• Jewish Groups Launch Study Poland to Honor Auschwitz Victims with Monument ROME (JTA)—The Interna- headed by the famous British of Humane Slaughter Ways tional The construction will be Committee for the Ausch- sculptor, Henri Moore. started by the Polish govern- A two year study by inde- ever, both the federal law and witz Monument announced that The winning design consists pendent scientific r es e a r c h many state bills contain provi- construction of the monument of a diagonal path to cut across ment, ,independently of private agencies is being launched to sions regarding methods of —based on a design emerging the site of the Auschwitz mur- contributions, as soon as blue- ascertain the most humane prac- handling that may conflict with from an international contest der camp where the barracks prints are complete. Fund col- tical methods of preparing ani- current practices in connection in which 658 artists took part stood. The path leads to the lections are underway in mals for slaughter in accord- with Jewish religious slaughter. —will begin within the next ruins of the crematories. Along France, Italy, Switzerland and Italy and are expected to start ance with Jewish religious law. "The practice of Shehita three months, on the site of both sides of this path, on the soon in the United States. The Sponsoring the study are nine may be impaired," Rabbi Hol- the notorious Auschwitz camp camp railroad tracks, will be Polish government has already to major national Jewish religious zer commented, "if the law where the Nazis annihilated 23 concrete blocks linked by expropriated the land area of and community relations organ- should require methods of hundreds of thousands of Jews sculptured iron hooks, to re- the Auschwitz camp, with an izations and 47 Jewish commu- handling which violate Jew- in gas chambers. call the trains which brought additional strip of land around nity relations agencies in cities ish religious principles or Herman Langbein, executive the victims to Auschwitz. Each the camp for the memorial. throughout the United States, which are not feasible or secretary of the commAtee, ex- block contains the name of including Detroit. All are con- practical." pressed his appreciation of the one of the 23 countries from stituents of the Synagogue The federal law adopted last decision of the Polish Govern- which the martyr s were Council of America or the Na- year created an advisory com- ment to hold an international shipped. Ij tional Community Relations Ad- mittee to the Secretary of Ag- competition for the monument. The artists who participated Owned by visory Council, or both. riculture, who is charged with The winners presented four in the accepted design were : Mr. and Mra. Eichenbaurn The study is designed "to its administration. The Advis- plans and a jury picked one Andre Cascella, Pietro Cas- of the four. The committee is ascertain the most humane ory Committee has the duty, cella, Giorgio Simoncini, To- The Perfect Location—Directly on z practical methods of prepar- among others, of making recom- maso Valle and Mauirizio Vi- the Lake. OUr Own Private Beach. co ing animals for Jewish religi- mendations with regard to re- tale of Italy; Oskar Hasen, South Haven's Newest ra ous slaughter and to develop search into methods of handling ZOA Places Bibles Jorgyi Jarnuskiewicz, Julian Swimming Pool the equipment and process animals in connection with in Israel Hotel Rooms Palka and Lechoslaw Rosinski No Increase in Rates co necessary for such purposes." slaughter which are "practica- c's NEW YORK (AJP) — The of Poland and Julio Lafuente co ble" and "humane." of Spain, who worked with Zionist Information Service Preent methods of handlin The section creating the 12- (ZINS) reports from Tel Aviv the Italian artists. animals for slaughter in th e prescribed Jewish manner (Sh e- member Advisory Committee a unique ceremony at the THE OKUN'S hita) including shackling an d requires that one member "shall ZOA Daniel Frisch House be a person familiar with the marking the inauguration of a hoisting. Invite You to "Should this scientific r e- requirements of religious faiths program which for the first with respect to slaughter." That time will place Bibles in the search and study disclose mor e MONTH OF JUNE SPECIAL human mechanical methods o f member is Rabbi Joseph B. rooms of all of Israel's major • SWIMMING POOL $9 Per Day Per Person handling, we will recommen d Soloveitchik of Boston,. eminent hotels in the spirit of. the Two in Room - • CHILDREN'S POOL Orthodox rabbi and authority Gideon Society in the U.S. the alteration or modification o f • PLANNED ACTIVITIES on Jewish law, who was ap- During the ceremony at any present method." the stat e= • Beautiful Rooms with Private Bath • CHILDREN'S COUNSELOR and Showers. ment declared. "If, howeve r, pointed to the national commit- which the first set of Bibles • Simmons Beautyrest Mattresses such scientific research shoul d tee at the suggestion of the con- was presented to Shlomo Perl- • 3 Meals and Midnight Snack Write or Phone • Air-Conditioned Dining Room indicate that any- of the pres stituent organizations of the stein, chairman of the Israel • Music, Dancing, Sports SynagogUe Council of America. Hotel Association, ZOA presi- ent methods of handling is hu SAMSON'S RESORT • Outdoor Patio mane, then there would be n 0 Rabbi Soloveitchik has been dent Abraham A. Redelheim South Hoven, Mich. consulted continually by the delivered an address in which reason for changes. MICHIGAN BEACH RESORT Phone 379 or 441 "When present