40A—EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOMAN, experienced general office, switchboard, quarterly payroll. References. WE 3-9244. I Golden's Tor 2c Plain' Remains MIDDLE-AGED man, willing to care for sick person, experienced. TU 3-3311. Best Seller; Author Tells -Views Mrs. Grossinger Gets Kassem Threatens - Honorary Doctorate to Free Palestine with Iraq's Troops THE DETROIT JEW Based on the old New York America — they're scared to East Side soda stand sales of death. The Hitler pogrom left LONDON, (JTA) — Premier drinks—"for two cents plain" a deep scar. At times as I no- Kassem of Iraq threatened to 45—BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES —Harry Golden, already a great ticed it I thought it might have "liberate Palestine from the success with his "Only in Amer- produced a mass neurosis. Yah. Jewish .yoke" with Iraqui troops. ica," has risen to another tap FURNITURE STORE Prosperity's another reason. No He issued the threat in an inter- role in the best seller list with matter how high they go they view with the Tunis daily, Al Modern 2 story building-6.000 his new book, "For 2c Plain," run up against — not anti-Se- square feet. Warehouse in rear Thawra, warning that "our dear —3,000 square "feet. Large garage published by World Publishing mitism, you can't call it that, Palestine, beloved by all Arabs with loading facilities. Gas heat. Co., the publishers of his earlier Excellent location, for light it's nonsense, the defense organ- and Moslems, will be liberated book. - manufacturing, etc. Will rent, izations, you know; I think that only by the Iraqi Army "andthe lease or sell. Available January 1. "For 2c Plain" remain_s on what they call anti-Semitism is Iraqi people." FOR INFORMATION the best seller list for the third a psychological gentile drive for He complained that .Egypt month. It is in the same style separatism. Prosperity and the and Jordan had taken no action Call VI 2-5775 as the earlier book—containing tremendous cult of comfort against Israel "in spite of their the author's experiences, his which seems to grip the Ameri- 30,000,000 inhabitants." He said WELL ESTABLISHED wholesale unique humor, his brief stories can people—and the Jews more it would be the Iraqi people paper house for sale due to illness. UN 1-5041, Between 7 and 9 p.m. about everything under the sun. so—has increased it. However alone and unaided who would It is not as effective a book high they go, they can't seem "chase out the criminal Jews 50 BUSINESS CARDS as the first one—perhaps be- to make it. now in power." cause of the monotony of con- Simultaneously the Cairo "An American may say to a CARPENTER WORK of all kinds— radio announced the United Porch. floors, steps. kitchen cabi- tinuity of the same style of nar- friend: 'We've got a couple of nets. doors, panelling. Work my- ration. Yet it contains many fine Jewish families in this Arab Republic plans a campaign self. UN 4-1897. stories that entertain and de- town.' One of them may have to close the Gulf of Akaba to BASEMENT DAMP? Clothes dryer light. Israeli commerce. The broadcast fought with Robert E. Lee and JENNIE GROSSINGER, a need venting? Call Wolfe, BR 3 4446 KE 2-7850. said the UAR delegate has been Considerable interest is being the other may be an immigrant founder of the Grossinger instructed to raise the issue in who arrived yesterday, but it Country Club, Grossinger, WASHERS, dryers, ironers repaired. shown in the report that Gold- the United Nations legal. com- Dryers vented. All work guaran- en's story will be filmed under doesn't make any difference— N. Y. received an hon- teed. VE 8-6054. mittee. He was described as the title "Carolina Israelite." and the Jew doesn't like it. orary doctor of humanities Since that title may be tanta- "The Jews are always looking degree Nov. 5 from Wilber- working in harmony with repre- m ount to "Carolina Jew," rather for a tall, blond Protestant rab- force University, a Baptist LARKINS MOVING sentatives of Jordan, Saudi AND DELIVERY SEP.VICE Arabia, and other Arab states. han to infer that it is a news- bi, and it helps if the rebetzen school of higher education. P aper story, it has an interest- is not very pretty. The sister- The presentation was made Also Office Furniture. Any time. ng angle. Labor Leader, hood will never stand for a at Wilberforce, 0. Mrs. Gros- Reasonable. By Golden's own admission, pretty rebetzen. They like to singer was made a fellow of Harry Newmark, Dies 3319 GLADSTONE h e is not publishing a Jewish say, 'She's so sweet'! Brandeis University in 1958. TY 4-4587 n ewspaper. His periodical was In Union Negotiations "Well, of course, this religi- PAINTING and wall washing. Rea- n Harry Newmark, 60, of 18440 ever a newspaper. In its col- ous revival-- this is nothing. Pledges 'Every Effort' sonable price. Quick service. 