Women Spur Israel Bond Sales Toni:in-Fried -Rites Solemnized June 14 Activities Mrs. CHARLES D. SOLO- VICH, Detroit attorney who heads the National Bnai Brith Women, was recently named a trustee of the National Jewish Hospital at Denver, it is an- nounced by Leon S. Wayburn, chairman of the hospital's De- troit committee. ALBERT D. TUCKER LODGE will officially welcome new of- ficers at the group's second an- nual installation, June 27, at Paul's Restaurant. Cocktails will Master of Ceremonies be served before dinner, and and his Orchestra Detroit's Leading Entertainer the Bob Ruskin Quartet will Sixty Bond purchases were made last week at a gathering TO 8-2067 TO 6-5016 provide dance music after. at the home of Mrs. David Goldberg. Zvi Kolitz was the Elected president is Bernard speaker. Active in sponsoring that meeting and in its pro- Firestone. Other officers are gram were, from the left: Mrs. William Boesky, Mrs. Gold- Larry Paul Allan Becker, Jerry Olson, berg, Kolitz, Mrs. Harold Ekelman, Mrs. Samuel Katkin and Arthur Elkin and Marvin Ber- Furniture Service Mrs. Melvin Yoffe. man, vice- presidents; Bruce Refinishing & Repairing Lyons, David Maxon, Marshall ■ ■ ■ Life Captures Spirit Rachleff and Jerry Liner, sec- 7579 W. McNICHOLS retaries; Harold Schecket, chap- UN 4-8440 UN 2-7949 of Bnai Brith Parley lain; Dr. David Weine,- Abe MRS. DONALD TONKIN . The impact of Bnai Brith's In a double-ring ceremony Wein, Sheldon Lublin, Erwin triennial convention in Jerusa- Hollander, Norman Benjamin, June 14, at Adas Shalom Syna- lem, Israel, is dramatized in a gogue, • LOis Marlene Fried, Richard Salle and Earl Remer, special layout in the current daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her- trustees. This Week's Radio and edition of Life magazine. * * * man Fried, of Indiana Ave., be- Television Programs The magazine is publishing Jackie Mason, emcee from came the bride of Donald Ton- of Jewish Interest pictures shot by Life photog- New York's Concord Hotel, For Any Occasion kin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris rapher Dave Rubinger during WORDS WE LIVE BY Tonkin, of Vernon Ave., Hunt- will highlight entertainment for May 25-29 convention, the first Featuring Time: 10:30 p.m., Sunday. ington Woods.. Rabbi Jacob E. the DOWNTOWN LODGE an- in Bnai Brith's 116-year his- - GLORIA BROOKS nual dinner - dance -installation, Station: WWJ. Segal and Cantor Nicholas Fena- VANGUARDS Feature: The fourth of 15 lit- tory held outside the United Tuesday, at the Hayim Green- kel officiated. erary dialogues on legends of States. berg Center, Schaefer and The bride's gown of white silk Call SALLY FIELDS The photos include reunions taffeta was highlighted by a Seven Mile. • Joe Birnholtz will the Bible will be presented by TR 1-4141 moyen-age neckline, appliqued also be featured. Before din- Mark Van Doren, author, critic of Bnai Brith delegates and in Swiss embroidered .roses, a ner, cocktails will be served and Pulitzer Prize-winning poet their Israeli relatives, the vis- (Other Smart Combos) fitted bodice and short sleeves. from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. In- and the noted author and lec- itors' impressions of Israel and turer Maurice Samuel. typical sightseeing trips. stalling officers will be Hy The dome-shaped skirt had a * ,: bias-flounce which was appli- Crystal, executive director of MESSAGE OF ISRAEL qued in matching roses and ex- Michigan Bnai Brith, and Time: 11:05 p.m., Sunday. tended into a chapel train. She Harry Weinberger, president carried her Bible covered with of the Metropolitan Detroit - Station: WXYZ. OCia Feature: A special broadcast, Bnai Brith Council. Officers .orchids and stephanotis. Brenda Neumann, the bride's to be installed are Yale Phil- erLanating from Washington, sister, was matron of honor, and lips, president; Sidney Freed- D. C., in honor of the pilgrim- bridesmaids were Wendy Fried, man, Jack Brickner and Ar- age of the Religious Heritage Marlene Frumin, Mrs. Richard nold Einhorn, vice-presidents; of America, will present a press Gooel and Mrs. Edward Kann. Herbert Katlein, Irving Stein- conference with Lisle M. Ram- For consultation at your Michelle Tonkin, the bride- berg, and Emanuel Friedman, say, Heritage president, Rabbi convenience without obligation groom's niece, was flower girl. secretaries; Irving Kaplan, Maurice N. Eisendrath, presi- Call Lincoln 8-2266 Wallace Tonkin . was his treasurer; Melvin Robins, chap- dent of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations; and lain; Syd Auster, warden; brother's best man, and ushers were Harold Gayer, Richard Louis Rosenbaum, guardian; Brooks Hays, long-time U.S. from Arkansas Gooel, Ira Jaffe, Edward Kann, Samuel Cohen, Mannie Corn- Congressman immediate past president --Macy Landau, Dr. Lee Neu,. field, Kurt Ellenbogen,. Harry and of the Southern Baptist Con- mann, Richard Schwartz and Parr and Lou Russman, trus- vention, SOME CHOICE DATES STILL as participants. tees. Lou Russman is dinner- - Stuart Ulanoff. * * AVAILABLE FOR BALANCE OF 1959 Also in the procession were dance chairman. For reserva- COUNCIL-ALTMAN HOUR Very Reasonable the bride's grandparents, Mr. tions or information, call