methods o f Jewish organizations sponsoring he referred to the common South Haven, Mich. • Ph. 451 or .308- the study of handling methods Biblical heritage of both Is- handling are found to be hu mane or more humane method s and has given it his full ap- rael and America. Mortimer May, former ZOA are devised, we will then urge proval, it was announced. * * * president who was also pres- as in the case of the act o f ent, had inspired the idea for Jewish religious slaughter it New Jersey to Hold July self, that such methods of han Hearings on Slaughter Bill the Bible distribution in Israeli cluing also be recognized as hu NEWARK, N. J. (JTA) — hotel rooms. mane." The battle over humane slaugh- LAKE PARK RESORT Plans for initiation of th e ter legislation now before the School Curriculum Revision SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. Rejected by Israel Knesset study were announced in Ne W New Jersey Assembly will • Luxurious Brand New Rooms, Private Entrances JERUSALEM (JTA)—Parlia- • Delicious Meals York by Rabbi Theodor e reach a new phase when open • Rest and Recreation • Beautiful Grounds • Planned Entertainment Adams, then president of th e hearings are conducted by the ment rejected by an overwhelm- • Children's Consellor Synagogue Council of Americ a Agricultural Committee of the ing vote a proposal by leftist South Haven's SPECIAL LOW RATES TO JULY 15 parties for a re-evaluation, by (since succeeded by Rabbi Ma x State Assembly on July 14. _ NEWEST Phone 348 and 1451 a public committee, of the Davidson) and Mortimer Bren Rosenson's Vocation Paradise "Jewish consciousness" curricu- POOL ner of NCRAC, co-chairmen of M. Bourges Maunoury lum introduced in Israel's pub- the joint advisory committee of lic schools two years ago. 3ailey Avenue South the Synagogue Council and Here for Israel Bonds, Haven, • NCRAC on matters affecting re- Cites :French-Israel Ties Among details of the curricu- Michigan• lum to which the leftists ob- ligion and the state. Secretary jected were the use in the of the advisory committee is public schools of Hebrew prayer The finest in Jules Cohen, national coordina- books. Kosher Food, located tor of the National Community on 15 acres of beautiful Relations Advisory Council. park-land, tennis Israeli Wins Award Relax • Swim • Play The act of slaughter itself court, children's BUENOS AIRES (JTA) — Rates Start At in accord with Jewish religi- playgrounds, The Matias Stoliar Prize, in- recreation room, ous law is incontrovertibly Per Person stituted five years ago for the $45 Two in Room movies, shuffleboard humane and has been so de- best Yiddish books of the year, courts, television and clared by many eminent social activities. was awarded to a young Israel WRITE FOR SPECIAL FAM ILY RATES scientific authorities. Rabbi writer, Iosl Birstein, a member Emanuel Holzer, chairman of ZIPP.ERSTEIN'S RESORT .{ Writ e now for of the Gvat Kibbutz for his t h e Religious Observances reservations, or BAILEY AVENUE • SOUTH HAVEN, MICHIGAN book "Schmole Trotuarn." Phone 335. Committee of the Synagogue Council of America,. who is coordinating the research undertaking, observed that this had been given recogni- tion by Congress, which in- cluded the Jewish religious method of slaughter among those to be deemed humane under_ the law enacted in the On his arrival in the United_ last session as Public Law States this week, MAURICE 85-765. Bills introduced in a number BOURGES-MAUNOURY, for- of state legislatures during the mer Premier of France and current sessions have tended to an outstanding exponent of • follow the federal example in French-Israel friendship, em- phasized that "the policies of finding Shehita humane. How- France and Israel are closely connected," especially in the economic field, and that "State of Israel Bonds play • an essential role in building Israel's economy and her ex- Stops Itch — Relieves Pain port markets." M. Bourges- Maunoury made his state- For the first time science has found RATES from $14 per day per person, a new healing substance with the as- ment at New York's Idlewild including meals, (Weekly basis). FABULOUS FAMILY PLAN * FREE GOLF tonishing ability to shrink hemor- Airport on his arrival for a rhoids and to relieve pain — without Superb Jewish-Amer. Cuisine * Pitch and Putt Green Write or call speaking tour of key Ameri- surgery. In case after case, while Milton Q. Shapiro or Joseph Mohr 1000 ft. Private Sand Beach (water temp. never below 72) can and Canadian cities in gently relieving pain, actual reduc- Owaer•Managernone tion (shrinkage) took place. Most Tennis * Sailing -0 All Sports behalf of the Israel Bond SIB amazing of all — results were so thor- 101LNIM St HOW drive. ough that sufferers made astonishing SMASH. B'WAY PLAY EVERY WEEK North Falmouth, MaSs. statements like "Piles have ceased to Musical Revues * Feature Movies •Of the more than 600 species be a problem!" The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne*)—dis- of fish found in Miami Beach Entertainment and Dancing Nightly Hotel Tel: Kimball 8-3850 covery of a world-famous research waters, some 40 are recognized institute.This substance is now avail- able in suppository or ointment form as game species and about 10 called. Preparation H.*. At all drug varieties are much sought-after counters—money back guarantee.*® for salt water home aquariums. O eset SAMSON'S RESORT RELAX and PLAY at . ROSENSON'S TEATS RESORT Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Java Box on Captivating Cape Cod-cljowt pPagghouttd in die Sun '4 4 is 4 . 1"V