MONTREAL, (JTA) — "The success of inter-ethnic relations is the majestic theme of Cana- dian history," and those rela- tions must be reaffirmed both through education and through law, Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker declared at a din- ner which was part of the Cana- dian Jewish Congress celebra- tion of the National Bicentenary of Canadian Jewry. Every ministry of the Cana- dian government was represent- ed at the gala event at which Samuel B r o n f ma n, national president of the Canadian Jew- ish Congress, declared that the 200,000 Jews in Canada pledge anew their "dedication to the ideals of Canadian concord." Prime Minister . Diefenbaker praised the work of Canadian Jews in fighting for freedom in Canada, declaring they have fought for "freedom for them- selves and for other Canadians, in time of war and in time of peace." "The 200th anniversary of Jewish settlement in Canada,' said the Prime Minister, "is an event which belongs not to one minority, but to the Canadian people as a whole." The shrine recently dedi- cated at Three Rivers, com- memorating the first Jew there, Aaron Hart, is a "na- tional shrine ; to Canadian freedom," Diefenbaker as- serted. Touching upon his attitude toward Israel. Diefenbaker told the audience "I have visited Palestine, and have sat at a seder in Jerusalem. I am wit- ness to the message of freedom some 3,000 years old. I see in the State of Israel the embodi- ment. of that search for freedom which the Jewish people have promised during their entire history. "I had the privilege of pre- senting to the Law Faculty of the Hebrew University in Jerus- alem the chair of the founder of our nation, Sir John A. Mac- Donald. This is a token of our appreciation of the contribution of Canadian Jewry to the devel- opment of democracy and to democratic freedom in Canada." Avraham Harman, Israel Am- bassador to the United States, addressing the Bicentenary con- vention of the Canadian Jewish Congress, said: "While discharg- ing the full obligations of American or Canadian citizen- ship, the Jews on this continent Rugs & Carpets PERFECTLY CLEANED . don't settle for less than Leader Quality! Loose rugs cleaned on both sides in our mod- ern plant. Famous Bigelow Karpet Kare makes your wall - to- w a 11 carpeting stay cleaner, brighter long- er. Also, Leader - Dri method for wall-to- w a 11. Workmanship guaranteed— Economical prices. Pr The LEADER FAMILY also discharge their obligation to their own local communities and to the scattered Jewish peo- ple everywhere. They sought and obtained freedom for their brethren in other countries and used their own freedom to help the Jewish people right the wrong of 2,009 years." Dr. Israel Goldstein, address Mg the convention, reported his impressions on the Jewish moods in the countries of Asia and Africa which he visited this year. The Canadian Jewish Con- gress concluded its conven- tion with the adoption of a resolution opposing the intro- duction of religious education in Canadian public schools. SaMuel Bronfman was re- elected national president of the organization. The CJC resolution against religion in the public school system deplored the fact that religious education has been in- troduced into the curriculum of public schools in certain provinces. This practice is prej- udicial and violates democratic tradition of separation of church and state, the resolution stress- ed. The convention also adopted a resolution reaffirming the de- votion of Canadian Jewry to Is- rael and calling upon every Jew in Canada to continue to aid Is- rael in every possible way. A report showing that anti- Semitism has decreased in the Province of Quebec and else- where in Canada.waS submitted to the plenary session of the Canadian Jewish Congress by Fred Catzman, of the joint pub- lic relations committee of the Congress and Bnai Brith. Even the "lunatic fringe" publica- tions, Mr. Catzman reported, "do not dwell much on Jews." He asserted that "the militant actions" of Canadian groups are destroying "the vestiges of anti- Semitism." Large Detroit Group to Attend CJFWF San Francisco Parley Four Detroit Jewish com- munal leaders will play major roles at the 28th general as- sembly of the Council of Jew- ish Federations and Welfare Funds, at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 12 to 15. Mrs. Charles Lakoff will be a discussant at a general work- shop session on the respon- sibilities of the Jewish agencies in the AmeriCan community. Mrs. Hyman C. Broder will be a speaker at a large city workshop-clinic on women 's fund raising. Isidore Sobeloff will be the speaker at a workshop on pre- campaign budgeting with the United Jewish Appeal. Morris Garvett will be chair- man of a workshop on federa- tion-synagogue relationships. Other Detroit Jewish com- munal leaders who will attend the assembly are: William Avrtinin, Mrs. Celia Broder, Mrs. Abraham Cooper, William Friedman, Albert Elazar, Isa- dore Goldstein, Mrs. J. Shurly