THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S—Friday, October 23, 1959-16 • • Farband's Brehii& Branch Schedules Social Saturday Jacob Glaser, president of Brenner Branch, Farband, an- nounces that the group's first social will be held at 8:30 p.m., Saturday, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Salinger, 18637 Roselawn. Arrangements are being made by Mrs. Glaser and Mesdames Harry Zeltzer and Jack Galinsky. Prospective members are invited. Sinuha Music (enter Congregation Shaarey Shomayim Oak Park Pre-School children ages 21/2-6 Specializing in Rhythm Band - Music App. - Baking - Baton Twirling - Arts and Crafts. $ 1 50 Per Morn.: Class I 9-11:15 $1 75 Per After: Class 12:30-3 Transportation 50c extra Mrs. David Holtzman, Director LI 1-9769 LI 3-4688 • eeeememetimeemes e • SAMEROFIS • • is • • • Home Catering • Doneson to Address Maimonides Luncheon Jules Doneson, of the Jules Doneson Travel Agency, re- cently back from a trip behind the Iron Curtain, will speak on "Russia As I Saw It" at a meet- ing of the Women's Aux- iliary to the Maimonides Medical So- ciety. Mrs. Nathan- iel Sandler, vice-presi- dent in charge of program- ming, will in- tr odu ce the Mrs. Sandler speaker at a luncheon meeting this T u e s d ay afternoon, at Jeri's. The invocation will be delivered by Mrs. Marvin Levy, past president. All wives of Jewish doctors are eligible for membership in the Auxiliary. For information or reservations, call Mrs. Marcus Sugarman, UN 4-6900_ PHOTOS BY Jack Gorback • • • • • Let us help you make your • • party a complete success. • w Delicious Food—Dinnerware • o • Excellent Service • • • Trays To Order • • • • * -0( Weddings Bar Mitzvahs • • • *Quality work Call: DI 1-0072 • :UN 4-6258 UN 3-3570: * UN 3-8532 • 19315 Jas. Couzens • ommessmiteme•so .V******************** BRAVERMAN'S KOSHER MEATS "ONLY THE PRICE IS LOWER" BREAST OF BEEF, Trimmed Lb. 89c Lb. 59` BEEF LIVER 1st CUT LAMB CHOPS . Lb. 95 Lb. 59 PICKLED TONGUE Fresh - Kosher Made 3 Lbs. $159 • GROUND BEEF 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE RD. CORNER OF HARTWELL lb. 55 DI 1-234i National Leader to Address PWO Membership Tea Mrs. Irwin Berman, national regional chairman of the Pio- neer Women, will be in Detroit to keynote the opening of the local PW Council's fall member- ship campaign on Thursday afternoon. According to Mrs. Milton Weiss, vice-president of organ- ization, Airs. Berman will speak on "Good to Build — Good to Live" before new members and sponsors attending a member- bring-a-member tea in the home of Mrs. Her- man Brodsky, 12921 Nadine, Huntington Woods. Mrs. Berman w i 11 outline developments for the school of home eco- nomics being Mrs. Berman planned by Pioneer Women through Moet- zet Hapoalot at Nahlat Yehuda, in Israel. The structure, first of its kind, will be established in part- nership with the Israel govern- ment and WIZO, with American equipment and instructors. Over 100 immigrant women will be taught at the center. Mrs. Robert Wolok, Council membership co-chairman, will preside at the tea, and will in- troduce Wallace J. Newton, an interior designer, who will demonstrate transitional trends in home decorations. He will- present an art object from his collection as a prize. Working with Mrs. Wolok are Mesdames M. Goldbaum and J. Sulkes, co-chairmen, and Mes- dames V. Linden, I. Levin and A. Naggar. Social arrangements have been made by Mesdames J. Taitelman, S. Karbal and H. A. Woolf. For information about mem- bership or the Thursday tea, call Mrs. Wolok, at BR 3-6595. Beth El Young Adults to Hear Helen Bower The Young Adult group of Temple Beth El will hold its first meeting of the new season at 8 p.m., Thursday, in the Temple's Franklin Hall. Featured speaker of the eve- ning will be Helen Bower, De- troit Free Press movie critic. Miss Bower began in the Free Press society section and has since moved to general re- porter, drama critic, and her present position. RECOMMENDED BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS r ow: Cl n -1 Items X- land CURTAIN LAUNDRY elusively •••••••••• ■ ••• ■ •••1 Drapes • Curtains • Cornices • Slip Covers Lamp Shades • Quilts and Bedspreads WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVING AND INSTALLING (WITH PINS IN) Phone us for Free Estimate—NO OBLIGATION