Israel's Finance Minister Meets with Detroiters TEL AVIV — The harbor and contracting company of Solel Boneh, the affiliate of the Histadrut, has handled dur- ing its nine months as an in- dependent operation $30,000,- 000 in work in _foreign coun- tries and 13,000,000 pounds in projects in Israel, officials re- ported Wednesday. Officials said that the com- pany has become an important factor in the international construction market through its experience. Several thou- sand skilled workers, 75 fore- .4) z ti t4 0 LEVI ESHKOL, Israel's Finance Minister, met with Michigan delegates to the National Ec- onomic Conference for Israel Bonds, in Chi- cago, last Saturday night. From the left: Joseph Katchke, Louis Levitan, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Helfman, Mrs. Rachel Kurtzman, Mrs. Katchke, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Slomovitz, Eshkol, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Barron and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jacobson, of Saginaw. * * * 2 Solel Boneh Emerging as Major Contractor Rugs & Carpets PERFECTLY CLEANED! . . . don't settle for less than Leader Quality! Loose rugs cleaned on both sides in our mod- em plant. Famous Bigelow Karpet Kare makes your wall - to- w a 11 carpeting stay cleaner, brighter long- er. Also, Leader - Dri method for wall-to- w a 11. Workmanship guaranteed— Economical prices. Mr The LEADER FAMILY takes a PERSONAL INTEREST in YOUR CARPET CLEANING TY. 5-8400 Israel's Finance . Minister, Levi Eshkol, in a major ad- dress, pointed to the fact that approximately $1,000,000,000 dollars would be needed in the next five years to bring Israel to a higher level of industrial production and eco- nomic stability, and that a large share of this amount would have to come from Israel Bonds. The five-year plan, Eshkol said, visualizes an average in- crease of ten percent per year in industrial output, as well 'as an increase of between 80,000 and 90,000 workers in the indus- trial labor force. It is planned to increase exports of goods and services from $240,000,000 in 1958 to $570,000,000 at the end of five years, so that Israel's annual trade deficit will fall from $335,000,000 to less than $200,000,000. Industrial exports alone are expected to rise from $85,000,000 to $320,000,000 Per year by 1965. Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Min- ister- for Foreign Affairs, called upon the United Nations to as- sure that Israel's ships and car- goes have "exactly the same rights and privileges in the Suez Canal that all other states and peoples have." The conference outlined plans• for a new campaign program on a regional basis to help achieve the increased goals for the Israel Bond drive. To head this effort Julian B. Venezky, of Peoria, outstanding American Jewish communal leader, was named national chairman for regions of the Israel Bond drive. The dinner session marked the world premiere of a new documentary film on Israel in cinemascope and technicolor written and produced by Leon Uris, author of "Exodus." Uris was present at the session to introduce the film, which is en- titled "Israel," and stars Ed- ward G. Robinson. Robinson and Uris made a special trip to Is- rael to produce the film. Ira Guilden, national cam- paign chairman of the Israel Bond Drive, said that this year may very well set a record in the sale of Israel Bonds. Samuel Rothberg, of Pe- oria, national chairman for Trustees of the Israel Bond drive, who presided at the closing session, termed the conference "a victory confer- ence." Lawrence G. Laskey of Bos- ton, chairman of the national executive committee of the Is- rael Bond Organization, out- lined the immediate objectives of the development program. This calls for the construction of 30,000 housing units for re- cent immigrants, and the ex- pansion of every phase of the country's economy. Colonel Jacob M. Arvey, hon- orary chairman of the Greater Serving Detroit Homes and Industry for Over 45 Years WA 3-3300 CORVAIR * Chicago committee for Israel Bonds, presided at the Saturday dinner session. Max Bressler, of Chicago, told the conference that the ex- traordinary success of the Is- rael Bond drive "has estab- lished a partnership between American Jews and the people of Israel based on confidence in Israel's capacity to make good." Mrs. Joseph Cherner, chair- man of the National Women's Division, urged the delegates "to be guided by memories of past accomplishments and to take renewed inspiration from the National Economic