THE DETR OIT JEWISH NE W S Fri day, August 14, 19 5 9 2 Purely Commentary. . STOCKHOLM—Students of social developments in Jewish communities and those who desire to acquire a- more complete knowledge of Jewish historical facts will benefit greatly from a visit to the Scandinavian countries. There are about 6.000 Jews in Denmark, ap- proximately 900 Jews in all of Norway and about 12,000 Jews in Sweden. Their position as citizens is glorious, their status as Jews is precarious. Those who have argued that anti-Semitism has been a . major cause of Jewish survival will find support for their viewpoint in Scandinavia. At the Jewish , community reception for dele- gates to the World Jewish Congress, your Com- mentator spoke with young and old, leaders and laymen: in the main, there appears to be little hope that Scandinavian Jewry can survive the wave of assimilation. Admittedly, 70 percent of the Jewish mar- riages in Denmark are intermarriages. Some have given the percentage of intermarriages as close to 60, and there seems to be agreement that at least 50 percent of the Jews in Sweden inter- marry. In fact, one of the leading rabbis in Stock- holm married a Christian (who turned Jewess), his two sons intermarried and his grandchildren are church affiliates. Norway seems to have. the least serious prob- lem. This may be due to the small size of the community—to the fact that there are only 200 Jewish families in the entire country. There are 600 Jews in Oslo, 120 in Trondheim and the rest of Norwegian Jewry is spread in several smaller communities. Oslo has a fine syna- gogue at 13 Bergstien. Attached to the synagogue is a school with 40 children. The fact that the Jewish youth are interested in Israel and are associated in the Scandinavian Jewish youth movement is pointed to as a good omen by Norwegian Jewish leaders. • Oslo JeWs are kept together by a number of factors, including the publication annually of a pamphlet listing all yahrzeits, as well as the his- torical facts about the community. The, Birkat Hamazon is printed. in Hebrew in this pamphlet. The Scandinavian communities have beautiful synagogues. They take pride in their religious ac- tivities, and there is much hope for a better future in the renewed interest that is being shown in Jewish cultural life. But the freedoms which invite assimilation -also lead to an increase in intermarriage, and out of it springs the pessimism that Scandinavian Jewry may disintegrate completely and may be swal- lowed up into the Christian communities. * * * Law Guarantees Religious Freedom It must not be assumed that Jewish life is altogether dead or even on the verge • of dying Scandinavian Visit Offers New Vistas in the History of the Jewish People in the Scandinavian countries. There is a beautiful synagogue in Copenhagen. The Stockholm liberal synagogue is massive and impressive. True, the Stockholm services on the last Sab- bath would barely have had two minyanim of Swedish residents were it not for the influx of visitors, primarly the American WJC delegates. But there is a remnant that carries on. Dr. Kurt Wilhelm, Chief Rabbi of the Stock- holm synagogue, delivered a trilingual sermon— in Swedish, English and Hebrew. A Jewish Theo- logical Seminary graduate, he is, nevertheless, lean- ing to the left in his direction of services. He has condensed the service, he has eliminated the "En Kelohenu" and other portions of the Sabbath siddur. Women are seated in the balcony, and, as in nearly all European synagogues, there is no mixed seating. Yet, there is a mixed choir and an organ. Until 1951, it was compulsory for all Swedes to belong to a religious community, and affiliation by Jews with Judaism was automatic. A religious freedom law went into effect on Jan. 1, 1952, but few Jews took advantage of it to abandon their congregational affiliation. Shehita is forbidden in Sweden and Norway, but its practice is permitted after the stunning of the animals by a special electrical machine that has been manufactured in England. The rabbinate has approved of the emendation. What else was there to be done in the matter? Life of Jews in Scandinavian lands provides an interesting study. It is an ebbing life. But that is true also of many other European communities. Meanwhile, there is a Shearith Israel—a rem- nant of Israel—that keeps life humming. * * Culture, Sculpture and Photography On the eve of Yom Kippur of 1944, when the Jews of Denmark, who were evacuated from their homes in small fishing boats, were taken at once to the services in the Malmo synagogue, Cantor Israel Isaac Gordon was chanting the service. The 6,000 Danish Jews whose lives were saved with the aid of their wonderful. Christian fellow citizens will never forget that day, and those who were in the Malmo synagogue will never forget the service. Cantor Gordon is now on