Octo ber 16, 1959-4 View Detroit Exhibit in Tel Aviv Adoption of Jewish Children Difficult, N.Y. Survey Shows `Giants of Jewish Thought' Lecture Series to Start at Beth El Oct. 26 "Giants of Jewish Thought" theology, including "Man is NEW YORK, (JTA)—Jewish is the title of the series of four Not .Alone" and "God in Search couples wishing to adopt chil- lectures to be sponsored by of Man." A third point of view will be dren in the New York area face Temple Beth El in its main more difficulties than prospec- auditorium at 8 p.m. on alter- expressed on Nov. 23 by Dr. Will Herberg, graduate pro- tive adoptive parents who are nate Monday fessor of Judaic studies and nights, start-: or Protestant, accord- Catholic - social philosophy at Drew Uni- ing to a New York Times sur- ing Oct. 26. versity, and on the staff of Four lead- vey, dealing with religious laws the Washington School of and other factors influencing ing Jewish Psychiatry. His theology was theologians adoptions. developed under both Christian representin For each Jewish baby avail- and Jewish influences. able for adoption, there are four different The final lecture will be seven to eight Jewish appli- points of view, delivered by Dr. Robert Gordis will lecture on cants, the survey shows. How- on Dec. 7. Dr. Gordis belongs ever. that ratio applies only to the theme: . to the liberal wing of Conserva- "Who Speaks white children. There is greater tive Judaism, and is the author Dr. Freehof difficulty, the survey shows, in for God?" Ad- and the public of "Judaism for the Modern placing for adoption children mission is free, Age." Besides being rabbi of invited. born of a Jewish mother and a is The first speaker, on Oct. 26, Temple Beth El, Rockaway Negro father. will be Dr. Solomon B. Freehof, Park, N.Y., he is associate pro- There are fewer Jewish white who was elected this summer fessor of Bible at the Jewish children offered for adoption, to the presidency of the World Theological Seminary of Ameri- MAX M. SHAYE, chairman of the 57-member Detroit Service according to the survey, be- Union for Progressive Judaism. ca, and adjunct professor of Group 1959 Mission to Israel, and Mrs. Shaye, inspect the De- troit exhibit at the Tel Aviv 50th Anniversary Exhibition. The cause "compared with Catholic Dr. Freehof is rabbi of the Re- religion at Columbia University. and Protestant women, rela- form Temple Rodeph Shalom exhibition was one of the highlights of the Mission's eight day tively few Jewish women give in Pittsburgh and is a past tour of Israel. birth to children out of wedlock. president of the Central Con- An increasing number of ference of American Rabbis. Dr. Abraham Heschel, pro- COAL & OIL CO. childless Jewish couples a r e turning away from adoptive fessor of Jewish ethics and Serving Detroit agencies to private adoption, mysticism at the Jewish Theol- Homes and Industry because the agencies observe ogical Seminary of America for Oiiik:45 Years "The Art of Living," first in dleman. Serving on the com- the State law which forbids a (Conservative), New York, will child to be placed with a family be the second speaker, on Nov. a series of fall educational pro- mittee are: Mesdames Charles Abramson, Na- of a religion different from the 9. He is the author of many grams sponsored by the Worn- Balaban, Herbert G. Bloom- child's parents or different from works in the field of Jewish en's Division of the Jewish Wel- than berg, J. Richard Cooper, Alfred fare Federation, will be held at Deutsch, Milton J. Doner, William that of the child's mother. Ellniann. Lawrence A. Fleisch- 12:30- p.m., Tuesday, at the M. New York law holds that, FOR THE BEST DEAL man, John -C. Gerkin, Benjamin R. home of Mrs. Lawrence A. Gutow, John C. Hopp, Jr., Irving when practicable, a child must Levitt, Harvey Lipsitt, Mitchell ON THE LEADER FOR 1960 — I Fleischman, 19480 Burlington. Mandeberg, Jerome Mark, Marvin be placed only with persons of Women attending the dessert Mintz, Julien Priver, Jack Rom, the religious faith preferred by THE "WIDE TRACK" PONTIAC. I Theodore Roth, Saul J. Rubin, Alan luncheon meeting will have an E. Schwartz, Arthur W. Schlesinger, its natural parents if they are A. Serlin, Milton H. married, or by