Ben-Gurion Seriously Concerned Over Arab 'Threats (Continued from Page 1) Ben-Gurion summarized Is- rael's major tasks during the coming years as the conquest of the desert, reception and absorption of hundreds of thousands of new immigrants, the welding of immigrants from one hundred different lands into "a single great united people," clearing of the slums and labor camps, establishment of peace and security along the frontiers, and conversion of Israel into one of the world's greatest centers of learning and research. Among the measures Israel had to pursue in the conquest of the desert, Ben-Gurion said. was the scheme to use the waters of the Jordan River, utilization of solar energy, de- 9_9...L.SULAJULQ_AWSWLSLIZSUL9 - FOR THE FINEST salination of sea water and ex- ploration of the hidden mineral wealth of the Negev. "Who Is a Jew" controversy, Shared:: however, was under- WATCHES and would split religious forces stood to be continuing his re- SEE in Israel. fusal to accept the foreign min- Mapai leaders decided to ap istry, holding that differences Talks on Formation of proach the Aguda and Poale of opinion on fundamental pol- LE OULTRE'S Coalition Complicated AE.,,uda instead of the National icy between him and Ben- Religious Party. After an early Gurion were so large as to pre- AT Direct JTA Teletype Wire To The Jewish News reaction of interest in the bid, elude chances of smooth co- JERUSALEM. — The pros- the ultra-orthodox leaders told operation in the cabinet. pects for a small coalition gov- Mapai they would abide by a Should both Mrs. Meir and Certified Master ernment of Prime Minister Da- decision of the "Gedolei Hato- Sharett remain adamant in their Watchmaker & Jeweler vid Ben-Gurion's Mapai, plus the rah," a rabbinical panel to refusal of the post, it is gen- 18963 LIVERNOIS UN 1-8184 Progressives and the ultra-or- which the issue will be sub- erally expected that it will go thodox Agudat Israel, faded mitted. to former Ambassador Abba S. c- 6 -tnns-rb--- tnnsisummnrinns , Wednesday w_hen Aguda party The Religious Party, mean- Eban. Classified ads bring fast results! leaders began to have second while, was backing down from thoughts about the idea. its opposition to plans of The Aguda hesitations were Mapai to retain Rabbi Yakov based on recognition of the fact Toledano as Minister of Reli- ■ I ■ that Aguda participation in gions in the next coalition. such a coalition would isolate Rabbi Toledano accepted the the National Religious Party, $111 OFF ON ALL appointment over fierce reli- which quit the coalition in the gious bloc objections after • BEST SELLERS ! Moshe Shapiro resigned the portfolio in the "Who Is a Below are listed only a few Jew" dispute. Mapai insists on retention of that Ministry of the books available: by a non-party religious lead- er," to "neutralize the politi- SALE JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Seven ing and that $200,000,000 would cal influence of the Chief REG. Detroiters among the 115-man be required to put the remain- rabbinate." PRICE United Jewish Appeal delega- der on an equal footing. Herman Woulk's Apparently having expected tion visiting here this week Dr. Weitz explained to the Agudat Israel to reconsider, THIS IS MY G-D heard Israel Foreign Minister delegation that Israel, which Moss Hart's (An Autobiography) Golda Meir reveal that immigra- had increased agricultural pro- Mapai leaders started a second tion is continuing at a steady duction since statehood by 315 round of talks in a bid for wide ACT ONE 100 coalition to include Mapam and - pace. per cent, was now concentrat- Achdut Avodah, the two left- Allen Drury's "While we are fully engaged ing on increasing industrial ADVISE and CONSENT in absorbing recent arrivals," crops such as cotton, peanuts wing parties which fought Ben- Gurion on the Israel arms sale Harry Golden's the Foreign Minister said, "we and sugar beets. to West Germany, and the Gen- FOR 2c PLAIN must be prepared to face what- Among the settlements the eral Zionists, but without right- ever the future may hold." Dan Jacobson's (Short Stories) delegation visited was Moshav wing Herut. Mrs. Aleir interrupted - avaca- Lachish-Otzem, a frontier out- THE ZULU AND THE ZEIDE Ben-Gurion was reported to tion to return here to receive post inhabited by Moroccan Leo Rosten's have withdrawn his opposi- . the American Jewish study mis- Jewish settlers who are growing The Return OF HYMAN