CITY WIDE and SUBURBAN SERVICE TW 1-1818 FREE STORAGE FACILITIES WHILE DECORATING EVERYTHING FOR YOU YOUR FAMILY AND HOME, FOR LESS at FeteHarryHearshens on 50th Anniversary J ewry (9 - the Air This Week's Radio and Television Programs of Jewish Interest • THE ETERNAL LIGHT Time: 10:30 p.m., Sunday. Station: WWJ. Feature: "Papa and the Well," a humorous story of a father and a son, based on the Biblical tale of Rebekah at the well, will be presented. * MESSAGE OF ISRAEL Time: 11:05 p.m., Sunday. Station: WXYZ. Feature: Rabbi Maxwell H. Dubin, of Wilshire Boulevard THE HARRY HEARSHENS Temple, Los Angeles, Calif., will speak on "There Are Giants Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hearshen, in These Days." important figures in the Labor S * * Zionist movement for many THE JEWISH HERITAGE years, will celebrate their 50th Time: 11:30 p.m. Sunday. wedding anniversary at a fam- Station: WCAR. ily party this Sunday. Feature: "Farmers in the Married on Oct. 25, 1909, in Desert," a dramatic story of modern Israeli agriculture, will Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. be presented in this weekly Hearshen have been Detroiters series of the Jewish Community since 1928. Council's culture commission. While still in Rochester, Mr. Hearshen was a participant in the first conference of the Jew- ish National Workers Alliance, now known as the Farband Marriages Labor Zionist Order. PONT-WASERMAN. Janet Not only have the Hearshens Ann Waserman, daughter of been active in Farband Branch Mr. and Mrs. Irving Waser- 114, but they have raised a man, of Kentucky Ave., was family of four children and recently united in marriage to nine grandchildren, all of whom Herbert Gordon Pont, son of have been active participants in Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Pont, of the Labor Zionist movement. Steel Ave. In announcing the Joining with their parents at marriage in last week's Jewish News, the address of the bride- a reception Sunday will be Berl groom's parents was listed Hearshen, one of the active leaders in local Labor Zionist erroneously. • Included in the we d ding ranks today; Irving Hearshen, party were Barbara Waserman, of Livonia; Max Hearshen, Is- the bride's sister, and Carol rael Bond manager in Allen- town, Pa.; and Mrs. Leah Shro- Snyder, as junior bridesmaids, deck, a teacher in the United and Howard Waserman, brother Jewish Folk Schools. of the bride, was junior usher. The celebration will take place in the home of Mr. and Temple Israel Couples Mrs. Berl Hearshen, 18055 Ap- Open Oneg Shabbat Series poline. The first in its annual series of oneg shabbats will be held Rovner Farein Plans by the Young Marrieds Group of Temple Israel following Simhat Torah Party Rovner Progressive Farein services at 8:30 p.m., today. The program will take place has scheduled a Simhat Torah in the home of Mr. and Mrs. party for 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Morris Bargman, 13115 Talbot, at their meeting hall, 3754 Huntington Woods. Dr. Leon Monterey. The organizatioh will Fram will lead a discussion on also begin plans for its 33rd anniversary celebration. "The Jewish Calendar." Buy Now And Save! HEN TURKEYS CAPONETTES 4 5 Lbs 10 to 14 Lb. Aver. 1st Quality lb Fresh Fish Daily BUY THE BEST FOR LESS AT REISMAN'S KOSHER POULTRY MKT, FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL: DI 1-4525 or Stop at 13523 W. 7 Mile Rd. at Schaefer Offer Good to Friday, Oct. 30 1(11# sto oft ' D PR 22311 og. tAtt41 Bernard Award ei Engineei Bernard I in the UnivI engineering place in tl competition articles in sored by lege Magazi Announce and present place plaqu Arbor last was al,vardi Publishing ) sors the cox Stollman : Mrs. Max Burton, Oa award for tlj article pub neering cell the Septen 1959 acaden enrolled in gineering-lil Stollman' Bridges," w work of th gineer Ro article orio the May Michigan ' zine publis the engine University Zedakal Opens I Preparin donor ever scheduled sert tea at Temple Is) Ehtertaii vided by star of WX slow, fOrm(, Civic Opel, Mrs. Be]I the hostess man of ttu ler, presid to bring tl The anr will be he 7, in th Hotel. 2 pound sliced 2 ounce s 2 onions , 1 cup c 2cups c mush * 1 pound. 1-inch Heat la fry su bits of 5 minu sprouts quently fry for bouillon stirring CLO Ki 18211 FREI ACRD WE