a modest pension, but he continues to serve his communities in Malmo, as well - as in Stockholm. Mrs. Gordon is -presently visiting with her son, Willy, and his wife and two young children. Willy is one of the major subjects - of this report. He is one of the very outstanding sculptors of our time, and his nu- merous works dealing with Jewish themes—with personalities and events in Jewish life—have won for him wide acclaim. Generation of 'Jewish Beatniks' Feared if Youth Go Unanswered As a result of his splendid creative works, some of which are in Israel and other museums, the •Swedish government has now commissioned him to devote two years in preparation of a monument in tribute to ore—to mining in Sweden. Such an assignment is, in itself, a mark of great recogni- tion - of the artistry of this young sculptor. As a very young boy, Willy Gordon had already done considerable painting. Deeply devoted to Jewry, many of his subjects were Jewish. He in- jects into his work deep feeling. He is a creative artist who is destined to gain world fame. There are not many Jews here, yet they are contributing out of proportion to their numbers to the artistic elements of Scandinavia. We learn that Sweden stands out as the country with the largest number of photographers in the world : per capita. The ablest woman • photographer is Anna Rivkin-Brick. It may well be that she is Scandi- navia's outstanding photographer. She has been hailed as having turned photographs into poetry. At the WJC Plenary sessions, Anna Rivkin- Brick must have taken—personally—more than 1,000 photographs. She was at every session, climb- ing platforms, going to all of the receptions and taking pictures wherever there was an opportunity for a good shot. Her pictures are certain to be prized by the delegates from 43 countries who purchased them. Yemenites and Indonesians, Amer- icans and Africans, leaders and laymen—all ad- mired her work. She is a remarkable woman. She was written several books, and her picture stories for children have been translated into many languages. She is the author of illustrated works on Israel, and is now working on two more. Mrs. Rivkin-Brick labored an entire week. Came Friday night and she was with her husband, Daniel Brick, at the Institute of Jewish Culture he or- ganized, where Orthodox services are held and where the Stockholm community had arranged for kosher meals to be served to the WJC delegates desiring them. She was there again on the Sab- bath day, welcoming delegates, assisting in the serving of meals, relaxing with her fellow Jews on the day of rest. Indeed, Anna Rivkin-Brick is an eysher chavil—a woman of valor. Daniel Brick was not only the organizer of the Institute for Jewish Culture and Information at Valhallvagen 104 in Stockholm. He remains its guide and volunteer director. He is editor of Judisk Kronika, the monthly Stockholm Jewish chronicle. At the Jewish Institute,. another Jewish artist, Pavel. Fleischmann, is displaying his paintings. They are fine studies of JewiSh characterS, of Bibli- cal themes, of historic occurrences. Fleischmann's collection includes motifs of Russian Carpathia and other subjects. This artist has endeared him- _ self to WJC delegates who have seen his works. Detroiter Misses Youth Delegates at Stockholm Editor's Note: Isaac Scha- ver accompanied his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Schaver, to the World Jewish Congress in Sweden. He was one of the youngest observers at the sessions. He gives his impres- sions for readers of The Detroit Jewish News in the following article. * * STARLIGHT, Pa. (JTA) — be ignored," he warned. "The The American Jewish educa- age that produced beatniks tional system runs the risk of should look well to the mean- producing a generation of "Jew- ing of those confused and des- ish beatniks" unless it can give perate characters. If we are not young Jews "straightforward, to have a crop of Jewish beat- realistic and constructive" an- niks the Jewish community had swers to their questions, Dr. Ira better bestir itself and give an- Eisenstein, former president of swers that are straightforward, the Rabbinical Assembly of r e a.1 i s t i c and constructive. America, and one of the leaders Youth is willing now to be edu- By ISAAC SCHAVER of the Reconstructionist move- cated, but will our adult lead- STOCKHOLM. — As the ring- ership meet this challenge?" ment, warned. Rabbi Einstein was address- The Institute, which will run ing of applause filled the beauti- ing more than 100 teen-age re- through Tuesday, will be fol- ful City Hall of the city of gional officers of the Bnai Brith lowed by the international con- Stockholm at the Fourth Plen- Youth Organization who are at- ventions of Aleph Zadik Aleph, ary Assembly of the Wild tending a 23-day Leadership boys' division of the Bnai Brith Jewish