20 u mns—his. paper seldom ap- What the American Jew says to Stoepel, a prominent midwest years experience. TE 4-5864. wort BETTER wall washing, call p ears more than three or four the rabbi in effect is this: 'The to Erase Anti-Semitism labor- leader, died last Friday at Sinai Hospital. James Russell. One day service ti mes a year—he tells the sto goyim want us to have a shool, TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont. ri es that appeared in his two we'll have a shool. But don't in German Democracy President of Local 339-:--the WASHINGTON, D. C.—Ger- b ooks. bother us. Just keep running many's Ambassador to the Sams Department Store local of J. STEEL Amalgamated Clothing Work- The Golden viewpoint was when the goyim call.' What he told in an interview he gave to represents is really the old-time United States and the president ers of America—he collapsed at LANDSCAPING CO. Brian Glanville, which appeared statlan—an ambassador to the of the American Jewish Con- a negotiating meeting of his QUALITY WORKMANSHIP in the London Jewish Chron- gentiles —without a Summit gress agreed that efforts to union on ThurSday night, Nov. 3 YEARS GUARANTEE wipe out anti-Semitism- and 12, at the YWCA, Witherell icle. In it he said: meeting! strengthen democracy in Ger- and Montcalm. DI 1-9206 UN 2-0574 "Jews are wonderful; we have office "I'm on television occasion- many must be pursued with full Res. it all. Don't you agree with In addition to being president ally, and I deliberately use- the vigor if the Federal Republic of Local 339, he also was chair- L SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpen- that?" word 'Jew,' which the Jews is to gain the confidence of the ter work, no job too big or small. "The name . 'Carolina Israel- man of the Central States Joint TY 7-7758 LI 5-4035. don't like.- We Jews, I say, and free world. Board of Amalgamated Clothing ite' was a subterfuge," he con- I can hear a million American German Ambassador Wilhelm Workers of America, and was fessed. "I had no intention of Jews gnashing their teeth." TILE G. Grewe and Rabbi Joachim chairman of the negotiating DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? ' publishing a Jewish paper — I Thus, the clever and eminent Prinz of Newark, •N. J., spoke committee. wasn't qualified. I'm a lone ' New and Repair Special author of two best sellers tells Funeral services were held at wolf; I join nothing. I paid no some basic truths about himself. at a press conference here, at • OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO which Dr. Prinz presented the Kaufman Chapel Sunday. attention to being a Jew until It is doubtful whether these UN 1-5075 Born in New York, the de- Hitler—you know what I mean? views, presented sensationally German diplomat with the first I knew if I called the paper the in the London weekly, will make copy of a 63-page study by the ceased came to Detroit 20 years REPAIR, brick, cement, plaster, American Jewish Congress- en- ago. He was a World War II pointing, chimneys and porches. `North Carolina G a z e t t e' I too many American Jews happy. titled "The German Dilemma— veteran. Steps. UN 2-1017. wouldn't have a chance. Don't But here they are, as revela- An Appraisal of Anti-Semitism, Surviving him are his wife, MODERNIZATION, alterations and forget I live in the most Gentile tions of the attitudes of the Ultra-Nationalism and Democ: Beatrice; son, Eric; brother, repairs. Work \ done reasonably. section of the United States. Call LI 7-0737 between 5:30 and Samuel, and four sisters, Mes- They'd say, what is. this little man who is now called by some racy in West Germany." p.m. a "sage:" at last an author of a The study reports that Ger- dames Murray Goldfarb, Frank fat Jew doing coming down here best seller is a sages many has made "immense Snyder, Henry Zussman and LA VOGUE telling us about North Carolina progress" in her development Leo Sklar. , politics? Tailoring and dressmaking. Com- from Nazi dictatorship to the plete alterations on men's and Mapai Sets Referendu m "Sholem Aleichem said: 'It's ladies' clothes. Expert work. democracy of the Adenauer Moses Ellenson Dies.; Reasonable. hard to be a Jew.' But it's very on Changes in Election regime. But•it warns that while 6342 West McNichols good to be a Jew—but the Jews Shaarey Zion Near Livernois TEL AVIV, (JTA)—The new the government has accepted Founded don't know it! A founder and past president Knesset, elected on Nov. 3, will the obligation to make material UN 1-6894 "I tell you," he said. "I've be convened on Nov. 30, it was amends to the victims of of Cong. Shaarey Zion here, LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing. noticed the Jews of England announced as Mapai leaders Nazism, anti-Semitism remains Moses Philip Ellenson, died on Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason. aren't as scared as the Jews of pondered a national referendum a popular sentiment among the Nov. 17. He had Jived at 18440 able; Free estimates. UN 4-3339, Washburn. VE 5-7453. on a change in Israel's propor- German people. 