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September 11, 1959 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-09-11

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I Rites Solemnized

THE DETROIT JEWISH NE WS -- Friday, Sep t. 11, 19


Cong. Beth Abraham was the
scene of the Aug. 23 wedding
of Marcia Elaine Berman to
Charles Allen Bennett. The
ceremony was performed by
Rabbis Israel Halpern and 'Wil-
liam Gold, the bride's uncle.
The new Mrs. Bennett is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David
S. Berman, of 18975 Santa Bar-
bara, and the bridegroom's par-
ents are the George Bennetts,
of 18307 Ohio.
A gown of silk taffeta trim-
med with Alencon lace and
pearls at the neckline was the
bride's choice of wedding en-
semble. The skirt was gathered
into butterfly pleats which fell
into a chapel train. A pearl
tiara held in place a veil of
silk illusion, and she carried
her prayerbook with white or-
• Rosanne Berman was her sis-
ter's maid of honor, while Mrs.
Alvin Foland, of Syracuse, N.Y.,
was matron of honor. Brides-
maids were Helene Berman,
Carolyn Berman, Judie Katz-
man, Phyllis Citron and Mrs.
Arnold Lober.
The bridegroom's best man
was his brother, Howard Ben-
nett. Ushers were Arnold
Lober, Charles Rosen, Neil
Rosenthal, Howard Dubin and
Irving Berman.
Out-of-town guests came from
Chicago, Florida, California,
New York, Oklahoma, Missouri
and Canada.
Following their wedding trip
to New York, the couple will
reside at 19150 Votrabeck.

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Bar Mitzvahs

Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Bar-
den, of 25961 Raine, Oak Park,
announce the Bar Mitzvah of
their son, Elliot Stuart, at 8:45
a.m. services Sept. 19 at Adas
Shalom Synagogue. A dinner
in Elliot's honor will be held
that evening at Holiday Manor.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lent-
er, of 20018 Ardmore, an-
nounce the • Bar Mitzvah of
their son, Sheldon Aaron, at 9
a.m. Saturday at Cong. Ahavas
Achim. Cocktails and dinner
in Sheldon's honor will be held
that evening at Sholem Alei-
chem Institute, 19350 - Green-
• * *
Mrs. Lilyan Lichtenstein, of
12170 Broadstreet, announces
the Bar Mitzvah of her son, Ar-
thur, on Saturday, at Cong.
Young Israel, Dexter Blvd. A
buffet dinner in Arthur's honor
will be held Saturday evening,
in Springel's Patio Room.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boodin,
of 19744 Snowden, announce the
Bar Mitzvah of their son, Steph-
en Earl, Saturday, Sept. 19, at
Congregation Ahavas Achim. A
dinner in Stephen's honor will
be held at Sammy's Avalon
Room, Oak Park, Sunday eve-
ning. Sept. 20.

* * *

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin)
Schneider, of 17604 Monica, an-
nounce the Bar Mitzvah of
their son, Paul David, at 8:45
a.m. Saturday at Adas Shalom
Synagogue. A dinner in Paul's
honor will be held at Rainbow
Terrace Saturday evening.
*•* *
Mr. and Mrs. Pine Schwartz,
of 3014 Monterey, announce the
Bar Mitzvah of their son, Wil-
liam Phillip, at 9 a.m. Saturday
at Cong. Bnai Zion. An open
houSe in William's honor will
be held Sunday at the family


Sept. 3—To Mr. and Mrs.
Allan W. Gilbert (Anita M.
Kramer), of 19150 Votrobeck
Dr., a daughter, Kathy Sue.
• * *
Sept. 5—To Dr. and Mrs. Sid-
ney J. Rubenstein (Miriam
Levin), of 19916 Weyher, Li-
vonia, a daughter, Deanna Beth.
Aug. 28 — To Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Fine (Pauline Koenigs-
berg), of 13680 Elgin, Oak
Park, a d a u g h t e r, Sharon
* * *
Aug. 28 — To Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Fuller (Terry Keywell),
of 21730 Kipling, Oak Park, a
daughter, Ricki Sue.
* * *
Aug. 26—To Mr. and Mrs.
Sanford Pliskow (Helen Ross),
of 22021 Blackstone, Oak Park,
a son, Stuart Aaron.
Aug. 21 — To Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Bogrow (Marian Ablitz),
of 23480 Scotia, Oak Park, a
daughter, Marcie Lynn.

* *

Aug. 21—To Dr. and Mrs.
Leonard Schreier (Barbara
Hirsch of Cleveland), 24820
Rensselaer, Oak Park, a son,
Eric Marvin.
* * *
Aug. 20—To Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Sovel (Rena S.
Schwartz), of 13200 S. Norfolk-
a son, Lawrence David.
* • *
July 20 — To Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Taylor (Doris Arlin), of
Pickford Rd., Livonia, a son,

John Arlin.

