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September 25, 1959 - Image 23

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-09-25

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

Air. and Mrs. John H. Shepherd sailed for Paris on the
Queen Mary Wednesday. While Shepherd, on a Fulbright schol-
arship, is studying comparative law and foreign trade at the
University of Paris, his wife, the former Sandra Schechter,
intends to become a culinery expert in the art of French cooking.
Mrs. Jeannette Mendelson flew to Paris last week to attend
the "bris" of her first grandson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Doneson have returned from New York
where they inspected the new Rotterdam, and the Italian liner,
Cristoforo Colombo.
Miss Maxine Stoller, of the Doneson Travel Agency. left
Sunday for Hawaii as one of the 16 travel agents designated by
Governor Williams as good-will ambassadors to the new state.
Mr. Wolf Gold flew to Israel last week where he plans to
spend four weeks with his family.
Mr. and Airs. Irving Panitch are touring Israel before re-
turning to Europe for an extended tour.
Miss Elizabeth Raskin, of 18620 Mendota, began classes at
Goddard College. Plainfield -, Vt., Sept. 9. Miss Raskin, a second
year student at Goddard, transferred from Wayne State Univer-
sity. She is a graduate of Mumford High School. She is the
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Morris Raskin.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bosin, of Lindsay Ave., recently honored
their daughter, Elaine Gail, with a sweet sixteen party at Jeri's,
which was attended by her girl friends and all members of the
A surprise cocktail party was given recently by the children
of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown in honor of the couple's golden
wedding anniversary. Over 100 relatives and close friends greeted
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who have been Detroit residents for nearly
50 years. Mr. Brown is head of the Sealy Mattress Co.
Members of the Radomer Aid Society and its Ladies Auxiliary
on Tuesday honored Mr. and Mrs. L. Lumberg on the occasion
of their 25th wedding anniversary. The Lumbergs reside at 23521
Wildwood, Oak Park.
Rabbi and Mrs. Joshua Sperka and family are now residing
in their new residence at 14281 Wales, Oak Park.
Mrs. Julius Bronstein has returned to her home here after
visiting with her children for several weeks in Miami Beach, Fla.
Mr. Daniel Michael Hass, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Hass,
of Strathcona Dr., sailed for England on the Liberte after
spending a week in New York with his parents. An honor
exchange student from Tulane University, in New Orleans,
Mr. Hass will spend his junior year at the University of
Manchester where he will complete his major in mathematics.
His trip will include 12 weeks of travel throughout Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. Cooper are returning to Detroit
after a year in Nevada, where Mr. Cooper completed a four-year
tour of duty with the U.S. Navy Air Force. Open house in honor
of the couple will be held at the home of Mrs. Cooper's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Bider, 3024 Cortland, this Sunday afternoon.

JWV to Sponsor Patriotic Rally

A forum on Americanism,
under sponsorship of the De-
partment of Michigan, Jewish.
War Veterans, will be held at
9 p.m., Tuesday in the JWV
Memorial Home, 4095 W. Dav-
Representatives of all veter-
ans groups as-
sociated with
JWV in the:
Allied \Teter
ans Council of
Wayne County
have been in
vited to hear
Gordon D.
Hall speak on
"Beware t h e
Loaded Ap-
Hall, a vet-
eran of 31
months in the
Pacific and
Aleutians dur-
ing World War Hall
II, has been active in doing
research and writing about
organized American extremist
groups since 1946. He has been
prominently featured on many
national radio and television

Khrushchev's Visit to Be
Aired by Berditchever

The wisdom of President
Eisenhower's invitation to Rus-
sian Premier Khrushchev to
visit the U.S. will be discussed
by an open forum at the Berdit-
chever Verein meeting at 9
p.m. Monday at Cong. Beth
Yehudali, Wyoming and
Participating in the discus-
sion will be Frank Mersky,
Nathan Siegal and president
Harry Kaminer. Guests are in-

Irving S. Cane, JWV depart-
ment commander, announces
that the program is the first
of a series planned this year
by the Americanism committee.
Members of the community are
invited to attend.
A reception in Hall's honor
will follow the program.


