111111111.1 ∎ 11.1MII ■ 11.01MM1,1111111 ∎ 1111110411111•11.0411•.0!.11111111141 Political Leaders Say a Jew Could B e Elected President _ Boris Smolar's Between You and Me' ... (Copyright, 1959 _Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Arab delegates at, the United -Nations:are jittery these days .. . The problem of the Arab refugees is coming up for dis- eusSian at the UN Generals Assembly and- the Arab delegates have good grounds to fear that the outcome will not be in their favor . They will of course, reiterate - the old arguments that the Palestine refugees should be. permitted to return - to Israel . . . But these arguments are losing ground . . ; This year the Arab delegations are faced with a report by UN Secretary General - Dag Hammarskjold recommending the absorption of the Arab refugees into constructive -developments in the area . . It means that the Arab refugee -camps should gradually- be liquidated and the refugees there should . be trainedior work useful in- the Arab countries -. . This recommendation has the backing of the United States Government, which contributes the largest share of the Millions of dollars spent by _the UN to maintain the - Arab refugee camps . -. And the Arab delegates know that the U.S. may drastically reduce its financial support for these camps, unless something is done to integrate the refugees in the Arab countries as useful elements . . The recommendation to start integration of the refugees was made by Hammarskjold not - without prior consultation with the gov- ernments of the United Arab- Republic and of Jordan . . More than 85 percent of the Arab refugees live in these two countries and their delegates are now busy sounding out the exact position of the United States on the issue . . . Thin, despite the fact that they know in advance that the ,Hammarskjold recommendation to integrate ;he refugees reflects the U.S. stand . . . What they fear most is, that if the Hammarskjold report is approved at the present session of the UN Assembly—which is likely—then basic steps would follow to implement this recommendation , , Egypt Reported Concentrating Troops on Israel's Southern Border LONDON, (JTA)-Field Mar, shal Hakim, of the United Arab Republic, has announced in a radio broadcast from . "some- where on the Southern border," that Egypt is concentrating troops on the Israel border,- ac- cording to press reports re- oeived here. Reports that the UAR is mass- ing troops .obi -the borders - be- tween Syria and Iraq were defiled by Cairo.- But •.:;field Marshal Hakim broadcast ',an order to iris troops to concen- trate along the Israeli border "as a precautionary . measure." - "No force can stand up against us," the UAR military commander stated in his broad- cast, "even if it is an Israel force." At the same time it was learned that the Arab Republic has asked Britain for a supply of ammunition for - British 18- pounder guns which are still in use in the Egyptian Army. It was indicated here that the request would be granted, "be- cause the quantity . is small and will have no significant effect on the balance of armaments in the Middle East." A Jew could be elected Presi- • could be nominated and elected are Jews. Eight of them are dent of the United States in President by either of the two potential nominees for the this generation, 31 eminent major political parties, we Presidency in 1960. Three of the leaders of the Republican and would -be grateful for your opin- respondents_ raised some ques- Democratic parties believe. ion on whether you believe that tion as to the -accuracy of the Their views are expressed in in our generation a Jew -could Digest's premise that the -voters replies to a symposium in the also be nominated and elected are agreed that a Catholic could November issue of The Jewish to the highest office in the win the Presidency.• • Digest, monthly pocket-size land." • F Fifty-eight per cent of those journal published in Houston, who replied, out of 47 who were Tex. LEATHER H COATS President Eisenhower, Vice queried, said they definitely be- SHORTENED — lieved a Jew could be elected I President Nixon, Adlai E. • CLEANED Stevenson, Alfred M. Landon, President in this generation. other or 42 another, per cent that said, in most of the leading 1960 Presi- The one way they REPAIRED •• . dential contenders, prominent hoped before too long the elec- REFINISHED EFINISHED P. R of the Senate . and AU., WORK bLIARANTEED House, key governors, and the torate would do away with the chairmen of the Republican and tacit religious test traditionally REEtITNHIMERS Democratic National Commit- barring all but white PrOtestants from the Presidency and the tees are among those who an- Vice Presidency. 9249 E. JEFFERSON swered the Digest question:, VA 2-1055 Of those who replied to the "LOWER PRICES NOW" "Now that most Americans inqUirk, _20 a r e Protestants, seem agreed that a Catholic seven are Catholics and four D & C I Calls Israel 'Island of Health' in Mid-East . NEW YORK, (.JTA) — Life expectancy in Israel today is. 71 years for men and 73 for women, Dr. Moshe Prywes, asso- ciate dean of the Hebrew Uni- versity-Hadassah Medical School of Jerusalem reported . at a din- ner sponsored by the American Physicians' Committee, medical arm of the American Friends of the Hebrew University. For the Aab citizens of Israel, life expectancy "is about twice as long as that in the neighbor- ing- countries," he added. Dr. Prywes expressed regret that Israel's achievements in health and medical education cannot be applied in the neigh- boring Arab countries, "which- reject all kinds of cooperation —even in this field." - He voiced satisfaction that "new horizons have recently opened with respect to other new and emerging nations in 'Africa:and South Asia. Israel," he said, • "is doing best to assist the efforts of these coun- tries in the fields of health and medical- education, as in other spheres."- Describing Israel as "an island of health in the Middle East,'! Dr. Prywes stated that "during the last few years we have succeeded in eradicating or in bringing under control all th-e infectious diseases which are endemic in this region." , - - • Remember .. . Bnai Brith Women's Council STAR STUDDED SHOW TUESDAY, NOV. 101h, 8:30 p.m FOX THEATRE Mrs. Phillip Edelkeit, President Mrs. Leon Dreylinger, Overall Chairman FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL: Mrs. Albert Cutler, UN 2-8379 or Mrs. Charles Blauer, VE 8-7283 There's Hidden Treasure In Your Purse Savings - Make Sense C zechs Grant Arms t o Egypt on Credit LONDON, (JTA) Czecho- slovakia has agreed to supply the United Arab Republic with equipment and materials amounting to 50;000,000 pounds sterling, ($140,000,000), it was reported here. A preliminary agreement between the two Countries provides for the grant- ing of long-term credit to the UAR for the purchase 'of the Czech goods. It was also reported here from Amman that the Arab League's "Israel Boycott Office" has proposed the establishment Of an all-Arab company "with immense capital - and special concessions" to compete with Israeli goods in countries out- side the Arab bloc, according to an Amman radio broadcast monitored here today. Panel to Air Israeli - Election Issues, Policies DETROIT BUSINESS_ MEN'S GROUP CITY. OFMOPE 14319 Lkiernois . ,. Detroit 38 _A panel discussion on the policies and characteristics . of 3Srael's political parties will take place at a meeting of the Student Zionist Organiza, tion . at 8 p.m. Nov. 1 in the Mart Room, Student Center at Wayne State University., This discusssion, to clarify campaign issues before the Is- rael elections in November, is open to the public. 'A _Cities- and- answer. period. will follow. Discover the full earning power of your money by opening a Guardian Savings ac- count. Earn a big 31/2% current rate on all pass book savings—save where savings pays extra money for your purse. Current Rate COME IN or SAVE . QY MAIL DIU MHOS Downtown( CADILLAC SQUARE Corner RANDOLPH Northwesti 13646 WEST 7 MILE Corner TRACEY Both offices open 10 a.m. to S p.m., Monday thru Friday Northwest office open Thursday Night till 9 Downtown, Friday till 6