THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue Shavuot — Summit of Summits of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35. Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign 56. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post ()Met., Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 3, PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Advertising Manager Circulation Manager FRANK SIMONS City Editor Shavuot Scriptural Selections Ex. 19:1-20:23. Num. 28:26-23. Pentateuchal portions for first day of Shavuot, today, Num. 28:26-31. 14:22-16:17, Portions for second day of Shavuot, Saturday, Deut. 3:12; Saturday, Hab. 3:1-19. Prophetical portions: Friday, Ezek. 1:1-28; VOL. No. 15 Page Four June 12, 1959 Honoring Our Teachers Dedicated Services In its resolution dedicating Teacher's Whenever concern is expressed over the difficulties encountered in advancing Day as an annual observance in all Jewish Jewish educational needs, we are inevit- communities in this country, the Ameri- ably confronted with the problem of the can Association for Jewish Education shortage of teachers and the difficulties declared that "formal Jewish education is our schools encounter in encouraging able indispensable to the spiritual, cultural and men and women to enter the Jewish social well-being of the American Jewish teaching profession. community" and that "there is no factor It is no wonder, therefore, that the in the educational process more signifi- American Association for Jewish Educa- cant than the classroom teacher." tion, in its search for means of advancing The resolution indicated that "it is the educational efforts of American generally agreed that for the teacher to Jewry, has also taken into consideration be effective he not only must feel reason- the need for raising the standards of the ably secure in his position, and obtain Jewish teachers and of giving due recog- adequate compensation for his services, nition to their services. but should also enjoy social status in the Thus, the Yom Ha-Moreh community and experience recognition Teacher's Day —. proclaimed on L a g and appreciation of his efforts;" t h at b'Omer, our traditional Scholars' Festival, "there is a compelling need, growing out is a most appropriate precedent for action of the critical teacher shortage today, to in support of the movement to encourage dramatize the central importance of the the .functioning teachers in their labors Jewish teacher in helping to assure the and to inspire others to enter the Jewish continuity of Jewish life, and to make the attractions of Jewish education as a life- teaching field. Pursuing the program introduced by work socially dignified and professionally the National Association for Jewish Edu- more satisfying." cation, the United Hebrew Schools of These should be viewed as elemen- Detroit will honor a group of teachers tary facts. But they are often overlooked. who have served our local schools for It is vital that they should be emphasized more than 25 years. The citations to be again. The AAJE has rendered a good presented to these teachers at the annual service by establishing a Jewish Teacher's meeting, on Tuesday, will be a mark of Day in this country, and the United He- recognition of the dedicated services of brew Schools are to be commended for a group of educators who have con- pursuing the principles established by the secrated themselves to one of the most national association. important services in Jewish life. Solving U.S. Jewish Education Problem The American Association for Jew- ish Education made history at its 20th anniversary convention last week, with the release of the National Study of Jewish Education. There are many disturbing revela- tions in the report of the nationwide survey. But there also are many hearten- ing factors. The fact that parents are so anxious to provide a Jewish education for their children is especially encouraging. The chief obstacles on the road to greater progress is the limited time which the children devote to their Jewish studies and the shortage of good teachers. By facing the issue squarely, AAJE has pre- sented the available facts without sugar- coating and has offered a long-term plan of action in finding a solution to the shortcomings. * * * The "finale" in the summary, in which important recommendations are made to national organizations concerned with Jewish education, "in the hope that the study will help them to enable Ameri- can Jews to rise to a higher madregah," makes these valuable observations: "In Hassidic literature there is the concept of madregot—"steps" or levels of living and being. In that spirit we can say that there are four madregot of Jewish living and being in America as everywhere. The lowest and the deepest madregah is the vital or biologic one:— being a member of the Jewish family and accepting identification with it. The second madregah is the social:—Jewish fellowship, in its many forms of affiliation and participation; synagogual, communal and global. The third madregah is the cultural:—the study and knowl- edge of the literary-historic tradition, with its biblical and post-biblical content and its Hebraic forms. The fourth and highest madregah is the ethical:—integrating the ethos of Jewish culture into person values, outlook and conduct. Most American Jews in our day have reached the first two madregot, the biologic and the social, identification and fellowship. The grand aim of all Jewish educational endeavor is to help them reach the third madregah, that of Jewish lcnowl- edge and culture; and through it to raise them- selves personally to the highest madregah, as `witnesses and partners of the Almighty'. "There have been different ways and approaches to the Ideal. A generation ago, during the days of the 