for the fall semester of the W. Seven Mile Road; B'nai One of the timeliest and explains the importance of the United Hebrew Schools is now Moshe, 10 Mile Road and Keno- rollment in any UHS school, most important guides to our Mahzor and proceeds to inter- under way, with classes in the sha, Oak Park; Esther Berman call either the main office, DI Holy Day prayer books has been pret all of the prayers on Rosh elementary grades to start Branch, 18977 Schaefer; Rose 1-3407, or contact the nearest written by Rabbi Louis Barish, Hashanah and Yom Kippur. He Sept. 9. Sittig Cohen, 13226 Lawton; and branch. whose "High Holiday Liturgy," winds up with commentv'es on Hebrew High School classes the Ten Mile Branch, 15110 W. The UHS transportation sys- just published by the Jonathan the Neilah Service and con- and United Jewish High School Ten Mile Road, Oak Park. Af- tem provides transportation for David Co. (85 cludes: (Mittleshule) also begin Sept. filiated schools include the 4 P444 Division, N.Y. ikt: "After we exclaim 'Next 9, with Midrasha, College of Workmen's Circle, 18227 West children from all Jewish areas 2), is an ex- year in Jerusalem,' the hazan Jewish Studies, scheduled to Seven Mile Road, and Sholem in the city and in suburbs to ceptiona 11 y starts a spiritual chanting of begin classes on Sept. 13. Aleichem School, 19350 Green- the closest UHS branch. valuable work the Kaddish. Immediately be- A new UHS branch is being field ' for laymen fore the `Tiskabe of the Kad- opened this semester in the Parents are urged to enroll who seek un- dish, the Shofar is sounded. Livonia area, announced Albert children now, since classroom derstanding of . One long, exultant 'Tekiah,' Elazar, superintendent. T h e space is short in many of the the prayers. - Dr. Barish suggests victory in our spiri- school, to meet at the head- branches. Registration will be This is a uniquely meritorious tual battle and expresses our quarters of the Livonia Jewish accepted until after the first work. Dr. Bar i s h originally happy confidence that God wrote a brochure for the armed has forgiven and sealed us Congregation, Seven Mile Road week of classes, if space is avail- and Osmus, will be operated in able. Classes begin Sept. 9. with forces. "Companion to the for a good New Year." cooperation with the Livonia beginners' classes starting on Mahzor," while he was an army In this spirit, Rabbi Barish Jewish Congregation. Acting Sept. 14. chaplain 10 years ago. Out of it has dealt exultantly with a sub- principal will be Norman Rut- has developed this enlarged ject he has covered most ably. Registration for the High work that provides the infor- tenberg, Schools who has principal been a United be Jonathan David Co., the Hebrew for School, Sept. 2 18977 and 3. Schaefer. Classes will meet mation needed for an apprecia- book's publishers, have an- almost 20 years. tion of our prayers. three times a week. nounced that a study guide, to Other branches now taking "High Holiday Liturgy" be used with the book, is avail- enrollments for elementary age Midrasha registration is from creates the inspiration that wor- able to purchasers of the book groups are the Adas Shalom, Sept. 8 to 10. shippers seek during the holiest on request. Gives you a choice of 7045 Curtis; Beth Aaron, 18000 To meet the graduation re- period on our calendar. The them all . . . 400 sailings quirements and Bar Mitzvah special value attached to Rabbi Registration in Swing . . • 100,000 accommo- regulations of most synagogues, Bnai Moshe Transfers Barish's book is that each dations. AM Rates. All children who have reached the at O-W Young Israel prayer's commentary refers al- Offices to New Building age of eight should be enrolled Dates. All Routes. The Hebrew, Sunday and so to the page numbers in the The first in a series of moves in Hebrew schools. Answers you r every prayer books of reform, ortho- nursery schools of Young Israel to transfer its services and Special classes for girls are question about Cruises dox and conservative—Adler's Center of Oak Woods have set facilities to the Oak Park area now being offered in most and Cruise Travel. "Service of the Synagogue," the period through Wednesday was completed by Congregation branches of the United Hebrew Birnbaum's "High Holy Day as registration week. For your FREE copy, In accordance with the re- Bnai Moshe with the establish- Schools. Prayer Book„ and Silverman's call or write; meat of an office in the new quirement of four years school- There are a • few openings "High Holiday Prayer Book." THOS. COOK & SON sanctuary at 14390 W. Ten Mile available for the United He- Thus Dr. Barish's inter- ing prior to Bar Mitzvah, all Road, corner Kenosha. 