Confer- ence.'" The delegates heard Dr. Y. Foerder, chairman of the Bank Leumi Le-Israel, Israel's largest banking institution, outline a program for the in- vestment of $800,000,000 in Israel's industry during the next five_ years, to assure the achievement of economic sta- bility by 1965. Israel Bonds, Dr. Foerder said, are an in- dispensable source of invest- ment canital for the purpose. Leon H. Keyserling, leading economist and former chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, emphasized the strategic role of American economic aid to Israel through Israel Bonds and other chan- nels. Israel's own "Atoms for Peace" plan, which will even- tually revolutionize her eco- nomic life, was described at a special luncheon held in con- nection with the conference. The report on Israel's plans for the establishment of a nu- clear station south of Tel Aviv was outlined by Mrs. Ora Schweitzer, information direc- tor of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission, in an address to delegates at the luncheon spon- sored by the National Women's Division of the Israel Bond drive. JACOBSON COAL & OIL CO. Preview Showing The car you've been waiting for. As always, see me for the best deal .. . $45,000,000 Sales in 90 Days Is Goal Announced at 'Victory' Bond Conference in Chicago By Special Correspondent of The Jewish News CHICAGO — An urgent re- quest went forth from the Na- tional Economic Conference for Israel, sponsored by the State. of Israel Bond Organization, held here last week-end, for the sale of at least $45,000,000 more of Israel Bonds during the corn- ing 90 days, to assure a $75,000,- 000 sale for 1959. Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz made the appeal to delegates from scores of American Jewish com- munities at the closing session on Sunday. He expressed the belief that nearly $10,000,000 in Bonds will be sold during the High Holy Days. Dr. Schwartz especially was gratified with the results to- date, which indicated that, since the launching of the Israel Bond program in 1951, the total of $400,209,300 has been achieved. By exceeding the $400,000,000 mark, Dr. Schwartz said, as a result of increased sales in 1959, there is hope for even better achievements in 1960. Reporting for Detroit, Mrs. Joseph Katchke said that an in- crease of more than 30 per cent in sales was recorded in her community over 1958 and that there are possibilities of selling $1,000,000 worth of Bonds in Detroit in 1959 — a'sum that had not been attained since 1952. She brought to the con- ference $100,000 in cash real- ized in Bond sales in the past few weeks. men and technicians are su- pervising construction projects in seven countries, including Turkey, Ghana and Nigeria. HARRY ABRAM SHORE CHEVROLET 12240 Jos. Compau Immed. Delivery on all models I'm as near as your phone Res. LI 8-4119 TW 1-0600 TORAH CENTER BNAI ISRAEL High Holiday Services Will Be Held At The JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER 15110 W. 10 Mile Road Rabbi Israel Flam Will Officiate For Information and Reservations CALL: TE 4-8360 or EL 7-1286 Ticket Committee At Center Sun. Morning, 9-12; Mon. thru Thurs., 7-9 p.m. • Public Officials Open Hebrew Voice Series Gov. Williams, Mayor Miriani and David S. Tesher, Israeli Cohsul General in Chicago, will appear on the opening program of the Hebrew Voice, first regular Anglo-Hebrew radio broadcast in Detroit. Each of the dignitaries will extend greetings to the com- munity, as the program begins its regular weekly Monday to Thursday broadcast schedule at 7:30 p.m., this Thursday, over WJLB (1400). Time on the radio program will be divided between English and Hebrew, with the first broadcast dedicated to the Rosh Hashanah holiday. The initial Hebrew lesson, a regular feature of the series, also will be pre- sented. Raphael Cohen is directing the Hebrew Voice program. TEMPLE BETH EL WOODWARD AT GLADSTONE ANNOUNCES THAT SUPPLEMENTARY HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES IN THE BROWN MEMORIAL CHAPEL . will be conducted by Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine and Rabbi David A. Baylinson . SERVICES WILL BE HELD: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2,. AT 7 P.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3; AT 10 A.M. 'SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, AT 7 P.M. MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, ALL DAY Beginning at 10 A.M. The Temple Office is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon