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August 07, 1959 - Image 30

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-08-07

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BUY ALL KINDS of men's cloth-
ing. TO 8-5956.


KENMORE automatic washer, Cold-
spot refrigerator, 2 love seats,
2 club chairs, 1 red leather chair,
wool blankets, 2 china dolls, lawn
mower, books and miscellaneous.
VE 6-9745.

MOVING—Solid cherry dining room
suite, modern. Norge electric
range. Reasonable. KE 7-1852.

T.V. FOR SALE—R.C.A. 21-inch, din-
ing room set. 12228 Linwood.

Turkey Probes
Bigots' Writings

ISTANBUL, (JTA)—Istanbul
authorities were investigating
the publication of two books of
anti-Semitic character a f ter
protests were made by the
Jewish community here.
One book, "Turks, Here Is
Your Enemy," was written by
Cevat Rifat Atilhan, a noto-
rious anti-Semite. The cover il-
lustration portrays Turkish sol-
diers pointing their bayonets at
a Mogen David.
The other, "Ideas on the Edu-
cation of Turkish Boys," was
written by Suleyman Oz, an of-
ficial of the Istanbul Educa-
tion Department. It contains
anti-Semitic„ propaganda.
At the same time local news-
papers came out with critical
comments against the use of
Ladino and French in resort
places by Turkish Jews. The
articles, by writers who are
not anti-Semitic, complained
that Jews continued to refuse
to speak Turkish.
One newspaper also claimed
that Jews were heavily patron-
izing the best hotels and clubs
at summer resorts. 'Another
newspaper asserted that Jews
were showing off their wealth,
while the rest of the nation
faced economic difficulties.

Disqualified Mayor
Wins Post by Big Vote

PARIS, (JTA)—Sen. Fernand
Auberger, whose election as
mayor of a small French town
was annulled by the ,courts' be-
cause of his introduction of ra-
cial issues in his campaign
against his Jewish opponent,
was re-elected to the post, by
an even greater majority, when
new elections were held.
Henry Torres, noted French
barrister and head of the ad-
ministrative council of the
French radio and television, in
a broadcast, called on the
French Senate to disqualify
The annullment of Auberger's
election as mayor and a fine
imposed on him for violation
of the election laws, repre-
sented the first time the new
legislation barring appeals to
racial or religious bias in elec-
tions had been invoked. There
were no indications whether
the authorities- would act to
annul Auberger's re-election to
the mayoralty.

Istanbul Radio Broadcasts
Kol Israel 'Concert Hour'

State-owned Istanbul Radio, un-
der a reciprocal cultural agree-
ment with rsrael, it was dis-
closed, has started to broadcast
Israel music for the first time.
Tapes sent by Radio Kol Israel
are being played on the "Con-
cert Hour" program here.
The Technical University Ra-
dio, an independent station op-
erated by university students,
plans an "Israel Night" on the
station. The program will con-
sist of Israel music and a talk
on music in Israel.
The Istanbul Radio will send
to Kol Israel tapes of Turkish
music which will include songs
by the late Jewish cantor, Isaac
Algazi, whose complete collec-
tion of recordings is to be found
only at the Istanbul Radio

Ask Diefenbaker
to Be Patron of
Bicentenary Fete

Minister John G. Diefenbaker
and the Premiers of 10 prov-
inces of Canada will be patrons
of the Bicentenary of Canadian
Jewry which is being celebrated
this year.
The celebration will begin
this. autumn and continue into
the spring of 1960 under the
sponsorship of the Canadian
Jewish Congress.
The Canadian Jewish Con-
gress officially proclaimed the
bicentenary, marking the 200th
anniversary of the settlement
of the first Jews in the colony
of Lower Canada in 1759.
A bicentenary proclamation
signed by Samuel Bronfman,
president of the Canadian Jew-
ish Congress, called for a year
of "thanksgiving prayer and
celebrations to commemorate
the national bicentenary of Ca-
nadian Jewry."
The statement recalls that
Jews from many lands "have
come to these hospitable shores
in search of religious and politi-
cal freedom and economic op-
portunity" and stresses that
"the blessings of a free country
have made possible a flourish-
ing Jewish community living in
harmony with its fellow citizens.
"In this mosaic of Canada we
have held fast to our ancient
prophetic ideals, motivated by
our steadfast belief in human
dignity and human welfare,"
the p. .oclamation continues.
"In this hour of thanksgiving
we recall that our generation
was privileged to witness the
creation of the State of Israel
and we express our profound
gratitude for the leadership
Canada demonstrated in this
historic achievement."
An honorary committee to
patronize the bicentenary ob-
servances is headed by t h e
Prime . Minister of Canada and
includes the Premiers of the
10 Canadian provinces.

