Doubt Arab Unanimity on Refugee Plans; Egyptian Press Calls Mufti Dangerous Man LONDON (JTA) — Strong doubts were expressed as to the degree of unanimity with which representatives of nine Arab states, winding up a ten- day conference at Beirut, re- jected recommendations ad- vanced by United Nations Sec- retary General Dag Hammarsk- jold for solution of the Pales- tine Arab refugee problem. Although the conference de- cision was described as "unani- mous," demands were repeated by the Lebanese for a "positive" approach to the problem. The Kingdom of Jordan was said to be receptive to the plan as was Iraq. Both Jordan and Iraq were described as being most interested in the financial as- pects of the Hammarskjold plan which envisaged a capital in- vestment of two billion dollars for the economic development of the Middle East and the resettlement of the displaced Arabs. The Lebanon, with a popula- tion almost evenly divided be- tween Christians and Arabs, would like to see a settlement of the refugee problem which would relieve it of the burden of 100,000 refugees, nearly all of them Moslem, whose settle- ment in that country would upset the present balance. Violent opposition to the Hammarskjold plan was led by the United Arab Republic. Its dictator, Col. Gamal Abdel Nas- ser, has found the refugees a useful instrument with which to prolong restlessness and dis- order in Jordan and other Arab Israel Religious Party Direct JTA Teletype Wire To The Jewish News JERUSALEM — The National Religious Party which repre- sents the religiously orthodox element in Israel's political life has set. up an Arabic section to develop its relationships with the minorities in Israel in con nection with the forthcoming general elections. The first rally of Arabs held by the Jewish religious group Sets Up Arabic Section was attended by 200, it was re- ported Tuesday. They included Moslems and Christians. Among them were sheikhs, imams, tribal leaders and elders. National Religious Party members of the last Kenesset addressed the meeting and told the guests that their interests would best be served by sup- porting the party which adhered to the Mosaic code and tradi- tional Jewish ethics. states over which he seeks dom- ination. (The New York Times, in a cable from Beirut, said that "from the tone of some edi- torials in the Arab press, it is believed that there was pressure within the conference to work out a set of counter-proposals that might have been consid- ered a positive response to Hammarskj old." The cable notes that one editorial in an Arab and $1 newspaper denounced "those I. only 111 il who demand positive action.") AT Haj Amin el-Husseini, the former Mufti of Jerusalem who organized the anti-Jewish riots in Mandated Palestine and worked with Adolf Hitler in World War II, is being pushed completely out of the Presents picture by Col. Gamal Abdel Nasser and is being denied Volume 2 any role whatever in current THE ART OF CANTOR Arab politics, reports from Cairo disclosed. JOSEF ROSENBLATT "Masterpieces of the Synagogue" The ex-Mufti, who was al- PLAINFIELD, Vt. — Receipt four books and many articles ways given special considera- • Rachem No • Uv 'Nucho Yomar of a Ford Foundation grant dealing with social problems, tion by the Arab States, came • Wehu • Tal • Nishmas of $19,900 for an exploratory studied at Harvard College under sharp personal attack • Umip'ne Chatoenu • Rom W'nisso• Kol Nidrei study of Vermont youth was where he was a member of this week at the hands of a MR. J. SPITZER announced at Goddard College. Phi Beta Kappa, at Oxford leading Cairo weekly which de- Volume 1 Dr. Jerome Himelhoch, a University as a Rhodes Scholar nounced him as "the most dan- native Detroiter, recently ap- and Columbia University where gerous man in the Arab world." "MASTERPIECES OF THE SYNAGOGUE" pointed to teach sociology at he received his M.A. and Ph.D The attack would not have ap- peared if it had not received degrees in 1944 and 1952 re- the college, has been named Also Available spectively. Prior to his ap- official sanction. project director. • Elokay Neshomoh pointment at Goddard College, • Yishtabach The same publication roundly The grant will make pos- Dr. Himelhoch taught at Drew condemned the ex-Mufti's plans • Habet Mishomayim • Tikanto Shabbos sible initial studies designed University, the University of to establish a Palestine govern- • Acheinu Kol Beth Israel • Elokay Ad Schelo Nozarti to clear