Public Health Annual T echnion Dinner to Be Held Authority Here Sunday, Dec. 13, at Temple Israel for Sinai Meeth rig Jules Lev, president of the Lev stated that the dinner, MILTON S. MARWIL was elected president of the Michigan Zionist Region, succeeding LEON KAY in office at the annual meeting last Sunday. Pictured, left to right, are MICHAEL ELIZUR, Israel UN representative who was guest speaker; Kay, THOMAS A. HOROWITZ, of Pontiac, chairman of the morning session who was re-elected a vice-president; and Marwil. * * Milton Mandl Heads Michigan Zionist Region; Adopt $30,000 State Quota for Silver Institute The seventh annual j oint meeting of the boards of ti 'us- tees of Sinai Hospital and No rth End Clinic will take place at 8:15 p.m., Tuesday, in the Aa ron DeRoy Theater of the Jew ish Community Center. Principal speaker will be Dr. Solomon J. Axelrod, profes sor of public health economics at the school of public health, U ni- versity of Michigan, announ ces Benjamin E. Jaffe, progr am chairman. Dr. Axelrod, who will spe ak on "Perspectives in Hospi tal Care," has participated in a wide range of professional ac- tivities in the field of public health, includ- i n g commu- nity health Detroit Chapter of the Ameri- as in the past, will be utilized can Techion Society, announced this week that the annual din- ner of the society will be held Sunday, Dec. 13, at Temple Israel. Dr. William Fondiller, honor- ary president of the American Technion Society. and Carl Al- pert, personal assistant to Gen. Yaakov Dori, the Technion's president, will be the guest speakers. for a review of Technion ac- complishments and as a reun ion of the Michigan members of the society. HAVE BOARD= WILL DRAW MURRY KOBLIN ADVERTISING ART UN. 1-5600 BORENSTEIN'S BOOK & MUSIC STORES SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOPS AND RETAIL STORES ATTENTION services, medi- Milton S. Marwil, a past presi- tributed to Israel's growing ties cal care ad- We have just received a fine large selection of dent of the Zionist Organi zation with the nations of Africa and ministration Hanukah items and suggest shopping early while of Detroit, was elected pres ident who have affinity with the a n d research selections are complete. of the Michigan Region, Z ionist Asia Organization a America, a t the Arabs. He noted that Israel and health in- was making steady progress to- surance plan- region's 10th annual conve ntion ward • Hanukah Rooks & Records • Hanukah Menorahs reducing the gap between ning. held Sunday at Hotel He nrose exports and imports and that His address Dr. Axelrod • in Detroit. He succeeds Leon Israel's science is harnessed to- Hanukah Candles • Hanukah Decorations will demonstrate how bette r Kay who was named hon orary ward making Israel econom- • community health care result president along with Morr is M. ically self-sufficient. Hanukah Candies and Chocolates from Israel from combining the facilities o Jacobs, another past pres ident He listed Israel's major the outpatient department wit f And a Host of New Hanukah Gift Items of the region. tasks as being the strengthen. those of a modern hospital. h Elected vice presidents were ing its economic structure; He is a member of the com Harry J. Binder, Flint; Dr. Man- the of FREE CATALOGUES UPON REQUEST intergration of new im- el Goldberger, Sagi n alv ; migrants; widening of poli- mittee on medical educatio n Thomas A. Horwitz, Pon tiac; tical and economic ties with needs in Michigan and directo r Dr. Edward Neufeld, G rand more countries of the world of research for the group. whic s studying the need for a thir d apids; Judge Ira G. Kauf man 13535 W. 7 MILE RD. a nd Leonard L. Radner, De- and the strengthening of the tate medical school. 12066 DEXTER at Schaefer roit. Rabbi Marc Samuel s of partnership between Israel Dr. Axelrod also is chairma n Col.. Monterey and the Jewish people 0 f a national committee study i land was named d secre tary DI 1-0569 throughout the world. TO 8-4720 a nd M. Ben Lewis, Det roit, Other resolutions called for a ng health problems of the t reasurer. Ezekiel Leikin, De- utmost support of the Freedom ged, under the sponsorship of CLOSED SATURDAY; OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS roit, is the executive dire ctor he American Public Health Forest of the Jewish National OPEN SUNDAYS 9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. A ss'n. and the American Public 0 f the Michigan legion. and intensified efforts on Welfare Following a report by Ph ilip Fund Ass'n. ▪ lomovitz on the progress m ade behalf of Israel Bonds and the He has written extensively a t the Kfar Silver Agricult ural United Jewish Appeal. or The following were named to ti professional magazines, par- I nstitute in Israel and the n eed cularly in the areas of health fo r additional facilities to c ope the regional executive commit- lsurance and medical man- ■■ ■ tee: Osias Zwerdling, Ann Ar- w ith the growing demand for p ower, and is the editor of a dmission into the school, the bor; Dr. Sam