Police Eye Arson
in Histadrut Fires






"Rabbi, maybe you can help me. How can I
stay away from shut and still not feel guilty
about it?"
Copr.i 958, Leonard Pritikin

People Make News

Albert Z. Elkes, 39, has been
appointed national director of
membership for Bnai Brith, it
was 'announced this week by
Maurice Bisgyer, executive vice
president of the organization.
Elkes has been Fi,„
assistant direc-
tor of the de-
partment since
joining the na-
tional staff in
1949. He suc-
ceeds Max N.
Kroloff, 51,
who died July
4 after suffer-
ing a heart at-
The new
membership director was born
in New York City. He was grad-
uated from Brooklyn College
where he received a bachelor's
degree at the age of 18.
Elkes was active in Jewish
affairs as a campaign direc-
tor for the United Jewish Ap-
peal before coming to Bnai
Brith, where he has helped plan
national membership and reten-
tion campaigns and produce lit-
erature on Bnai Brith activities.
* * *

Mrs. Max M. Rosenberg of
Women's American ORT, has
been designated - chairman of
t h e fifteenth .s•- ••;
national con-
vention of the
to take place
in the May-
flower Hotel,
.C., Sept. 21
to 24. The
cony ention
will deal with
t h e responsi- Mrs. Rosenberg
bilities of Women's American
ORT in support of the expand-
ing global ORT program of
technical training and educa-
tion for uprooted and under-
privileged Jews of the world.

* * *

Most States Separate
Church from State,
Congress Survey Shows

principle of separation of
church and state is being up-
held by an "overwhelming ma-
jority" of the states; according
to results of a survey made
public by the American Jewish
Only in Virginia, West Vir-
ginia and Florida is religious
teaching allowed in public
schools during school hours, the
study established.
In a 90-page report, the Amer-
ican Jewish Congress found that
the chief law-enforcement of-
ficers, of the states were faith-
fully supporting constitutional
religious safeguardS as inter-
preted by the United States
Supreme Court.
The study summarizes and
analyzes all available opinions
of state attorneys general on
issues involving church-state re-
lationships since the Everson
decision by the Supreme Court
in 1947. That decision held' that
the religious clause in the First
Amendment to the Federal Con-
Stitution was equally applicable
to the states.

Claims Russia to Print
Anthology in Hebrew

Soviet State Publishing House
in Moscow will issue a 300-page
anthology of Hebrew poetry, in
Russian translation, early next
year, according to an announce-
ment made here by Alexander
Penn, an Israeli left-wing poet.
Penn, who just returned from
MoscoW, where he attended the.
Russian Communist - sponsored
Soviet Writers Congress, said
he will edit the anthology. -
He declared that he will in-
clude in the work the poems' of
30 Hebrew poets of the present
and past generations, including
works by some of the greatest
poets in Israel.
He said that the Soviet press
recently published translations
of works by several Hebrevi
poets, and has reported "favor-
ably" on the revival of Hebrew
and modern Hebrew literature.

general agent of Indianapolis Israeli Newspapermen
Life Insurance Co., has been Honor New Ambassador
TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Israeli
honored for outstanding pro-
duction during the company's journalists and editors feted
recent President's Month cam- Avraham Harman, this country's
paign, according to Agency new Ambassador to the United
vice-president Arnold Berg. States, who is leaving for Wash-
Meisner led his district in in- ington this month to assume his
dividual sales, while his agency new post.
Representatives of the Jewish
FREDA Z E G M A N, 4071 set the pace for all agencies in
Agency executive, on which
Buena Vista, has been named the district.
Harman has served, also were.
to the publicity committee plan-
The man who can turn a present at the send-off party
ning the fourth annual session bluff into ready
cash soon which took place in the Journal.
of the Detroit Writers' Con- stumbles over his
own success. fists'. Club.
ference for amateur writers,
slated for Aug. 21 to 22, at
Crowley-Milner & Co., it is an-
nounced by Iry Leiberman,
national director. Speakers at
the conference include maga-
zine editors, professional writ-
ers, and teachers. Cash prizes
totaling $100 will be offered
to contestants in fiction and
non-fiction contests. Informa-
tion concerning entry of manu-
scripts may be obtained from
Miss Zegman or by writing Iry
Leiberman, 565 Hipp Annex,
Cleveland 15, 0.

TEL AVIV, (JTA)—For the
second night in succession, a
Histadrut cultural. center was
destroyed, this time in Kiryat
Onno. Police, suspecting sabo-
teurs and arsonists , have
stepped up their efforts to track
down the perpetrators.
The first outrage took place
at Migdal Haemek, where one
of the recent riots by North
African immigrants was staged
last month. Both cultural cen-
ters, at Kiryat Onno and at
Migdal Haemek, were totally
Special investigation teams
spread out over the country in
strenuous police efforts to find
not only the saboteurs, but to
locate also the center and guid-
ing hands of the incidents.
Meanwhile, a delegation of
women from the North African
immigrant quarter of Wadi Sa-
lib, in Haifa, met today with
the Haifa chief of police, de-
manding that all of the 70 men
arrested as a result of the Haifa
riots be released.
The women demanded also
that police cease their night Hebrew University Dean
raids against the homes of. sus-
to Aid Guatemala School
M. Prywes, associate dean of
Difference in Length
the Hebrew University-Hadas-
of the Hebrew Months sah Medical School, has been
Some Hebrew months have 29 invited by San Carlos Univer-
days while others have 30 days. sity in Guatemala to aid in the
The Hebrew calendar is a reorganization and rebuilding,
lunar calendar and a month is of its medical faculty, it was re-
generally the period of time it ported here this week.
During his absence from the
takes the moon to go around
the earth. This is approximately university, Dr. Prywes will at-
291/2 days.- Since a month can- tend the second World Confer-
not begin or end in the middle ence on Medical Education in
of a• day, some months are 29 Chicago and the World Medical
days while others are 30 days Association Congress in Mon-
in order to balance this out.


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