McDonald, Torczyner and Feinberg' 'Anatomy of a Congregation' Make Yom Kippur Bond Appeals A Non-Fiction W ork Written by 30 Families It is small wonder that the BY FRANK SIMONS _. are used today in the synagogue membership of Temple Beth at Ishpeming. Once upon a time, in a far-off The coming of the automo- Sholom is proud of its accom- land, there was built a Jewish bile and the building of good plishments and that its achieve- congregation. ments are looked upon fondly At all services—sabbath, fes- roads is credited with bringing not alone by temple members the total community in close tival and High Holy Day—ex- but the 40,000 other residents of cept in the case of illness or contact, and there were begun the community. other exigencies—there was 100 a Bnai Brith Lodge and Chapter, Their contribution to Jewish percent attendance by the local an active Hadassah group, a life and to an understanding Theodor Herzl Club and a Zion- community. of the American way of life ist organization. The building was entirely While talk of a synagogue might well be emulated—even paid for by the congregants, persisted through the years, it in the larger communities who each contributed according was a bequest by a resident of to his means. J. Torczyner Munising, in Alger County, Bnai Brith Sells $5;776,135 * * * When the synagogue was ded- which set the stage for Temple of Israel Bonds for Year icated, all of the donors were Enthusiastic over the re- David Miller, cash collection co- listed — alphabetically with no Beth Sholom. WASHINGTON—Bnai Brith When he died in 1941, Sam reported this week Israel Bond sponse to Israel Bonds appeals chairmen, will head the effort, reference to the amount of their Marks left $2,500 "to the Jewish sales of $5,776,135 for its 1958- during Rosh Hashanah, when which is the traditional • expres- individual gift. community of Marquette and incomplete results showed that sion of the Detroit religious The congregation's annual Alger Counties," to be used to- 59 campaign. $46,200 was pledged, members community's support of the This is a $1,297,385 increase budget was met in much the ward construction of a syna- of the High Holy Day Bond state of Israel. over the preceeding year, Bnai same way. Each family paid ac- gogue and center. Committee this week were an- cording to its means, and there It still took 10 more years to Brith's Committee for Israel ticipating that Yam Kippur re- Marks 75th Birthday was neither recrimination nor actually plan, but then progress disclosed at its annual meet- sults would place the Bond with Brandeis Series search for glory. was swift. The building was ing here. campaign far ahead of last Inside the synagogue, there completed on Dec. 1, 1952, and year. were no plaques for memoriams it has been used since for serv- James G. McDonald, first U. S. DRIVING LESSONS or honorariums. Instead, there ices of worship, for organiza- Ambassador to Israel, will make 0 7 LESSON $ 2 was a single plaque on which tional meetings, for a commun- Israel Bond appeals at Kol a COURSE were equally listed the names ity center and for religious Nidre services of Beth Shmuel, Dual Controls of all the departed members. school classes. at Yizkor in Bnai Moshe and No Permit Needed to Start Temple Beth Sholom's atten- The once-upon-a-time in this Professional instructors at Neila in Bnai David, after dance at services is almost al- real-life tale is NOW. The far- Day or Evening sermons by Rabbis Joseph ways 100 percent, and the rec- Appointments off land is a spot some 468 Rabinowitz, Moses Lehrman miles from Detroit in the roll- ord is the same in its religious Safeway Driver Training and Hayim Donin. ing countryside known origin- school where some 20 young- TO 9-7600 LI 2-6742 Jacques Torczyner, Zionist ally for its program of winter sters of all ages are trained by leader, will make the High Holy five teachers. sports, but now famous as the Day Israel Bond appeal at Con- Children are driven an aver- locale of "Anatomy of a Mur- gregation Beth Abraham after der," the best-seller by Mich- age of 20 miles to attend school, the sermon by Rabbi Israel I. LEATHER COATS igan State Supreme Court with one family coming 40 miles Halpern. each Sunday to bring their Justice John Voelker. • SHORTENED Ira Feinberg, American vol- In Ishpeming, Mich., 30 fam- youngster. And they rarely miss, • CLEANED unteer hero with the Palmach ilies—drawn from that city, even during the heavy snowfalls • REPAIRED during Israel's War of Liber- neighboring Negaunee and Mar- of the Upper Peninsula. ation and U. S. Army intelli- • REFINISHED When the rabbi comes, he quette and other outlying areas gence expert on the Arabs, will ALL WORK GUARANTEED in Marquette and Alger Coun- is the guest of members of the make Israel Bond appeals on ties—find inspiration from their congregation. He speaks at R E R s LEA A F ITNHI E s H Kai "Nidre at Bnai David Auxil- Mrs. ELEANOR R 0 0 S E- synagogue—Temple Beth Shol- services and leads discussions iary, at Yizkor in Young Israel- VELT will celebrate her 75th afterward. The children bone 9249 E. JEFFERSON Northwest and at Neila 'aft the birthday on - Oct. 11 by open- om—and their weekly religious up on their Hebrew lessons services. Evergreen Jewish Congregation. ing, a nationwide television VA 2-1054:" - Being a small congregation to be able