'bootstrap' generation, these differences seemed to represent an- tagonistic outlooks:—culturists and religionists, Zionists and anti-Zionists, YiddishiSts and Hebra- ists, philanthropists and Judaists. That genera- tion found it possible to enable all of these values to 'live themselves out' and to arrive at new syntheses for our day; the old antagon- isms becoming polarities in a common frame- work of being. Likewise, and of particular im- portance for Jewish education, has been the theoretic antagonism in that generation between synagogue and community. In this, too, the `bootstrap generation' held on to two approaches as significant and indigenous to Jewish life. Indeed both approaches proved of great value. The way to the Ideal continues to be the differ- entiated way, but as in the case of the other theoretic antagonisms of the previous genera- tion, there is need to relate congregations and community as polarities in a common integrat- ing framework of Jewish being in which 'both these and those are the words of the living God'." * * * • Israel as a Welfare State Described by Prof. Janowsky Tracing the development of Israel and the origin and distinctive features of the Jewish national movement, Dr. Oscar I. Janowsky, professor of history at City College of New York, clarifies the purposes which have motivated the architects and protagonists of the Jewish State, in a lucidly written book, "Foundations of Israel—Emergence of a Welfare State," published by D. Van Nostrand Co. (120 Alex- ander St., Princeton, N. J.). Identifying and concentrating attention "upon the distinctive features of Israel's de- velopment," Prof. Janowsky has selected vital material to guide his reader toward an under- standing of the historical merits of Zionism and of the trends which led to - the rebirth of Israel. Included, therefore, as reading material in the second part of the book are immigration Dr. Janowsky and population statistics, land regulations, the revival of Hebrew, recommendations of various international commissions, facts relating to the Arabs and their flight from Israel, Congressional resolutions, as well as texts of important documents—Basle Program, Balfour Declaration, the Mandate for Palestine; and Israel's Blueprint for Peace as presented to the UN Ad Hoc Political Committee by Ambassador Abba Eban. There is a distinct seriousness in the AAJE report, in the efforts of the surveyors, in the approach to a solution to the gravest problem facing American Jewry. The survey undoubtedly will influ- ence action in our own community, where many hundreds of people were consulted by Dr. Uriah Z. Engelman, who conducted the study in D e t r o i t. Dr. Engelman, has finalized the studies with great skill. Now begins the era of bringing to realization the vital proposals to correct the existing shortcomings. The coopera- tion of all American Jewish communities is needed in this task. We believe that wholehearted cooperation will be forth- coming and that we may, indeed, soon see great improvements in elevating American Jewry's cultural status to the madregah envisioned by the responsible leaders who conducted the survey. In his explanation of the welfare state as contrasted by totalitarianism, Prof. Janowsky: "The welfare state is often confused with the regimentation of totalitarian regimes. So far as Israel is concerned, no such parallel can be drawn. The essence of totalitarianism is compulsion, regimentation, and the denial of the right to differ, none of which apply to Israel. There, differences are freely expressed, voluntarism permeates the entire pattern of life, and democratic processes function effectively. The state supervises voluntary associations, but it neither destroys them nor uses them as instruments of power." Dr. Janowsky emphasizes that Israel needs peace and tran- quility in order that money and manpower should not be diverted to military purposes, and that immigrants must be trained into a labor force. He discusses international relations, and shows how the peace still is menaced by foreign intervention and tensions. Maxwell Geismar's Notable 'The Last of the Provincials' Maxwell Geismar belongs to the group of young American writers who have enriched literary criticism with their knowl- edge, their research abilities, their keen interpretation of American issues. Geismar's rise to a high rung on the literary ladder is accounted for by his newest work, "The Last of the Provincials," (published by Hill and Wang), which not only has gone into a third hardcover printing but which also now is available in a paperback edition. In this excellent work, Geismar evaluates the personalities and the works of H. L. Mencken, Sinclair Lewis, Willa Cather, Sherwood Anderson and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Geismar's thorough studies of these literary figures are attested to by the completeness of his analyses. The reader soon becomes aware that this able critic has not overlooked a fact, that he has delved into all spheres in order that his accounts of the five authors should be as complete as possible. In his analysis of Mencken he refers to that acrid author's attitude toward Jews. "It is not impossible," Geismar writes, "that Mencken's peculiar irascibility as to the Jews was related to an innate sense of his affinity with the Hebrew moralists—and a sense of a broken affinity. On a larger plane, at least, Mencken could understand the predicament, before and after all social arrangements, of man himself who was eternally in the position of 'a turtle .born without a shell, a dog without hair, a fish without fins'." The skill that distinguishes "The Last of the Provincials" elevates the book to an enviable position in American literature. It gives the author indisputable rating among America's most brilliant critics.