1244 Washington Blvd. brew Schools nursery in Oak children who will have reached Detroit pretations of prayers and his Nathan Welch, the congrega- WO 1-6631 analyses of Jewish worship their ninth Birthday by April tion's executive secretary, an- Park. Parents with children are not single-tracked, but 1, 1960, should attend the He- nounced that he and his office about 31/2-years-old should con- All Reservations at tact the Oak Park office, LI are suitable for worshipers brew school. Sunday school is staff will be on hand on week 8-4747. Official Published Rates not considered sufficient for in all synagogues. days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to Bar Mitzvah training. It is no wonder, therefore, Daily classes begin on Sept. answer inquires about member- DC6B — RADAR EQUIPPED that spokesmen for all group- 9. Sunday School classes begin ship, services, Sunday and other Pressurized - Air-Conditioned ing in Jewish religious life have Sept. 13. matters. COMPLIMENTARY FOOD SLEEPER SERVICE joined in commending and re- High Holiday services are Beginning this week, daily commending this book. CALIFORNIA open to non-members as well and Sabbath services are being NON $ 1 4 9.0 0` R.T. STOP Because it has such immense as members. held in the Adolph Deutsch FLORIDA $82 (YR.T. value, the eminent reform Chapel which seats 120 people. *PLUS TAX leader, Dr. Solomon B. Freeof, Shaarey Shornayim Now HAWAII (FROM CAL.) "As a matter of fact," he said, 9 11 .00*0.w. said of the book: Assigning Holiday Seats "we have been instructed by BON AIRE TRAVEL SERVICE "Chaplain Louis Barish has The ticket committee of Rabbi Moses Lehrman, Cantor 12149 WOODWARD, DETROIT beautifully captured the mood Shaarey Shomayim Synagogue, Louis Klein and officers of Bnai TO 5-7711 of the prayer book. His com- Oak Park, will take reserva- Moshe extend an invitation to mentary will be of help to tions for High Holiday seating residents of the Oak Park- many. Every - worshiper should from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Huntington Woods area to at- have a copy." and from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. tend the congregation's services. FOR THE BEST DEAL Another eminent scholar, Dr. Sunday through Thursday, an- Sidney B. Hoenig, Yeshiva Uni- nounces Rabbi Leo Y. Goldman. ON AMERICA'S HOTTEST CAR A Story from Israel versity's director of adult edu- Cantor Leibele Ritter, bari- Elias Jacobs, editor-publisher cation, commended Dr. Barish tone, of New York, will offici- of the Buffalo Jewish Review, by saying of this book: ate at the services, Oct. 2, 3 upon his return from Israel, "The constant awareness of and 12. told the story of an American the development of the Mahzor, For information on the res- General Sales Manager the numerous explanations of ervation of seats, membership, with a lot of luggage. The cur- ious customs officials were stag- the prayers and their meaning Bar Mitzvah classes or nursery, gered to note that among his to us today, make this volume call LI 1-9769. belongings was a TV set. a wonderful guide. The book "Don't you know we have no will serve as a manual of Jew- In Israel, less of the Jewish Sales Service ish thought on many past and holidays are observed than in television in Israel?" he was asked. 1 5524 SCHAEFER current phases of Jewish life, America—only the first days of TI 6 1122 "I know," he replied, "that's and it will be most welcome in the holidays being kept. Between Ford Rd. & Mich. Ave., Dearborn why I brought my own." Jewish Adult Classes." The distinguished conserva- tive leader, Dr. Robert Gordis, Jewish Theological Seminary BY HENRY LEONARD professer, stated upon reading ENROLL YOUR CHILD NOW the book: "To penetrate to the profound faith and wisdom of Judaism For the School Year 1959-60, Beginning Sept. 9th which reaches its climax on the in the High Holy Days, one needs not merely an understanding of the meaning of the words, but a comprehension of the back- (Affiliate of United Hebrew Schools) ground of each prayer. Rabbi Barish's book, 'High Holiday 19350 Greenfield Road Liturgy,' is a most valuable aid for devotion and insight on these great days. He has drawn upon all the resources of Jewish wisdom and piety, biblical, tal- mudic, medieval and modern, to reveal the nobility, wisdom and faith that are expressed in An integrated and comprehensive program for the education of Jewish children. our great liturgy. With refresh- iing clarity and warmth, he Attendance and instruction according to ages of learners: discusses the history and mean- ing of each element of the High 5-6 years — once weekly — 2 hours Holy Day service. He who will prepare himself for the High 7-8 years — twice weekly — 4 hours Holy Days with this manual, or ill 9-13 years — thrice weekly — 6 hours even utilize it during the ser- vices, will emerge enlightened, stimulated and strengthened in Qualified Staff, Under the Direction of Moshe Harr "Oh, by the way dear . • . the Rabbi's coming his faith in God and in His to dinner tonite." Transportation provided. For further information and literature, purposes in the world." Copr. 1958, Leonard Pritikia call VE 8-7440. In his evaluations, Dr. Barish - COOK'S COMPLETE CRUISE SUMMARY for 1959-60 NOW AVAILABLE! FLY- SAVE . 0 See HARVEY GELLER BARNETT PONTIAC - DAYENU O. SHOLEM ALEICHEM SCHOOL THE SHOLEM ALEICHEM SCHOOL OFFERS 1 3-TH E D ETROI T JEWISH NEWS—Fri day , August 28, 1 959 'Valuable Interpretations of Holy Hebrew Schools Enroll for Fall Term; Open Sept. 13 Day Liturgy in Rabbi Barish's Book Registration in all age groups Wyoming; Beth Abraham, 8110 For information about en-