— 32 THE DETR OIT JEWIS H NEW S — rrld'ay, July 31, 1959 Books on Jews, Israel Lifted from Exhibit in Moscow; Fear Wave of Anti-Semitism Eban Assumes Institute Sen. Keating said that events military operations in Egypt Continued from Page 1 in great measure prompted the display opened last week- were "only too reminiscent of was by the Soviet government's res- end, the State Department con- the early days of Nazism in olute warning to the aggres- Germany." He reported that firmed this week. Books tha, Soviet inspectors the Soviet Union had banned sors:" The statement makes no men- insisted on purging included: even Jewish private prayer serv- "Great Ages and Ideas of the ices—the gathering of the min- tion of the fact that, at the Jewish People" edited by Leo yan—in private homes. He said time, the United States had W. Schwartz; "Israel and Its the prayer for dead "must voted with the Soviet Union Glory," a pictorial volume either be conducted clandes- against Israel, France and edited by Abe Harman and tinely at risk of prosecution, or Britain. Yigal Yadin; "The Politics of not at all." He noted that synagogues in Israel" by Marver H. Bern- stein; and "The History of Moscow, Leningre and Kiev Jewish Khazars" by D. M. were allowed to remain open Dunlop. "where foreign visitors may see At the same time, a feature them." of the medical section of the Meyer Weisgal, chairman of the executive council of the JERUSALEM (JTA)—A new exhibition is reported to be a Russia Takes Credit effort to resolve the "who is a Weizmann Institute of Science (right), presents Abba Eban pump oxygenator used in open Jew" controversy in Israel was with his official appointment as president of the Insti- heart surgery, provided by Mai- for Sinai Withdrawal monides Hospital, Brooklyn. UNITED NATIONS (AJP)— disclosed in plans of Rabbi tute. The former Israel Ambassador to the United States be- Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz, direc- In a USSR Embassy statement Jacob M. Toledano, Minister comes the second president of the Weizniann Institute, a post tor of cardio-vascular surgery distributed here, the Soviets for Religion s, to determine which had remained vacant since the death, in 1952, of Dr. at Maimonides, is attending the take the main credit in the UN whether Christians have been Chaim Weizmann, first President of Israel. Eban, who already exhibition and will explain the action which forced Israel, Brit- registered as Jews under the has assumed the post and is residing at Rehovot, was invested functions of the pump. Soviet ain and France to withdraw regulations which " sparked the into office by Premier David Ben-Gurion. visitors will see the machine from Sinai and Egypt in the Oc- controversy last year. The controversy was started simulate the manner in which tober, 1956, operation against by regulations of the Ministry blood and oxygen are fed into Nasser. of the Interior permitting Israel the body during an open heart The statement, called "The residents to identify themselves operation. Soviet Union and the UN" — as Jews on identity cards for Edelsberg suggested that Gen. giving a general outline of UN national registration purposes WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Maj. Keating Issues Call accomplishments—contains the without rabbinical investigation. Gen. U.S. Grant III, grandson Grant consult the many reput- ' paragraph on the role The dispute led to the walk-out of the 18th President of the able historians associated with to 'World Conscience following of the USSR in compelling from the Israel coalition gov- United States, who disseminated the Civil War Centennial Corn- Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News Israel to withdraw from Egypt ernment of the National Relig- an anti-Semitic article in con- mission. He expressed confi- WASHINGTON—A report on in 1956: ious Party. nection with the U.S. Civil War dence that any of them will the closing of synagogues in the Rabbi Toledano said Chris- Centennial Commission of which declare the article "a tissue of "It is generally known that Soviet Union was given on the at the insistence of the Egyp- tians registered as Jews will be he is chairman, rejected a re- lies maliciously concocted to floor of the Senate Wednesday tian government, the Security given different identity cards. quest from the Anti-Defamation foment prejudice against Jews." by Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, Council, on Oct. 10, 1956, began The decision followed a meet- League of Bnai Brith to repudi- who simultaneously voiced an considering the questions of the ing between Rabbi 'Coledano ate the article, it was disclosed , . appeal to the "world con- "measures for the immediate and Sephardic Chief Rabbi here. science" to protest the liquida- cessation of Israel's military Yitzhak Nissim last week at The centennial commission, of tion of Jewish religious insti- operations against Egypt," as which a year-long split between tutions by the Soviet authorities. well as Egypt's complaints with Rabbi Toledano and the Israel which he is chairman, is spon, sored by the U.S. Government Stressing the recent closing regard to the aggressive actions rabbinate was ended. of the historic synagogue in of Britain and France. From Minister Toledano said that Gen. Grant, now 78, admitted Czernovitz, Sen. Keating said Oct. 30 to Nov. 5, 1956, the to prevent further inaccurate that the article he distributed that a half of the inhabitants question was discussed by a registrations, he would ask for appeared previously in Fathe there are Jewish. "It is under- special session of the General a tightening of the regulation Coughlin's anti-Semitic publica standable that Jews in the Assembly and the Security which now permits an applicant tion "Social Justice" and in th SOviet Union regard this action Council. to be registered as a Jew by a American Mercury which i of the Soviet government as an declaration he does not belong known for publishing anti The first