the way fora contem- Rochester, New York Univer- ment-in-exile with the backing • Adoshem Moloch Geus • W'Af Hu Hoyoh Mis'Chaven plated four to seven year pro- sity, Brooklyn College and of a foreign nation which has • Der Neuer "Omar Rabbi Elosor" gram of research and action. Brandeis University. not been publicly identified with Both LP 33 1 /3—$1.98 Each The project study will be de- He is the son of Israel Himel- the pina. veloped in cooperation with hoch of Detroit. The right-wing Istiqlal (In- Vermont State Departments of Another Best Seller by Meyer Levin dependence) Party organ in Education, Health, Institutions, Cairo reported this week that Public Safety, State Police, Eisenhower Appoints the agenda of the next session Recreation and Social . Welfare. Renowned Author of Compulsion, Noted AJC Member of the Arab League would in- Interviewed at his home in My Father's House — Reg. $3.95 $2" clude a proposal. for establish- Concord, Mass., Dr. Himelhoch to UN Assembly ment of a "Palestine Govern- SAVE $1 ON ALL BEST SELLERS! said: "The behavior and per- WASHINGTON, (J T ,.=k) — ment" backed by an army cap- sonal problems of rural and Harold Riegelman, f or m e r able of "taking the offensive FREE DELIVERY IN DETROIT SUBURBS small town youth have been chairman of the New York against the State of Israel." All left largely unstudied until chapter of the American Jewish the League member states now. The Ford Foundation Committee, and a member of would participate in financing H E G BI BREW EBAK R 6 grant means we can go ahead the administrative and steering, the new government and army, to develop a program of treat- committees of the AJC, was ap- the paper said. Commander of ment and prevention of these pointed by President Eisen- the army would be Col. All Abu Delightfully Air-Cooled problems where they are found hower to membership on the Nawer, a former Jordanian 18294 WYOMING UN 3-0543; UN 3-1557 to exist." United States delegation to the Army commander who broke Dr. Himelhoch announced United Nations General As- with the Jordan royal family Closed Saturdays — Open Sunday 9 to 5 that he would use Goddard sembly. and supported Col. Nasser. College under-graduate stu- Riegelman has been serving dents as research assistants for a year as U.S. delegate to and field workers interviewing the United Nations Administra- officials and practitioners con- tive Tribunal, a 15-nation group cerned with youth services. which has just concluded a Dr. Himelhoch, author of series of sessions at Geneva. He has been, for years, prominent in Jewish and interfaith activ- 14-Year-Old Wins ities as well as in general com- munal affairs. American Savings .. • El Al Israel Trip Active in the affairs of the headquarters for happiness National Conference of Chris- tian and Jews, he was chairman for thousands who save of the NCCJ national commis- sion on community organiza- tions and, more r e c e n t l y, founded and conducted a spe- cial Seminar on Islamic Cul- ttu-e. An attorney, Riegelman in 1938 served as a delegate to the New York State Constitu- tional Convention. He has also acted as adviser to the State of New York on welfare legis- current rate lation, housing, taxation_ and finance. Currently consel to the v All Accounts Insured to $10,000 by Washington Embassy of the et Agency of United States Gov't Nationalist Chinese Govern- ment, he left Geneva for con- DEXTER at CORTLAND ferences with Nationalist Chi- LIVERNOIS at W. 7 MILE ROAD nese authorities at Taiwan this week. W. 9 MILE ROAD near COOLIDGE CAROL FARB, 14, of Balti- After confirmation by the Main Office more, is shown boarding an El Senate, he is expected to as- WOODWARD at CONGRESS Al Israel Airlines jet-powered sume his UN post Sept. 15. 3 Other Branches Brittania at New York Interna- In recent years, President tional Airport. Carolyn, accom- Eisenhower has been appoint- panied by her mother, won a ing one . prominent American round-triy to Israel for two, and Jewish leader to each U.S. dele- two weeks at a hotel there, as gation to the UN General As- a result of having won first sembly. Other Jewish leaders prize in a national creative who have served the U.S. Gov- writing contest on Jewish sub- ernment in that capacity are jects sponsored by Barton's Jacob Blaustein, Philip M. Candy Corp. Ktutznick and Irving Salomon. IT'S NEW QR SPITZER'S ! RCA CAMDEN Dr. Jerome Himelhoch to Direct Goddard College Study of Youth " E V A " s p iTzErs WO.