its natural opportunity to view the Fleisch- Jr.,, Sims, Eugene Sloan, Harvey G. mother if the baby is born out man art collection. Snider, Arthur R. Soltar, Irving M. Dr. Julien Priver, director of Stahl, David Tabashnik, Ray Werbe, of wedlock. Catholics insist on S. Willis, and Stanley J. Winkel- strict observance of that law. General Sales Manager Sinai Hospital, Mrs. Charles S. man. Some prospective adoptive Lakoff, board member of the Mrs. Alexander W. Sanders is Jewish Family and Children's chairman of Women's Division parents who are Jewish object Service, and Irwin Shaw, execu- educational programs and Mrs. to that law, as do persons who tive director of the Jewish Com- Sam Barnett is co-chairman. practice Ethical Culture. Jewish Service Sales munity Center, will participate Mrs. Hairy E. August is presi- law, however, also upholds the in a program describing Fed- dent of the Women's Division principle of the child belonging TI 6-1122 5524 SCHAEFER eration's role as the central so- and Mrs. Arthur I. Gould is to the faith of the mother. Between Ford Rd. & Mich. Ave., Dearborn cial planning, budgeting and Women's Division vice-president fund-raising agency in the com- in charge of education. 500 Participate in munity. Mrs. Julian H. Krolik, member of the Women's Di- YOHANAN ELON (Eichen- Testimonial Honors vision board of directors, will baum), senior lecturer in the for Ben D. Burdick be panel moderator. division of town planning of the Mrs. Arthur H. Rice, chair- Technion, has been appointed More than 500 Detroiters, man of the arrangements com- a consultant to the Ministry of people of all faiths, represent- mittee, will be assisted by her Development of East Nigeria, ing both political parties and co-chairmen, Mrs. Hugh W. including leaders in all walks Greenberg and Mrs. David Han- it has been learned. of life, joined on Wednesday evening in honoring Benjamin D. Burdick, at a testimonial dinner at Piemontese Club, on $6 the occasion of his election to Members of the Board of Governors of Wayne State University. ..• Prof. Paul Bagwell was toast- master. Participants in the pro- a. gram included Dr. Clarence datio. on Hilberry, president of Wayne Who Have Visited Israel 06te University; Armal Brand- 100 rJ. State enburg, Rabbi Leon Fram, Nor- 14/11catelk 1 ■ ‘1044 man 0. Stockmeyer, John Fei- A breakfast reception for all members of C1011(A4-• kens, Fred Alger, Irwin Bur- mac44444 Landsmanshaften who have visited Israel dick, WSU Provost Arthur Neef at eilOr ge, is being planned for Sunday, November and a number of others. 9i4Ae 1.14Z e A "Trial and Error" skit, dur- 8th, at 10:00 a.m. at the Jericho Temple, ing which a number 'of promi- NOW gedaiar444, t ati$0441 nent leaders testified to Bur- 18495 Wyoming. the edlivicta dick's communal interests and eestem his dedicated services to Jewish Medical. A special program of interest and impor- N and other causes, was a feature asc1 g"' to cope iota of the evening. tance to you, to your society and to Israel, JACOBSON JWF Women's Unit Fall Education Programs to Commence Tuesday WA 3-3300 See HARVEY 6ELLER BARN ETT PONTIAC LANDSMANSHAFT p is being arranged. !I You will not want to miss this occasion b, and we do not want to miss you ! IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN ISRAEL WE WANT TO INVITE YOU! PLEASE CONTACT THE JEWISH NATIONAL FUND UN. 4-2767 18414 Wyoming Detroit 21, Michigan n ESt &T EKAI;7;*: E: Me;17 .g .l if g #5 .E12M UKi lE 4-2 M iaM if l<+1,aiME X W L: K.1 . cluerfro. catabglxisi4 114.4 cleatti4 Austria Asks Property to Aid Nazi Victims Direct JTA Teletype Wire To The Jewish News VIENNA — The Austrian cabinet Wednesday approved a bill authorizing the start of collection agencies required under the Austrian peace treaty to reclaim heirless property for rehabilitating victims of Nazism now living in Austria. The measure implements an earlier law for the creation of two separate collecting agencies —one for Jews and one for non-Jews. Austrian Jewish groups have been urging such a measure for four years. Without the enabling legislation, no collections could be made. • ,gois #tie *fx• Sincere l y Ben Gpl lla DETROIT BUSINESS MEN'S GROUP CITY OF HOPE 14379 Livernois Detroit 38