New CJFWF President Greeted Past presidents of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds congratulate newly-elected President Irving Kane, fourth from left, at 28th general assembly in San Fran- cisco. Left to right are: Philip Bernstein, executive director, Stanley C. Myers, of Miami, Herbert R. Abeles, of Newark, immediate past president, president-elect Irving Kane of Cleve- land, Julian Freeman, of Indianapolis, and Sidney Hollander, of Baltimore. CJFWF Tackles Many Communal Problems at Annual Assembly Community's Fund-Raising ..11eginnings Recalled on UJC's 60th Anniversary 1 g The 60th anniversary of the time and energy to thoroughly aid be effective our d uty will t tg United Jewish Charities will be analyze the condition and Posi- be well done." observed at a dinner Sunday, Lion of the applicant at the . - oi Pg In the first year of combined Dec. 6, at the Jewish Center start, and in every possible fund-raising in Detroit, 245 on Meyers. • . • )-1 manner to extend such aid and subscribers contributed $4,284, ,,., On the occasion of this an- advice as will make him self- which was allocated in eight 5 niversary celebration, UJC lead- supporting; and encourage . in- disbursements. This year, the ers recall that, at the first UJC stead of wrecking his self- meeting, in 1900, the agency's reliance and personal pride. Detroit Jewish community U' raised $4,800,000 for 13 local 0 first president said: It matters not how much or how member agencies, the United Z "We need only to recognize little effort and expenditure is Jewish Appeal and other over- tri that charity 'is duty', and that required on our part; • if the seas and national agencies. rii 4 our highest ideal should be the I fulfillment of that duty which .-: brings its own reward. It seems so: FOR THE BEST DEAL to me that we must seek to su .1‹ aid the poor by learning what ON THE LEADER FOR 1960 — they actually need instead of o simply getting rid of them as THE "WIDE TRACK" PONTIAC. <1, cheaply as we can,, and then CD repeating the operation as often CD of as " we must. t., It will, of course, require General Sales Manager See HARVEY GELLER co Or BARNETT Balfour Concert Scores Another Zionist Success PONTIAC Sales Service 5524 SCHAEFER TI 6-1122 Between Ford Rd . & Mich. Ave., Dearborn (Continued from Page 1) economic balance and a living The annual Balfour Concert A two-nart resolution on standard to support a flourish- of the Zionist Organization of 0 immigration endorsed World ing human civilization." He ap- Detroit acquired added signi-. Refugee Year and called for realed for "an additional - spurt ficance as a major social func- a major effort to convince forward" among American Congress to abolish the na- Jewry "to complete this noble tion, which at the same time serves to provide means of tional origins quota system. It humanitarian undertakin?;." support for Zionist projects, urged Congress to liberalize William Rosenwald, of New with the successful event held the basic immigration laws. York, national chairman of the last Saturday night at Ford The delegates applauded United Jewish Appeal, said that Auditorium. United States economic aid to 1960 "presents the United Jew- A near-capacity audience Israel and the Middle East and ish Appeal with a drama as urged its continuance "to intense and urgent as an armed heard two distinguished artists (Plain) strengthen democratic institu- conflict." He asserted that it —Jennie Tourel, mezzo-soprano, tions in that strategic and vital offered a greater opportunity to Metropolitan Opera star, and Shimon Mishory, Israeli concert 13 area, the stability of the reoion and the peRce of the world." be more constructive than any violinist. 