14 . THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, Sept. 18, 1959 — Israel Scientists Develop New Serum for Rabies Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News JERUSALEM — A vaccine against rabies, giving promise of safe immunization before the onslaught of the infection and not after it ,as the present vaccine does, has been developed in Israel, Dr. A. Kidron of the Israel Veterinary Institute reported Tuesday. Addressing the fifth International 13iological Stand- ards Conference, Dr. Kidron noted that the present vac- cine, which was developed by use of rabbit brains as- culture, may affect the patient's brain causing partial paralysis. Although the likelihood of this happening is not great, averaging once in 300 vaccine treatments, the possibility has led doctorg to avoid use of the vaccine unless rabies is definitely suspected. Dr. Kidron said the new vaccine developed in chicken eggs had been shown in preliminary tests to be free of any • threat to the brain and therefore usable without danger immediately, even in doubtful cases. He said this meant that the danger could now be avoided of giving the vaccine when it was too late in the course of the rabies to be effective. • Strictly Confidential Find Death Camp Records of 110,000 Jewish Victims GENEVA, (JTA) — Detailed information about nearly 110,- 000 more Jewish victims of Nazism has been microfilmed from German records at the for- mer Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz, Poland, it was an- nounced here, by the Interna- tional Red Cross. The records will be added to the files of the International Tracing Service, which the Red Cross maintains at Arolsen, West Germany. Many documents kept by the Nazis, giving exact names, ages and home origins of victims of extermination are on file at the museum at Auschwitz, which is maintained by the Polish gov- ernment. The latest addition to those documents, to be made available to stvAlents and others wishing to consult the Arolsen records, contains the names of 34,346 perions brought to Auschwitz for extermination. In addition, the records now list the _names of 75,528 other victims brought to Auschwitz, Ma id a n ek and other extermination centers in the East. Included in the latter group are the names of victims transported to the East by way of Drancy, France, the chief as- sembly point: for French Jews destined to die in Nazi murder camps. Germany's Debt Paid, New Generation Claims NEW YORK, (JTA) -- Dr. Joachim Prinz, national presi- dent of the American Jewish Congress, told the quarterly meeting of the administrative committee that after a decade of "atonement" by Germany's political leaders for Hitler's crimes against the Jews, a new generation was coming to power with a growing belief that Germany had paid its debts for the excesses of the Nazi regime and that the rec- ord of the past must be for- gotten. Dr. Prinz warned that "Ger- man - Jewish relationships ap- peared to be entering a new stage, one that will require elope and careful watching by all men of good will who can- not lightly dismiss the horrors of the Nazi era." One bright spot in the pres- ent German picture, Dr. Prinz said, is the role of the press, radio and television in expos- ing renewed outbreaks of anti- Semitism, attacking g r owing neo-Nazi movements and warn- ing of anti-democratic develop- ments in the country. ;low is the time for rome d a g READY TO SERVE DATE-NUT ROLL to come to the aid of by PHINEAS J. BIRON the party . . . What 'about Palestine and From A Reporter's Diary: Harrison Salisbury's articles the Jews, we say . . . He an- In fact, any time and any occasion is perfect for in the New York Times on the swers solemnly:: "Stalin be- lieves in Jewish nationalism this delicious dessert cake ...made with crisp, Union of Soviet Socialist Repub- chunky walnuts and the world's choicest dates . . If the Jewish State which ... vacuum-packed to keep perfectly fresh till lics are most interesting . . . may emerge in Palestine will be you want it! Put in a supply today! one article ran under the sub- a truly socialistic government, title of "Anti-Semitism and Stalin will welcome it with open 7ittIel DROMEDARY CHOCOLATE-NUT ROLL and ORANGE-NUT ROLL Religious Upsurge are said to arms and help it along . . . Baffle the Soviet Regime" .. No, we are not opposed to a In that piece Salisbury describes Jewish state . . . What we don't a shabby little concert of Yid- want is a Zionist State stooging dish songs in a dingy hall of PHYLLIS WOLFF says: for the imperialist powers." the Moscow Railroad Workers . . . That is, of course, the old Club .. . The singer, Salisbury song . . . Except that Feffer tells us, sang a poem by Itsik really believes it! Feffer put to music and the These are some of the notes crowd went w i l d applauding we rescued from an old diary . . . It was a tribute to the late . . . There is much more but Yiddish poet who was murdered it may not be revelant . . . The month of October has by Stalin a few years before When we read Salisbury's piece been designated as JNF Blue- the dictator's death . . . We about Feffer, the other day, we White Month in Detroit- and stared at the story and thought remembered Feffer's young and area, according to an announce- back 16 or 17 years ago when enthusiastic face and his un- ment by Mrs. Morris Kutinsky, A "haimishe" standby Im rofe we met Feffer in New York shakable confidence in Stalin chairman of the Blue-White Box ... for old-timy good Kasha . You may remember that . . . There is no doubt, today, Committee of the Jewish Na- Varneshkes, Kasha Knishes, and during the war Feffer