Brazilian UJA Leader Is Foreign Minister JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Ten- Haifa riot and those in the Direct JTA Teletype Wire A hint that political moti- develops, there is keen competi- sion continued to prevail in other cities. To The Jewish News vation may be behind the tion among the various political SAO PAULO — Dr. Horacio various parts of the country However, it is felt that dis- rioting appeared in the news- parties for the good-will of Lafer, long-time Federal Deputy as a result of attempts at re- satisfaction among some North paper Davar, organ of the these citizens. and former Finance Minister, peated demonstrations by North African immigrants, perhaps Israel Federation of Labor. Menahem Beigin, leader of was appointed Foreign Minister African immigrants. The efforts inflamed by election propa- Davar, supporting the "firm" were checked by the police, ganda, may have been a com- action taken by the police, the Herut Party, opened his by President Kubitschek. Lafer, a member of the Bra- who are now on the alert ready mon denominator underlying pointed out that the political party's election with a speech to handle firmly any possible the entire series of disturb- affiliations of Ben-Haroush at Ramat Gan, charging the gov- zilian Jewish •Klabin family, ernment with "the use of arms heads their huge- industrial en- disturbances. ances. "are well know n." Ben- After . his arrest, Ben-Haroush Haroush stated recently be- in internal difficulties," which terprises throughput Brazil. He Police moved swiftly Sunday night to break up plans for told the government committee fore a governmental commit- was a_ reference to police ac- has always taken an active in- against rioters in Haifa tei est in the United Jewish Ap- demonstrations in Beersheba, at Haifa that he was receiving tee that he "f avor s" the tions and other cities. peal and other Jewish causes. in the village of Pardess Hanna, financial aid, and boasted program of the right-wing He indicated in his address in Lydda and at Ramfeh. At "you'd be surprised if you knew Herut Party. that this will be one of the Ramleh. At Beersheba, six lead- who is helping us." DRIVING LESSONS Spokesmen for Herut, on the major issues in the November ers of a planned demonstration There is a general feeling LESSON elections. other hand, are blaming the were arrested before they could here now, following Cabinet 7 COURSE Another major issue which stage the disturbances. meeting, that the government police for the disturbances, al- Dual Controls In their homes, police is handling the situation satis- leging that police authorities the Herut Party intends to No Permit Needed to Start found • pamphlets calling for factorily. ,Several members of "pre-arranged the riot in order exploit during the election Professional Instructors campaign is the recent arms a demonstration under the the Cabinet pointed out that, to squelch Ben-Haroush." Day or Evening deal with Germany. Beigin said Appointments slogan: "We are hungry and while some of the new villages There are 250,000 immigrants that the General Zionists did discriminated against." - Po- erected for the North African from North Africa in Israel, Safeway Driver Training lice said that a youth who is immigrants have vacant homes, and, as the election campaign not "sincerely" oppose the sale of arms to West Germany. " TO 9-7600 LI 2-6742 the leader of the Beersheba immigrants are flocking into group has a long criminal Wadi Salib, making an over- record. crowded slum of the area. At Pardess Hanna, where the The Mapai party, whose Wadi population consists predomi- Salib election rally on July 31 nantly of North African im- was used as a pretext for a new migrants, there has been anger Haifa riot, announced it will over the dismissal of a North hold another rally in Wadi African from his job at a brick Salib. "We will not yield to factory. Authorities said, how- force," said the Haifa leaders ever, that the firing of the man of Mapai. had nothing to do with his origin, being due to the fact Suspend Police Chief that he has repeatedly clashed with the foreman on the job. for Nazi 'Exterminations' In the labor exchanges at MAINZ, (JTA)—Dr. George Ramleh and Lydia, police in- Haueser, head of the criminal tervened to halt demonstrations police section of the State of by unemployed, but quiet was Rheinland-Pfalz, was suspended maintained on the whole from his post on charges of through firm preventive action. directing the Nazi extermina- Remember You Owe Yourself a Vacation — Call Now Haifa's Mayor Abba Hushi, tion of Jews in the Minsk area testifying before a govern- during World War II. mental committee probing the The suspension was announc- first of the Haifa riots in the ed by the State Ministry of the North African immigrant quar- Interior. Dr. Haueser was plac- ter of Wadi Salib, declared ed in the Hohenberg prison, 1244 Washington Blvd.; Detroit that "criminal elements" are near Stuttgart, on charges filed responsible for the disturb- by the Central Commission for ances, saying there was an "un- the Investigation of Nazi Crithes. derground" directing the clashes. Arrests in Haifa alone have totalled 70 persons, it was re- vealed. Of these, 59 have been remanded to jail for 15 days each, to await trial. Investiga- tions are being centered on efforts to find out who the "outside sources" are that are backing the rioters. The new probe followed a riot last Friday night in Haifa, in which five persons were seriously wounded, many others were injured and 50 men were detained by the harassed police. Among the wounded are a number of policemen, and among those detained is David Ben-Haroush, self-proclaimed leader of the Wadi Salib quar- ter of Haifa, where residents are mostly immigrants from North Africa. The latest in the series of riots occurred when the local branch of the Mapai Party conducted an election rally in a downtown motion picture theater. Crowds gathe-red around the theater, intent, evidently, either on disrupt- ing the meeting or prevent. ing the audience from enter- His savings are earning money at STANDARD FEDERAL SAVINGS ing the house. A hot sun . . . the day off . . . and nothing to do When police tried to disperse Standard has provided safety for savings since 1893. but enjoy the contentment of loafing on the beach with the crowd, rioters attacked the Join the many thousands of savers who are getting the his grandson. But even as he does, his savings are police, • some mounting to roof- most out of their savings at Standard Federal Savings, working for him at Standard Federal Savings. At tops in the area, throwing Standard every dollar in your savings account earns Detroit's oldest and one of the nation's largest savings stones at the policemen. During the excellent return of 31/2% current rate and institutions. You'll be glad you did. the attempt by police to enter one house from which stones were being cast, a shot was MAIN OFFICE: fired. Police surrounded the house GRISWOLD AND JEFFERSON SAVINGS EARN and ordered the occupants to WOodward 5 4774 emerge. Four men, including Ben-Haroush, came out. Police BRANCH OFFICES: said • that. the leader of the CURRENT RATE North African immigrants was 17540 GRAND RIVER near Southfield in possession of the pistol from 16841 SCHAEFER ROAD S. of McNichols which the shot had been fired. SAFETY Pr evious riots by North 10641 JOY ROAD 1 block E. of Meyers OF SAVINGS African immigrants had taken 16530 EAST WARREN at Outer Drive INSURED place in this city, in Beersheba 11600 KELLY ROAD and Whittier TO $10,000 and at Migdal Haamek. Police said they have discovered no 1406 N. WOODWARD 1 block S. 12 Mile Rd, direct links between the earlier $ 25 .0 "Let's Go Cruising With Cook's, The Happy Way to Cruise" Cook's represents all major steamship lines. When you go cruisiing you are not merely pur- chasing transportation. Cruising is a way of life. Call us for Xmas and New Year cruises. • AND SECURITY . . STANDARD FEDERAL SAVINGS - . 3V2% 11 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Frida y, August 7, 1959 Threat of New Israel Riots Thwarted by Police Action