Danny Raskin's LISTENING P S T Frankfurter Cardozo "The Supreme Court from Taft to Warren' by the well- known authority on the high court and its justices, Al- pheus Thomas Mason (published by Louisiana State . University Press, Baton Rouge, La.), is a must for lawyers. It contains such a wealth of material about the highest court in the land that it will be found very val- uable as a guide to an under- standing of the court's frequent divisions on important matters and the personal attitudes of justices which affect their rul- ings. This book must not be consid- ered as limited in signficance to practicing attorneys. It will not only enlighten the lay reader but it will serve also as a guide for the average citizen towards an appreciation of the workings of our judiciary. As the title implies, the judges who served from the Chief Justiceship of William Howard Taft to the present Chief Justice, Earl Warren, play their roles in this study. The late Mr. Justice Frank Murphy is mentioned frequent- ly. The Harlans are referred to and their liberal views are de- scribed by Mason. Of . special interest to our readers are the references to Justices - Brandeis, Cardozo and Frankfurter. Twice Mr. Mason speaks of "this little book" and "this small book." But in the limited num- ber of 250 pages he has packed a lot of information. He makes reference to the battle against Mr. Justice Louis D. Brandeis' nomination for the Supreme Court bench by Presi- dent Roosevelt and to the an- tagonism against him by ex- President William Howard Taft who later became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He quotes Justice McReynolds: "In my view, we have one member (pre- sumably Brandeis) who is con- sciously boring from within . . ." Chief Justice Taft, too, who was aligned- with McReynolds and Sutherland, made the comment, in reference to a labor case, that "Brandeis has written one of his meanest opinions . . ." Later on, referring again to Justice Brandeis, Mason writes: "Overwhelming factual demon- strations alone do not account for the intensity of Brandeis' reformist zeal. 'Mr. Brandeis, how can you be so sure of your Ninth JNF Tree Nursery A new tree nursery has been added to the eight existing afforestation centers of the Jewish National Fund which are distributed over all parts of the country. The new tree nursery, situ- ated near Ofer, a settlement of Indian Jews on the western slopes of Mt. Carmel, will sup- ply all saplings needed for afforestation in the surrounding area. course of action?' a friend once asked him. 'When you are 51% sure, then go ahead,' the Justice replied." The horrid premonitions Taft had before he died, "the senile rage" he went into on an oc- casion against Hoover, Stone, Brandeis and Holmes, are re- vealed by Mason. Justice Cardozo's views are among the interesting quota- tions in the book. The Brandeis position is eval- uated in the following: "Stone's divergence from Brandeis is most vividly por- trayed in dissent. When the Court struck down_ legislation Brandeis favored in terms of policy, the erstwhile People's Attorney did not hesitate to utilize the Court as a forum to persuade others of its wis- dom. 'I told him (Brandeis) long ago,' Holmes commented in 1930, 'that he really was an advocate rather than a judge. He is affected by his interest in a cause, and if he feels it he is not detached . " Then there are the interesting comments on Justice Frankfurt- er. He is labeled "the most ar- ticulate exponent of judicial self-restraint on the bench." He believed that the judicial robe worked miracles and affected the judges. He advocated the publishing of biographical sketches of the justices for an understanding of the Court. Mr. Mason's "The Supreme Court from Taft to Warren" is a most commendable work. MORTY STORM, comedian appearing at the Club Alamo, where he has created a sensa- tion with the trigger-sharp mind that has made him one of the country's outstanding new faces, received a tremendous surprise on his first visit to Detroit .. . Sitting in the audience on Morty's opening night was an old army buddy he hasn't seen since the day, 15 years ago, when Morty carried him off a bloody battlefield during World War II . . . It was during the bitter fighting on Iwo Jima .. . Morty and his buddy had been separated from their unit and were trapped behind the enemy lines when a shell exploded nearby and riddled the right leg of his friend with shrapnel . . . When they finally got back safely to their outfit_, after no sleep for 18 hours, Morty was called in to report to his super- ior officer who asked where they had been all night . • . Al- though tired, dirty and never expecting to be back alive, Morty still retained his keen sense of humor as he looked at his watch, saw it was four in the morning and replied, "Do me a personal favor, colonel. Don't tell my mother I was out so late!" * * SINCE ENTERING show busi- ness seven years ago, Morty, in his rapid climb up the ladder of success, has become a much talked about entertainer be- cause of his unusual approach as a quick-witted comic in gain- ing many laughs from audiences wherever he performs . . . His sharp repartee is refreshing as he handles the "mike" with at- home ease that makes folks comfortable while watching and listening to him . . . But if Morty's mother and father had had anything to do with it, he'd be in another profession today Fr. Novel, 'Death In That Garden,' Reveals Repen,tence of Former Nazi Jose Andre Lacour has writ- ten a powerful novel under the title "Death In That Garden." It has