Israel's Munitions Factories Now Producing 'Super Bazooka' g acqueiine Direct JTA Teletype Wire To The Jewish News Shop LAST CALL! LAST CALL! Strauss, the Baltimore Sun re- TEL AVIV. — Israel's muni- ported from Bonn. The dispatch said German de- tions factories are now produc- ing a "super bazooka" anti-tanks fense sources had confirmed the gun believed capable of piercing purchase of "several . thousand" any known tank armor, it was Israeli submachine guns, listed under the nomenclature of "ma- reported here Tuesday. chine-pistol." It was also con- Defense sources denied, how- firmed that Israel had sold not ever, that an Israeli anti-tank only the mortar shells that missile was being tested by the pi- evious,ly caused a furor, but West German army with a view also heavy and light mortars. to a possible purchase. Reports, from Bonn last week Suez Blockade Bogged asserted that the Germans were 'Down in Legalisms on testing a wire controlled rocket Eve of General Assembly UNITED NATIONS, (JTA)- built in Israel on French design. FINAL REDUCTIONS The United Arab Republic Official sources which now blockade of the Suez Canal to confirm Israel's sale of the Israel shipping was bogged famed Uzzi submachine gun to down in a maze of legalisms Casual and Cocktail the Bundeswehr indicated Tues- this week with Israel strategy day that the weapon being sup- on the issue at the forthcoming Values to plied to West Germany has United Nations General Asset= $59.95 modifications from the stand- bly still not spelled out. ard weapon used by the Israeli Dag Hammarskjold, UN Sec- Army: The gun, now in stepped up production, is made with a retary General, did little to end magazine for 25 rounds for the the impasse in two statements. For Now and .Thru the Winter Israelis. The model delivered One was the introduction to his annual report to the Assembly to the Germans has a magazine with a capacity of 45 rounds. in which he indicated he felt that the "appropriate authority" Washington Is Told for settlement of the dispute Israel Has Sold More Arms was the International Court of to West German Army Justice of The Hague. But it WASHINGTON, (JTA) — was known that he did not United States Army observers propose this "solution" to UAR of the current German Army President Nasser when he met maneuvers have reported to the UAR leader in Cairo two Washington that Israel has sold months ago to discuss, among more arms to West Germany other matters, the UAR Suez values to 10.95 and that the Bundeswehr is now blockade. using Israel-made machine guns. The other occasion was a press conference in Rio de The new development in Is rael-German arms relations un Janerio where the Secretary folded publicly when German General admitted the UN had Defense Minister Franz Josef not been able to reach a solu- Strauss had inadvertently posed tion to the issue but voiced the for a photograph while inspect- belief that "further progress" ing one of the newly-acquired mould be made at the General Assembly s e s s i o n. He em- Israeli-weapons. phasized that "there are no new U.S. Army observers had pre- means that can be brought into viously reported the acquisi- action" and that "the means of tion by West German forces of enforcement of the United Na- thousands of Israeli sub-ma- tions are strictly limited!' chine guns. Contracts have also been negotiated for a quantity Short and of heavy and light Israeli mor- tars. The Israeli mortars and Long Sleeves machine-guns were thoroughly tested by the German Army and found to be among the deadliest weapons on the world market. (Continued from Page 1) It was reported here that the The paper declared that the German Army is testing an Is- Fall and Winter raeli-made wire-controlled anti- political influence of the Jews tank rocket. It is reportedly in the Soviet Union had "com- based on a NATO-approved pletely disappeared," although it noted Jews were still promi- French missile. nent in other branches of Soviet values to 79.95 U.S. Army sources revealed life such as " nuclear. science, that Germany has decided to literature and sports. equip its new panzer armored Basically, the Times declared, divisions with Israeli sub-ma- chine guns, having found these the Soviet state demands from weapons superior to the Thomp- the Jews unquestioning subserv- son sub-machine gun. • Both ience and support of all its pol- American and German ordnance icies and actions. CommuniSm is anti-Jewish in officers have praised the Israeli weapon for its simple operation, the sense that it opposes all re- ligions, the paper noted. It is durability and efficiency. It was pointed out that Ger- anti-Jewish in the political sense many is buying Israeli arms because it follows an anti-Israel because they are cheaper in policy, it added, but it is not values to 39.95 price than other weapons of anti-Jewish on any racial princ- comparable quality. Mortar am- iple. Premier Nikita S. Khrush- munition, for example, was 20 chev, the paper declared, is thus per cent less than Germany had "caught between two fires on been paying France, its former these vital issues. He denounces anti-Semitism but he appears to source. practice it." Report German Defense The Soviet leader, the Times Minister Embarrassed by added, "is quite becoming more MATERNITY FASHIONS--Summer and Fall Styles, values to 22.95, $1, Disclosure of "Uzzi" Deal $2, $3 and more aware of the attach- BALTIMORE, (JTA) — Dis- ment of many Russian Jews to HOSIERY—full fashioned or seamless, values to $1.50 closure that the West German Israel." 68c Army is using weapons acquired The article reviewed the his- from Israel has caused "ex- tory of the Jews since the Rus- treme embarrassment" to De- sian revolution and described fense Minister Franz Josef the "vicious campaign against the Russianized Jewish intellect- uals" who were branded as cos- IF YOU TURN THE •Itr.‘ 3 , • mopolitans. It also described the • No Layaways attempt to prevent the learning of Hebrew and the use of the UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T • No Alterations Yiddish language during the FIND A FINER WINE THAN cold war years and cited the ex- • All Sales Final ecution of lea d:ng Jewish writers in 1952 in the so-called "doctors' plot." 1 AT DEXTER STORE ONLY! dresses $5 • $7 • $9 • 11 blouses $ 1 $ 2 $ 3 Conditions for Security Noted in London Report COATS 17•$19 $22 Leather JACKETS 14 OPEN EVES. 'TILL 9 I Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. 1 Classified ads bring fast results! 13206 DEXTER