position, taken at to any non-Jewish r e 1 i g i o n. Jewish articles. evil omen," he said. "It is no wonder that they are reported this session by the Afro-Asian R a b b i Toledano indicated he However, he continued to de countries, the Soviet Union and will ask the addition of a decla- in a state of near panic." fend the article in which "Je other socialist states, forced He termed the Czernovitz case ration by the applicant that he financiers" are charged w i t as "the latest of a series of Israel, Britain and France to is of Jewish parentage. exploiting the Civil War. ominous developments in the withdraw their troops from The issue of registration of Accusing ADL of committin Egyptian territory. It should be Soviet Union's treatment of its children of mixed parentage, he stressed that the cessation of said, should be decided by Jew- "a great disservice to historica Jewish population." ish religious law, that is, accord- truth and to contemporary good ing to the mother's faith. He will among Americans," Maj said he would recommend a Gen. G r ant said that wha change in registration rules to "international bankers" did century ago "cannot by an include this. It was believed that Rabbi reasonable person be considers Toledano was sure of Cabinet a reflection of the many, man NEW YORK, (JTA)—A frail but released him to go back support because the left - wing good Americans who are Jews.' and ailing 65-year-old rabbi, to his children. Ministers who initiated the con- He justified recommendin Early in .1947, he moved to troversial changes are currently the anti-Semitic article to , who has provided a home for Bucharest, resumed his work dozens of orphaned Jewish in disfavor with Prime Minister group of descendants of Civil children in Eastern Europe with orphans and again attract- David Ben-Gurion for voting War veterans by saying thai during the post-war period, has ed the wrath of Communist against the sale of arms to West they "may not have known of been arrested, along with his authorities, who dissolved his Germany. the interest and participation son, by Romanian authorities, institution. the international bankers." For the second time, Rabbi it was learned here this week. The article distributed by Portugal was arrested, along Israel Trades Jeeps Charged with "suspicion of with an administrator of his Gen. Grant, carrying the title treason and espionage" are asylum and three youths who for Columbia Coffee "Abraham Lincoln and the Rabbi Alexander Portugal and helped him. After four months TEL AVIV, (JTA) — A con- Rothschilds," alleged that the his son, Rabbi Hillel Portugal, of detention, the Romanian signment of 325 jeeps constitut- Rothschild family, together with who were detained in Bucharest authorities released all five ing the first of a $1,500,000 Disraeli, plotted in L o n d o n; shipment to Colombia, was Judah P. Benjamin, Confederate', three months ago. Jews. Sources here said that the cabinet member, w a s termed Many of the rabbi's wards loaded at Haifa port. Colombia will pay for the their secret agent. charges are "absurd." The two went to Israel during 1950 and rabbis are being held until an 1951, but there were still many jeeps with 1,500 tons of coffee, An innuendo attempt wa investigation is completed. They homeless orphans, so Rabbi 1,200 tons of which will be re- made to link Benjamin with the have not, as yet, been tried. Portugal continued his efforts, sold to an east European coun- assassination of Lincoln. The The senior Rabbi Portugal, and personally adopted many try for which Israel will receive ADL had charged Gen. Grant sugar. A second shipment of with using "the reprints fur- known as the "Sculene Rebbe," of his new wards. 580 jeeps, assembled by the nished by Floyd Fleming, the To help as many as he could, had been deported to Trans- Dniestra, a section of the Rabbi Portugal began traveling Kaiser-Frazer plant in Haifa, is local agents for the infamous Ukraine given to Romania by from town to town in Romania, expected to leave Israel ports John Kasper's seaboard White the Hitler regime, during World despite warnings from Ro- shortly. .• Council." Exports from Israel totalled Citizens Gen. Grant refused to identify' War H. He promptly began to manian authorities to stay home. gather Jewish orphans there, On the second day of Passover $88,800,000 during the period "the member of the loyal and at the end of the war, took —last April 23—police came to from January to May this year, legion" from whom he obtained hundreds with him to Czerno- his home, arrested him, his son some $4,500,000 more than the his material. same period last year. A large Herman Adelsberg, ADL di- witz, which the Soviets had and several friends. Travelers who have visited increase was reported in exports rector, replying to Gen. Grant annexed. He started an orphan in Romania have spread details of polished diamonds. asylum at Czernowitz. Other increases noted includ- said: "You have reached a According to the reports, the of his detention in many coun- ed the export of $3,000,000 in venerable age and you bear e homeless throughout Romania, tries out of concern for his eggs as compared with $1,000,- great name. Surely, you do not learning of his kindness, began health. There has been an un- 000 worth during the period want to close your public career coming to his institution, in- substantial report that his last year. Exports of cars, tires, by bequeathing that name te, cluding a group of Jewish weight has fallen to 90 pounds, cement, chemicals and pharma- the fabrications of the warped children in Odessa who left a and there is doubt whether he ceuticals also showed significant minds who operate in the anti ) Semitic underworld." Soviet asylum there. The Soviet will be able to survive an in- rises. authorities arrested the rabbi, vestigation. Effect New Plan in Peace Bid on `Who Is a Jew Gen. Grant Rejects ADL Request to Repudiate Anti-Semitic Article • Romanian Police Send Rabbi, Son to Prison; Charged with Espionage