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November 06, 1959 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-11-06

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THE DETR OIT JEWISH NEWS— Friday, November 6, 1959 - 1 8


Fashion Show Slated Reunion of Families
Discussed by Mrs. Meir
by Beth Shalom Group with Romanian Minister

The Suburban Community

Livonia Congregation Comes
of Age as Community Grows

By the Oak-Woodser
Such is the generation of
modern American Jews that
wherever they travel for per-
manent residence, one • of the
first requisites is a synagogue
for worship and a school where
they may educate their young.
In Livonia, more than in any
other Detroit area community,
is this most obvious today, al-
though a few years ago Oak
Park was the hub of such
Now, Oak Park, which has
recorded the greatest growth
of any Detroit suburb since
1950, has seven functioning
congregations, and an eighth is
planning to enter the area.
It was only six years ago,
however, when that city had
but one synagogue. As the pop-
ulation increased, so did the
number of synagogues, re-
ligious schools and Hebrew
We imagine that Livonia,
too, will one day be dotted
with congregations, as Jewish
families continue to move into
the area.
Although there is no ac-
curate count of the Jewish.
population, educated guesses
have placed it at nearly 1,500
people. Of these, about a
fourth are represented in the
recently . organized Livonia
Jewish Congregation.
Begun a year ago Rosh Ha-
shanah, the congregation had
been meeting in private homes
and schools until early this
year when_ a site was purT
chased for a future building.
Meanwhile, .until the day
when their numbers are suf-
ficient to erect the type of
sanctuary and social hall they
feel will be adequate, congre-
gants meet for sabbath serv-
ices each Friday night in an
old home which came with the
property, at 32070 W. 7 Mile
Rd., between Middlebelt and
Farmington Rds.
This building serves not only
as a temporary synagogue but
as headquarters for the United
Hebrew Schools, with which
the congregation has made ar-
rangements for classes on Mon-
day, Tuesday and Thursday.
Approximately 42 children
attend Hebrew classes in the
building. However, its facili-
ties are too small to accom-
modate the religious school,
which meets Sunday, at the
Pierson School, also on W.
7 Mile. These classes are at-
tended by 65 youngsters.
Last Rosh Hashanah, because

of the limited space in its
present building, members
worshipped in a converted
stable at Botsford Inn.
But members look forward
to the day, which they expect
will be soon, when they will
be able to erect their own
facilities on the property they
own on W. 7 Mile.
And the people of the sur-
rounding areas—from Garden
City, Nankin Township, Red-
ford and Farmington — also
hope that day is soon, since
many have become members
of the new and growing Livo-
nia congregation.

Bnai David to Open
Adult Series, Nov. 16

A winter series of 10 week-
ly classes in adult education
will begin at Cong. Bnai David,
24350 Southfield, on Nov. 16,
continuing each Monday through
Jan. 18.
Among the classes to be of-
fered are basic Hebrew read-
ing, siddur practice and prayer
interpretation, Bible study and
a lecture series on laws, customs
and philosophy of Judaism.
Joining Rabbi Hayim Donin,
spiritual leader, on the teach-
ing faculty are Rabbi Charles
Rosenzweig, Cantor Hyman J.
Adler and Mrs. David Spinner.
Emil Spillman is chairman of
the adult education committee,
assisted by Mrs. LeRoy Alter,
Charles Cowan, Mrs. Joe Emery,
Mrs. Stanley Guyer, Mrs. Morey
Levine, Philip Margolis, Bern-
ard Nathanson, Mrs. Milton
Ribiat and Ben Solomon.
For registration and informa-
tion, call EL 6-8210.

Bnai Moshe Couples
to View Israel Films

A "Visual Journey Through
Europe and Israel" with Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Weisz will be
the feature of a meeting of
the Bnai Moshe Married Cou-
ples Club at 8:30 p.m., Nov.
16, in the synagogue, in Oak
Weisz, a Detroit delegate to
the Bnai Brith world confer-
ence in Jerusalem earlier this
year, will show and comment on
slides and motion pictures
taken by him and his wife.
Hosts for the evening will
be Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Sharkey and Mr. and Mrs. Eliot
Raskin. The public is invited.
Raskin, who is president of
the club, announces that all
meetings are held on the third
Monday of each month in the
synagogue social hall. Interest-
ed couples should call Mrs. Jack
Blauer, secretary, LI 7-1287.

Town-Country Club
Sets Meeting Sunday

The first official, closed meet-
ing of the Town and Country
Club will take place at 2 p.m.,
Sunday, at the site of the near-
completed club, at 30333 South-
Samuel W. Leib, president,
announced that the club roster
of 600 families is only 30 short
of completion. He added that
initiation fees wil be hiked after
Nov. 19.
Some 2,000 members of the
community attended last Sun-
day's semi-completion open
house. Escorted tours were con-
ducted by members. It was
stated by Nate Golden, Sam
Hechtman and Jack Sylvan,
members of the building com-
mittee, that the club will be
ready for occupancy by Dec. 31.

