SNP Danny Raskin's News Brevities LISTENING Israel to Admit 200 Beduins from Jordan as a 'Gesture of .Good Will' JERUSALEM, (JTA) —Israel that the Beduins from Jordan 'Eighty new congregations will BAYANIHAN, Philippine notified the Israel-Jordan Mixed will be admitted only if Jordan be inducted into membership in Dance Company of 50, will Armistice Commission that it is drops its charge that Israel had the United Synagogue of Amer- give a single performance at prepared- to - admit about 200 forced these people across the ica at its forth-: the Masonic Temple at 8:20 Beduins from Jordan as "a ges .- border. Israel rejects the Jor- coming bienni- p.m., Thursday, Nov. 19. Pro- ture. of good will," although it danian claim that tiv:se Bedou : al convention duced by the Bayanihan Folk has MA been proved that these ins had been eith:T forced to The annonnce- Arts Center of Manila, the Beduin Arabs lived. in Israel evacuate Isra31 or had been: nient was made company scored an enormous prior to the claim Made -by the "encouraged" to do so. by Bernath L. success at the Brussels World'S Jordanian government; A similar request for admis- Jacobs, nation- 0011-'5; Fair and has since toured However, Israel made it clear sion, made through the United al president of throughout the world. Ancient Nations Truce Supervision Or- the Unite& and primitive musical instru- ganization by the United Arab Syn a•g o gue ments accompany the dances JWV Out for Blood Republic, involving about 200 the fastest and all costumes and jewelry THE BIG HEART of our in Drive on Monday. growing syna- other Beduins, has been re- are authentic. Jewish community is again ex- gogue organi- A blood drive is being jected by Israel. Israel has noti- emplified by the wonderful co- zation in the fied the UN Secretariat that it A full scale membership meet- operation and extended interest planned by the Department of United States wil not permit the entry of Michigan Jewish War Veterans ing of the newly f o r m e d in behalf of a needy family we and Canada. Jacobs DIRECT MAIL CLUB will be wrote about a few weeks ago and its Ladies Auxiliary from these Arabs from the South, The convention will be held at held Nov. 17 at the Fort Shelby . . . It had all come about when, 6 to 12 p.m., Monday, at the unless they prove satisfactorily the Concord Hotel, Kiamesha, Hotel, the club's temporary on the first morning of Rosh Memorial Home, 4095 W. Davi- that they lived here prior to N. Y., Nov. 15 - 19. their alleged "evacuation." president, JERRY SKLAR, an- Hashanah, a boy of 15, wearing son. * * * nounced. Irving Cane, department com- blue jeans and a T-shirt, rode Ginger Rogers returns to the * * * his one-pedal bike all the way mander, and Mrs. John Nemon, musical stage as the Star of SHERMAN FAMILY CLUB from the Herman Gardens proj- auxiliary president, announce the new Leslie Stevens-Vernon Duke musical will meet at 8:30 p.m., Satur- ect at Southfield and Joy Rd. that blood donors will be elig- comedy, "The day, in the home of Mr. and to the Beth Aaron Synagogue ible for many prizes to be Pink Jungle," Mrs. Sam Center, 2138 Victoria, on Wyoming and Curtis . . . His awarded. Refreshments will be which Paul Windsor. A social hour will fol- mother and father are both served. deaf mutes, and the dad was Blood bank chairmen, Mel GregorY a n d low the business meeting. * * * out of a job . . . The youngster Mogill and Mrs. Ida Shein, urge S. Krell- Mrs. CEIL FEILER, 23445 was given a seat, a talis, and members to bring their friends berg present at the Shubert Marlow Avenue, Oak Park, has yarmalke . . ..A- group at the and relatives. Detroit Thea- been appointed as new head synagogue made it somewhat of ter here start: of the Detroit sales office of a personal project to see that MUSIC! ENTERTAINMENT! ing next the Hollywood Beach Hotel and he was properly clothed for the iThurs d a y Country Club, Hollywood, Fla. holidays