THE DETROIT JEWIS H NEW S — Friday, Sept. 25, 1959 — 12 Letters to Editor on Center Sabbath Issue (Editor's Note: The letters appearing on this page are representative of the communications we received during the week in comment on our editorial urging the Jewish Com- munity Center's board of directors to reverse its decision to open the Center's facilities on Saturdays. Scores of telephone calls and other letters endtp-sed our editorial position. As of late Wednesday afternoon, there was not a single comment in defense of the Center board of directors' decision.) Sol King Joins in Plea Mizracht Applauds JN Editorial to Center to Rescind thousands of members of our Editor, The Jewish News: Sabbath Opening At a meeting of our execu- community are with you in Editor, The Jewish News: tive committee which was held your excellently worded ar- You are to be commended for today (Sept. - 21), it was re- . ticle. your courageous editorial of solved to send you a letter of We hope and pray together Sept. 18 which takes issue with commendation for the editorial with you, that the board of the `recent decision by the Jew- concerning the Jewish Center directors of the Jewish Center * * ish Center board to open the in Detroit. will reverse its unwise and Center Action Assailed Center on the Sabbath. Feinberg 'Shocked' The Jewish News took a improper decision to keep the As a present member, former clear and honest stand on be- Centers open on the Sabbath by Detroit Young Israel by Center Decision officer and member of the half of the sanctity of the and, in this way, create a split Editor, The Jewish News: E Center board for many years, I Sabbath and its meaning to in our wonderful Jewish com- Editor, The Jewish News: May I take this opportunity • I read your editorial on the to commend you for your forth- am outraged at the imprudent the Jewish people and its munity of Metropolitan De- . decision by the present board munity of the Jewish Corn- right position on the Sabbath. to formally contribute to the survival. It is inconceivable troit. Sincerely yours, munity Center on the Sabbath, PHILLIP STOLLMAN and I have wondered how it Attached is a copy of the pro- desecration and destruction of that a public Jewish 'institution should openly "violate • these DANIEL TEMCHIN . I sent to the Center's the most fundamental keystone holy basic principals of our is possible for a Jewish insti- test MAX STOLLMAN president. in Judaism by opening the faith. tution to approve of a policy IRVING W. SCHLUSSEL CHARLES T. GELL1\IAN Center's facilities on the Sab- so contrary to our. religious ZVI TOMKIEWICZ We are sure that many President, Young Israel bath. teachings. The text of Gellman's tele- Let's not be deluded by such I have written a letter to shallow reasoning that the Cen- Mr. Samuel Frankel, president gram: "As president of Young Israel ter cannot fulfill its responsi- of the Center, and I enclose a PHYLLIS WOLFF says: copy in the hope that you of Detroit I wish to register bilities to the Jewish commun- will publish it. It voices my shock and amazement at the re- ity in the areas of Jewish cul- cently published notice that the tire and informal education be- approval of your editorial. Jewish Center would be opened cause its facilities are not in , Sincerely CHARLES E. FEINBERG for activities on the Sabbath. operation on the Sabbath. Those Young Israel has been close to who are close to the Center 872 W. Boston The text of Mr. Feinberg's the Center movement since its know this to, be far from the inception from Melbourne Cen- truth. Lack of an adequate and follows: ter ter to Farnsworth where we qualified staff, low salaries, and "I was deeply shocked when held services, and to the very many other factors 'are perhaps I read that the board of di- present day Young Israel has the more legitimate reasons for moo° A "haimishe" standby rectors of the Jewish Com- viewed with satisfaction the the Center's not being in a posi- ... for old-timy good Kasha munity Center approved a poi- growth and development of the tion to do an outstanding job of Varneshkes, Kasha Knishes, and icy of permitting the Center Center movement in our city. service to the community. other treats. Less than 2 a serving! to open on the Sabbath for The most recent resolution, Previous boards pondered for activities. however, strikes at the very many years over this problem Also enjoy Wolff's Creamy Kernels (grits) . "It is unthinkable that an heart of traditional Judaism. and always concluded that the Wolff's Kasha 'N' Gravy ... Wolff's Kasha Soup. institution with the word You are inviting desecration of Center must retain the Sabbath Send for FREE KASHA COOK BOOK: `Jewish' in its name, of which the Sabbath under the guise of in a positive way and therefore PHYLLIS WOLFF, Penn Yan, New York the entire community in De- play and recreation as a corn- keep its facilities inactive and troit has been so justly proud, munity sponsored organization. closed on that day. How sad should institute a policy negat- You will be making a long-to-be- that the Jewish community has ing all the religious teachings regretted break in the spiritual lost the wisdom and counsel of unity of our larger community such great men as Butzel, Ehr- of our people. "We read so much of the family. Young Israel has many lich, Keidan, Simons and many greatly increased growth of years of experience in the area others who advocated, as an DISTRIBUTED BY: our religious .institutions of youth activities. Your