'ME DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Irrld'ay, October 2, 1959 '— 73 17-HOUSES FOR SALE 40-EMPLOYMENT Information About Jews Sought Bnai Brith President from Bureau Directed by Richards Rebuts Agency Critics Call Reeve's Employment Service Attractive Modern OAK PARK 13251 Burton NEW ORLEANS, (JTA) NEW YORK-Although it is man, Meyer Weisgal. They Critics of Jewish community re- hardly news when American will fill in a blank space in lations agencies were thalleng, Jewish scholars travel to Israel the biographical record of Is- ed here by Bnai Brith president to gather facts about Jewish rael's first president - relat- Label Katz at the three-day LI 4-5138 affairs, the process often works ing to his early Zionist ac- meeting here of the national ex- TYPIST - Experienced, for .diversi- in the opposite direction, too, tivity. HUNTINGTON, 19489 ecutive committee of the Anti- fied office work, 'knowledge of shorthand helpful but not neces- according to Bernard G. Rich- A Jerusalem resident, Louis Defamation League. 7 Mile - Evergreen Section sary. Excellent working condi- ards, head of the Jewish In- Hurwich, writing a book called tions, 5-day week, 371/2 hours. Call He said these critics are Spotless 2 bedroom brick bunga- formation Bureau. Miss Klausner, WO 5-3939. "Memories of a Hebrew Teach- "trapped i n misconceptions" low, kitchen table space, attic, garage. Reporting to the Bureau's er" found he would have to about the nature of anti-Semi- board of directors, Richards seek vital facts in the United tism in present-day society. Donohue Realty, BR 3-1962 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED said it was by no means a case States. Material about the Katz strongly defended civic For elderly man in Bay City. of "bringing coals to New- American Jewish Relief Com- defense activities as fundamen- Prefer woman in 60's and one OAK PARK castle" when Israeli educators mittee, the Central Jewish Re- tal to the development :of who may need a good home. If a SPACIOUS & SPOTLESS track down elusive Jewish in- lief Committee and and about flourishing Jewish community interested 'Write, P. O. Box 148, Beautiful cust. ranch on 83' lot, the. formation in New York, still origin of the American Bay City, Michigan. in the United States. He dis- large kitch., 2 bedrms.. attach. the largest Jewish city in the Joint Distribution Committee puted a recently-voiced analysis gar. Many extras. Must sell. world. were obtained through the Bu- "by a critic who found a vast 40 A EMPLOYMENT WANTED Last June, for instance, reau. difference between a Jew being YOUNG MARRIED MAN seeks per- President Ben Zvi of Israel, thrown into a concentration when Arthur A. Gornstein, manent position. Salesman experi- looking back at his early Zion- camp in Nazi Germany and one student and instructor at He- ence. Call after 5 p.m. UN 3-9336. • ist years, sought copies of thrown off a tennis court in the HARTWELL, 18320 brew University, Jerusalem, PRACTICAL NURSE, experienced, some almost-forgotten articles United States." Sensational Value-only 8 yrs. old came to New York to re- best references, also convalescent care. LI 8-0326. he had written for a Yiddish OPEN 2 TO 5 SUN. search the Jewish Community The equation, intending to weekly, Der Yiddisher Con- dismiss the fight against anti- 3-Bedrm. cent. ent. Col., 2 baths (Kehillah) that was estab- up plus 1st lay. Front fibr., scr. 50 gress, during his sojourn in Semitism today as "trivia," Katz BUSINESS CARDS lished in 1908, Richards porch. Rec. rm., carpets, drapes, $18,500. UN 3-0700. the United States in 1914-17. said, was a false one. "You can- thought the man had made a FURNITURE repaired and refin- With the help of the Jewish not use the historical facts of ished Free estimates. WE 3-2110. 5,000-mile mistake. Teachers' Seminary library, one set of circumstances and A founder of New York's A-1 PAINTING. decorating. Rea- Richards located the articles, glibly relate them to another," sonable prices Free estimates. famous venture in Jewish unity, STOEPEL, 18010-12 VI 2-1026. BR 3-6271. had them microfilmed and he said. "You must judge each Nr. Curtis. See now. Large 5 & 5 Richards solemnly informed the shipped to Israel. face brick. new gas furnaces, WILLIAMS and YATES, decorating, Israel visitor that the. Kehilla's act of prejudice as it stands, exterior. interior. painting, wall excellent cond. Open daily. Call The 25-year-old Bureau, which relate it to its own history and Mr. McIntyre, UN 1-4300. washing, paper hanging. TR 1-1253. complete records reposed in the occupies a suite at 250 W. 57th setting and then seek to com- TY 6-0494. archives of the Historical So- ELMER M. CLARK St., New York, serves primarily bat it." ciety of Israel. Undismayed, as a 'clearing house for in- LARKINS MOVING He characterized the work of Gornstein said he had already OAK PARK quiries about Jewish communi- such agencies as the ADL as AND DELIVERY SERVICE gone through all the material Owner. Spacious brick ranch on ty life. But it is also a center helping to fulfill the injunction that had been shipped to the Also Office Furniture. large lot, has everything. for visiting Jewish scholars in the Passover Haggadah that Any time. late Dr. J. L. Magnes, president $26,500 from many parts of the world, "each generation must act as if Reasonable. of the Hebrew University. 