Hadassah Conducts Successful Anti-Trachoma Research Program; Helps Eradicate Disease Convention Acts on Insurance Program; Elects Two Detroiters A sensational announcement from London several weeks ago, to the effect that a British re- search group had isolated the virus that causes trachoma. drew attention to the pioneer- ink, work that had been achieved in that field by Hadassah re- search staffs in Israel for a number of years. Under the direction of Hadas- sah's medical director in Jeru- salem, Dr. Kalman Mann. great prograss was attained in isolat- ing the trachoma virus. Such efforts again became especially necessary in recent years in view of the fact that 20 per cent of all immigrants arriving in Israel from North African and 1V1iddle Eastern countries suffer from trachoma. The activities of Hadassah phy- sicians have helped so drasti- cally to reduce this number that trachoma has practically been eliminated in Israel. Lucien Harris, director of Hadassah information serv- ices in Israel, this week point- ed out that some 300,000,000 people suffer from trachoma, mainly in Africa and Asia. He reported that Hadassah phy- sicians have been battling with the disease—which de- rives from dirt and poverty— since 1913, and "by dint of Hadassah Medical Organiza- tion's systematic anti-tracho- ma program the incidence of the disease in Israel had been reduced to small proportions by the end of the British Mandate in 1948." Thus, immunization against trachoma became a necessary step in research on the dreaded eye disease. The scientists of the Hebrew University-Hadas- sah Medical' School have at tamed marked successes in growing the trachoma virus. The research work in Jerusalem was carried out by Prof. H. Bernkopf, head of the univer- sity's virus laboratory and a member of the World Health Organization's Expert Advisory Panel on Virus Diseases, in co- operation with Dr. Bathya May- thar, of the ophthalmology de- partment of the Hadassah Uni- versity Hospital, Dr. I. Feitel- berg of Kupat Holim and Moshe Nishmi. The research activities were carried on with finances provided by the Hadassah Medical Organization and the Ford Foundation. Advice was offered in their activities to the research scien- tists by Prof. I. C. Michaelson, head of the medical school's ophthalmology depart ment; Prof. A. Feigenbaum, the school's Emeritus professor of ophthalmology; and Prof. S. Adler, head of the university's department of parasitology. Harris points out that Chi- nese research workers were the first to announce, the isolation of the trachoma virus two years ago, their finding having been confirmed by British scientists. The Israel anti-trachoma team, Harris said, succeeded in isolating the trachoma virus, in 1958, in Jerusalem. He states: "The Israeli scien- tists are now working on a serum test which, it is hoped, would be of value in diagnos- ing trachoma, and continuing their research in the hope of producing a vaccine against this disease." Wide interest is being shown in Hadassah's anti-trachoma program, as indicated in the re- cent presentation of a "Fight for Sight" mobile ophthalmic unit in memory of two Ameri- cans, Michael and Rose Tenzer. * * Hadassah Convention Gratified with U.S. Assistance to Israel ST. LOUIS, (JTA)—A resolu- tion expressing gratification with the generous assistance consistently granted by the Un- ited States to Israel through the Mutual Security program, as well as with the fact that this form of aid is being continued for the 1960 fiscal year in the same amount of $7,500,000 as in 1959, was adopted at the closing session of the four-day national convention of Hadassah. The convention adopted a budget of $9,335,000 for Hadas- sah's 1959-60 programs in Israel anC the United States and re- elected Dr. Miriam K. Freund to a fourth term as president. (Mrs. David Schachter, president of Detroit Chapter of Hadassah, and Mrs. Carl Schiller are the two Detroit- ers who have been named members of the national board of Hadassah. (Midwestern delegates at the convention arranged a testimonal between sessions in honor of Mrs. Schiller's 60th birthday). The convention called on the United States delegation to the United Nations to "publicly condemn" the United Arab Re- public for barring Israeli ship- ping from the Suez Canal "and to exert its influence to the end that. the United Nations will exercise the full weight of its moral and legal authority to reverse the illegal, dangerous and defiant attempt of the gov- ernment of the United Arab Republic to restrict free passage through the Canal." Another resolution noted that the Arab League nations "far from desisting in their economic boycott of Israel and their secondary boycott of American firms doing business with Israel, are intensifying their efforts in this direction." The resolution urged the United States Govern- ment "to resist all efforts made by other governments to intro- duce discrimination against American citizens on racial or religious grounds, and to re- frain from entering into any treaties or executive agreements which sanction these discrimi- natory practices." The convention voted to es- tablish a Hadassah Insurance Plan in the nature of an