Women's Clu4 activities LADIES OF YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDAH and WOMEN'S SABBATH LEAGUE will sponsor an installation 11 ncheon at 12:30 p.m., Tues- day, at Young Israel of Detroit. Mrs. Kate Winston will be in- stallation officer, while social arrangements are being directed by Mrs. Walter Epstein, chair- man, Mrs. David Gelbman, co- chairman, and Mesdames Jacob Faigenbaum, Louis Jonas, Rose Bielewich and Pearl Leader. To Wed fitly 5 I applied mine heart to know and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things.—Eccl. 7:25 FANNIE GLUCK CHAPTER, man and M. Weisman, secre- Mizrachi Women, will hold a taries; J. Weinberg, treasurer; For the luncheon and garden party on J. Ainbinder, N. Razumna, case Perfect Affair .. . July 7, in the home of Mrs. workers; M. Lessen, sunshine; Daniel Temchin, 14150 Victoria, J. Nadek, membership; M. Nei- Oak Park. Proceeds will go to man and A. Berger, social; L. and His Orchestra the Child Restoration Fund. Shapiro, publicity; S. Dean, P. UN 3-3737 Friends are invited. Feiner , 1N.I. Blaze, telephone. • * * Mrs. L. Gruskin is taking reser- Mrs. Robert Israel, president vations for the luncheon. PHOTOGRAPHS by of the WORKMENS CIRCLE BERNARD H. WOMEN'S DIVISION, an- AVIVA CHAPTER, Pioneer nounces the group's final meet- Women, will hold its annual ing of the season at 9 p.m., Sat- installation luncheon at 12:30 urday, at the WC Center. Jos- p.m., Wednesday, in the home A board meeting of the SIS- eph Bernstein will be guest of Mrs. Norman Leemon, 18945 KE. 1-8196 TERS OF ZION MIZRACHI is speaker. A midnight supper will Fairfield. GIFT of Min. Album announced for 12 noon Thurs- also be served. Friends are in- * * for Mom on all Candids day at Young Israel Center, vited to attend. MISS SUSAN FRANK AVODAH CHAPTER, Pio- * 4: * Dexter and Fullerton. Officers neer Women, will hold. its an- recently installed are Mesdames Newly-elected officers of the nual installation ceremony at a Mr. and Mrs. Norman Frank, Morris Goldberg, president; JUNIOR PRIMROSE CLUB 12 noon luncheon on Tuesday, of Pennington Dr., announce Pearl Hoffman, Pearl Leader, were installed by past president at Topinka's Country House. the engagement of their daugh- YE 5-7224 Rose Schuratz, vice-presidents; Helen Grundy at a - recent paid- Mrs. Paul Feldman will induct ter, Susan, to Norman Prady, GREENCRAFT Ida Goldfine, treasurer; Milton up membership luncheon. They the following newly-elected of- son of the Calvin Pradys, of FLORISTS Winston, Augusta Subar, Flora are: Gloria Stasofsky, president; ficers: Mesdames Gerald Gold- Oak Park. Th, wedding will be 13542 Greenfield Smerling, Beverly Levitt, secre- Gloria Woolman, Beverly Gold berg, president; Edward Stark, solernnized on July 5. Miss Shirley, Consultant taries; Leah Feldman, program; and Sally Cogan, vice-presi- Sam Fishman and Ben Meyers, Beatrice Servetter, publicity; dents; Sheryl Krasnow, treas- vice-presidents; Rudolph Gemza JULIAN B. VENEZKY, of * Rose Bielewich, social; Rose urer; Evelyn Gorash, Thelma Max Nyman, Archie Fabian and Peoria, Ill., has been named I JACK GORBACK i Stalburg, Lois Novitz and Bar- Ralph Raimi, secretaries; and Whiteman and Ann Bailes. national chairman for special * * * bara Bomze, secretaries; Anita David Rosenberg, treasurer. gifts by the Combined Campaign * PHOTOS -sc Gold, publicity; Lois Howard, Mrs. Louis Isaacs, chairman, is SHOLEM ALEICHEM INSTI- for American Reform Judaism, * Weddings * program; Lois Pershin, sun- accepting luncheon reservations * TUTE WOMEN'S DIVISION is the central agency for support * -lc Bar planning its annual luncheon shine; and Delores Max, mem- at UN 4-5837. of America's oldest national in- * Mitzvahs * bership. The new administra- • C and games party at 12 noon, stitutions of religious Judaism, * • June 30, at Northland Center tion will continue group efforts the 86 year old Union of Amer- * TUROVER LADIES AUXIL- * to provide assistance to the De- *Quality work Hospitality House. Julia Weiss, IARY is planning its final lun- ican Hebrew Congregations and troit Association for Retarded i * • * funds chairman, invites friends cheon meeting for Wednesday the 84 year old Hebrew Union * * to join in the afternoon of Children. College-Jewish Institute of Re- * UN 3-8532 afternoon, at Turover Temple, * * * * * ligion. games and prizes. ********************0 CLUB ONE, Pioneer Women 12129 Dexter, announces Mrs. will hold its installation lunch- Rosalyn Zeldes, president. Meet- eon at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday ings will resume in the fall. • * in the Morris L. Schaver Audi- Mrs. Irving Chaiken, presi- torium of the Hayim Greenberg Center, 19161 Schaefer. Mrs. dent