3319 GLADSTONE who make use of archives con- it itself has been brought forth LI 5-0824 What he wanted, he said, was TY 4-4587 taining many original docu- from bondage." Call afternoons living contact with someone ments and out-of-print pam- PAINTING and wall washing. Rea- who had taken part in the actual HUNTINGTON WOODS, 10465 Borg- sonable price Quick service. 20 phlets and books. man-Open Sunday 1-5. 3-bedroom years experience. TY 7-9868. events. So the visitor got a first- German Head brick ranch, $25,500. Many extras Richards' personal recollec- LI 7-9016. REPAIR, brick, cement, plaster, hand account of the Kehilla, as tions covering half-a-century of Asked to Fight pointing, chimneys and porches Richards recited them to Gorn- LIVONIA - Near new Synagogue. 3- American Jewish history are Steps UN 2-1017 stein's tape-recorder. bedroom, 2 baths, screened porch, also among the irreplaceable for Human Rights natural fireplace, attached garage, PAINTING--Exterior, interior. Deco- Another Israeli information- hot water heat, orchard, 21/2 acres. rating, wall washing. W Williams, seeker in New York was Prof. "material" available to the his- 18800 Merriman Rd. NEW YORK, (WJA) - Dr. 8554 American. TE 4-0195. torian, sociologist and student I. Halpern of the Jewish His- OAK PARK-2-bedroom ranch, only CARPENTER WORK of all kinds- of the American Jewish scene. Heinrich Luebke, new President $2,100 down to 41/2% mortgage, $81 of the German Federal Repub- Porch. floors. steps, kitchen cabi- torical General Archives in month, screened porch, utility nets, doors, panelling. Work my- Jerusalem. He was trying to lic, has received a message of room, many extras. $10,200. Owner, self UN 4-1897. LI 5-8549. track down Jewish presenta- Soviets Demanding congratulations from Dr. Joa- BASEMENT DAMP? Clothes dryer tions at the Versailles Peace chim Prinz, president of Lila 91/2 MILE Between Greenfield and need venting? Call Wolfe, BR Southfield-2-bedroom brick, 2-car Conference. Most of them, pre- Israel Texts of American Jewish Congress, ex- 3-4446, ICE 2-7850. attached garage, S. & S., 85x115 pressing the hope that the Fed- foot lot. 16300 Mt. Vernon. Must WASHERS, dryers, ironers repaired. served by the Committee of Arab Language sett. eral German government would Dryers vented. All work guaran, Jewish Delegations in Paris, JERUSALEM, (WJA)-There persever in its determined fight teed. Free estimates.. Immediate disappeared during the Nazi oc- OAK PARK; 13100 Rosemary-3-bed- service anywhere. VE 8-6054. is a large demand in the Soviet against all signs of anti-Semit- cupation of France. room brick ranch, across from modern school. Gorgeous $4,000 Available in the files of the bloc for Israel textbooks of the ism and that the new President recreation room and bar. Finest MARTIN drapes and carpeting, 2 baths. Information Bureau which is Arab language, the World Jew-, would continue the efforts of Bargain. $17,000. Owner, LI 5-5860. CONSTRUCTION CO. headed by the only surviving ish Congress information de- his predecessor (Prof. Heuss) 1330 SPRUCE ST. LIVONIA, Hearthstone - 4-bedroom member of the American Jew- partment learns from an Israel for the protection of human Licensed Builder ranch, beautifully landscaped, rights, including those of the ish Delegation to the Peace radio report. Get Our Bid and Save Dollars tiled basement, carpeting, drapes, EXPERTS Bookshops in Czechoslovakia, Jewish survivors of Hitlerism. patio. 20252 Weyher. GR 4-1854. Conference, are many letters, • Additions • Building Alterations documents and other papers re- East Germany and Hungary • Cement, Walks lating to the Conference. They were said to have asked' for El Al Namei Galezer 17-A-LOTS FOR SALE • Drive-ways • New Home Construction will help Prof. Halpern consid- considerable consignments of • Painting erably after being organized such books. These nations were to American Office • Plastering • Roofing NEW YORK, (JTA)-The ap- and assembled for shipment to encouraging their populations • Tile to learn Arabic in order to pointment of Dror Galezer as Jerusalem. • And Violations Corrected extend existing political, cul- manager for- the Americas was About 60 letters, memoran- Be Sure To Get Our Bid da, cables