and the that he was liquidated by order tional Fund. During the tradi- other treats. Less than 2 i a serving! late Soviet Yiddish actor of his great hero . . . And to- tional Fall . clearance, 4,500 Michoels visited our country day, Khrushchev's Russia has homes will be visited and Blue- Also enjoy Wolff's Creamy Kernels (grits) . as a delegation from the Jew- done really very little to rehab- White Boxes will be cleared by Wolff's Kasha 'N' Gravy ... Wolff's Kasha Soup. ish Anti-Fascist Committee of ilitate him, who was acknowl- volunteer workers, members of Send for FREE KASHA COOK BOOK: the USSR . . . We picked up edged as the first ranking poet Hadassah, Ladies Auxiliary of PHYLLIS WOLFF, Penn Yon, New York an old note book and re-read of Communist Russia . . . In a JNF, Mizrachi Fanny Gluck and some of our entries . . . In the light of what happened to Fef- dingy hall, a second class artist Sisters of Zion, Northwest Child fer these observations of ours is singing a Feffer poem and Rescue Women, Pioneer Wo- have a sad, almost tragic under- that is all . . . Never, as far as men, and others. The Blue-White Box Commit- tone .. .Here are some of these we know, has the Khrushchev regime publicly regretted the tee is also making a special ef- notes:' DISTRIBUTED BY: Feffer murder . . . Never has it fort to place several thousand Colonel Feffer, the younger made a public gesture to rein- new boxes in homes, during this NATIONAL WHOLESALE GROCERS of the delegation, is altogether state him . . . Salisbury writes period. 8938 Twelfth Street, Detroit 6, Michigan different from his colleague that active persecution of Jews TRinity 1-0606 Michoels . . . He is very much no longer is carried out by the World Dignitaries attached to Yiddish culture and Soviet Government . . The Mr*W*,:igg , strangely enough has a great situation of the Jew in Russia View Israel Exhibit deal of affection and respect for is far better today, says Salis- MONTREAL, (JTA) — Lord Jewish religion . . . Not the bury, than in the final years Mountbatten, Admiral of the synagogue type of religion but of Stalin's life . . . But, writes Fleet; Donald Fleming, Finance something that goes much deep- the New York Times corres- Minister of Canada, and Nathan er . . . The other day he and pondent, "only fumbling and Philips, Mayor of Toronto, were I went on a shopping spree in half-hearted efforts have been among the more than 1,000,000 the East Side . . . He bought made by the government to face persons who have visited the several mezuzehs, a talleth and up to the reality of the prob- Israel pavilion and booths at the some candlesticks . . . We asked lem ... ,Anti-Semitic tendencies Canadian National Exhibition. him whether he intends to use are still alive and powerful." Lord Mountbatten, who open- these articles in his own home Until a Soviet regime tackles ed this year's exhibition, visited . . . He smiled non-commitedly the problem honestly and pub- the Israel Pavilion escorted by and said rather vaguely have li licly confesses its guilt against Adin Talbar, Israel's Commer- friends who will appreciate men like Feffer, we cannot be- cial Consul in Canada and di- them." . . . He is not only very lieve that the Jew in the USSR rector of the pavilion. well versed in Yiddish litera- is really safe. A reception and fashion show ture but admires even the writ- was held on the Israel freighter, ings of contemporary Yiddish 10 in South Africa • Yarden, whiCh arrived in Tor- authors who are not friendly onto with merchandise for the to the Soviet Union . . . Public- Assured of Election Israel pavilion. ly he attacks these writers but JOHANNESBURG, (JTA) — in private conversations with Ten Jews are among the 83 me he spoke warmly about their candidates for the four Pro- Sen. Keating Greets talent . . . What is rather para- vincial Councils of the Union Harman Senate Talk doxical is his genuine love and of South Africa whose nomi- WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Sen. respect for Stalin . . . He is nations are not opposed and Kenneth Keating, New York much more a Stalinist than a who thus will be automatically Republican, took the Senate communist . . . When we query elected on Oct. 14. The pro- floor to express welcome. Am- him on anti-Jewish feeling in vincial councils are next' to bassador - designate Avraham DELUXE GEFILTE FISH Russia, he gets offended . . . importance to the South Harman of Israel. Be among the first to serve this royal new dish! Made exclu- There is no such thing, he in- African Parliament and con- Sen. Keating said Harman sively by MOTHER'S, of pure whitefish only...the precious luxury sists . Any conflict between trol education and other re- "is no stranger to our shores, fish prized for its exquisite, delicate flavor. KOSHER © PAREVE being a "good" communist and gional matters in their area. and like his gifted and distin- a good Jew, we ask Feffer .. . All ten are members of the guished predecessor, he has Or choose Mother's "Don't make me laugh he an- made many friends in Israel." "Old Fashioned" swers. "When Yiddish will be United Party. The Senator said, "I salute Another seven are • among (regular) dead in 'America, the Soviet the incoming Ambassador from gefilte fish. eft Union will still be publishing the 261 candidates who will Israel and wish him every suc- hundreds of .Yiddish books and fight it out for the remaining From the spotless kitchens of Mother's Food Products, Inc. • Newark 5, N. J. cess in his new post." have the best Yiddish theatre" 87 seats. October Named Clearance Month for JNF Boxes Ah-h-h... Kasha! KASHA Of course! ® i e re s