en- dowment fund for future ex- pansion. The delegates were told that the plan was first introduced in the Los Angeles area earlier this year. In the first few months, 500 Hadas- sah members in the area en- rolled in the plan, which en- ables Hadassah members to obtain $1,000 insurance pol- icies designating Hadassah as the irrevocable beneficiary at a low premium rate. The large-scale influx of re- cent immigrants into Israel has created a serious psychological problem in the Jewish State, Dr. Kalman J. Mann, director gen- eral of the Hadassah Medical Organization, told an earlier session. He stressed that "un- less these problems are given immediate attention through expanded psychiatric and social- medical services they can en- danger the well-being and unity of Israel." More than 2,500 del- egates and guests attended the four-day convention. Mrs. Benjamin Gottesman, national treasurer of Hadassah, reported that Hadassah, in the past year, raised $10,500,000, the largest sum in the organi- zation's 47-year-history. This is $1,500,000 more than $9,000,000 budgeted for Hadassah pro- grams in 1958-59. Mrs. Siegfried Kramarsky, Hadassah's chair- man of the wills and bequests committee, said that the total sum raised by Hadassah last year, includes $500,000. Dr. Mann, in his address, pointed out that Israel's new- comers come from rural, under- developed areas of the Middle East and North Africa, "where they were incapable of self-gov- erment or organized social ac- tion in the democratic pattern." In Israel, he said, these new im- migrants are exposed to a com- plicated process of readaption and rehabilitation within the framework of an entirely dif- ferent culture and economic setting. These newcomers, he con- tinued, have manifested, "psy- , chological abnormalities that can spread and involve large sections of Israel." To cope with these hazards, Dr. Mann stated that the Hadassah Medi- cal Organization has established special departments for the early detection, diagnosis and therapy of emotional and social illnesses among these immi- grants. These departments are staffed by specialists in the fields of psychiatry and sociol- ogy. LEATHER COATS • SHORTENED — • CLEANED • REPAIRED • REFINISHED ALL WORK GUARANTEED D & C LEATHER REFINISHERS 9249 E. JEFFERSON VA 2-1055 "LOWER PRICES NOW" Klutznick New Head of American Friends of Hebrew University NEW YORK, (JTA)—Philip M. Klutznick was elected presi- dent of the American Friends of the Hebrew University at the annual membership meeting. Dr. Daniel G. Ross, who served as president dur- ing the past four y ears, w a s elected chairman o f the board of Erectors. Klutznick affirmed h i s "profound conviction that the He- brew Univer- sity of Jeru- Klutznick salem is destined to occupy an increasingly significant role in furthering human progress everywhere, in providing cul- tural links with Jewish commu- nities throughout the world, and in shaping Israel's future." In his presidential xeport, rendered upon the completion of his second consecutive term at the helm of the American Friends of the Hebrew Univer- sity, Ross announced that the overall income of the AFHU in the year ended March 31, 1959 was $3,321,000. He stressed the increasing importance of AFHU's Gifts and Legacies pro- gram. Professor Dvoretsky reported on the considerable progress made by the Hebrew Univer- sity during the past year in its research and teaching pro- grams, as well as in the growth of its student body. He esti- mated that the enrollment for the coming academic year will be 5,500 and that, in addition, approximately 1,500 students will become part of the student body as a result of the incor- poration of the Tel Aviv School of Law and Economics into the Hebrew University. Battle Over Child Waged by Catholic Father, Jewish Mother The education of a five-year- old girl whose foster mother converted to Judaism following a divorce from her Catholic husband, is the subject of a law suit in Denver. The youngster, Anne Marie Wieck, had been adopted by the Francis X. Wiecks through Catholic Charities of Denver. The couple was divorced in 1957. Mrs. Theresa K. Messinger, the girl's foster mother, is re- presented by a Catholic attor- ney, Anthony F. Zarlengo. He contends that the person with custody of the child should determine where the child will be schooled. The court has no authority, he said, to dictate the faith in which Anne Marie will be reared. Wieck's Jewish attorney, Ira Rothgerber, Jr., argues, on the other hand, that the child is bound by adoption papers which stipulated that the child should be reared as Catholic. say HAPPY NEW YEAR to friends and family with .. . LOFT'S CHOCOLATE MINIATURES So appropriate for this joyous occasion — Lo ft's delicious chocolates are prepared under the personal- supervision of Rabbi J. M. Charlop and Rabbi S. Reichman. Special favorites — Loft's Assorted Miniature s (shown) are a combination of milk and dark. 1-lb. box 2-1b. box 1.79 3.50 Our inviting selection also includes: Fruit and Nut, dark or milk chocolate, 15-oz., 1.89 Little Aristocrats, miniatures in all milk or dark, 1 -lb. 1.79 Candy Shop—Hudson's Downtown-1st Floor Hudson's Northland and Eastland ,