17-A-LOTS FOR SALE For Sale by Owner rl r.• .0 0 O 90', 100' & 105' frontage by 116' deep in exclusive NORTHLAND GARDENS N. of 8 Mi.. between Greenfield & Southfield. Detroit City sewers & water. • • • Also Oak Park on Radclift 2nd bik. N. of 9 Mi. Rd. 500'. For further information call UN 2-4565 r!T. : 18-STORE RENTALS frj • FOR SALE. 3 stores with 2 flats above. Priced to sell. WO 24635. 31-TRANSPORTATION DRIVING Los Angeles sometime this month. Desire woman or couple to share ride. UN 2-7369. 0 • I:0 50-BUSINESS CARDS 1330 SPRUCE ST. Licensed Builder Get Our Bid and Save Dollars EXPERTS • Additions • Building Alterations • Cement Walks • Drive-ways . • New Home Construction • Painting • Plastering • Roofing • Tile • And Violations Corrected Be Sure To Get Our Bid Call WO 3-4287 RUBEL'S Upholstering-Good work- manship. Re-upholstering and new. 12034 Linwood, TU 3-0285. FURNITURE repaired and refin- ished Free estimates WE .3-2110. A-1 PAINTING. decorating. Rea- sonable prices Free estimates. VI 2-1026. BR 3-6271. 35 - INSTRUCTION EXPERIENCED • teacher. Bar 'Mit zvah, Hebrew, Bible, Yiddish, En- glish. Call TO 9-0686. LARKINS MOVING AHD DELIVERY SERVICE Also Office Furniture. Any time. ' Reasonable. 3319 GLADSTONE TY 4-4587 BAR MITZVAH, Hebrew, Bible, Yid- ' • dish, English. Call experienced teacher. WE 4-1793. HIGH SCHOOL teacher will tutor in SeCial Studies & HiStory. Patient and confident. Call LI 3-5805. BAR MITZVAH ihstructicins at your home or Mine. you cannot afford, you pay less. Joshua Shame s, 19318 Roselawn. UN. 2-0372. DANCE LESSONS? A phone call answer all your questions about dance lessons for individuals, couples, teen-agers, group or private, at your home or our studio. Cha, Cha, Swing, Fox-Trot, etc. Low- est rates: JUAN ISPANO STUDIOS UN 3-0086 WAYNE STATE University instruc- tor desires to tutor high school students. Call UN 4-4348, evenings. DOROTHY L. CORBEN. Teacher of Piano. Private lessons at your home. LI 8-8748. EXPERIENCED piano teacher ac- cepting pupils. Located Wooding- ham between 6 Mile-Puritan. UN 3-7358. 40-EMPLOYMENT ?AINTING and wall washing. Rea- sonable price. Quick service. 20 -years experience. TY 7-9868. REPAIR, brick, cement, plaster, pointing, chimneys and porchei Steps UN 24017. FOR BETTER wall 'Washing, call James - Russell.- One day service TO 6-4005 526 Belmont. . J. STEEL LANDSCAPING CO. QUALITY WORKMANSHIP 3 YEARS GUARANTEE DI 1-9206 UN 2-0574 Office Res. SCHWARTZ Al) kinds of carpen- ter work, no job too big or small TY 7-7758 LI 5-4035. TILE DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? New and Repair Special V OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO UN 1-5075 Call Reeve's Employment Service A-1 PAINTING; 5 rooms, $100, labor and materials. Free estimates. VE 6-8410. IF . YOU NEED GOOD DO- . MESTIC HELP. DAY OR WEEK. IVIONOGRAMING SERVICE. Person- alize your blouses, dresses and sweaters. Reasonable. UN 4-5008. LI 4-5138 CALL TODAY done tomorrow, ex- pert, small repairs, ceilings. attic guaranteed. TR. 3-2677, TR. 1-4661. 40-A-EMPLOYMENT WANTED 54 - HA - LS FOR RENT AMBITIOUS young married man desires permanent position. Has salesman experience. Call UN 3-9336 or LI 5-3706, after 5 p.m. HALLS FOR RENT - 20x65 and 40x65. Fully equipped kitchen, suitable for meetings, mass gath- erings, • weddings, Bar-Mitzvah's. VE 5-8323. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants .poci- tion as housekeeper for adults, older children. References. LI 7-3361. SEMI-RETIRED gentleman would like light inside work, or part- time work. TO 7-7003. PART-TIME bookkeeping or general office work desired. Or to do work at home. EL 7-0444. TYPING DONE at home. Reasonable rates: WE 3-8655. 55 - MISCELLANEOUS ONE-HORSE Frigidaire compressor, with 11/2-horse motor: Good condi- tion. 3 ft. fish or poultry closed display case for crushed ice. All Metal. Cheap. UN 3-0612. After Fits and Starts, Haifa Subway Rolls MIDDLE-AGED lady would like to be companion to go to Florida and please call this number TO 5-2515, after 6 p.m. TEL AVIV, (JTA)Several hundred passenger s were trapped in the new Haifa sub- way during one of its first runs. 50 BUSINESS CARDS After a 45-minute wait, while a mechanical breakdown was re- PAINTING and decorating, references if desired, free esti- paired, the Carmelite resumed mates, work guaranteed. UN its six-minute, . one-mile run be- 4-7123. tween the top of Mount Carmel FIRST CLASS ALTERATIONS at and downtown Haifa. my home. UN 4-3975. Subway officials used the sys- FIRST CLASS PAINTING- tern's loudspeaker to notify pas- AND DECORATING sengers of the breakdown, and averted panic or injuries. The PRICED VERY REASONABLY subway proved to be such an WORK MYSELF attraction for children that they 25 yrs. experience. filled the train one afternoon, DE ROVEN LI 4-5213 leaving no room for adults. An EVENINGS. order was issued barring use of DRESSMAKING a n d alterations, the subway to children unless women's and children's. Very accompanied by parents. . reasonable. Call WE 4-8046. - A-1 PAINTING, hanging, wall wash- ing, inside and outside. Guaran- teed, immediate s e r v i c e. UN 4-0326. CARPENTER WORK of all kinds- Porch, floors, steps, kitchen cabi- nets, doers, panelling. Work my- self. UN 4-1897. BASEMENT DAMP? Clothes dryer need venting? Call Wolfe, BR 31446, KE 2-7850. WASHERS, dryers, ironers repaired. Dryers vented. All work guaran- teed. Free estimates. Immediate service anywhere. VE 8-6054. 