Convention Names Jersey City Attorney Nat'l JWV Commander Bonn, Netherlands Sign Agreement Barr Succeeds Restitution; Close Two-Year Talks Kaufman as JWV on BONN (JTA) — After 22 jected to paying compensation months of negotiations, West to Italian Jews on the grounds National Leader Germany and The Netherlands that they were already paying NEW YORK (JTA)—Attor- ney Bernard Abrams, of Jersey City, N.J., a combat veteran of Joseph F. Barr, a past nation- agreed on an indemnification 450,000,000 marks to Israel and World War II, has been elected al commander of the Jewish program for Dutch victims of the Jewish Claims Conference. Intensive negotiations, the the National Commander of the War Veterans, has been named Nazi persecutions, involving Jewish War Veterans at the or- to succeed Ben Kaufman as na- German payments that will total Turin paper stated, are expected ganization's 64th annual conven- tional executive director of the between 100,000,000 and 125,- to start before the end of sum- mer. 000,000 Deutschemarks. tion in the Statler-Hilton Hotel. organization. Meanwhile, a German mili- By far the largest number He succeeds Sam Shaikewitz of The announcement was made St. Louis. Abrams previously by the JWV's national execu- of beneficiaries will be surviv- tarist publication, the German served as national judge ad- tive committee, meeting last ors of Dutch Jews who died in ,loldiers' News, continued a vocate and commander of the week in New York at the 64th concentration camps, or Jews vicious campaign against paying New Jersey department of annual convention. Barr cur- who suffered material damage of indemnification and compen- or injury to their health during sation to victims or survivors JWV. The second highest post, that the Nazi occupation. of The of Nazi persecutions. The news- paper denounces Chancellor of National Judge Advocate, Netherlands. Konrad Adenauer and other went to Hyman Wilensky, of Of the Dutch citizens who government officials who agreed New London, Conn. died in concentration camps, to compensate Nazi persecutees The convention adopted a for whose deaths Germany will as "traitors to the German resolution condemning the now pay compensation, 104,000 Egyptian blockade of the Suez were Jewish and 1,500 non- people." Canal against Israeli shipping. Jewish. 1'70 Argentina Zionists Vote The resolution appealed to Pres- The Bonn government also for Israel in Suez Issue ident Eisenhower and the State has completed negotiations with BERNARD ABRAMS BUENOS AIRES (JTA) — €Department "to use every possi- Luxemburg and Norway; is re- The 26th biennial convention ble means to cause Egypt to ported to have reached agree- of the General' Zionist Organi- desist from its treaty violations ment, "in principle," to com- zation of Argentina, attended Knesset Authorizes and broken promises and, if our p e n s a t e Italian Jews, and by 170 delegates, voted unani- Oil Line Lease government deems it desirable, Capt. Goldberg opened negotiations this week mously in support of Israel's Barr to present a fitting resolution to provide payments to • Nazi "legitimate fight for freedom to Foreign Investors to the General Assembly of the rently serves as national ad- victims from Denmark. of passage through the Suez JERUSALEM, (JTA) — With United Nations dealing with ministrator of JWV, and is a The sum to be paid Norway Canal." only the Communists in op- this situation." has not yet been determined. prominent Washington com- position, the Knesset approved Luxemburg compensation is ex- The delegates also passed a munal leader. on final reading, a bill granting resolution asking for the de- DRIVING LESSONS At the same time, the board pected to total some 90,000,000 a group of investors, headed by portation at the earliest oppor- LESSON $ 2 5 of trustees of the National Deutschemarks. Baron Edmund de Rothschild, tunity of the "Butcher of the Report of the Italian pay- 7 COURSE a special 49-year lease to oper- Balkans," Andrija Artukovic, a Shrine to the Jewish War ments was made in La Stampa, Dual Controls ate a 16-inch pipeline from former Minister of the Interior Dead, also meeting at the con- leading Turin newspaper from No Permit Needed to Start vention, named Capt. Joshua Eilat to Haifa. Professional Instructors of the Nazi puppet state of L. Goldberg, district chaplain a Bonn correspondent. The un- An eight-inch line between Croatia. Day or Evening official decision was disclosed of the Third Naval District, to Eilat and Beersheba is now Appointments during preliminary negotiations Artukovic now lives in Los succeed Frederick S. Harris, being replaced by the new 16- between German and Italian of- Safeway Driver Training of Meriden, Conn., as president Angeles. He came here under a inch line. When the entire line ficials. , LI 2-6742 TO 9-7600 is brought up to 16-inch bore, forged visa and enjoys Ameri- of the board. Germany had originally ob- Capt. Goldberg, who will re- by July, 1960, it will have a cans freedom despite the fact capacity of 2,000,000 tons of that while he was Minister of tire next year from the U.S. the Interior of Croatia, his Navy, will devote much of his oil annually. IT'S TIME TO CHANGE TO BUICK! Further improvements, in- government initiated more Jew- time to the Shrine, which SEE ME FOR THE BEST DEAL ish and Serbian deaths than the houses souvenirs and memor- cluding the establishment of abilia of men and women of more efficient pumping stations, Nazis. the Jewish faith who served in will increase the capacity to the armed forces from the 3,000,000 tons a year by March, Police Nab Lunatic Revolutionary War through the 1961. 