Judge Theodore L_ evin has been chosen chairman of the 60th anniversary celebration of the United Jewish Charities, of Detroit. Judge Levin is immedi- ate past president of the Jewish Welfare Federation and a for- mer UJC president. Center Announces 4 Major Appointments Meyer Schreiber has been ap- pointed program director of the Jewish Center, 18100 Mey- ers. Frank Loewenberg, formerly director of the Center's Ten Mile branch, will direct the Slate Creative Drama •Workshops for Children World Stage, Detroit's "off- Broadway theater," Livernois at Six Mile Rd., will be holding creative dramatics workshops for children and teen-agers on Saturday mornings, beginning Sept. 19, under the direction of Diane Margolis. The 12-student classes will run for 20 weeks. Mrs. Margolis is an audito- rium teacher in the Detroit Public Schools and has taught dramatics for nine years. She received creative dram at ic s training from Winifred Ward, one of the leaders of the cre- ative dramatics movement. Mrs. Margolis has also acted in lead- ing roles at World Stage and Michigan State University. She may he contacted at TO 5-7694 for further information. for- girls, physical culture, danc- ing, lesson's in piano, stenog- raphy and American history classes. The nature of the classes was determined by the desire of the Charities' Board to help in the Americanization of recent Jewish immigrants The United Jewish Charities and in the "self-help" of the may well be the nation's pio- economically underprivileged. neer in federated fund-raising In 1904, a camping program • and social planning. for underprivileged youngsters In 1899, Dr. Leo M. Franklin, was established and that same rabbi of Temple Beth El, in- year, out-of-town agencies were vited the presidents of the city's included in the Charities' single f our Jewish annual campaign for funds. As .a result of a 1923 survey c haritable organizations of developments and needs in to discuss a communal service, financed by joint associa- Leopold Wineman, the Char- ities formed the present federa- tion. Schreiber Loewenberg On Nov. 21 tion of Jewish social service YOU EXPECT MORE of that y e a r, agencies with the responsibility FROM HAMILTON JACK MANN r e p r esenta- of promoting the social and AND GET IT ! tives of t h e cultural welfare of the Jewish BEN GREEN Beth El He- community and of raising funds You Can't Drive Overhead — Why Pay For It! brew Relief centrally. The Charities re- Society, the mained as the property-holding .1Ladies Hebrew body of the federation of agencies. Sewing S o c 13519 HAMILTON at DAVISON TO 6-2800 The Jewish Welfare Federa- ety, the Self- L.: Help Circle tion now has a membership of Judge Levin and the Jew- 13 agencies in Detroit and ish Relief Society established raises $5,000,000 annually for the United Jewish Charities to 65 Jewish causes. SERVICE STATION "form a joint association by A committee to prepare a BLACK 8. WHITE Old Phonographs Converted to Stereo which all charitable and edu- history of Detroit's Jewish corn- Jaffe Hellman cational work now being done munity will be under the chair- by the various societies may be manship of Leonard N. Simons. more expeditiously and less ex- Irving I. Katz will head a corn- Center's new children's divi- pensively accomplished." mittee on exhibits and Clarence sion, including pre-schoolers, nursery school and juniors. The founders established two H. Enggass is chairman of a Sigmund Hellman, formerly committee on families of principles: 1. To exclude all director of the Center's Davi- founders. f o r m s of solicitations, ticket son branch, will direct the selling, pr o g r am advertising, Center's new youth division, in- bazaars and fairs, and to con- cluding tweens, teens, and col- MOTOROLA fine individal bounty to direct legiates. subscription; a n d 2., to dis- Eugene Jaffe will direct the MUNTZ courage t h e starting of new Center's new adult division. SERVICE STATION institutions without the ap- • Dumont • Silvertone • Magn.ovox ■ Westinghouse proval of the United Jewish Get Hundreds of Entries • V-M • Crosley • Hot Point • caympi Charities. David W. Simons was Diplomas were awarded to 34 for Annual Bible Quiz • Airline • Webcor the first president. new nurses at exercises Monday JERUSALEM, ( J T A ) — Is- Justice Henry M. But z e 1, night marking the fourth grad- rael's second annual Bible quiz chairman of the Charities' En- uation ceremonies of the contest was launched with pre- "SINCE 1938" EMERSON dowment Committee, was an in- Shapero School of Nursing of liminary contests in five Israel Written Dexter Saks & Service Guarantee on corporator and later president Sinai Hospital. cities — Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, 11565 DEXTER • LICENSE No. 216 ALL Repairs of UJC. He will participate in Over 500 people, including Haifa, Rehovot and Eilat. Hun- the anniversary celebration. "SINCE the families of the graduates, dreds of entrants took part in 1938" Judge Levin said the anni- representatives from the com- the written tests. versary celebration is being munity and the board of trus- organized to make members tees of the Shapero School and of Detroit's Jewish commun- Sinai Hospital, filled the Aaron ity more aware of their "long DeRoy Theater of the Jewish heritage of personal and col- Community Center to near lective responsibility for the capacity. The commencement address common good." was delivered by Rabbi M. Rob- In the year of its incorpora- ert Syme, of Temple Israel, who tion, the Chraities was called reminded the graduates that in upon to give help to Romanian their vows, they have pledged to refugees who came to Detroit devote "compassionate conside- - in large numbers. ration" to all their patients. By the turn of the century, "The true nurse," Rabbi Syme t h e Charities was publishing said, "dedicates herself to each names of subscribers to its patient, according to his per- the welcome you receive annual collection. sonality, whether rich or poor, In 1901, a dispensary for indi- humble or great. is not measured by the gent sick was added to Char- "What you do depends on ities services. what you are as an individual. size of your savings account! In 1902, the Charities hired What Sinai Hospital does also its first full-time professional depends on what you do," he director. Henry Butzel, the said. All Savings Insured to $10,000 by an Agency of chairman of its real estate com- The parallel between religion mittee. bought land for a per- and the nursing profession in The United States Government manent Charities building on regard to the "preciousness of East Vernor, which was then the individual" was cited by called High Street. Rabbi Syme. He said that when The Hannah Schloss Build- God created Adam, he made ing was already too small for only one individual. This is the difference, he explained, be- growing Charities programs when it was dedicated in tween the workman, who stamps all of his goods in the same 1903. DEXTER at CORTLAND mold, and the Divine Artisan, LIVERNOIS at W. 7 MILE RD. The house government com- who has stamped all men in the W. 9 MILE near COOLIDG E mittee listed reading, arithme- form of Adam, but has made tic, art, civics, sewing classes no two alike." Main Office Better than 50 percent of the WOODWARD at CONGRESS new graduates—a percentage IF YOU TURN THE 3 Other Branches similar to that of the three pre- •It ribg:” (1 vious classes—will remain on r" the nursing staff of Sinai Hos- UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T pital. FIND A FINER WINE THAN Diplomas were awarded by George M. Stutz, president of the Shapero School, and greet- ings were extended by Abraham 4:5ft .g Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. I Srere, president of Sinai Hos- pital. Plymouth NEW CAR! USED CAR! or SERVICE! De Soto HAMILTON MOTOR SALES Stereophonic Conversions Admiral Shapero School Grants Diplomas to 34 New Nurses PH I LCO TV Rentals PHONE TE, 4-2858 AMERICAN SAVINGS ..... I • . .... -- TH E DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, Sept. 18, 1959 Judge Levin Named Chairman of UK 60th Anniversary Committee