been ably translated from the French ("La mart en ce jardin") by Humphrey Hare and was published by Rinehart & Co. (232 Madison, N. Y. 16). It is a post-World War II story about fugitives and specu- lators who are on the run. Among them is an ex-Nazi and the other chief member of the cast of characters is the Jew Sam Goldberg. The story gains in merit in the discussions that ensue be- tween Goldberg and the repent- ant Nazi Willy Chark. Even after the war, the Nazi appeal haunts Chark that it's all the Jews' fault, that "it was not enough that they should be re- sponsible for the war, they are also responsible for the crimes of the peace." Then Goldberg stepped into the picture, Goldberg who "wanted to make this German recognize him as a son of Man; him, too." The author explains "Goldberg's ambition practical- ly" to acquire "the right to the world's indifference." Goldberg not only wanted to secure Chark's acknowledgment of his . . . Back on the lower East Side of New York, his parents were absolutely dead-set against his entering show business . . . they wanted him to be a doctor, instead . . . However. says Morty, he would have abided by their wishes except for one thing that stood in the way .. . he never finished high school! * * PREPARATIONS ARE being made for Children Unlimited's annual "Tag Day" to aid blind children at the Penrickton Nur- sery . . . It'll be held Sept. 17, and workers are urgently need- ed to help out . . . Last year's proceeds hit $18,000 . . . Five years ago the small groUp of women who started Children Unlimited had a dream of build- ing a home for blind kiddies ... Today, there are more than 500 members of CU who have help- ed turn that dream into the reality of Penrickton Nursery . . . a beautiful brick building with a sleeping wing, where non-sectarian blind youngsters, from infancy to school age, are trained in the basic fundament- als of life by a well-trained staff of teachers . . . Folks wanting to help out on the Chil- dren Unlimited "Tag Day" can contact co-chairmen Marian Stein, 1lI 3-0562, or Ceil Bindes, LI 3-1521 . . . Eleanor Levinson is president of the group. * ON THE WAY BACK from Washington, D.C., recently, well- traveled pharmacist Ben Baskin was aboard a Northwest airliner when the monotony of the long flight was broken by a bevy of laughter from some of the other passengers . . . Seems that two kiddies walked up to the stew- ardess and asked if they could go out and play for awhile . . . The plane at that time was cruising along at an altitude of 6,000 feet! Classified Ads bring results! MUSIC! ENTERTAINMENT! Sammy Woolf And His Orchestra UN 4-3174 UN 3-8982 UN 3-6501 „ COMPLETE DINNER SERVICE DAILY We Are Celebrating Our 1st ANNIVERSARY IN OAK PARK! Th anks • • • you wonderful • people — for helping us over the hump! Appreciation Specials This Week Fresh Pickled Sliced Roast TONGUE TURKEY 29 ,cb C 49 lb Home Made PICKLES . 39c jar SHORT SALAMI . 89c lb. CORNED BEEF LUNCH ROLL 89c lb. LIBERMANS 13821 W. 9 MILE LI 1-2888 WHERE TO DINE AL GREEN'S CARL' S 15301 E. Jelterson at Beaconsfield VA 2 - 4118 Luncheons 11 to 3 — Dinners 5:00 to 10:30. Suppers 10:30 to 2 a.m courage "but that he should 3020 GRAND RIVER. Free Parking. TE 3-0700. Pri- vate Banquet Rooms for wedding parties. Serving consider it as. natural as his the World's Finest Steaks, Chops and Sea Foods tot own." more than 26 years. All Beef aged in our cellars. Goldberg's feelings w e r e: "There was nothing terrible about being a Jew, but it was ROBIN HOOD'S serving the finest and most delicious of foods, Steaks, Chops, Chicken Club Sandwiches. Short Orders. Delicious Hamburgers. terrible to feel yourself impris- "Served as you like . it." oned in the condition of being a 20176 LIVERNOIS AVE., 1 1 /2 blks. S. 8 Mile Rd. Open 24 Hours Jew, which the stupidity and cruelty of the times had imbued MA R I A'S PIZZERIA BANQUET FACILITIES with such manifest degrada- Specializing in Pizza Pie and Famous Italian Foods tion." Parking Facilities . . . Carry-Out Service The life story of Sammy Goldberg, who had written a 7101 PURITAN—Open 1I a.m. to 3 a.m.—UN 1-3929 number of things including a novel, forms an important chap- CLAM SHOP and BAR TR 2-8800 ter in this fine novel. Out of it Serving. Oysters, Clams, LOBSTERS, Steaks and Assorted Sea Foods emerges an interesting person- Music by Muzak - 2675 E. GRAND BLVD. ality who tells Father Strauben, Special at its Very aBAst; inPni e rs s.b ,.Iteendusonehtrnegm e who is important in the restora- iPsreism;pB ece tion of human values in the HERCS - daily. Open 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Lacour novel, that he "had to BEEF BUFFET 19371 W. 8 Mile, 1 BIk. E. of Evergreen achieve recognition." Out of the plot, Ch ark DUBBS BEEF BUFFET emerges in penitence. Just be- • PRIME BEEF • SHRIMP • LOBSTER fore his death he confesses to • DELMONICO STEAK • CHICKEN 13300 W. 7 MILE cor. LITTLEFIELD Goldberg that when he could OPEN DAILY 11 - 8:30 P.M.; SAT. & SUN. to 9 P.M. have shot a Jew he didn't kill him, although he was the best shot in the regiment, because "I didn't want to kill him." 123 Kercheval "Death In That Garden" is a Grosse Pointe Forms well written and a very strong Reservations — TU 4-5015 novel. It has a good plot and LUNCHEON DINNER its human qualities add greatly Serving Wonderful FOOD, Wines & Liquors . . . at Moderate Prices to its merits. London East 23 -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, July Z4, 1959 Brandeis' Difficulties, Taft's Attitude Described in Mason's Book on Supreme Court Judges