31 ST YEAR WITH BUICK A huge, new crude-oil anchor- After Slaying Two Korean conflict. age, which will more than • A reception for Kaufman, double the capacity for un- in Home for Aged World War I hero and holder PHILADELPHIA, ( J T A )- loading oil in the harbor of of the Congressional Medal of Eilat, was completed in the Two Jews were killed, and at Honor, feted the retiring JWV harbor of that Gulf of Aqaba least four wounded when a executive director. port this week. crazed man opened fire with a The program was held in Giant floats completed the shotgun aimed into the dining The World's Largest Buick Deafer laying of six new pipes of large room of the Uptown Home for the headquarters of the Labor bore so that oil tankers of the the Jewish Aged here, ruth- Temple Fellowship, and was TW 1-2700 11620 Jos. Campau largest capacity, up to 60,000 lessly cutting down the men addressed by Rev. Richard E. Evans, head of the Fellowship, tons, will now be able to unload and women at breakfast. who referred to Kaufman as a their cargoes. Unloading capa- The shots, according to police, city has been increased from were fired by Kyrlo Czupirzk, "modern Bar Kochba." Rev. Evans recalled the days 1,500 tons per hour to 3,500 42 from the porch of his house, when he and Kaufman fought tons per hour. overlooking the Home's dining together against the KKK and room. Police, who surrounded other bigots, and presented the Israeli Firm to Build his home within a few minutes JWV leader with an Israeli Proudly Announces he opened fire, cut the menorah, as a gift from the 2nd Highway in Turkey after man down with at least five ISTANBUL (JTA) — Solel bullets. He was in critical con- Fellowship. Boneh, construction firm owned dition at a hospital near the by the Israel Federation of Home. Find No Solution Labor, has been granted a con- According to police, he mum- in Emigration Debate tract for a 7,000,000-lira ($700,- 000) highway connecting one bled, after he had been shot, JERUSALEM (JTA) — Why of this city's suburbs to the that he wanted "to kill the Com- Jews leave Israel provoked a munists" Police said the man city. Solel Boneh is now com- lively but inconclusive debate pleting work on another high- was discharged last April from in the Knesset that ended with the mental ward of Philadelphia way project here, involving a adoption of a resolution asking cost of 2,000,000 liras ($200,000). General Hospital, and that the the government to take meas- records show he was once ar- Friendly relations between Is- ures to induce prospective emi- rael and Turkey were empha- rested on a charge of threaten- grants to remain in the coun- sized further with the arrival ing the life of the President of try. here, for a private visit, of a the United States. The debate started on a reso- >, 1 group of 68 Israelis, including lution moved by Binyamin prominent Moslem and Chris- Sephardic Youth Numbers Avniel, of Herut, calling for tian Arabs from Israel. Mem- 39% in Aliyah Inititutions establishment of a permanent 10 MILE RD. and KENOSHA, OAK PARK bers of the group met, upon JERUSALEM, (JTA)—A government committee to make their arrival, with municipal total of 13,150 boys and girls contact with Israeli Jews plan- Classes Will Be Held for Boys and Girls officials of this city, and of are living in Youth Aliya in- ning to leave the country. Pre-Kindergarten (Age 4) Izmir. Avniel contended that emi- stitutions in Israel. Of these, Through Grade 10 (Age 16) gration had been increasing, 39 percent are from Sephardic LIMITED SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS AVAILABLE St. Louis Plans Archives background, 24 percent are stating that, last year alone, FOR NON-MEMBERS from North Africa and the re- 7,500 Jews emigrated, while in 'Hall of Treasures' many others left without inten- mainder are from families with CHICAGO (JTA)—The Jew- Curriculum Includes: ish community of St. Louis is European background, it was tion of returning. He charged that high taxes • Hebrew (Grades 6-10) • Bible the first in the United States announced here by Moshe Kol, to establish a section to be head of the Jewish Agency's and the small differential be- Customs & Ceremonies • Arts and Crafts • known as the "St. Louis Jewish youth immigration department. tween the wages of unskilled • Music and Dramatics • History Since the department was es- workers and the earnings of Community Archives," in the professionals were causing tablished, Kol said, it has given proposed Hall of Sacred Treas- For Religious School Registrations and ures, under construction on the education and training to more many professionals to emigrate. Membership Information The General Zionists sup- $5,000,000 campus of the Jewish than 100,000 youths. Most of the University of America in Sko- graduates of these special in- ported the resolutions. Minister Call TE 4-5897 kie, a suburb of Chicago, it stitutions have been absorbed of the Interior Israel Bar Ye- HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES WILL BE HELD huda, on behalf of the various in agriculture and in other was announced here by Max IN THE NEW SANCTUARY Bressler, national chairman of vital branches of Israel's econ- labor parties, disputed that view. omy. .0 CHARLES WEINSTOCK KRAJENKE BUICK SALES, Inc. Congregation Bnai Moshe REGISTRATION FOR ITS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IN ITS NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SYNAGOGUE — SCHOOL BUILDING