and other data con- tural . and commercial relations anounced by El - Al Israel Air- Call WO 3-4287 Probably the most beautiful lot lines. Galezer succeeds Y. L. cerning the late Dr. Chaim with the Arab world. in Bloomfield HMS. Sewer, gas, The broadcaster explained Koppel, who, for the last sev- RUBEL'S Upholstering--First class Weizmann were sent by the beautiful trees. Owner DI 1-5060, jobs. Re-upholstering and new Eves. Midwest 6-3886. bureau recently to the Weiz- that textbooks from Israel were eral years, has held El Al's - top 12034 Linwood, TU 3-0285. being preferred to those pro- post in the. United States. Kop- OAK PARK-2 beautiful lots, one mann Institute of Science at duced in 'the 'Arab states be- pel has 'been reassigned to be- corner, one wooded. Must sacri- Rehovoth, Israel, at the re- J. STEEL fice. LI 4-4849. cause of their better quality. come a special assistant to the quest of the Institute chair= LANDSCAPING CO. EXCEPTIONAL offer of a choice managing director of El Al at 440 foot on curve by 220 deep QUALITY WORKMANSHIP the company's head offices in lot. In Kirk of the Hills area. Committee Formed 50-BUSINESS CARDS 3 YEARS GUARANTEE Bloomfield Heights Sub. One mile Israel. to Elementary and High Schools. TAILORING done for men and to Change Israeli Galezer has spent several All lots much higher, this one DI 1-9206 UN 2-0574 women. Alterations-restyling spe- $8,900 cash. Widow leaving state. Office years in the company's New ciality. Reasonable prices. Double Electoral System Res. UN 3-0615. York offices, first as represen- breasted conversions to single I SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpen- JERUSALEM; (JTA)-A non- tatiVe of Israel's Ministry of breasted continental models. UN ter work. no job too big or small. 2-4987. partisan committee for electoral 20-OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT TY '7-7756 LI 5-4035. • Transportation and Communica- A-1 PAINTING, 5 rooms, $100, labor reforin was farmed, aimed at tions and later on as El Al's OFFICE AREA, 18x24, divided into FOR BETTER wall washing, call and materials. Estimates. VE changing the present European 2 private offices and reception James Russell. One day service 6-8410. managing director in Israel. type of direct proportional rep- TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont. area, including heat and water, $80 He was born and educated in month. Immediate • occupancy. ANY TYPE Architectural Plans pre- resentation to . the American- 18510 James Couzens. TE 4-2197. Jerusalem and had his first con- pared. Highly qualified. EL 6-5943. TILE British type of constituency. - tact with aviation as executive The new committee, organiz- assistant to the late David Re- DO YOU NEED TILE WORK? 35-INSTRUCTION 54 HA - IS FOR RENT ed by former Army Chief of New and Repair Special rnez, the first Minister of Trans- EXPERIENCED teacher. Bar Mit- U OF D TILE & TERRAZZO CO. HALLS FOR RENT-20x65 -and 40x65. Staff Yigael Yadin, issued - a port of the State of Israel, and zvah, Hebrew, Bible, Yiddish, En- Fully equipped kitchen, suitable public call for a national refer- glish. Call TO 9-0686. the man who was responsible UN 1-5075 for meetings, mass gatherings, endum on the proposed change. weddings, Bar-Mitzvah's. VE 5-8323. for the creation of a national BAR MITZVAH, Hebrew, Bible, Yid- The committee includes Dr. airline for Israel. -BUSINESS CARDS dish, English. Call experienced 50, ---BUSINESS CARDS Amos de Shalit, the famous teacher. WE 4-1793. physicist, and other non-party HIGH SCHOOL teacher will tutor in Sharett, Knesset Members, personalities. ALL CITY Social Studies & History. Patient IF YOU NEED GOOD DO- MESTIC HELP. DAY OR WEEK. 3-Bedroom brick ranch, fireplace, dishwasher, sprinkler system. garage. gas heat. much more. Open Sat. and Sun. LI 5-2256. Owner. WEAVER - LI 8-1222 - - - JULES M. KLEIN , New . BLOOMFIELD LOT . , . - and confident. Call LI 3-5805. BAR MITZVAH instructions at your home or mine. If you cannot afford, you pay less. Joshua Shame s, 19318 Roselawn. UN 2-0372. 40-EMPLOYMENT COMPANION for elderly lady. Room and board plus salary. BR 3-2736, •VE 5-9175. Takes Post in Boston Gov. Officials Attend Judge Marowitz Ceremony MIAMI, (JTA) - Dr. Ben- jamin B. Rosenberg, for the past six years executive director of the Greater Miami Jewish Fed- eration, has resigned to become executive director of the As- sociated Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston: JERUSALEM, (JTA) - For- mer Prime Minister Moshe Sharett, member of Knesset and government officials attended a ceremony of the planting of a forest in honor of Judge Lin- coln Marowitz of the Illinois Supreme Court. MOVING & STORAGE CO. VE 8 - 7660 14948 Meyers Rd. Complete Moving Service No Job Too Large - Too Small Always. Open