&LAI- v Ask Congress for 'Clear-Cut'Action Against Arab Bigotry NEW YORK, (JTA)—Six na- tional Jewish organizations ask- ed Congress to make a clear cut declaration of its opposition to giving mutual security aid "to Saudi Arabia or any other coun- try that creates discrimination --because of race or religion— among American citizens in the granting of any rights otherwise available to U.S. citizens gen- erally." The request was made in a statement by the American Jew- ish Congress, Jewish Labor Committee, Jewish War Vet- erans of the United States, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Union of Ortho- dox Jewish Congregations of America and the United Syna- gogues of America. The organizations hailed Sen. Wayne Morse for his an- nouncement that he will in- SEN. WAYNE MORSE troduce such an expression of Congressional sentiment as point out that "our Government an amendment to the Mutual not only continues to tolerate Security Appropriation Bill discrimination of the kind the when it reaches the upper Senate condemned, but to act in effect as a partner in such chamber. Sen. Morse and 43 other Sen- discrimination against U.S. cit- ators had supported such an izens by such measures as the amendment to the Mutual Se- screening of American military and diplomatic personnel ac- curity Bill recently enacted. The Jewish organizations in cording to -religion before mak- their statement commended ing assignments to service in these Senators and expressed Arab states; acceptance of the the "hope that their number Passport Service of the State will be increased to a substan- Department of the refusal by tial majority when the issue is Arab countries to honor Ameri- again placed before the Sen- can passports carried by Jews; and the sanctioning of the ex- ate." The NCRAC statement cited clusion of Jews from employ- a Senate resolution unanimous- ment in the Middle East by ly adopted in 1956 which read: "Distinctions directed. against United States citizens (are) in- compatible with the relations that should exist among friend- ly nations. In all negotiations between the U.S. and any for- eign state every reasonable ef- fort should be made to maintain this principle." The statement goes on to American industrial and com- Saudi Arabian bigotry when the CINCINNATI, (JTA) — The mercial firms." next voting occurs. Jewish Hospital here will be the The statement was released Meanwhile, Sen. Morse, an recipient of a $1,000,000 gift, by the National Community Re- Oregon Democrat, reported one of the largest bequests ever lations Advisory Council, co- that he will strive to reintro- made to the hospital, it was ordinating body for the six or- duce his amendment although learned this week. ganizations and for 48 Jewish he finds himself "in some par- The bequest is part of the community relations councils in liamentary difficulties" and is cities throughout the United confronted with the problem will of Mrs. Netta S. Moch, widely known in Cincinnati as States. of presenting the amendment a leading philanthropist. The "in such language that it will funds will provide for the care not be subject to a point of of children and psychiatric pa- Hope Morse Measure order in connection with an tients. Will Pass with Aid Bill appropriation bill." Through the Charles S. and WASHINGTON (JTA)—Hope If he fails to obtain a direct Netta S. Moch fund and upon continued to mount here for vote on the amendment in con- the death of the heirs, who will passage of the Morse amend- nection with the appropriation receive the income in their life- ment which would put the Sen- bill, Sen. Morse served notice time, the gift will be available ate and House on record in a that he would continue "to offer to the hospital. new condemnation of Saudi the amendment time and again, Mrs. Moch, who died on June Arabian discrimination against if necessary, to whatever bill 13, stipulated in her will that American citizens of Jewish he can with propriety attach it, the hospital must agree within faith. until we can get a vote again one year following her death to It was learned that a number on this issue. accept the bequest. of senators have changed their minds about the amendment, recently introduced as part of a Mutual Security Authorization FOR THE BEST DEAL Bill. It will now be re-intro- duced in connection with a ON AMERICA'S HOTTEST CAR mutual security appropriation measure. The original measure failed by a slim vote of 47-43. Following t h e unfavorable vote, Sen. Morse, the amend- General Sales Manager ment's sponsor, learned That a number of senators examined the matter more closely and will vote differently when the amendment comes up again. Sales Service Also, some senators absent 5524 SCHAEFER TI 6-1122 when the vote was taken are determined to be present to Between Ford Rd. & Mich, Ave., Dearborn record their displeasure with See HARVEY GELLER BARNETT PONTIAC You owe it to 2-Week Arab Parley Plans More Intense Boycott Against Israel LONDON (JTA)—A two-week conference to decide on plans for intensifying the Arab boy- cott against Israel opened this week in Beirut, attended by delegates from the United Arab Republic, Jordon, Iraq, Leb- anon, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan. Libya, Yemen and Kuwaif. The Arab conference coin- cides with the annual confer- ence of West German diplomats in the Middle East which also is meeting in Beirut. A report from Bonn said that one of the topics on the agenda of the conference of the West German diplomats is how to check the propaganda in Arab countries conducted by Communist East Germany against the Bonn gov- ernment. East German propagandists are attempting to incite the Arabs against West Germany by telling them that the repara- tions pact between Israel and the Bonn government is "an act of hostility against the Arab nations." Ohio Woman Wills Hospital $1,000,000 yourself to secure the highest return on your money. Save Savings Insured to $10,000 by an Agency of the United States Government Einstein Center Gets $211,000 Health Grant WASHINGTON, (JTA)—The current rate National Institute of Mental on ALL savings Health, a division of the U.S. Department of Health, Educa- • tion and Welfare, has given a grant of $211,000 to the Ein- DEXTER at CORTLAND stein Medical Center in Phila- LIVERNOIS at W. 7 MILE RD. delphia. The funds will support an ex- W. 9 MILE RD. nr COOLIDGE panded teaching program for Main Office fellows in psychiatry during the next five years. The center is WOODWARD at CONGRESS 3 Other Branches preparing a 40-bed psychiatry section. The health group also has given Baltimore's Sinai Hospital grants totaling $150,000 for can- cer and heart research. AMERICAN SAVINGS ,- '4714 A otaiu% orx7-- 4,.