Sept. 13, in the presence of the
immediate families, Shirley
Chisik, of Indiana Ave., became
the bride of David Liederman
of Murry Hill Ave. The wedding
was performed in the study
of Rabbi Joshua Sperka.
* * *
APSEL-GOLD. In announc-
ing the recent marriage of
Carolyn Sue Gold and Leonard
Apsel in last week's Jewish
News, the address of the bride-
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Apsel, was erroneously
given as Greenlawn Ave. The
Apsel residence is at 19435
Votrobeck Dr.
* *
el of Rodef Sholom Temple in
Pittsburgh, Pa., provided the
setting for the Aug. 28 mar-
riage of Carol Marcia Pop-
kins, daughter of Mrs. Bess
Popkins, of 13750 Dexter, to
Alvin Stein, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Stein, of Pitts-
The bride was attended by
her aunt, Dorothy Hodes, of
Beverly Hills, Calif. Following
a luncheon at the Penn-Shera-
ton Hotel, the couple honey-
mooned in New England and
New York City. The newly-
weds are now residing in

Youth Ed League Slates Oct. 8 Memebership Tea

A membership tea on Oct. 8
will serve as the season's open-
ing affair for the Youth Educa-
tion League, it is announced by
Mrs. Avery Tucker, president.
The tea will begin at 12:30
p.m., in Temple Israel, and will
feature new fall and winter
fashions by a popular local shop.
YEL members will serve as

models, according to Mrs. Ben
Feldstein, program chairman.
A board meetingof the group,
at which final plans will be
made for the opening event, is
scheduled for 12:30 p.m., Mon-
day, in the home of Mrs. R. J.
Mendelssohn, 19235 Canterbury.
Co-hostesses will be Mesdames
N. Kantor, S. Berger and A.



Here is just one of our

brand new numbers for

the holidays which


Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Or-
loff, of 25896 Salem, Hunting-
ton Woods, announce the en-
gagement of their daughter,
Harriet Sheila, to Morris Lewis
III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Lewis, Jr., of Indianola, Miss.
The bride-elect attended the
University of Michigan. Her fi-
ance attended Tulane Universi-
ty, and is a graduate of the
University of Mississippi. Plans
are being made for a Nov. 21

Walter Herz Opens
Livernois Showroom

After 19 years of business on
Dexter, Walter Herz Interiors
has opened its bright, new,
5,000 square-foot showroom at
18647 Livernois.
The firm now offers one of
the largest displays of furniture,
lamps and accessories in the
Building its reputation on
fine merchandise, both in the
contemporary and traditional
Vein, Herz features the services
of Robert Siegel and Henry G.
Demant, both affiliated with
the American Institute of Dec-
orators, for expert advice on
An enlarged custom drapery
service and free customer park-
ing are other features of the
striking new showroom. Store
hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily,
except Thursday when the store
is open to 8:30 p.m.

constitutes the



selection in

the State




A one piece bedspread with

puffy oval leaf quilting to the

floor, in a throw style with

rounded corners and extra heavy

jumbo welting. Colors: Toast,

White, Aqua, Lilac, Rose, Melon.







Extra Long, For
Beds 80" Long





Pleated Dust
Ruffles, 80" Long



"There Is Only One"

One Block North of 7 Mile

Maurice Ladies Apparel

Cordially Invites You

To Visit Our New and Larger Store


19011 Livernois, 2 doors South of 7 mile

Opening, Thursday, September 24th

Ladies fash-
Featuring the finest and smartest in
the name 'Maurice a
ions, which has made
conscious women
favorite of Detroit's fashion
for the last 25 years.

Maurice & Irene Batchko.

23 -- THE DETR OIT J EWISH NEWS -- Friday, Sept . 25, 1959

activities in Society

Miss Orloff Reveals
Nov. 21 Plans to Wed

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