Miss Glinter to Wed
Yeshiva U. Graduate

Delegation Selected to Detroit Town Hall
Attend Women's Parley Lists Year's Events

Mrs. Sam Wasserman, presi-
dent, Detroit Council of Pioneer
Women, will lead a delegation
to the 16th biennial national
convention of Pioneer Women
to be held Sept. 13 to 16 in
Cleveland, at the Pick-Carter
Golda Meir, Israel Foreign
Minister, a member of Moetzet
Hapoalot, Pioneer Women's sis-
ter organization in Israel, will
address the convention.
The delegation accompanying
Mrs. Wasserman includes Mes-
dames I. Posner, M. Michlin, I.
Berman, N. Leemon, S. Rose,
H. Mondry, D: Kumove, R.
Drachler, S. DeRoven, B. Nai-
mark, I. Kutnick, I. Serling,
J. Yendick, S. Boim, D. Sislin,
G. Goldberg, H. Disner, I. Pasi-
kov, S. Yagoda, J. Erman, M.
Mendelson, M. Friedman, A.
Schreier, A. Singer, C. Bronson,-
O. Warren, A. Beguin,- H. Kan-
ter, S. Schwarz,- B. Shapira, J.
Wyzan, M. Goldbaum, H. Jacobs,
S. Goldberg.

Detroit Town Hall will open
its fall season Oct. 7, with thea-
ter star Julie Haydon in a one-
woman show, "The Realm of a
The program, and the remain-
ing 11 of the season, will be
held at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays
in Ford Auditorium.
Detroit Free Press corres-
pondent Betty Beale will dis-
cuss the diplomatic set in "Capi-
tal Capers" on Oct. 21. Others in
the series are: Clifton Daniel,
Duke of Bedford, Victor Rie-
sel, Neil Douglas' color film on
Alaska, Nila Magidoff, Harry
Golden, Dr. Leland Miles and
Gayelord Hauser.

Maimonides to Hear Talk
on Israel by A. Elazar




The engagement of Dolokes
Rozalind Glinter, daughter of
Mrs. Lillian Glinter, of Avon
Rd., and the late Mr. Glinter,
to Solomon Greenfield, son of
Mr. and Mrs. David Greenfield,
of Brooklyn, N. Y., is an-
nounced by Miss Glinter's
The bride-elect is an art ma-
jor at Wayne State University,
and her fiance is a graduate of
Yeshiva University, N.Y., and
Columbia University. The
couple plans a Sept. 15 wedding.


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Albert Elazar, superintendent
of the United Hebrew Schools,
who recently returned from a
visit to Israel, will address
Maimonides Medical Society on
"The Relationship of Israel and
Dr. Imber to Address the Middle East" at the group's
first dinner meeting Sept. 16
Bnai Brith Seminar , at Sammy's Avalon Room.
Cocktails will be served at 7
Dr. Elmer M. Imber of Chi-
cago, vice president of Bnai p.m., announces Dr. Louis Kaz-
Brith District Grand Lodge No. dan, president.
6, will address the luncheon
session of the
1 5th annual
seminar work-
Master of Ceremonies
shops of De-
and his - Orchestra
troit Bnai
Detroit's Leading Entertainer
Brith Council,
TO 8-2067
TO 6-5016
at Henrsoe Ho- ..."....••
■ •••• ■■••■■ ••W
tel this Sun



Dr. Imber is
native of
Belleville, Ill.
At the Univer-
sity of Illinois,
he conducted
Dr, Imber
services at the
Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation
under Dr. A. L. Sachar. During
World War II he served two
years in the Army and returned
with the rank of Captain.
Milo Rappaport, seminar
chairman, states that registra-
tion will be from 8:15 to .9:15
The workshops on major Bnai
Brith activities will be led by
Melvin Weisz, Harvey Weisberg,
Sol Moss, Morris Lynn, Samuel
Gottlieb, Harry Pearson, Irving
Flaschen, Milton Resnick, Harry
Gross, Sol Superf on, Avram
Charlip, Lawrence Kopel, Mor-
ris Direnfeld, Alfred H. Bounin,
Maurice Zeiger, Harry Wein-
berger, Nathan Rubenstein, Ru-
dolph Meyersohn, Jack Leeds
and Robert Rudman.
At the luncheon, Council
awards will be presented to
lodges with a record of out-
standing achievement during
the past year.



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Award Irving Moskovitz
National Prize for Coins

A national first prize for his
collection of foreign gold coins
was awarded to Irving M. Mos-
kovitz, of 17338 Wyoming, a
Detroit plumbing contractor.
Moskovitz displayed his col-
lection of coins at the recent
68th annual national convention
of the American Numismatic
Association at the Multnomah
Hotel, Portland, Ore. The con-
vention was held in conjunc-
tion with the state's centennial
A first and grand prize win-
ner in many state exhibitions in
New York, Florida, Ohio, Mis-
souri, Pennsylvania and Michi-
gan, Moskovitz also won, at the
convention, a national third
prize for his collection of Ma-
sonic medals and jewels.


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