to show him the "LOWER 'PRIOES,NOlir Leading the Bond appeals series from the Brandeis Uni- and unable to secure the serv- progress they have made be- during Rosh Hashanah was versity campus. The hour- ices of . a full-time spiritual tween visits. Cong. Ahavas Achim, which- long programs on "Prospects leader, members conduct serv- of Mankind" will be distri- pledged $19,000 after hearing ices twice a month, while on al- a sermon by Rabbi Milton Arm buted through the • National ternate weeks a student rabbi Educational Television net- and the special appeal of Mar- work. Mrs. Roosevelt this from the Hebrew Union College tin Adolf. week became a visiting lec- officiates. Other results showed Young In all respects, Temple Beth turer in international rela- Israel of Oak-Woods, $11,000, tions at Brandeis University. Sholom is a do-it-yourself con- appeal made by David I. Ber- gregation. As indicated, mem- ris, president; Cong. Adas bers serve as rabbis.. -They also Yeshurun, $1,500, appeal by Algerian Zionists provide their own organist, Max Schulzinger; Cong. Beth choir, Sunday school teachers Moses, $6,060, appeal by Har- Request Amnesty for and administer their own affairs. old Berke; Cong. Beth Yehu- Jailed Israel Rioters Dedicated in June, 1952, with dah, $2,600, appeal by Zvi Dr. Richard C. Hertz, of De- Direct JTA Teletype Wire Tomkiewicz; Cong. Bnai Jacob, troit's Temple Beth El as the To The Jewish News $3,000, appeal by Isadore Starr; ALGIERS, — Algerian Zion- guest rabbi, the congregation and Cong. Shaarey Shomayim, has looked also to other Mich- ists have decided to appeal to igan rabbis for added inspira- $3,000, appeal by Daniel Tern- President Itzhak Ben-Zvi to chin. tion. grant an amnesty to all those * * * Among them is Rabbi M. involved in recent clashes in RObert Syme, of Temple Israel, Haifa and Beersheba, it was Detroit, who has visited the reported here Tuesday. community with his family for The administrative commit- the past three years. In addition, tee of the Algerian Zionist Rabbi Syme has provided educa- Rabbi Milton Arm, spiritual Federation is drawing up a tional materials and other aids leader of Cong. Ahavas Achim, to assist the Ishpeming temple will be guest speaker at a High petition to be presented to with specific problems. Holy Day Israel Bond appeal President Ben-Zvi of Israel. "But while they look to me The Zionist Federation has collection kick-off for women for inspiration, I never cease to heard the director of the econo- volunteers, it i s announced mic department for. Europe of be inspired by them," Rabbi by Mesdames the Jewish Agency, M. Pravo- Syme said. "Here is a community which Joseph Katch- tiner, explain the background ke and Max of disturbances during a meet- has every reason to be swallow- Stollman, ing organized by the federation. ed up, to be assimilated by the Women's Di- Fifteen Jewish students who general community around it. vision co- recently returned here from a Yet they not only exist as Jews, they live in real harmony with chairmen. visit to Israel gave an account T h e event, of the situation as they found their neighbors. "It is because they live as to be held it. The meeting also heard a Thursday report by M. Lazarus, director Jews that they have won this morning, at of the World Jewish Congress respect. After all, brotherhood Holiday Man- in North Africa, on his talks is not achieved by stressing Rao LABEL: Tangy ... in jelled broth or, will be at- with Dr. Nahum Goldmann, similarities, but by respecting GREEN LABEL: Delicately flavored ... in clear broth' differences," Rabbi Syme said. Rabbi Arm tended by president of the Congress. You'll be proud to place MANISCHEWITZ GEFILTE FISH on your Records of Jews 'living as members of the Sisterhoods of holiday table. For this is gefilte fish at its best ... made the OW The only Jewish publication permanent residents of Mar- the 28 participating synagogues in North Africa, L'Information fashioned way to cook in all the goodness, bring out all the flavor, quette County date back to and other volunteers enrolled in of fine fresh-water fish, fresh whole eggs and specially selected Juive, devoted practically its the early 1870's, although it the CHEN program. seasonings. And it's so delicious with cocktail sauce or horse-`, Following a continental break- entire last issue to recent in- was not until the early 1900's radish! Add the genius of real Jewish cooking to your holiday' fast at 9:30 a.m., workers will cidents in Israel. The Algerian that there was any sizeable meals with MANISCHEWITZ GEFILTE FISHI Rabbinical Council has decided number of Jewish settlers. receive their assignments for Old timers remember that it to send an urgent appeal to New and sBLENDidI MANISCHEWITZ collection of High Holiday B Israel Bond pledges made dur- religious institutions in Israel was right around the turn of the WHITEFISH-PIKE—a DeLuxe Gefilte Fish! o ing Rosh Hashanah and Yom asking them to use their in- century that three Sifrei Torah FREE! New MANISCHEWITZ RECIPE BOOKLET. Write: were brought to the area. Two B. Manischewitz Company, Dept. P, Box 88, Newark i, N. J. "just" solu- a fluence to find The Kippur. Mesdames Harry Portnoy and tion to intercommunal tensions. of them, still in good condition, D & C Women to Collect on Bond Appeals MANISCHEWITZ Gefilte Fish ren12=1