'Sculptures' Shows Great Variety of Dimondstein's Work MARTIN CONSTRUCTION CO. Israel Medicines to Help Typhoon Victims in Japan JERUSALEM, (JTA) - A second shipment of Israel medi- cines for victims of the typhoon which struck Japan last month, was shipped out from here by air. The supplies were donated by the Red Mogen David and the Israel-Japan Friendship So-: ciety and were transported free of charge by Air France. Boris Dimondstein is a poet, essayist, short story writer and playwright. In addition, he is a good sculptor. Many of his sculptures have been selected for noteworthy exhibitions. His major works can now be seen in his new book, "Sculptures" by Dimond- stein: "Sculptures," as well as the other of Dimonstein's produc- tions, can be secured either from his Literarishe Heftn Pub- lishing Co., Tujunga, Calif., or Dimondstein Book Co., 50 E. 13th St., New York 3. "Sctulptures" contains repro- ductions of. busts of Emma Lazarus, Sholem Aleichem, Maxim Gorky, Joseph Opato- shu, Lenin and other .Com- munist leaders, Roosevelt, Sig- mund Freud and many Bibli- cal characters. A statue, -"State of Israel," made of rock, is most Im- pressive. So is 'his "Silent Prayer" and a number of other spiritual pieces. , The number and the variety of the works is so large that one wonders at- Dimondstein's capacity for work. His, book "Sculptures" reveals that he is a dynamically productive man. French Still Waiting- for Egyptian Assets PARIS, (JTA)-None of the Frenchmen repatriated from Egypt after the Sinai, campaign of 1956-most of whom are Jews-have yet received "the least bit of the assets" they left behind, even when these assets were not dissipated by Egyptian take-over managements. The report was made by the Superior Council of Frenchmen Abroad at its 13th session. The Council is a consultative group which advises the French gov- ernment on prOblems affecting Frenchmen in overseas coun- tries. A. de C_arbonnel, sec- retary general of the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, presided. The report, which made it clear that the return of Jews to Egypt is. prohibited by the United Arab Republic-, said,that they therefore were unable. to return to Egypt to make - ar- rangements for their abandoned property; There are about 800 such French Jews: The Role of Judaism in the. World of Today (Editor's Note - It is the beginning of a New Year and time to take stock of our- selves as inclividtw2.s, more specifically, to take stock of our spiritual values, and even more specifically, to examine our roles as Jews. Following are excerpts from an editorial written by Jacques Back, editor and publisher of The Observer, English-Jewish weekly, in Nashville, Tenn.)._ * * * By J'ACQUgS BACK What is the role of Judaism in the historic drama that is now being enacted on the world scene? From pulpit, and lecture platform at times, we hear the earnest admonition - "return ye . . ."- that religion: a reli- gion in which men believe pas- sionately-for which the .heart of the race hungers and yearns: that religion_rather than cannon and sword, can cut the Gordian knot that holds nations apart and armored for war. As the days of another year pass into history . . . Judaism . . . calls for a return to the great verities of religion . . . reverence for the Torah - for human dignity-for the neigh- borliness that honors the. god- like in man. Yet-we find skepticism and doubt, find a strange reluctance to acknowledge that Judaism . . . as a religious faith. . . must be respectedmust give us a sense of pride-must be practiced and lived ..:Jews . . . do not understand them- selves. . . . We are concerned with the moral conflict which lies within and between the souls of men and with the element call- ed decision. That conflict has been waged endlessly and desperately since that distant hour when one among all the earthbound crea- tures discovered the stars, and the Creator endowed it with a soul, and that creature became a. man. Judging in perspective the tremendous vista of history, we find the conflict more dire to- day and the moment more des- perate than ever before. The farces of good and evil face each other in precarious bal- ance. A touch might cause the edifice we have so painftillY erected-the truth we have dis- covered--the beauty we have fashioned-the justice we have practiced . . yes, . even the human race itself . .. to fall into the abyss and be lost .. an experiment that failed in the laboratory of