AJ Committee - ADL Report Shows Progress in Civil Rights Legislation NEW YORK (JTA) — Civil rights legislation in states throughout the .country has registered "very productive progress" during the first six months of this year with un- precedented moves leveled against discrimination in pri- vate housing, according to re- sults of a survey conducted jointly by the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defa- mation League of Bnai Brith. The agencies reported that the first state laws barring dis- - crimination or segregation in private housing in the United States were enacted in Colorado, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Oregon. In addition, California passed a statute prohibiting discrimination in publicly-aided Firemen examine a swastika scrawled on a wall at the Columbus, Ga., Museum of Arts, following an arsonist fire which destroyed approximately $20,000 in paintings. Some 165 pieces of art were lost, and seven swastikas were found on the walls of the private museum after the fire. Similar swastikas were found on the outside walls of two Columbus synagogues during the week. Police were inclined to dismiss the incident on grounds of prejudice, stating that it was more the work of vandals. Rewards of $1,500 have been posted for apprehension of the chlprits, including $500 from Georgia Gov. Ernest Van- Diver, who called the vandalism "a demented act." Order Probe of All NY Sports Clubs Following Bias in Bunche Incident NEW YORK (JTA)—A broad investigation of private sports clubs in New York City sus- pected of barring Jews, Negroes and others from membership on the basis of race or religion was announced by Dr. Alfred J: Marrow, chairman of the city Commission on Intergroup Re- lations. . Dr. Marrow, who indicated the probe after the commission heard testimony from Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, Nobel Prize winner and United Nations Under- secretary, also said the commis- sion might ask legislation to prevent such bias in member- ship policies. me to Enjoy SIGHTSEEING THEATERS • CRUISES SHOPPING • SUMMER FESTIVAL ACTIVITIES Choose Your _ ALL-EXPENSE 70 . 044 BY PLANE Go any day! Return any day! • Personal Greeting on Arrival . taxi transfers — baggage handling • No Tipping . . . all included in cost of tour • Week- ends . . . as low as $34.50 plus fares • Longer Stays .. . 3 Days, 5 Days, 7 Days • A full week in New York .. . $91.95 up. Full Information and Reservations JULES DONESON TRAVEL AGENCY 18246 Wyoming DI 1-4004 Closed Sat. Open Sun. 11-3 *service mark Dr. Bunche opened the issue by revealing that he had been told that neither he nor his son, Ralph Bunche, Jr., 16, could become members of the West Side Tennis Club of Forest Hills, Queens, because they were Negroes. The club's board subsequently repudiated the statement of president Wilfred Burglund, ac- cepted his resignation and in- vited the Bunches to join. Dr. Marrow said that while he recognized the right of private clubs to bar any group on racial or religious grounds, he also felt there was "a moral and psychological aspect" to such discrimination. Psychologically, there is a harmful effect on any group that is banned. In repudiating its earlier stand, the West Side Tennis Club accepted the resignation of its president, who was re- sponsible for the statement that the club accepted neither Jews nor Negroes. The club, in announcing its policy of considering and ac- cepting members "without re- gard to race, creed or color," added that . "the club presently has members. of Oriental and other ancestry and there is representation of the Jewish faith among the membership." In pursuing the investigation, however, Dr. Marrow announced that it was the commission's desire to "establish a formal record of past events and well- defined standards for the future" and also "to determine if new city legislation is needed so that sponsors' of public ex- hibitions will have their obliga- tions to treat all citizens equally —both in their internal and external conduct —spelled out in unmistakable terms." The annual cost of TB is estimated at $725,000,000, mostly in tax money. This fig- ure includes money spent for prevention, detection, treat- ment, and compensation. It does not include lost earnings. Since 1952, the cost of TB has in- creased more than $100,000,000. and redevelopment housing. race, creed or national origin. Discrimination in employment The anti-discrimination laws received a further set-back dur- in private housing in Massachu- ing this period when the major setts and Connecticut bar dis- industrial states of California crimination in multiple dwell- and Ohio joined 14 other states, ings and housing developments. including Alaska, which have In Oregon, the law applies to effective fair employment prac- people in the business of buy- tice laws enforced by commis- ing and selling homes. Enforce- sion procedures. Missouri be- ment of this new legislation is came the first border or south- vested in existing state agencies ern state to enact a statute or civil rights commissions barring discrimination in state which have the responsibility of employment. This state also enforcing other state laws pro- made its Temporary Human hibiting discrimination. Rights Commission a permanent The new laws also prohibit agency. the publication of advertising In the realm of housing, which in any way indicates a Colorado became the first state preference or limitation with in the nation to enact a law respect to race, religion or na- prohibiting discrimination in all tional origin. types of housing — private as In public accommodations, well as public and publicly- resort or amusement, the State aided. The Colorado law pro- of Maine joined 22 other states 'Speak for Yourself, hibits the owner of any housing with civil rights laws prohibit- Valuable Guide for unit—other than those occupied ing discrimination in these by owners or their families— areas. Under Maine's new law, Speaking in Public from refusing to sell, rent or violations are punishable by Those who aspire to be pub- lease to any person because of fines or imprisonment. lic speakers, all who would like to improve their power to ex- press themselves both in public and in private conservations, will be helped greatly by the new book, "Speak for Your- self," by Jessica Someras Driv- er, published by Harper & Bros. (49 E. 33rd, N.Y. 16). Containing the "essentials of reading aloud and speaking," Mrs. Driver's book contains sound advice and genuinely guides the reader towards vast improvements. Included in the book is the essential science of expression, proposes "reading aloud" as an aid to better speaking, sug- gests how to improve conversa- tional style and pronounciation, outlines the importance of lis- tening as well as the natural use of one's voice and has much to offer in the matter of poise— including posture and appear- ance on, a platform. The section dealing with ex- temporaneous speaking guides the reader regarding short talks on public platforms, con- servation, presentation of a subject, announcements and in- troductions at public meetings, and other related matters deal- ing with lecturing and public FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT speaking. "Speak for Yourself" serves a valuable purpose. . JOE MAY CHEVROLET SPECIAL BRAND NEW '59 CHEVY 6 PASSENGER SEDAN Two Arab Infiltrators Slain in Border Clash TEL AVIV (JTA) — Two Egyptian infiltrators were killed and three wounded and cap- tured in a clash with an Israeli Army patrOl near the Egyptian border, an Army spokesman re- ported. He said the patrol spotted the infiltrators, who were re- ported to be bearing typical fedayeen (commando) arms and wearing Egyptian army scouts footwear, near a settlement in southern Israel. When the infil- trators were challenged, they opened fire on the patrol which returned the fire. The Israel patrol did not suffer any casualties. Novel `Pish-Pesli' Is Israel's 'Flea Market' A rival to the Parisian flea market is Israel's "pish-pesh" market in Jaffa, happy hunting ground for tourists seeking exotic souvenirs at bargain prices. In the midst of second-hand shoe and clothing stalls are hand-etched copper planters, beautiful Oriental tables and jugs, pewter samovars, primi- tive, dangling earrings, exotic coin belts, filigree jewelry, un- usual embroideries, miniatures for the home and other un- usual gift items. $ 11 8 5 9 Full Price '159 '49 DOWN PER MONTH IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ONLY AT JOE CHEVROLET 12555 GRAND RIVER AT MEYERS OPEN 7 A.M• 'TIL 10 P.M. 1 1 — T HE DETROI T JEWISH NEWS — Fri day, July 24, 1959 Museum Burned; Find Swastikas