55— MISCELLANEOUS - Born in Poland, Mr. Ellenson tional representation election came to -Detroit 40 years ago. system. NATHAN DE ROVEN Revitalization of Home He was a retired grocer, and ONE TOY and 1 miniature French poodle. Platinum ,silver female. 8 Agreement to such a referen- First class painting and dec- had been active in numerous weeks. Champion stock. Choice of May Bring 'Return' dum, it was understood, was orating. Free estimates. Work litter. LA 7-2701. Orthodox ' religious .organiza- myself. Call evenings after 6 being considered by the Mapai ATLANTIC CITY, (JTA) -- tions. officials as a possible condition The possibility of a "massive 57 F)R SALE: HOUSEHOLD He• is survived by his wife, for partnership in the new co- return" by American Jewry to LI 4-5213 GOODS AND FURNITURE alition government which will the - "religious treasures of Rachel; three sons, Albert E. be headed again by Prime . Min- Judaism" may depend on the Louis and Harry B.; a daughter, WILL DO plumbing repair work. WE ister David Ben-Gurion. 4-4319. role' of the Jewish homemaker Mrs. Ben Jackson; a brother, Antique Satin draw drapes and This would not require coali- in the revitalization of the Elias Welwelski, of LaPlata, Ar- rods. Fully lined. 84 inches long. . tion partners to vote in the American Jewish home, Rabbi gentina; a sister, Mrs. Rivka 557 MISCELLANEOUS Widths for 8 regular windows. Knesset for the electoral change Immanuel Jakobovitz, former Goldman, of Tel Aviv; and five Rust with some gold in pattern. WANTED—Someone to donate old, but only for a referendum Chief Rabbi of Ireland and now grandchildren. Flip-Flop over sized bridge table usable typewriter to needy person. which would leave it to the of the Fifth Avenue Synagogue, and 4 chairs. 2 black round end DI 1-9005. electorate and not to the Knes- New York, told the 36th annual Rev. Levin Dies at 91 tables. Pictures and other items. RESPONSIBLE party wanted to as- set to decide. Rev. Jacob Levin, a retired national convention of the sume payments on walnut Spinet schochet, died Nov. 15, at the piano with bench. Principal — women's branch of the Union UN 3-1349 $496.21. Payments approximately of Orthodox Jewish Congrega- age of 91, in Sinai Hospital. IC-F Plant in Israel $16.25 per month. Can be seen Rev. Levin, who resided at tions . of America. locally. Write Lindy Music Co., Closed for 6 Weeks 35 Crocker Boulevard, Mt. Clem- Rabbi Emanuel Rackman, 17377 Indiana, was active in STERLING Silverware. New, service ens, Michigan. for 12. Cheap. LI 4-1741. TEL AVIV, (JTA) — The president of the Rabbinical numerous Orthodox organiza- 50—BUSINESS CARDS Kaiser-Frazer automobile as- Council of America, told the tions and was a scholar in Jew- 50—BUSINESS CARDS sembly plant in Haifa will close convention that "in terms of ish circles. 1.11.1! Born in Russia, he came to down for at least six weeks as strength and might, we must ALL CITY a result of the cancellation by admit only a minority of Jews Calumet, Mich., 65 years ago, MOVING & STORAGE CO. the French Renault Company in America are, in • faith and moving to Detroit five. years later. - of its contract to supply the practice, Orthodox. VE 14948 "We must also admit our He is survived by a son, Israel firm with assembly parts. 8-7660 Meyers Rd. The Haifa plant, taken by institutions do not have glamor, Georg e, of Pittsburgh; five surprise by the French firm's financial means, public rela- daughters, Mrs. Ben London, of decision to sever connections tions media, or any of the ex- Miami Beach, Mrs. Sam Rosen- with Israel due to Arab pres- ternals which in modern society thal, Mrs. Lawrence Seltzer, Complete Moving Service sure, found itself also without are equated with success. How- Mrs. David Sandweiss, all of No Job Too Large — Too Small parts for American Willys cars, ever, we have that which makes Detroit, and Mrs. Jack Gould, those who are questing for final of Sharon. Pa.; 17 grandchildren Always Open which are also assembled here. answers, turn to us," he said. and nine great-grandchildren. — . — — 40_