Set April Date MISS JANICE MEIZELS At a recent cocktail party, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meizels, of 15100 Miller, Oak Park, an- nounced t h e engagement of their daughter, Janice, to Don- ald Leonard Allowitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Allowitz, of Appoline Ave. An April wed- ding is planned. Pamphlet Distributed by Church, ADL Calls Bias Non-Christian' Distribution of 700 copies of the new pamphlet, "The Chris- tian and His Jewish Neighbor," an official publication of the department of Christian social relations of the National Coun- cil of the Episcopal Church, has ben announced by the Michigan regional office of the Anti- Defamation League. Written by Prof. Lee A. Bel- ford, associate rector of the Church of the Ephiphany, N.Y., and chairman of the department of religious education at New York University, the pamphlet was prepared with the assist- ance of Rabbi Arthur Gilbert of the ADL - department of inter- religious cooperation. Setting before the reader an historical account of Christian involvement in the persecution of Jews, and an appraisal of contemporary anti-Semitism in the U.S., the pamphlet is in- tended as a study unit for use with young adult and adult rn embers of the Episcopal Church. It represents the first effort by a major Protestant denomi- nation to deal with the problem of anti-Semitism and Jewish- Christian relations in a forth- right fashion without calling for the evangelization and con- version of the Jew to Christian- ity, Saul Littman, Michigan r egional director of ADL pointed out. "It is not for historians and sociologists to talk about the `Jewish pr o b 1 e m'," Belford states. "The problem is one for Christians. We must accept some responsibility for prevail- ing social attitudes toward other groups. "Too o f t e n," he continues, "people who deem themselves 'Christian' have permitted, if not encouraged, attitudes of dis- crimination which are basically contrary to the demands of Christianity." Habonim Helps Out • JNF Proceeds from the recent paper drive conducted by Ha- bonim, Labor Zionist Youth will go to the Jewish National Fund. Other activities held regularly by the group include a Friday evening oneg shabbat. For in- formation, call DI 1-9666 or UN 3-3532. Give $250,000 to NYU NEW Y 0 R K , (JTA)—New York University announced a gift of $250,000 from Joseph I. Lubin and the estate of Joseph Eisner for the building of a 1,000-seat auditorium in the Uni- versity's new Loeb Student Center. Detroit and SOC Hadassah Groups Merge Talents for Honor Roll. Ball adviser; Irwin Cohn and Harry Sucher, IMA's; Joseph Ehrlich and Henry Fineman, honorary chairmen; and Davis Benson, William B. Isenberg, Barney Keywell and Ben Mossman. South Oakland Chapter is The Detroit and South °A- land County Chapters of Hadas- sah will merge their efforts on behalf of Israel health and wel- fare projects in an Honor Roll Harvest Ball, to be held Sept. 8, at the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel. The traditional all-out effort for giving will be launched at 12:30 p.m., Aug. 18, with a special gifts luncheon and brief- ing meeting in the home of M r s. Harold G. Schreiber, 19560 R e n- frew. Albert Ela- zar, superin- tendent of the United H e- brew Schools, w h o recently was in Israel to study its educational Elazar system, w i 11 be guest speaker for the after- noon. Elazar, a native-born Israeli, also will relate his experiences and observations of Hadassah medical, Youth Aliyah and vo- cational education projects, and will detail progress on the new medical center, now nearing completion at Jerusalem. Heading the Detroit Chapter committee for the Harvest Ball is Mrs. Milton Sorock, v i c e- president of fund-raising, who is assisted by Mesdames Sam Shekter, special gifts; Nathan Schlafer, dance; Max R. Frank, represented