and that the family. Sammy Woolf also consisting of two other * * * Ginger Rogers through N o v. And His Orchestra young boys, ages 4 and 12, re- 28. The show plays bere prior THEATRE The Wayne State University ceived food . . . So far, thanks UN 4-3174 UN 3-8982 to a Broadway opening- in Janu- Atirt-CONDITICNED Theater's production of Oscar UN 3-6501 to the fine people at Beth ary. Wild e's "THE IMPORTANCE Aaron, and special concern by * * * • - Xxim victla'a• Trans "The Challenge to Freedom" OF BEING EARNEST" opens many of our readers, the fam- is the theme of "American Nov. 13, 8:30 p.m., with addi- ily's immediate needs have performances Nov. 14, been taken. care of . . . One of Jewish Congress Month," which tional 19, 20 an -1 21. She cast includes the members has found tempo- will be launch- Martin S'• - ':er and Rosalyn rary employment for the father ed by Sen. Goodman. until something more permanent Stuart S y m- * * * comes up . . . They are now ingt on (D., CUSTOM INSTALLATION SHIMON BEN ELIEZER, of trying hard to help get him a MO.) at a Israel, assistant to, the treasurer hearing. aid . . . The list of brunch in New of the Jewish Agency, is the persons who have written or York's RoOse- first recipient of the Henry called wishing to help is quite v elt Hotel Wineman International Fellow- big . . . but certainly no bigger 30 Years of Electronics Sunday. Some ships. He will arrive in the than their hearts! 500 AJCon- Let us show you our latest designs in U. S. from Israel in December gress units 9TH ANNUAL Cabaret Nite for. a . four-month period of by Men's Club of Beth Aaron cabinetry and sound arrangements. across the na-- study of American fund-raising Synagogue will be a catered - Lion will join Symington We Maintain a Competent AUDIO STAFF in a series of "American Jewish techniques, budgeting and social affair at the synagogue, 18000 Congress Month" events during planning. The Wineman Fellow- Wyoming . . . Nov. 15. Estimates and Designs at No Obligation November. Part of the celebra- ships were established by Mrs. - EACH YEAR, Bnai Brith tion will include. a -membership Henry Wineman in memory of Women in the Detroit Metro- H. & S. HI-FI SHOP, 8556 W. 9 Mile, Oak Park her husband who was one of politan area, headed by Char- drive. * * * Lincoln 8-2710 the founders of the Council of lotte Edelheit, women's council BAGLEY SCHOOL PTA will Jewish Federations and Welfare president, just about knock DaVe Hoptman — Audio Consultant sponsor a bake sale at an open Funds. themselves out trying to bring * * * house planned by Bagley School the best possible show they can teachers and staff at 7:30 p.m., DR. S. NEIL JACOBS was arrange of their annual big star- Monday. The program is in elected a member of the board studded revue . . . And this keeping with the theme of of the Michigan Chiropody As- time, the gals have come up American Education Week. The sociation at the annual meeting with just about the greatest bake sale is the PTA's only last week - end. Dr. W. W. talent in the country! . . . Head- 15301 E. Jelterson at Beaconsfield fund-raising project of the year. DeHart of Flint was elected lining the usual sell-out shindig VA 2 4118 * * * (over 5,000 seats) at the Fox president. Luncheons 11 to 3 — Dinners 5100 to 10:30. Suppers 10:30 to 2 a.m. Theater, Nov. 10, will be top * * _* MARION MILLER, whose nitery and TV comic Joey story "My Dark Days as a 3020 GRAND RIVER. Free Parking. TE 3-0700. Pri- Mrs. ABRAHAM A. RIBI- Bishop, who, while talking to vate Banquet Rooms for wedding parties. Serving Counterspy" appears in the cur: COFF, wife of the Governor the World's Finest Steaks, Chops and Sea Foods fox rent edition of Reader's Digest, of Connecticut, and ALTHEA Ida Stein,. BB Women's Coun- more than 26 years. All Beef aged in our cellars. cil program chairman, told her spent her childhood in Detroit. SILVERMAN, author, will