Gotlib, Benzion Readings in Medical Care," Co nvention voted to raise a Gotlib, Abe Riskin, Flint; Ben ublished by the University of rn inimum of $30,000 over a two Rosenberg, Rabbi Joseph N orth Carolina Press last year. ye ar period for the Kfar Sil ver Schwarz, Benton Harbor; Percy The annual meeting will also A. Berman, Grand Rapids; ex pansion program. Rabbi Israel Goodman, Rabbi fe ature a tribute to past and Kay, in his presidential ad- pr esent members of the dr ess, referred to the H erzl Nathan Herschfield, Joseph Ja- re cently - closed Nor th End cobson, Pontiac; Jacob Ashen- Ce ntennial being observed t his Cl inic, and there will be a ye ar and called upon Zion ists dorf, Joseph Simon, Muskegon; hi storical review and display of Samuel Adinoff, Port Huron; to implement Herzl's prophe tic its 33-year-old history. vis ion. He called for increa sed Martin Glantz, Rabbi Joseph A reception is planned to fol- Katz, Saginaw; Leonard Berg- Pri vate investments in Isr ael stein, Dr. Melvin Josephs, to v the meeting, according to Sam- as the only solution to its e co- uel Waldman, Midland; Joseph Be njamin E. Jaffe, program n o mic problems. Simon, Alma; Jacob Drey, Iron ch airman. On the local scene, Ka y Si ngled out Jewish educatio n River; Pauline Cohen, Jack Mos- of Some of the early pioneers coy, Hyman Price, South Haven; the clinic who will be honored a s the major Zionist respons Abraham Borman, Harry Cohen, ar e Mrs. Samuel Mendelsohn, hi lity. A resolution was adopted ca 11- A. C. Lappin, Sherman Shapiro, Isa dore Levin and Abraham ing upon the U.S. Governme nt Irving Sniderman, Dr. Bernard Sr ere, early members of the Weston, David M. Zellman, De- bo and of trustees; and the mem- to insure free passage throu gh troit. ber s of the Leopold and Andrew ' the Suez Canal for all natio ns Wi neman families, founders of inc luding Israel; to resist a nd the original North End Clinic. w o rk toward the cessation of Discover the T he memory of Jesse F. all forms of Arab boycott a nd full earning Hir schman, Edwin A. Wolff, and blo ckade against Israel and to power of your - Jul ian H. Krolik will be hon- imp lement the U.S. Senate res o- money by opening ore At the annual meeting of the d as past presidents of the Iuti on of July 26, 1956, to th e a Guardian Savings ac- effe et that "there shall be n 0 Kvutzah Ivrith, Joseph Katz din ic. David Wilkus and Mel- count. Earn a big 31/2 0 % dist inction among U.S. cittzei is was re-elected president of the will e S. Welt will be honored current rate on all pass book savings—save where savings bas ed on their individual r e- Hebrew cultural organization. for their contributions in the Voted into office with him role of ex-presidents. Many pays extra money for your ligi ous affiliations" and th at purse. any attempt by foreign nation were Meyer Mathis, vice-presi- me mbers of the original clinic to c reate such distinction wa dent; Irving Palman, vice- med ical staff are expected to "inc onsistent with America n president and treasurer; Nor- atte nd. man Ruttenberg and Michael prin ciples." Michlin, secretaries. A nother resolution c a 11 e Morris Nobel was named npo n the U.S. Government t 0 take the initiative towards th e chairman of the committee; rese ttlement of the A r a b Michlin put in charge of the refu gees within those countrie distalbution of Hebrew books "wit h whom they have ties o and newspapers; and Morris assigned as publicity corn mon language, religion an Plafkin Current Rate chairman. Thanksgiving Day will eusto ins." Elected to the editorial board shorten the working week, Gu est speaker at the lunch COME eon session was Michael Elizur of the organization's annual necessitating an e a r l i e r IN Or Coun sellor of Israel's Perma Hed Ha-Kvutzah were Bernard deadline for our issue. of SAVE nent Mission to the United Na Isaacs, Aaron Toback, Meyer Nov. 27. BY and Morris Nobel. MAIL Lions , who said that Israel's Mathis All copy for that issue The following members were most pressing problem before named to the board of directors: must be in our hands be- the U Njvas the question of the Rabbi Milton Arm, Albert fore 2 p.m. on Friday, Nov. Suez Canal and that Israel's Elazar, Israel Elpern, Abraham 20. posit ion on this question is J. Lachover, Morris Lachover, Downtown: CADILLAC SQUARE Comer RANDOLPH Deadline for Classified gaini ng wide support among the Meyer Lipman, Prof. Shlomo Northwest: 13646 WEST 7 MILE Ads for that issue will be at mem hers of the UN. He said Marenof, Aaron Kutnick, Alex- Corner TRACEY Both offices open 10 a.m. to S p.m., Mond* thry that Nasser's renewed belliger- ander Roberg and Abraham 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 24. Northwoo,t41..... Our regular deadline is at_ ence - BORENSTEIN'S BOOK & MUSIC STORES There's Hidden Treasure .1•111=11..11111111.1.......11 1.11 11 .1•11MMEN1111 In Your Purse 1•1111M11111 Savings Make Sense Re-Elect J. Katz to Head Kvutzah Early Deadline for Nov. 27 Due to . toward Israel may be at- Schachter. 1