God. •The hope of the race rests with those who stand steadfast- ly in the paths of righteousness; and in the forefront must be each of us and all who search for self-ennoblement-wherever they may be throughout this stricken world. If each presses forward unflinchingly in the path of his. duty, realizing his responsibility, then the victory will be ours . . . It requires definite desires and qualities of character and spirit. The essential qualities that distinguish. the Jew are simple, they are obvious He must have an inclination-toward the right- eous, a desire to be better, a determination to stand up and be counted among the inheritors of a time-test. faith . . . He must search, for knowledge, for enlightenment; must have the desire to learn and understand -must love and respect Juda- ism. And, above all, he must believe in God. This is profound: this is fun- damental. We must p o s s e s s those qualities, those virtues and beliefs which live and glow as a lasting flame in our hearts and our souls if we would stand before man and before God and say in truth and with pride, "I am a Jew." , Soviet Grants Visas to Rebbe's Followers TEL AVIV, (JTA) - Three Israeli disciples of one of the great Hassidic rabbis of all time, Rabbi Nahman of Bratzlav - "the Bratzlaver Rebbe," receiv- ed visas from the Soviet Em- bassy here to visit the grave of the rabbi. The Bratzlaver Rebbe -is bur- ied in Uman, in the Kiev Dis- trict. Two years ago, 12 Jerusa- lem disciples of the rabbi ap- plied for visas to permit them to worship at the grave they hold sacred. Without explanation for the delay, or reason why only three of the 12 applicants were chos- en, the three were summoned to the USSR EmbaSsy and given visas. They were told they should go to Kiev, where de- tailed arrangements for Visiting Urn-an would be made. British CathOlics Slate Ambassador Elath Sees . _ Israel Names Tekoah 10-Day Trip to Israel Mother, 86, in Russia LONDON, (JTA) - Israel's as Ambassador to Brain LONDON, (JTA)---A British Catholic delegation is due to pay a ten-day visit to Israel with the approval of the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Godfrey. The delega- tion, which will tour the coun- try and visit Christian commu- nities, will include Dr. Bernard Orchard, chairman of the Bible Association, and the Rev. Regi- nald - Fuller, secretary of the Association. The Catholic clergymen will be the guests of the Foreign RelatiOns Department of the Jewish Agency which has co- operated with the Israel Minis- try for Religious Affairs and the British Chief Rabbi, in pre- paring the tour. Ambassador to London, Eliahu Elath, who left his post last week is returning to Israel by way of Leningrad to meet his 86-year-old mother, with -whom he lost contact many years ago. Complying with the Ambas- sador's request, Soviet authori- ties traced the whereabouts of his mother and established that she was residing in Lenin- grad. After notifying Ambassador Elath, the Soviet authorities made arrangements for him to meet her in Leningrad. Elath was born in Russia. He left the country after the Commu- nist revolution. Syrian Gunners Attack Israeli Workers in Huleh WEST BERLIN, (JTA) - A. United HIAS Fetes Bressler performance of Arnold Schon- as 'Symbolic Immigrant' berg's op e r a, "Moses and TEL AVIV, (JTA) - Israel tractors resumed field work in the Huleh area after an attack last week by Syrian gunners who opened heavy automatic fire against two tractors, setting one of them ablaze. It was the first incident in the area after several months of rel- ative quiet. In the past there have been repeated Syrian at- tacks on Israel reclamation work in the area. CHICAGO, (JTA) - Max Bressler, American Zionist leader, was presented With the 75th anniversary award of the International United Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society as "the immigrant who best symbolizes the opportunities the United States offers immigrants to be- come valuable citizeps of this country." The presentation was made at a dinner in Bressler's honor. JERUSALEM, (JTA)-Yosef Tekoah, Israel's permanent rep- resentative to the United Na- tions during the past year, has been named Ambassador to Brazil. The 34 - year - old diplomat studied law at the University L'Aurore in Shanghai and later at Harvard University. Married and the father of two children, Tekoah is scheduled to leave for Rio de Janeiro at the end of the current UN General .As- sembly session, where he will succeed Aryeh Aroch, now Is- rael's Ambassador to Sweden. All But Anti-Semites Enjoy German Opera Aaron," as one of the events of the West Berlin Festival Week, enchanted most of the audience. A small group which protest- ed noisily against the opera was described by Walter Karsch, West Berlin Daily Tagenspieiel critic, as anti-Semitic. He wrote that the anti-Semitic outbursts were -aimed not only at Schon- berg and his opera but also against the conductor, Herman Scherchen, a Jew.