THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S — Fri day, August 7, 1959 12 AJ Congress Survey Reveals 1959 Knesset to End Session. Begin Election Campaign The view was underwritten JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The the measure, appealed to the by the entire five-man board of as Good Year for Civil Rights Laws final deputies to remove the "shame regular weekly session of the London Rabbinical Court. the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, and crime" of new regulations begah Monda y, before the which enabled children of A few of the scholars polled House adjourns to enable its mixed marraiges—as well as an would impose a rule even more NEW YORK — Twenty-four members to campaign for re- adult who declared he had no strict than that required by a laws against racial and religious election in the November elec- other faith—to become a Jew traditional Judaism, while discrimination were adopted without conversion. The issue minority is opposed to strict tions. during 1959 by 14 states, the interpretation. The Knesset, however, can led the National Religibus Party American Jewish Congress re- Prime Minister Ben-Gurion be convened for special sessions to quit the coalition a year ago. ported here following a special Lorenz said the issue had circulated the replies of those until the newly-elected Parlia- study made on civil rights legis- ment assembles after the elec- created a controversy in world who were polled to the mem- lation in various states. Jewry and had tended to cause bers of the Cabinet, Summaries tions. "Both in number and con- The Knesset is expected to divisions and widen the rift be- of the replies are expected to tent," the study notes, "the pass this week several bills in tween deligions and secular be made public later in the civil rights laws enacted by the week. final readings. These will in- elements. states this year exceeded the Ben-Gurion replied that the clude an amendment of the product of any year in the past Civil Service Law; restricting proposal would be -interpreted decade." political and fund-raising acti- as a pre-election gesture and The study summarizes the vities of government employes, counselled patience until the principal legislative advances of as well as an amendment broad- opinions of the Jewish scholars 1959 as follows: were available. THE NEW 1. California and Ohio adopted Anti-Bias Housing Bill ening the privileges of foreign Meanwhile, it was reported investors. enforceable fair employment Ruled Unconstitutional laws. This brought to 16 the A watered-down anti-trust here, that 90 percent of the 61 SEATTLE, (JTA) — A state and anti- cartel law, supported world-famous Jewish scholars number of states having such law which prohibits discrimina- only by Mapai and the left-wing around the world, polled by a legislation; tion on racial grounds in the • 2. Colorado, Connecticut, Mas- sale of houses built with the parties, approved by the Knes- special Israeli Cabinet commit- " • tee on the touchy problem of •The most sachusetts and Oregon adopted set. • • beautiful broad fair housing legislation, aid of Federal financing was The other parties, abstain- who should be acknowledged as declared unconstitutional here cocktail lounge thereby following the path re- ing on the vote, protested vari- a Jew, have ruled that strict Jewish religious law should be in Detroit cently marked by New York in Superior Court. ous exemptions in the measure. Judge James W. Holden set City and Pittsburgh, The new law permits price the rule. aside a ruling by the State That would mean that a agreements and monopolistic 3. Maine became the 24th state to enact an enforceable Board Against Discrimination practices in firms growing and child must be registered in •The same accordance with the religion law prohibiting discrimination directing a home-owner to sell marketing farm products, if one fine food you in places of public accommoda- his house for $18,000 to a Ne- or more of the companies are of the mother. Thus, children have always of mixed marraiges, where gro applicant. tion. A number of other states owned by a labor union, or if enjoyed The judge ruled that the the mother is not Jewish, improved the effectiveness of all companies involved are could not be registered as property-owner was acting as a owned by the government. their laws in this area. private individual even though Jewish without ritual con- The Congress survey also re- There is no outright ban on version to Judaism. 20231 James Couzens veals that the work of the 1959 his home had been purchased all cartels and monopolies in Those in favor of the strict with a Federal Housing Admin- state legislatures "brings to an the measure, 77hich provides interpretation of Jewish re- impressive total the number of istration-insured mortgage. "An individual acting in his only for government control ligious law on this question in- state anti-discrimination laws in clude a famous professor at private capacity is perfectly and inspection. BR 2-0644 effect today." The law assumes each restric- Harvard, and other famous Carry-Outs — Sixteen states, it notes, now free to discriminate as he tive practice will be judged on scholars and rabbis, including Complete Dinners have fair employment laws en- pleases," Judge Hodson de- its merit since some may be some who are not Orthodox Another BOESKY'S forceable by an administrative clared. The Washington anti- beneficial to the Israel economy. 