessed many neighborhood changes. As a result of the population movements. we have seen also the abandonment of many valuable buildings in the process of erecting even more expensive structures. People never call a halt to building activities when they need synagogues, schools and centers. But the time has come for an increased sense of modesty. We wonder whether the vast needs for even greater educational and cultural efforts in our midest justify the building of multi-million dollar structures. Many other challenges will face us in the years to come. The current UJC anni- versary celebration serves to invite more serious consideration of our planning and programming, of our desires for immense structures, of various other expanding communal 'projects. As we congratulate each other on the successes we have attained • during the last 60 years, let us plan the future with due consideration for the community's major needs, with concern for Israel's security, with devotion to the hundreds of thousands who have yet to find havens of refuge from persecution — most of -them having only Israel to look to. The years ahead may be crucial ones. Our attainments may exceed even those of the last 60 years—provided we soberly, modestly and realistically approach the needs and the issues that confront us. Extremists Rejected by Israelis Let it be said to the credit of the people of Israel that they are keenly aware of their political responsibilities and that they are on the lookout against the rise of extremist elements among them. Having suffered from communism as well as from fascism, Israeli citizens seemed to be on guard against both groups at the recent election. The term "fascism" was bandied rather promiscuously during the election campaign. Herut accused Mapai of lead- ing the country on a fascist path, and Mapai charged Herut with reactionary aims. But our Jerusalem JTA correspond- ent, Eliahu Salpeter, in an analysis of the election results, pointed to the failure of the new North African groups to gain even a single seat in the Knesset because the electorate feared renewal of rioting, and he made this further observation: The same fear of violence and the desire to protect middle-road democracy gave Mapai the final push to a great vic- tory and destroyed Herut's chances of major success. In the election campaign, Herut appeared more and more to be not only supported by, but representing the "Lumpenproletariat" and some most un- desirable Israel slum dwellers. For the first time, the decade-old charge that Herut was a fascist party seemed to have a tangi- ble basis. When Herut leader, Beigin, on election eve toured Tel Aviv in an open convertible escorted by 32 tough boys on motorcycles wearing black shirts for the average Israeli, the sight was just too remi- niscent of the horrible past. So Israelis went to the polls voting against the "black shirts." Many voted for the parties of their old sympathies, but most of the "un- decided" voted for Mapai. In defense of Mapai. Salpeter shows Great Powers Urged to Devise Solution to Palestine Problem C. L. Sulzberger, New York Times foreign correspondent and author of the "Foreign Affairs" column, in an interesting and important analysis, "What's Wrong with U.S. Foieign Policy," published by Harcourt, Brace & Co. (750 3rd, N.Y. 17), makes vital comments on the situation in Israel and the Middle East. "Policy in the Middle East," Sulzberger contends, "can never be firmly based upon individuals. Israel found that out when negotiating a secret peace with Jordan's King Abdullah. Abdullah was assassinated—and with him Israeli hopes of peace." Sulzberger describes "the desperate hardiness of the new Israeli nation" which "was hammered on a terrible anvil." He amplifies it, thus: "Plenty of young women's arms still bear the tattooed numbers of Nazi prison camps. Officials observe calmly: 'I have no relatives. Hitler took care of that.' " He describes David Ben-Gurion as tough-minded, "unlikely ever to accept Arab military preponderance over Israel— without attempting to forestall it." Stating that "truculence and mutual suspicion of the Israelis and the Arabs is continually heightened by the awful problem of the million Palestine Arab refugees," Sulzberger points out that "Iraq has a real need for popula- don," and "the UN should contribute" towards a relocation of the unhappy refugees, with Israel paying suitable com- pensation, but "not until a peace comes will economic logic replace nationalistic passions." He advocates re-exam- ination of the Palestine problem by the Great Powers. Analyzing the difficulties created by the refusal of Arab states to negotiate with Israel or to sign a peace treaty, Sulz- berger states: "Most Arab leaders do not even dare admit Israel's right to exist. They fear assassination by fanatics. The prevailing theory of the latter is that some day there will be a final forceful reckoning when every Jew in Israel is driven into the sea." He then gives credence to Arab accusations by stating that "an influential Israeli minority considers the present territory of the dynamic little state inadequate." "The framework of compromise must be devised," he declares, "and it must be devised by the Great Powers. They have to discover a solution and impose it, for it was they who created, aided and recognized Israel." that while Mapai, being the dominant party, has been blamed for everything, "from taxes to bad weather," actually "the Israeli people today are better off than ever before and since the Sinai Cam- paign the country also enjoys relative tranquility along the arab borders. The Israelis gave Herut a two-seat gain in the Knesset, but Menahem Bei- "Khrushchev dislikes the thought of conflict spreading gin's party failed in its main intention — to weaken Mapai. Similarly, the commu- 'near his southern limits," Sulzberger writes. Even Nasser nists suffered defeats because the Israelis admits by inference that the only Palestine solution must be if not imposed by outside powers. He said to me: refuse to tolerate extremes and lean in composed `This is not something that can be simply decided on paper; the direction of democratic moderacy. that Israel must be liquidated; or that Israel must stay. We Mapai's advance preparations for the are not the only power to decide that.' " election and* its leaders' splendid organi- Sulzberger contends that in the Middle East the United zational abilities are in the main respon- States was "misled by false shibboleths." He declares: sible for a success that has earned for "Obviously, there is no question of Israel's liquidation. David Ben-Gurion and his party the Therefore, the powers to decide how it must survive are, in fact, those Great Powers, including Russia, who helped create greetings of moderates everywhere. Welcome, Mr. Harman Detroit Jews will heartily greet the new Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Avraham Harman, when he comes here on Sunday to address the Israel Bond dinner. Local audiences had the privilege on earlier occasions to meet this disting- uished leader and able orator, who had addressed audiences in behalf of the Bond drives and the Allied Jewish Campaigns. He is a noted scholar, a tried and loyal leader of his people and a devoted advocate of democratic ideals. We join in welcoming him and in expressing the hope that his visit here will strengthen the Israel Bond Organiza- tion's efforts to increase interest among Americans in Israel's industrial develop- ment. that courageous little nation." Many of the U.S. errors in pursuing its foreign policies are reviewed by Sulzberger. In the conflict with communism he says "we must prepare for an enduring contest" in which survival is the chief task of our foreign policy. Second Edition of ‘Sipurim Yofim' by Friedland Published The second edition of the late Hes Aleph Friedland's "Sipurim Yofim" was published this week by the Bureau of Jewish Education of Cleveland. The reprints contained many illustrations by Mrs. Anita Rogoff. The new reprint is of the story "Zemirim"—"Nightin- gales." It serves the purpose of teaching Hebrew to the Young readers, the text having been intended for children. English translations accompany nearly all the words in the text. Nathan Brilliant is the director of the Cleveland Bureau of Jewish Education. The editorial committee for "Sipurim Yofim" includes Friedland's widow, Mrs. Yonina Friedland. Dr. Jacob Kabakoff and Henry Margolis.