of NEW LIFE CHAPTER, Michael Michlin will install of- American Medical Center at LOVE- FURS TOO... to ficers. For reservations call Denver, will be installed as Mrs. Hannah Jacobs, DI 1-2836. president for a second term at * a 12 noon luncheon on Thurs- Twelve needy families in Is- day, at the Steak Knife. Attor- rael will receive the proceeds ney Harry Anbender will also from the EZRATH GROUP induct the following officers: luncheon and garden games Mesdames Donald L. Golden, party Wednesday at the home of Louis Parzen and Elvon Pol- for Mrs. Emil Edelson, 3850 W. Out- lack, vice-presidents; Max Kol- MISS BARBARA NOW AVAILABLE er DriVe, announces Mrs. Al- ovsky, treasurer; Manuel Krav- itz, Oliver Barnes, Harvey bert Potiker, president. Prizes, 19218 LIVERNOIS including three original paint- Rothstein, secretaries; Edward UN 1-1089 ings, will be awarded. This is the Epstein, chaplain; Jerry Eaton, 1 Block North of 7 Mile Road RAGE. aaninG.REPAIRMG.RESPILIDG main fund raising project of the Sam Goren and Nate Goldman, twelve member group. All trustees. Board members are OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY friends are invited. For addi- Mesdames Sam Bale, M. Beren- • STORAGE tional information, call Mes- son, Isadore Chaiken, Jack 1 n Certified Cold dames Beryl _Harrison, UN Friedlander, Emil Fruchter, Storage Units 1-3762, Albert P o t i k e r, UN Harold Goldberg, Alfred Gott- 1-0205, or Jack Bookstein, UN lieb, David Kaufman, Phillip • CLEANING and Kravetz, Ben Madvin, Sam Ne- 3-4372. REPAIRING * * meth, Peter Polinsky, Ben Ros- Your Valuable Furs LADIES OF YIDDISH en, Lester Rynek and Carl Cleaned and Repaired FOLKS FAREIN will hold a Krupp. Guests are invited. For to Revitalize them luncheon on Tuesday afternoon, reservations, call Mrs. Edward after the long, hard at Federal's Grand River - Oak- Epstein, chairman, BR 3-3812, man auditorium, under the or Mrs. Isadore Chaiken, BR winter! chairmanship of Mrs. Mary Her- 3-3210. * * man. Prizes will be awarded. * * * SHOMREY EMUNAH SIS- EVERGREEN CONGREGA- TERHOOD will meet at 8 p.m., FOR BONDED TION SISTERHOOD will close Wednesday, in the home of Mrs. MESSENGER its season with an address by Rae Urnowitz, 13261 8'. Norfolk. Mrs. Max Frank, past president Plans for the annual garden • RESTYLING of the Detroit Chapter of Ha- party, under the chairmanship dassah, on Wednesday, in the of Mrs. Alex Ungar, with Mes- If your furs are out- synagogue social hall. Mrs. Har- dames Gertie Baruch and Irv- dated—let us restyle old Eskowitz, program chair- ing Weiss as co-chairmen, will them to the latest 1959 man, advises that Mrs. Frank be finalized. styles in the expert * A* will speak on "Jewish Interna- Ceresnie manner! DETROIT LADIES AUXIL- tional Affairs." Father's * * * IARY, American Medical Cen- Day is this ter at Denver, will hold its 30th DETROIT LINK, Order of SUNDAY the Golden Chain, will hold its annual donor luncheon at 1 annual garden party for mem- p.m., Tuesday, at Turover Tem- bers and friends at 12:30 p.m., ple, 12129 Dexter, according a glamorous July 21, in the home of Mrs. to Mrs. Paul Shapiro, president. 0 . give him comfortable Phil Ruskin, 4344 Arden Pl., Proceeds will aid patients at collection of Royal Oak. Games and prizes the center in their fight against * RIPPLE® Sole Slippers little furs are planned. For reservations cancer, tuberculosis and other or transportation, call Bea Le- chest diseases. For reservations, For the first time . . . and lust in time for Father's for Spring land, UN 4-4878; or Sophia call Mrs. Shapiro, WE 3-8797, or Day giving, Hock ingeniously combines the comfort Mrs. Max Ducker, TE 4-5411. and Summer Rosen, DI 1-3950. of fatigue-free RIPPLE® Soles with a handsome m_on's * slipper. Gore sides assure snug fit. Soft brown calf. wear. PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT Named to Centennial Group Dr. Bertram W. Korn, CLUB will hold its annual in- stallation luncheon at 12:30 president of the American Jew- p.m., Tuesday, at Sammy's Ava- ish Historical Society, has been lon Room. Mrs. H. Ehrlichman, appointed to the Advisory Shoe Fitters Since 1916 installing officer, will induct Council of the Civil War Cen- telt 0.3 • the following women: Mesdames tennial Commission of the Fed- 5th Floor Mutual Bldg., 28 W. Adams J. Rodman, president; W. Belin- eral Government by Major 19386 LIVERNOIS 19360 Livernois • 16633 E. Warren sky and J. Aaron, vice-presi- General U.S. Grant, 3d, chair- at OUTER DR. • TM Ripple Sole Corp. dents; B. Kaufman, S. Wein- man of the Commission. Mickey Woolf WINER 50% Discount Follow the Smart Set CONSULT • CAMBRIDGE HOUSE Hair Fashions CallUN. 2-8822 We Are Also Showing &Wank HACK SHOE COMPANY