'n recent years and said that "if Two able pianists accom- They called for greater empha- we make the most of these op- sis in spurring private invest- portunities we shall provide panied the artists. Allen: Rog- ers was superb as Miss Tourers ment in Israel as . "the basic hope for those who need rescue underpinning of • Israel's move- now. discharge our responsibil- pianist. Jonathan Sack, who ac- . companied Mishory, was equally ment toward self-support" and y for those already rescued stressed the urgency for such and clear the road for those cooperative in the fine inter- a program since .Israel faces I yet to come to Israel and other pretation of the selections of- fered to a most representative the maturing of bond issues and i free lands." th e termination of German community audience. He said that World Refuge e reparations. Before the commencement To. meet the "massive and Year was an opportune . occasion of the first portion of the for "long overdue" passage of varied human needs — local, a law by Congress to abolish program, Judge Ira Kaufman o national and overseas" — the the national quota system in welcomed the audience, and delegates urged the communities federal immigration laws. an address evaluating the to take every possible step to historic importance of Zion- The Jewish Welfare Fed- organize their 1960 campaigns ism was delivered by Rabbi eration of Detroit won a na- El at the "earliest feasible time" Jacob E. Segal. - tional award for the "best set to assure maximum fund-rais- Mishory was especially im- ing. National and local services of year-round campaign ma- terial" exhibited at the pressive in his interpretation of also reauire added surmort, and CJFWF general assembly. De Sarasate's Zapateado, overseas needs will call for the Cleaned & Pressed The Federation took top Gulck's Melody and Mark fullest assistance for years to Lavry's Hora. Guaranteed • Insured honors for the Outstanding large come. Under the pressures of local, national and overseas city entry in the nationwide Miss Tourel, who excelled in community interpretation ex- her Russian and Hebrew songs, a Jewish needs, the resolution hibit. BUSINESS urged "a deliberate and inten- also sang a number of operatic Mrs. Hyman C. Broder ac- sive budget process to assess selections. The highlight of her For carefully the relative urgency cepted the citation on behalf concert was her interpretation of the Detroit Federation. Pres- of Ravel's Kaddisch. of requirements." entation of the award was made Deluxe Finish • Cellophane Wrapped A series of resolutions deal- by L D. Fink, of Minneapolis, a ing with communal problems chairman of the CJFWF pub- and developments covered CI licity awards committee, at the DRAPES BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED; LEATHERS AND such problems as recruitment closing session of the assembly. of young men and women SUEDES EXPERTLY CLEANED AT LOWEST PRICES. for communal service, pro- Fink said: "The judges' com- mittee was impressed by the grams of non - institutional original and resourceful manner IN • MUD, FREE PARKING care for the aged, Jewish SAND, ICE in which the Jewish Welfare education and community re- or - SNOW Federation of Detroit drama- lations work. tized its program and services. In a session devoted to over- The skillful handling of media, with MAGIC MATS El seas needs and basic planning, the presentation of basic ideas your car wil1 2-.0! Israel Ambassador Avraham and the liveliness of the ma- 6" x 21" all steel traction mats. Harman told the assembly that terial all testify to the high Greatest invention since the tow a Israel faced two tasks: re-build- intelligence and care with truck. Worth their weight in gold when your car 'gets stuck ing a poor, ravaged country and which the community ap- • . . Works in a jiffy' simply by transforming a refugee popula- proached problems of campaign placing these mats under wheels. They last forever . . can't tion into a rooted citizenry: He interpretation." harm tires.•. keep ' handy in 10300 W. McNichols cor. Griggs, UN 2-4196 11 expressed the hope that "the car trunk. .100% satisfaction The award to the Detroit guaranteed or $198 turbulent period" in Israel's Federation was one of 20 pre- money back. pair 12803 W. 7 Mile cor. Appoline, UN 4-4150 a brief history was finished and sented to cities in six categories Market Basket Food, Inc. declared that Israel was set for 18287 Livernios based on community and year- 3205 W. McNichols Rd. U N 4-6363 "rapid progress to achieve an Phone: UN 2-6800 round interpretation materials. (Between Curtis and Pickford) Highest Quality DRY CLEANING . DRESSES ci SUITS CAR-COATS RAINCOATS rj TOPCOATS OVERCOATS ROBES I NO LIMIT 1 99c SHIRTS - LLSTATE DISCOUNT CLEANERS CI 13t---10 C11=1