Mishkan Israel Announces
Sunday School Openings

Bnai Moshe Sisterhood There are still openings in
Mishkan Israel Synagogue's Sun-
Plans Quiz Panel

An opportunity to stump a
panel and win a prize will be
given to the •Bnai Moshe Sister-
hood when it meets at 12:30
p.m., Monday, at the synagogue.
-Mrs. Herman Roth, program
chairman, announces that "In-
formation, Please" will be the
theme for the day. Panelists
will include Mrs. Moses Lehr-
man, Mrs. Harry Gunsberg, Mrs.
Seymour Fried and Mrs. Ben-
jamin Weiss, moderator.
Members will attempt to trip
the experts on any question
dealing with Sisterhood activ-
ities and purposes. A dessert
luncheon will be served, an-.
nounces Mrs. Weiss, chairman
of the day.

day school in pre-kindergarten,
kindergarten, first grade and in-
troductory Hebrew classes. Reg-
istration will be held during
the school's next session. For
further information call Mrs.
Sandles, LI 7-1569, or Mrs.
Greenwald, LI 7-1833.

Men's and Ladies'

Alterations a Specialty!

Come In and See Our
Fine Selection of Brand
Name Overcoats, Top-
coats, Suits, Sports
Coats and Slacks


Perfect Individual Fitting



22155 Coolidge

Free Pickup and Delivery


Synagogue Slates Carnival

A carnival featuring food,
games and prizes will be held
by Young Israel Center of Oak-
Woods from 12 noon to 7 p.m., _
Sunday, in the synagogue, un-
der the chairmanship of Mrs.
Sonia Ribiat.

aucteeaz crind -,e'fitt*Iteviraent

Olt az EARTH

Fun for the whole family on an attractive family plan

Step right up, and feast your eyes
on these gigantic, fun-packed attractions...
Thanksgiving Week-end at The CONCORD!


the sensational sword-

swallower, the fearless fire-eater
and other death-defying acts on
the exciting midway! Yes, there'll
be a genuine Country Fair right
on the Concord grounds. Try your
luck at roulette ... at the pitch-
and-toss games! Trained coun-
sellors and governesses will keep
the kiddies happy all day long,

SEE and be

part of the
Concord's gala Thanksgiving Eve
Masquerade Ball! Costume dress
optional but respectfully re.
quested. There'll be valuable
prizes, so plan your costume now
and let your imagination run wild I
Entertainment too by top stars
music by two great orchestras in

the spacious Cordillion Room.


with Buster Crabbe

and see the fabulous Aquacade with
breathtaking aquatic feats and stunts!
The Olympic swimming champ, and
a host of lovely mermaids, will per.
form in the Concord's famous Indoor

Tropical Pool,


You'll see an exhibi-
tion of ice wizardry. You'll skate on

the Concord's tremendous NEW Ice-
Rink—due to open Thanksgiving!
It's an architectural triumph that
.you'll have to see to believe!


the sun shines
bright at the .. .

Another CONCORD Exclusive!


Now! Pre-Season
Rates to Dec. 20th!


'-',America's number I Singe,"

(Variety,_Sept. 30, 1959)
Is starred on our great stage tot
Thanksgiving. He'll sing his best
selling records for you in persot,

Oak Park Miztachi Plans
Rumor Clinic for Monday

A rumor clinic will be con-
ducted by Mrs. Kalman Bruss
at a meeting of the Oak Park
Chapter, Mizrachi Women, at
8:30 p.m., Monday, in the home
of Mrs. Sam Ginsburg, 22101
Gardner, Oak Park.
Co-hostess will be Mrs. George
Weisman. For information, call
Mrs. David Weiner, WE. 4-9859;
or Mrs. Norman Siegal, EL.

Questions re-
lating to reunion of families
were among the topics dis-
cussed at meeting here between
Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign
Minister, and Petru Manu, the
Romanian Minister, it was dis-
closed Tuesday. Manu called
at the Foreign Ministry for
what was officially described as
consideration of "routine prob-
lems and relations between the
two countries."

The CONCORD HOTEL presents
The Greatest, Most Stupendous

A board meeting of the Mish-
kan Israel Sisterhood will be
held at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, in
the synagogue.

to Hebrew School Classes

Recent additions to the staff
of the Hebrew school of Young
Israel Center of Oak-Woods are
Rabbi Moshe Zakon, of the Yesh-
ivath Chaehmey Lublin, Jerry
Godfrey and Seymour Kaplan.
An unprecedented registra-
tion has led to the additions, as
well as to double sessions at
the Oak Park Junior High
School. Classes meet at 3:45
and 5:45 p.m., weekdays, and at
9 and 10:30 a.m., Sundays.


Sisterhood Board to Meet

Add Three Instructors

Any Suit to the New
Continental Model!

The Sisterhood of Cong. Beth
Shalom will hold a membership
tea at 9:15 p.m., Wednesday,
at the synagogue, 14601 W. Lin-
coln, Oak Park.
Latest fashions, produced in
this country and imported from
abroad, will be modeled by
members, and there will be a
display of foreign ears.
SiSterhood models =will be
Mesdames Joel Hamburger,
Stewart Kepes, Richard Liss,
Marvin Lubin, Donald Sachs,
and Phillip Sternfeld. Male
models are Ira Albion, Marvin
Liberson, Harry Shulman and
George Tarnoff.
A social hour will follow the
program. For information on
membership, call Mrs. Martin
Kopel, LI 5-9038.


Season starts
Nov. 15th!

Take leave and take off for
Tucson and the Sahara! Enjoy
warm days and cool evenings,
dancing, riding and golf and
other activities . . . Or just re-
lax in the sun. Superb Kosher
cuisine. Write for folder, rates:

Meyer Cohen,
Managing Director



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