Congress, I was deeply Training Institute at Camp Bnai Youth Organization, and Bnai moved. Here, in one room, 43 world Brith Girls, teen-age girls coun- Brith, here. Jewish communities were rep- The young delegates partici- terpart of the organization. pating in the Institute were spe- cially selected for leadership potential. They were granted scholarships from the national BBYO and their local Bnai Brith adult communities. The ern Israelite reported. - ATLANTA (JTA) "Jewish youth no longer "She was a carefully selected, "meanest thief in all the South- wants to run away from the land" has saddened the hearts pedigreed baby doe, three Jewish heritage, they want to of the 200 youngsters attend- months old, with big brown adopt it," Rabbi Eisenstein said. ing Camp Ajecomce, the At- eyes, a pink bow bestowed "But they recognize that they lanta Jewish Community Center upon her by the campers and a cannot live with it as it has bleat like a human baby. day camp. been handed down to them. Un- "The campers were taught to He stole Billy, – the three- fortunately, they have, by and treat her gently and address large, found few teachers pre- month-old baby goat. The police, the Humane So- her quietly. Before long, Billy pared to adapt it to their needs and to the times in which we ciety and amateur detectives in- would have been strong enough spired by newspaper stories of Tor the children to ride her." live." He added that Jewish young the kid-napping have been un- The consolation offered the particularly thoSe in able to find any trace of the be- campers for Billy's disappear- people leadership positions in Jewish loved mascot. ante—the rabbits, chicks and "Billy, as she was called by rock garden at the camp—did youth organization:, — are in desperate need of a "modern the Ajecomce day campers, not last long. Either the same who are not overly concerned criminal, or another, stole the guide to the perplexed. "The challenge presented by - with sex, was not just any•ordi- rabbits from their cage a few this_g_e_n_eratio_n cannot for long nary goat," the Atlanta South- days later. Thief •Gets Goat of Day Camp; Troubles Multiply with Rabbits — By Philip • Slornovitz resented by their foremost sues were taken up, and both leaders. It made me think— were presented in a clear and Jews, wherever they may be, factual manner. dispersed in the Diaspora, or The first issue was the crisis collected in one Jewish state, of sales of arms to Germany. At have a common bond which first, many delegates express -d unites them. their wishes to interfere in the As I scanned over the differ- matter. But Dr. Goldmann, by ent faces, I recognized some. his ingenius debate and clear There was Dr. Nahum Gold- logic, convinced them that it mann, president of the world should be left to the State of Jewish Congress; Moshe Shar- Israel. This, I think, was a sig- ett, former Prime Minister of nificant contribution to show in Israel, and many others. And I what capacity the World Jewish felt that something was missing Congress can act authoritative- —it was the lack of presence ly, and where the state of Israel is sovereign in its own policies. of youth! Goldmann, Sharrett, Zalman The second issue concerned Shazar, Rabbi Israel Gold- the Russian attitude and ac- tions toward the Jews of stein—these are the leaders and pillars of the Congress, that country. To my sorrow, the bulwark of the Jewish all the facts about their mal- people. But where will the treatment which I had heard about in the States were con- future leaders come from? At the Congress I could see firmed. no young men which would fill To this problem there was their places. This I think is hardly any solution which one alarming for two reasons: 1. could offer, except to keep try- Lack of future leadership; and ing to influence the Russian world 2. Lack of ideas and viewpoints government through of the younger generation. Who opinion. This also, I thoUght, was there to argue against was a significant contribution. Bezalet Sherman, of America, I was most impressed by when he stated: "The culture these wise solutions which of the youth of America is the proved logic was overcoming jitterbug and rock 'n roll." emotion. I listened with great interest In conclusion, I think I to the addresses of the Polish should mention the generosity observers stating their "com- and liberality displayed by the plete cultural freedom." and Swedish government. Besides with the same amount of inter- opening up the entire facilities est I heard the answers which of their Parliament building refuted their claims. It was for the use of the Congress, the plain to me that these observers Swedish Prime Minister and were prompted by other influ- other important officials warmly ences as to what to say. greeted a great and important In the Congress, two main is- functional body.