12th at Hazelwood Jews. agency using the method of discrimination law was enacted All restrictive practices, how conciliation, backed by the in 1957. ever, must be reported to a power to issue administrative newly-established office of the Oak Pa•k's orders enforceable in the courts. Commissioner for Restrictive Four states have laws broadly Trade Practices. prohibiting discrimination in 7,77 I At the same time, the education, enforced by admin- Parliament rejected a pro- istrative agencies, while a num- WATCH REPAIR posal by the religious parties All Work Guaranteed ber of others have more limited COLOGNE (JTA) — A spe- to apply Jewish religious law legislation in that area. Twenty-four states have pro- cial library has been estab- to the determination of Bands, Crystals, All Types Jewelry Repaired Jewish identy for national hibited discrimination in a sub- lished here, devoted to the aim registration purpose S. The of "bringing light to the ques- stantial portion of the general housing market. Three others tion of the relation of Ger- vote was 30 to 1'7. Located in Rosen Optical Service Prime Minister David Ben- have prohibited discrimination many to her Jewish population." 13720 W. 9 Mile Rd. An official announcement Gurion cited his Dec. 3 state- in virtually all public and pub- Open Daily 9:30-6 — Thursday 9:30-9 licly-assisted housing, and a made here stated that the goal ment in the Knesset that all LI 7-5068 number of states have more of the library is the gathering regulations of the Ministry of of material covering 2,000 years Interior on registration of chil- limited statutes in this area. of Jewish life in Germany, with dren of mixed marriages had - We Make Our Own Glosses the help of the federal govern- cancelled. California to Put Teeth ment, state governments, pri- been He also noted that pending HEADQUARTERS FOR vate collectors and contributors. completion of a poll of Jewish in Civil Rights Bill LATEST DOMESTIC AND IM- • Thus far, 1,500 volumes have scholars throughout the world, SACRAMENTO, (JTA)—State PORTED FRAME FASHIONS been gathered by the library, which he had organized, the Attorney General Stanley Mosk has established a new section relating to general Jewish life registration of adults had been • PRESCRIPTIONS FOR GLASSES of his office, to be known as the in this country. A special divi- frozen. ACCURATELY FILLED Shlomo Lorenz, who proposed Constitutional Rights section, sion of the library is being de- to stiffen enforcement of the voted to the life, contempora- • Reasonably Priced • Immediate Repair ries and works of Moses Men- state's civil rights legislation. delssohn, the father of the Has- A former president of the --ASK ABOUT OUR CONTACT LENS Los Angeles Jewish Community, kalah, or Enlightenment move- Mosk pointed out in a state- ment, among German Jewry. The library will also have ment that "protection of rights JERUSALEM (JTA) — A is as much a responsibility of material on Nazi atrocities World Bank loan for Israel will 13720 W. 9 MILE nr. COOLIDGE against Jews. our office as aiding in the pros- LI 7-5068 be discussed by Israel officials OAK PARK, MICH. Two of the foremost authors attending the September meet- ecution of violations of the Hours: Daily & Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. — Thursdays to 9 p.m. law." The new section, he said, of the younger German genera- ing of the board of governors would make the Attorney Gen- tion, Heinrich Boell and Paul of the World Bank and Inter- ■ 041■ 01111■1,1■11.0111■0■ 11.11=11.41111111.0■0■1■ 11i.../1111 ■•■ ■ ■0■ ■ eral's office "more sensitive Schallueck, initiated the library national Monetary Fund in by issuing a public call for and responsive to the needs of Washington, D.C., it was dis- establishment of a collection of our citizens." closed this week. The fourfold functions of the "Germania Judaica." Financial The Israel officials will be new section will be to investi- support has been given to the Levi Eshkol, Finance Minister, library by the city of Cologne gate and report on alleged in- and David Horowitz, Israel State fringement of the civil rights and the state of North_ Rhine- Bank Governor. of any persons or groups in the Westphalia. Observers here speculated that the two Israel officials r - ) would raise the question of the PRICE projected World Bank Loan to FULL President Nasser of the United Arab Republic for widening the Suez Canal. President Eugene Black of the World Bank has We have complete listings on all CRUISES to the been pressing for speedy ap- 2-dr. 6-pass. sedan Carr, Mediterannean and Pacific areas. ibbean proval of the loan. Incl. factory equipment. Israel officials reportedly feel For inquiry about accommodations Immediate delivery. that Nasser should not get an and prices of your choice See . international loan to widen a HARRY ABRAM waterway which he is barring to Israel shipping and his violating SHORE CHEVROLET United Nations decisions calling 12240 Jos. Campau for free passage of shipping of UN 4-4464 19437 LIVERNOIS I'm as near as your phone Immed. Delivery all nations. at Outer Drive on all models Res. LI 8-4119 TW 1-0600 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ Classified Ads bring results! Direct JTA Teletype Wire To The Jewish News state, to institute or to inter- vene as friend of the court in civil and criminal actions as re- quired, to serve as mediator in order to prevent infringement of civil rights of individuals or groups, and to work closely with the Fair Employment Practices Commission "to help achieve the legislative objectives." Judge Mosk commented that "while the general state of civil liberties in California is good, there is room for substantial improvement." He n a in e d Franklin H. Williams, until now West Coast counsel for the NAACP, to head the new office. ESKY'S I Cologne Library to Mark History of German Jewry 140 ONLY WATCH REPAIR Oak Park Watch Repair Israel to Press for Bank Loan ROSEN OPTICAL SERVICE 1111 01111•1•0 041•111.04.11 11.1•t (..1111.1 411111111. 0.11 i DON'T JUST TALK ABOUT IT ! I ONLY 1,849 RESERVE NOW I For Your Fall and Winter Cruise I New '59 CHEVROLET ELKIN HOTEL & TRAVEL BUREAU 1111.1•11.0111110 01•111 114•111.0 ••11.111111.0.1110.141 041111111.0411.1.011•01116701.11,10•1 01M111, 010•11.0 1,11 11.1.11111010.0.1111 041111%.11.1111t041111.1