Horwitz, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lakoff, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Levin, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin S. Simon, Mrs. Isidore Sobeloff, Mr. and Mrs. Ira I. Sonnen- blick and Mrs. Henry Wineman. Jewish Agency 'Establishes takes a PERSONAL INTEREST Office in West Coast Area TOUR CARPET CLEANING TY. 5-0400 I NEW YORK, (JTA)—In re- sponse to increasing requests for its educational and guidance services in the West Coast area, the Jewish Agency has assigned Gershon Asculai as its West Coast representative. Asculai, formerly director of the Agen- cy's Youth Department in New York, will establish an office in Los Angeles. Lourie Slated as Israel's Envoy to Great Britain `English-Jewish Press' Topic of Next Talk at Center's Luncheon Club Next Wednesday Philip Slomovitz, editor of The Jewish News, will speak on "The English-Jewish Press in America," at the Jewish Com- munity Center Jewish Affairs Luncheon Club at noon next Wednesday, at the Center, 18100 Meyers, announces Sidney J. Winer, Luncheon . Club chair- man. The Jewish Affairs Luncheon Club provides an informal at- mosphere.for luncheon and dis- cussion of issues that have current significance in the Jew- ish community. The initial meeting was held in conjunction with the Jew- ish Welfare Federation's De- troit Service Group Luncheon Club, and featured a panel dis- cussion presented by members of the Detroit Service Group 1959 Mission to Israel and films and slides taken in Israel. Max M. Shaye, Milford R. Preger- son, Mission co-chairmen, and Samuel Frankel, Center presi- dent and a Mission member, were discussion leaders. Jack 0. Lefton, DSG president, chaired the meeting. Gerald F. Dewhirst, v i c e- president of the National Bank of Detroit, will speak at the Nov. 18 Jewish Affairs Lunch- eon" Club meeting. Label Katz, international president of Bnai Brith, will address the group on Nov. 25. RESERVE NOW FOR TOURS TO MEXICO ARTHUR LOURIE JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Ar- thur Lourie, Israel's Ambassa- dor to Canada, was reported to be slated to become ambassador to Britain, succeeding Eliahu Elath, who has returned to Is- rael to take up his new duties as political advisor to the Min- istry of Foreign Affairs. An official announcement is expected soon of the appoint- ment of Michael Comay, now Deputy Director General of the Israel Foreign Ministry, as per- manent United Nations Dele- gate. Comay will succeed Abba Eban who won a seat in the Knesset. Dr. Avraham' Biran, head of the Foreign Ministry's Armi- stice Division, reportedly was under consideration to become ambassador to Canada. Beginning Saturday, January 2nd, and Every Saturday Through the Winter Season! SPECIAL TOUR FOR THE XMAS & NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS LEAVING DETROIT DECEMBER 18th For Information Call UN 4-4464 or Visit Elkin Hotel and Travel Bureau 19437 LIVERNOIS at OUTER DRIVE a NEW LOW PRICE POLICY! Israel Peace Bid Rejected Again (Continued from Page 1) the USSR was willing to ac- cept even the co-sponsorship of NationaliSt China, which Mos; cow does not recognize. 0 A neutral source here, com- menting on that behind-the- scenes fracas, declared: "This only shows that, when the Big Powers stand firm, the usual Arab stubbornness collapses. Everybody is tired of Arab re- fusal to recognize the fact of Israel's existence, and more firmness should be shown against the Arab attitude here. The Arab delegations did not CI dare to keep their names off the resolution's co-sponsorship list, when it came to a show- 0 down." Lourie's mention of the pos- sibility of a regional disarma- ment agreement in the Middle East was a reminder to the As- sembly that such a plan had been offered by Israel here in the past. It has already been made clear by the British, how- ever, that no such regional pact will be sought at present. Lourie's disarmament and 0 peace plans were spurned by the Saudi Arabian delegate, Ahmad Shukairy, who said "no regional disarmament plan can be put into effect in relation to the Middle East except when Israelis are driven out of the area." He said "Israel and dis- armament in the Middle East are incompatible and there is no room for both." a Classified ads bring fast results! IF YOU TURN THE •17•1:3• (1 I UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. O CT a Nty Coupon Necessary SUITS COATS O PLAIN DRESSES CI PLAIN ROBES NO LIMIT Cleaned & Pressed Guaranteed • Insured BUSINESS SHIRTS For 99c Deluxe Finish • Cellophane Wrapped DRAPES BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED; LEATHERS AND SUEDES EXPERTLY CLEANED AT LOWEST PRICES. FREE PARKING ALLSTATE DISCOUNT CLEANERS El 10300 W. McNichols cor. Griggs, UN 2-4196 12803 W. 7 Mile cor. Appoline, UN 4-4150 18287 Livernios UN 4-6363 (Between Curtis and Pickford) a CI 0 9-THE DETROIT JEWISH NE WS—Friday, November 6, 1 959 Diefenbaker, Harman Acclaim Canadian Jewry on Bicentenary