re- he played in more night-clubs She is the daughter of Mrs. ceive the Mathilde Schechter than a headwaiter! . . . Joey ROBIN HOOD'S serving the finest and most delicious of foods; Steaks, Harry Freed, formerly of De- trOit and now of Los Angeles, Award for being "notable wom- spent four years with the army Chops, Chicken Club Sandwiches. Short Orders. Delicious Hamburger". Calif., and the late Mr. Freed. en in the religiouS and' civic stationed at a prisoner of war "Served as you like it." life of Connecticut," at a camp where he got a great kick * * * 20176 LIVERNOIS AVE., 11/2 blks. S. 8 Mile Rd. Open 24 Hours luncheon of the National Wom- out of shouting orders in Jew- At the tender age of five, en's League of the United Syn- CHOICE LIQUORS CLARA WARD, who will ap- agogue of America at the ish at the German soldiers .. . MARIA'S PIZZERIA BANQUET FACILITIES pear with the Ward Singers Statler-Hilton Hotel in Hart- Also on the show will be the Specializing in Pizza Pie and Famous Italian Foods wonderful Four Lads and Bas at the Scottish. Rite Audito- ford on Monday. Parking Facilities . . . Carry-Out Service Sheva, daughter of a cantor, rium of Masonic Temple at * * * • 7101 PURITAN—Open Ti a.m. to 3 a.m.—UN 1-3929 and today considered among the 8:20 p.m., Nov. 20, charmed . BENJAMIN LEVINSON, foremost international singers the congregation of Philadei- of our time . . . Sylvia Dreyling- CLAM SHOP and BAR phia's Ebenezer Baptist Church president of the Franklin Mort- TR 2-8800 er, overall fund raising chair- with the sacred songs . her gage Corporation, has signed man, can be rightly proud of Serving! Oysters, Clams, LOBSTERS, Steaks and Assorted Sea Food" mother, a choir leader, taught a lease with the First Na- the women in the 27 chapters, Music by Muzak • 2675 E. GRAND BLVD. her. Mrs. Gertrude Ward, rec- tional Building Corporation who have conducted an intense Prime Beef at its Very Best! Pies baked on prem. for larger quarters. The new ognizing the innate talent of ises. Special Luncheons and Dinners. Menus changed campaign to raise funds for the daily. Open 11 a.m.-8 p.m. her young daughter, made sure offices of the Franklin Mort- philanthropies, locally and na- Clara received a complete mu- gage Corporation will be lo- tionally, that Bnai Brith helps BEEF BUFFET 19371 W. 8 Mile, 1 Blk. E. of Evergreen sical education, beginning with cated at 915 First National to support . . . Their goal of Building. piano lessons at the age of $100,000 is nearing reality . . * * 11. DUBBS BEEF BUFFET eight. Tickets to the show can be • PRIME BEEF • SHRIMP • LOBSTER * * * Producer JOE- PASTERNAK gotten by calling Esther Cutler, • DELMONICO STEAK • CHICKEN SAMUEL G. ENGEL, 20th will take time out- from Metro- UN 2-8379 or Diane Blauer, 13300 W. 7 MILE car. LITTLEFIELD OPEN DAILY 11 • 8:30 P.K.; SAT. & SUN. to 9 P.M. Century-Fox motion picture pro- Goldwyn Mayer, to accept an VE 8-7283. ducer and president of Bran- award by the American-Hungar- The Cundari reach the finest JOIN THE PARADE in the cuisine in a continental back- deis Institute, announces the ian community of Cleveland Fall Blood Drive by Perfection ground with a choice of Amer- appointment of HARVEY L. (with the largest Hungarian Lodge, F. & A. M. 486, at Ma- ican and European specialties. EDWARDS, former public rela- population in the world outside sonic Temple, Nov. 11 . . . 4 to Luncheon 11 a..m-3 p.m.; Din- tions aide to Oscar Hammer- of Budapest), naming him the 10 p.m. . . . It's Armistice Day, ners 6-10 p.m. After-Theatre Snacks 'till 4 a.m. stein, II, as Administrator of year's outstanding American and a great way to say, "They 20021' W.McNicnols car. Evergreen — For Reservations — KE 3-2766 w of Hungarian deqepnt onvo_cl roan VtJPI • When all conventions explode m the most daring love story ever filmed! . . The I gVE R.S _ SPORN'S • HI-FI • STEREO WHERE TO DINE AL GREEN'S - CARL'S IIERC'S •