by Mrs. Sander Hillman, funds vice-president, together with Mesdames Max- well Jospey and William Deutsch, special gifts; and Mor- ris Brandwine, Samuel J. Green- berg, Norman Steinberg and NCJW Leader to Help Plan Washington Parley A Jewish women's leader will play a major role in planning the first White House Confer- ence on Aging, to be held in Washington, D. C. in January, 1961. Mrs. Charles Hymes of Minne- apolis, president of the National Council of Jewish Women, has been named chairman of the 22- member subcommittee on na- tional organizations of the Na- tional Advisory Committee for the conference. Her appoint- ment was announced this week by Arthur S. Flemming, U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. The NCJW has been develop- ing pioneer services to older people since 1946, when its na- tionwide golden age club pro- 4.A1.4.41. For Outdoor Cooking At Its Best Start with the Finest Steaks First from . . . • Strictly Kosher Meats - Poultry In Our Patio Room, Your Home or Temple W. 7 MILE at WYOMING TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL SUMMER RATES ! DEXTER Oik.VISON MARKETS - r( $##.0t $i r4 Pr re *I. PLEASE NOTE SUMMER HOURS: MON., TUES., WED., TO 5 P.M. THURS. TO 8 P.M.; SUN. TO 2 P.M. KAPLAN BROS CATERING tit gram was launched. Employ- ment, solicitation projects, shel- tered workshops and assistance to the homebound are among other services to the elderly by Council sections. Donald West. Although complete details have not been announced, the opening event for both groups will feature dinner, music by the Fenby-Carr Orchestra, en- tertainment, including a ere.- ative talent. program, and a mes- sage from Mrs. Moses P. 1413- stein, a past national Hadassah president. Contributors of $100 or more will be eligible to attend the ball. Table assignments will be made in the order that the res- ervations are received. 18211 WYOMING nr. Curtis - r WE DELIVER FREE PARKING ACROSS STREET UN 1-4770 DEXTER DAVISON MARKETS "Where Old Friends Meet to Shop" 13301 DEXTER Corner WAVERLY 18207 WYOMING ctlftvis Free Parking — Entrance on Davison We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities Ample Free Parking Across From and At Rear of Market New York's Favorite "American" "Swiss Alps" Imported SWISS CHEESE Strictly "74Z. HOT DOGS 6C Full Pound cello pkg. ROCK or Roland Imported PILLAR Solid Pack, Fancy White Meat TUNA 35c Can 3 cans $100 35 Extra Special SEALTEST Coffee (Mocha-Creme) ICE CREAM 59C c PKG. A Real Value! ALL* Notionally AdY. Brands Hunt's Whole COFFEE APRICOTS 1-Lb. Can 59 , *Except Yuban, Sanka, S & W Heinz Royal Snack Vegetarian Cream or Wine Sauce New Pack cans 2 49C Plain or Pink LEMONADE TANGERINE JUICE 4 Cans 89c 9 Cans 99c 5 Cans 99c 16-oz. cans 25 Mo tes Alcoa APPLE SAUCE Aluminum Wrap 3 Ears BIG MINUTE MAID FROZEN JUICE JAMBOREE ORANGE JUICE 25-ft. rolls Shortening GRAPE JUICE or LIMEADE 15c each 3-Lb. 69 Can C GOLD'S BEET or SHAY BORSCHT 79 4 LEMON-LIME Pure Concord 7cans $100 Pure Vegetable In Tomato Sauce igo sio 4 3f;; 99` SPRY BAKED BEANS HERRING FILLETS 12-oz. jar Special Sale Pack qt. jars 99` Paw Paw GRAPE DRINK cans 8 Cans $ 1 00 PRODUCE SPECIALS GOOD ONLY THURS., FRI., SAT. MENDELSON'S Grade A, All White Extra Large EGGS 4c Off Sole MAX CLEANSER 3C Doz. 2 cans /9 cans Extra Fancy PLUMS or NECTARINES Giant Size Lb. 29C Home Grown Extra Fancy Long, Thin, Green Cultivated CUCUMBERS Blueberries. Forl9c 29c Box 3 Jumbo Size EXTRA Green, Tender PASCAL CELERY Giant Size I 7c Stalk COMPLETE SELECTION OF ISRAELI AND DOMESTIC BEER AND WINE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. 8 A.M. to 7 P.M.; Thurs. and Sat. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M., Fri. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M., Sun. 8 A.M. to 3 We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities P . M.