KAPLAN sion at a dinner. cotton. They also visited Kiryat tion to Moshe Sharett as for- eign minister in the new gov- John Hersey's The Foreign Minister pointed Gat, urban center of the Lach- ernment he is forming and THE WAR LOVER out that although some coun- ish area. . Mapai party leaders were tries severely restrict the de- A permanent "Conquest of Meyer Levin's parture of Jews, Israel had to the Desert" exhibit was opened said to be exerting consider- EVA able pressure on the former be ready at all times for the here by Meir Grossman, mem- day when the doors might be ber of the Jewish Agency prime minister and foreign THESE AND MANY MORE ALSO AVAILABLE AT reopened. She declared that executive, in the presence of minister to secure his ac- THE JEWISH BOOK FAIR. "the tasks ahead of us are the members of the study ceptance. Sharrett resigned the port- vital to the Jewish people as group. The exhibit shows Is- ever. Their fulfillment is un- rael's achievements in land folio in a policy disagreement thinkable without the continued reclamation, development of with Ben-Gurion after the Sinai devotion and cooperation of natural resources, agriculture, campaign of 1956. The premier American Jewry." industry, housing, settlement, was reported eager to have him FREE DELIVERY IN DETROIT AND SUBURBS back in the cabinet in any post Earlier, the mission studied education and culture. 18294 Wyoming UN 3-0543 - UN 3-1557 agricultural developments and Three UJA leaders, who head except the foreign ministry left CLOSED SATURDAY — OPEN SUNDAYS 9 TO inspected new settlements in the Mission—Morris W. Berin- vacant by the decision of Mrs. the Lachish area. The delega- stein, general chairman, Rabbi Golda 1Vleir to step down. tion was told by Dr. Raanan Herbert A. Friedman, execu- Weitz, head of the Jewish tive vice chairman, and Edward Agency agricultural and settle- M. M. Warburg, honorary chair- ment department, that only 60 man—will report for the Mis- out of 482 immigrant farm sion, on its findings, at the settlements were self-support- 22nd national UJA conference, in New York, Dec. 11-13. - Avraham Harm an, Israel's Ambassador to the United States. and Leon Uris, author of "Exodus," will address the conference. An attraction at the confer- ence will be the performance of 14-year-old Itzhak Perlman, Ai Israel's youthful violin virtuoso. Stricken with polio in 1949, when he was three, young Perl- man.has been playing the violin since the age of six. He gave highest earnings his first radio recital at 10% and was accepted as a student on every dollar in your American Savings account. at the Tel Aviv Academy of Music at 11. He has won three prizes in greater convenience Israel musical competitions, and has been acclaimed for his skill 7 conveniently located offices . . . all with fast, electronic savings service. by Yehudi Menuhin, Zino Fran- cescati, Leonard Bernstein, Paul Kletzki, and Isler Salomon. He guaranteed safety has appeared on the Ed Sulli- • . all savings insured to $10,000 by a Erich Koch, Nazi gauleiter van show in 1958 and 1959. United States Gov't. agency. who was responsible for the slaying of 376,000 Jews and `World of Jewish Books' Poles, was doomed to death funds available Broadcast Sunday. Night by hanging when the Polish immediately "World of Jewish Books," a Current Rate Supreme Court in Warsaw • no notice of withdrawal has ever been upheld a lower court ruling special broadcast marking Jew- required. On ANY Amount ish Book Month, will be pre- that he was guilty of crimes sented on "Pages From the against humanity. Jewish Heritage," the weekly series of broadcasts by the cul- IF YOU TURN THE ture commission of the Jewish r •011 (1 Community Council, over Sta- 1,79 tion WCAR, Sunday, 11:30 to 12 UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T midnight, announces Dr. Leo- FIND A FINER WINE THAN nard Sidlow, culture commis- sion chairman. DEXTER at CORTLAND • LIVERNOIS at W. 7 MILE • W. 9 MILE near COOLIDGE Participating are Charles E. Main Office: Woodward at Congress • 3 Other Feinberg, Prof. Samuel A. Gol- den, of Wayne Sta teilini- Milan Wineries, Detroit. Mich l_ - GEORGE OHRENSTEIN ONLY AT SPITZER'S Inimioration Continues Steady, Mrs. Meir Tells WA Israel Mission $3.95 $2.95 4.00 5.75 4.75 4.00 3.00 3.75 2.75 3.50 2.50 5.00 4.00 3.95 2.95 SPITZER'S HEI : E TWTO E: Koch to Die by Hanging finitely for your Money when you save he American Way" • _ li --- -