Ed- Time: 10 p.m., Saturday. and Mrs. Ben Fried, and the ward Weinberg, BR 2-0625, Station: WJLB. bridegroom's grandfather, Mr. or Andrew Wolok, UN 1-2134. Feature: Meir Vidar, Midwest * * Louis Friedman. director of the Israel Govern- Following a honeymoon to IVAN S. BLOCH LODGE, Miami Beach., Fla., the couple Bnai Brith, will hold its 13th ment Tourist Office, will deliver will take up residence on Rens- birthday and installation dance a report on Israel. The Culture Commission of the Jewish Com- selaer Ave., Oak Park. at a dinner party Tuesday eve- munity is presenting the pro- PAY LESS — GET THE BEST AT ning, at the .Cong. Shaarey gram. Program Institute of Shomayim, 14200 W. Ten Mile, * * Oak Park. Lou Segel, president- THE JEWISH HERITAGE Jtc Attracts More elect, urges all paid up mem- Time: 8:30 p.m., Sunday. bers to make reservations while - Station: WCAR. Than 100 Groups REPEATED BY POPULAR DEMAND Over 100 organizations were tickets are still available. Feature: "Tel Aviv — from Kosher Killed • * * represented at the annual Pro- Sand Dunes to Metropolis in gram Planners Institute of the LOUIS STONE CHAPTER Fifty Years" is presented by the Jewish Community Council, will hold its annual paid-up Council Commission. lb held Monday evening, at the membership luncheon on Wed- Workmen's Circle Center. nesday afternoon, at Margene The record number of dele- Catering, when a "The Price Is Kindergarten Grads gates took back to their organi- Right" program is planned. Get Diplomas at Picnic zations an idea of the many Dues are payable at the door. FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL: DI 1 4525 Family picnic day, honoring program facilities which the Prospective members are in- fathers of the Hebrew Academy or Stop at 13523 W. 7 MILE RD. at SCHAEFER Council makes available, at no vited to attend. and marking completion of the Offer Good to June 26 charge, to groups in the com- * * * current school year, will be munity. From the Council point REX LODGE will hold its of view, the program brings 10th annual installation cere- highlighted by graduation exer- cises for kindergarteners at 12 the various clubs into a close mony at a dinner planned for noon Sunday, at Stoepel Park, ORIGINAL CAKE DESIGNS FOR EVERY OCCASION working relationship with the 7 p.m., Wednesday, at Club 'Tastes as Good as It Looks' . . . and recommended Outer Drive and Evergreen. Council. Cliche. Harry Weinberger, new- Parents are instructed to by the majority of caterers! A visual demonstration of ly-elected president of the Met- the types of programs that ropolitan Detroit Bnai Brith pack their own lunches. Cold We'll be happy to drinks will be available at the organizations could present to Council, will be installing of- park. interest their memberships in- discuss your needs Graduation ceremonies, in- cluded an offering, in Hebrew, ficer, and entertainment will be provided by radio and television cluding the presentation of dip- with you of "South Pacific," a social ac- tion film, an address on the singer Gerry Vale. New offi- lomas, are under the supervi- personally Middle East by Mrs. Max Frank, cers are Herb Lefkofsky, pres- sion of Mrs. B. Shemtov, kin- Maurice Wilson, Harry dergarten t e ache r, and Mrs. You'll enjoy the good a demonstration on the halil ident; Carris and Tatken, vice- Myer Mandelbaum. old-fashioned taste of by Mrs. Reuven Frankel and a presidents; Morton Harold Katz, Robert An afternoon of games and program of Israeli dancing. our bread, rolls and Harold Berry, chairman of Reise and Milton Goldman, sec- prizes for all age groups of the pastries. school has been planned by the retaries; Robert Russman, war- the Council's mass media com- den; Howard Davidow, guardian; You Could pay more but faculty. mittee, and Edith Heavenrich, couldn't buy better anywhere! Registration for the fall se- program secretary, informed the Reuben Miller, chaplain; Sam delegates of the techniques in Finegood, Irvin Adler, Abe SU.- mester of the Hebrew Academy obtaining programs from the berschein, Marshall Klaper and continue to be accepted Council. Joseph Edelman-, direc- Gert Freund, trustees. Mem- throughout the summer by Mrs. NEW YORK BAKERY tor of community relations, bers-at-large are Sanford Eisen- Seymour Ribiat, LI 7-2773. The Academy, located in the 12945 W. 7 Mile Rd. summed up the evening's pro- berg, Morton Lewis, Alfred Git- Peter and Pauline Goldstein UN 2-7980 tleman, Robert Stein and David ceedings. 9726 Dexter 13137 Dexter Overall chairman of the In- Blumlo. For reservations, call Bldg., 13855 W. 9 Nime, cur- TY 4-8567 WE 5-9102 stitute was Dr. Samuel Krohn, Harry Carris, TY 6-2800; or rently offers Hebrew-English OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK — ALL SHOPS CLOSED SATURDAYS chairman of the internal rela- Murray Hozman, UN 4-4151, by education for children of nurse- ry age through the third grade. Saturday. tions committee. SAM ROSENBLAT 04•11 04 0•011111.1 11. 0 111111•0 4■0■11,0 . 1111. 3 . 1.11. 0 ■ 1141 , 1 ewrij (.911 the Airi ARTIE FIELDS ORCHESTRA BOOK NOW FOR 1960 .. Call TV 3-1242 for Information ZACK'S KOSHER CATERING REISMAN'S POULTRY & FISH MKT. YOUNG PULLETS ... 23 c FRYERS ... 29c lb. - ZEMAN'S