THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, August 14, 1959 8 Keating, Javits Blast Suez Boycott; Ask U. S. Intervene 800 Jews in Aden Keep Looking Forward to Psalmist's 'Next Year in Jerusalem' By ELIAHU SALPETER (Copyright, 1959, JTA, Inc.) * * (Editor's Note: Mr. Salpeter, chief correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in Israel, is now touring Asian and African countries. In this article, he describes the life of the Jews in Aden, a British colony neighboring Yemen.) Practically all of the remain- 140,000, of whom about 105,000 are Arabs, about 25,000 Indians ing Jews speak fluent-Hebrew, and Somalis, about 5,000 Eu- have visited Israel, have many ropeans, and about 800 Jews. relatives there and intend to Ancient Aden was a flourish- emigrate to Israel themselves, ing city, but Yemenite and other sooner or later. Very often there is a regular Arab occupations progressively reduced it to a small village. rotation among the Jewish fam- When the British occupied ilies; for about half a year, Aden in 1838, its total popula- some members of the family tion consisted of about 550 peo- stay in Israel, while others tend ple, of whom about 200 were to the business in Aden; then they switch, with those from Jews. Aden going to Israel, and those After the opening of the Suez from Israel coming back for Canal in 1869, Aden regained some months to the family shop its importance. Ships from in Aden. Europe to the Far East and The Jewish community, as a back always stopped to take on whole, lives in an atmosphere of fuel and provisions in Aden, "Next Year in Jerusalem," but which has become the second it is always the NEXT year, largest bunkering port in the since they try to stay on as world. With the increase in as they can. population, there was also a long The community has four steady growth of the local Jew- synagogues and a good Jew- ish community which by 1948 ish school where 11 teachers numbered almost 10,000. give 1'75 children general and Almost all Aden Jews came Jewish education, a good originally from Iraq. They— knowledge of Hebrew, which like most of the Indians and has by now become the lan- some of the Arabs—are all guage spoken in a large part in commerce, which depends of the Jewish families. on the special nature of the One of the grievances of the port. Jewish community is the atti- Aden is a free port, which tude of the British authorities, means that there are no cus- who—allegedly in trying to win toms paid on any import to the favor of the Arabs—are now the colony. This gave Aden the ignoring the Jewish community.' fame—by now somewhat un- Recently they failed to re- justified—of being the place appoint the single Jew who where everything can be bought represented the community on dirt cheap. the Legislative Council, entrust- About half of the shops be- ing the protection of Jewish in- long to Jews. Some of the Jews terests in the Council—to one work as medium-rank govern- of the Arab members. ment employes. In 1948, the Arabs staged a Vacation-Temporary-Wake-up pogrom right under the nose of the British, murdering scores of Jews, plundering many of their shops, burning their houses. Since then, Jews have progressively emigrated from VE 7-6701 Aden, most of them to Israel. American policy naw, he de- WASHINGTON, (JTA) — Re- publican Sen. Kenneth Keating, clared, must insist that "the il- of New York, has voiced agree- legal restrictions on the use of ment with Sen. Jacob K. Javits, the Suez Canal must be lifted also of New York, who told the and the Inge Toft case settled. Senate earlier that unless Presi- Otherwise, we cannot give aid dent Nasser's illegal restrictions or fail to protest aid proposals on use of the Suez Canal are by international agencies." Sen. Keating told the Senate lifted, "we cannot give aid or fail to protest aid proposed by that some may think the Suez international agencies to problem only affects Israel but The British colony of Aden "it is decidedly of more impor- is situated at the southern tip Egypt." Calling for American inter- tance than that." He said the of the huge Arabian Peninsula. cession on the Suez Canal tran- interference with Israeli mari- It is surrounded by Aden Pro - sit issue, Sen. Keating stated, time commerce involves others tectorate, whose 1,100,000 primi- "We cannot leave this problem "because it has been the exper- tive Arab farmers and nomads only to Secretary-General Ham- ience in international affairs are divided into 12 separate marskjold," and urged that the that illegality in one area feeds kingdoms, each of whom has United States raise the matter upon itself and may involve signed a Treaty of Protection illegality in another area." formally in the UN. with the British government. The expressed hope that Pres- He said that President Nas- The protection they were ident Eisenhower and the Ad- ser's preventing the Danish ship seeking was against neighbor- ministration "will assume the from transporting a cargo to the ing Yemen, where slavery is responsibility to see to it that Far East, "has nothing to do still legal and flourishing, chop- our representative in the United with military affairs," in a man- ping off hands is the routine Nations does everything within ner that is totally without le- punishment for thiefs, and his power to bring the Suez gality. whose king, the aging Imam, is Canal problem to a head." about the cruelest and most The Senator said that "so absolute monarch on earth. long as any country is acting Senate 'Whip' Backs (Despite which, Yemen is a illegally, we should be very Morse Amendment member of the United Nations, loath to give that country aid its delegate there faithfully to further its illegal purposes." to Appropriation Bill echoing the Soviet line against Javits' earlier comment was WASHINGTON (JTA)—Sen- "Western colonialism.") in direct reference to propo- ator Thomas Kuchel of Cali- Aden colony proper consists sals for a loan to Egypt by fornia, the Republican whip, of the port city of Aden and its the World Bank to finance announced that he would sup- immediate surroundings, includ- widening and deepending of port the Morse-Javits amend- ing the huge British oil refinery the international waterway. ment barring United States aid and the British Military base. The loan is expected to come to any country which discrim- The local population is about up for discussion here at the inates on religious g r o u n d s September meeting of the against U.S. citizens. Bank's board of governors. Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon Morse Amendment Speaking on the floor of the had introduced the amendment Finds Wide Approval Senate, Javits declared that to the Mutual Security auth- NEW YORK, (JTA) — The Nasser had renewed the block- orization bill. It was narrowly Central Conference of Amer- ade of Israeli cargoes at the defeated by a 47-43 vote. Suez Canal in violation of the Since then, Sen. Jacob Javits, ican Rabbis strongly endorsed Constantinople Convention and of New York, and other have Sen. Wayne Morse's continuing international law and, during joined in sponsoring the efforts to write into the Mu- the last ten days, had accom- amendment to be submitted to tual Security Act a provision panied this by violent - threats the Mutual Security appropria- opposing aid to any country and declarations of belligerency. tion bill when the Senate Ap- which practices discrimination (In Cairo, Nasser told an au- propriations Committee takes on religious grounds against American citizens. dience that Israel would not be it up. The Civil Rights Committee allowed to use the Suez Canal. Sen. Kuchel supported the He scoffed at reports that Is- Lehman Resolution of 19 5 6 of the American Federation of rael planned to raise the matter which condemned the Saudi Labor - Congress of Industrial before the United Nations and Arabian discrimination against Organizations in Massachusetts repeated that he will "wage to- American Jews. He stressed his voted support of Sen. Morse's tal war" against Israel if the belief that "one of the funda- amendment to the Mutual Se- Jewish State will pursue "an mental principles, of our nation curity Act after hearing a re- aggressive policy" against Egypt. should be that there be no port by the Jewish Labor Com- His speech was broadcast distinction based on the re- mittee on the discrimination practiced by Saudi Arabia and throughout the country.) ligious faith of our citizens." Sen. Javits noted that Nasser He termed the Morse-Javits other Arab countries against had used a speech by Moshe amendment a -"clear reaffirma- American Jews. The Committee noted that Dayan, Israel's former Chief of tion" of that principle. the amendment spells out "the Staff, as a pretext for his own sense of the Congress" that attacks on Israel and pointed out that Gen. Dayan did not Okay Scout Movement financial assistance under the law should not be furnished to speak for the Israel government. in Israel State Schools any nation which "creates dis- He said "it must, however, be JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The made clear that provocations Cabinet approved a recommen- tinctions because of their race from whatever source only ex- dation of a ministerial commit- or religion among American citizens in the granting of per- acerbate and make more diffi- cult maintenance of peace, and tee to permit scout movement sonal or commercial access or any other rights otherwise pose the danger of a recurrence activities in state schools. A year ago when the govern- available to United States citi- of the events of 1956 and 1957 which should certainly be ment banned all youth move- zens generally." ment activities inside schools avoided." Javits added that "all this has there were representations George Wein's Newport occurred at a time when we from parents • associations, the have been increasing our assis- press and influential groups All-Stars to Shine Here The famed national Newport tance to Egypt and when we who cited non-political aspects Jazz Festival owes its incep- have been bending our every of scouts. The ban on youth movement tion to George Wein, who, with effort to bring about mutual co- operation with President Nas- activities in the state schools his Newport Jazz "All Stars," will remain in force for political will make his Detroit debut ser." Expressing concern over youth groups like the rightist Saturday at the American Jazz "deterioration" of Israel-UAR Betar movement, the religious Festival. Wein, who conceived the relations, Sen. Javits said: "I Bnai Akiva, the leftist Hasho- idea back in 1954, today pro- believe it essential that our mar Hatzair, and others. duces the annual event in the government determine to deal with the present crisis about Vote $11,000,000 to Clear East. His All Stars include Buck Clayton, Pee Wee Russel, the transit of shipping through Jerusalem Slum Areas Vic Dickenson and Jimmy the Suez Canal and not to JERUSALEM, Aug. 10 (JTA) Rushing. temporize with it." — The Jerusalem Municipal Saturday's festivities will be- Sen. Javits stated that "we Council approved a 20,000,000 cannot hope to bring about pound ($11,000,000) slum clear- gin at 7 p.m. when a panel peace and commerce between ance program providing for the discussion of jazz will feature Israel and Egypt now. But we construction of 2,100 housing "Jazz Priest" Father Norman can hope to pursue a persistent units for families now living in O'Connor. Other performers will include the Chico Hamil- policy . • . to bring about re- substandard homes. ton Quintet, Chris Connor, An- spect for international law." The plan calls for the initial dre Previn and his trio, Duke American policy, he added, had often been criticized for construcion of 500 family units Ellington and his orchestra. Tickets for the three - day failure of consistency in its ap- costing $4,500 each. The Munir:- American Jazz Festival are on pality and the Ministry of Labor plication. This is a situation in which such consistency is both will grant each family a $3,600 sale at Grinnell Bros., down- town. mortgage in Israel currency. nrartieal andriePdPcl." COYLE TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE The Testimonial Program Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rosenberg Will Take Place at 7:00 P.M., Monday, August 17th . At the Holiday Manor, 18641 Wyoming * S Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg will kindly note that the place of the testimonial has been changed from previously-announced Lutzker Hall and will now be held in HOLIDAY MANOR. We just have a little space left for little people (KINDERGARTENERS) in the HILLEL DAY SCHOOL OF DETROIT for the year beginning SEPTEMBER 1959 Sorry, registration is filled for first and second. grades. If you want the best for your children in intensive Hebraic and General Education., call the secretary, Mrs. Levy, HILLEL DAY SCHOOL OF DETROIT DIAMOND 1-8260 9 :11:34i4.. mt.° 19161 SCHAEFER THE SCHOOL IS CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF MICHIGAN