con- essential, the identification of NATIONAL WHOLESALE GROCERS throughout the country, our templated step, rather than in- Jewish institutions with positive 8938 Twelfth Street, Detroit 6, Michigan new synagogues and religious spire religious service and de- Jewish values. TRinity 1-0606 I appeal to the Center board schools. How do you and your votion, will contribute to the board of directors hope to breakdown of religious life in to heed your counsel and to im- serve the Jewish community our community. We stand ready mediately rescind its unwise of Detroit by establishing a at any time to meet with you decision, for if we trade our precedent that will encourage to explore every means of un- unique spiritual values for mo- the destruction of religious doing the harm implied in your mentary expedients, we shall lose our opportunity for en- observance? No official Jewish announcement." hancement of the total, commun- non-religious institution has • ity in which we live. ever dared to open for busi- Sincerely, ness on the Sabbath. It would Editorial Approved SOL KING destroy the dignity of the in- 2804 Oakman Blvd. dividual Jew and certainly by .Rabbi Hershfield could not be understood by Editor, The Jewish News • the non-Jewish community in Please accept my congratu- Asks for - Reversal the Detroit area. It will cre- lations for your splendid edi- Editor, The Jewish News: ate nothing but harmful con- torial concerning the Sabbath Your editorial asking for troversy. How often do we stand of the Jewish Community reconsideration of the deci- have to continue to fight our Center. sion to open the Jewish Com- own people to maintain our The Sabbath has always munity Center on the Sabbath. self-respect for religious ob- been the cornerstone of our deserves commendation. servance? The Sabbath principle, first faith. Whether we are Ortho- "How does a board of direc- dox, Conservative or Reform, taught by Jews, was accepted tors of a Jewish-sponsored we cannot callously ignore the and emulated by most reli- Now ... from the famous kitchens of institution so far forget its Sabbath and its implications gions. I plead and express the inherent responsibilities to the for the future of Judaism in hope of many others that the Jewish community, and how America. In this connection, I dignity of the Sabbath be pre- can its symbol of Jewish lead- know you will be interested served and that the decision ership be explained to the to learn that the forthcoming to open the Center on the younger generation to whom we biennial meeting of the Union Sabbath be reversed. MITCHELL FELDMAN teach the Commandment to of American Hebrew Congre- 18401 Littlefield observe the Sabbath? How can gations, in November, will you explain why you want to consider very seriously the e encourage- them to desecrate topic, "A Guide to Reform Sixth Canadian Chess it? Jewish Sabbath Observance." "As an individual Jew, I will In my opinion conducting a Championship in Row do all that I can do to influ- program of physical educa- ence other individual Jews and tion on our classic day of Won by Abe Yanofsky When it comes to real gefilte fish, the MONTREAL, (JTA) — Abe organizations of Jews to' op- rest, will hardly be conducive blend's the thing. For old-fashioned, pose the Jewish Community to any observance , of the Sab- Yanofsky, who won the Can- home-made gefilte fish is a blend of many adian chess championship in Center in Detroit from open- bath, in deed or in spirit. ingredients—much like fine coffee is a 1941 when he was 16, captured ing its activities on the Sab- blend of many kinds of coffee beans. One To my way of thinking, this his sixth Canadian chess crown bath. ingredient helps bring forth the full, hid- whole matter hinges on one defeating Ignas Zalya. The "I ask you and your board question, namely, do we pos- by den flavors of the other. Now, white-as- victory marked a 10 to nothing snow whitefish is delightful ... and lake- of directors to reconsider your sess any self-respect? Can any record in the invitation tourna- fresh pike has a wonderful, breezy flavor. action and to rescind it." institution, supported by the ment. Together in one superb blend—they're Jewish community as a whole, The champion's spectacular • just unbeatable! That's why we're sure desecrate the Sabbath with career began when he was 12, you'll agree MANISCHEWITZ WHITEFISH-PIKE Kasle Endorses Editorial impunity? Most assuredly, be- when he entered tournaments is the most delicious gefilte fish blend fore we can demand respect at the Toronto Canadian Na- Editor, The Jewish News: you've ever tasted — another example of I read your article in the Sept. from members 'of other faiths, tional Exhibition and also asked how MANISCHEWITZ brings the genius of real Jewish cooking to your table! 18 issue of The Jewish News, we ought to learn to respect permission to play adults. Per- mission granted, the boy won all and I want to commend you ourselves. idea- FREE! Brand-new, idea- Faithfully yours, three major events at the ex- very highly for the stand you packed MANISCHEWITZ BRIG RABBI NATHAN hibition. RECIPE BOOKLET. For have taken against the opening lour copy, write: A graduate in law at Oxford HERSHFIELD of the Jewish Center on Satur- University, he is a practicing Temple Beth Jacob days. THE B. MANISCHEWITZ CO., Dept. P, Box 88, Newark i , N. J. attorney in Winnipeg. Pontiac, Mich. ABE KASLE Ah-h-h ... Kasha! KASHA of course! co 0 a siZENDE/ com°,6/?)ativi MANISCHEWITZ Whitefish 4sL Pike gc(zx Gefilte Fish