Shaarey Zedek Youth Repeat `South Pacific' Wednesday Gentlemen of the Press By DAVID SCHWARTZ iME • DETROIT JEWISH .... ... .... .......... Congregation Shaarey Zedek youth have won such wide acclaim for their Hebraized version of "South Pacific" that they have been asked to present the musical comedy --- which they have adapted entirely in Hebrew — as a repeat perform- ance. The musical will be staged again in the Shaarey Zedek social hall, next Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. This will be the musi- cal's final performance here. Its presentation next Wednesday is being sponsored by the Sisterhood of Shaarey Zedek. The entire community is invited, admission being free. Miss Helen Shur is the play's director. The performers are associated with the Leaders Training Fellowship Group. Leads in the Hebrew version of the Rogers Hammerstein musical are taken by the following, shown in the photo from the left: Michael Stulberg, Jan Berris, Mitchell Shur, Merle Weston, Stanley Rosenbaum, Marsha Taylor and Marty Makell. Annual Convention of JWV Posts, Auxiliaries to Honor Shaikewitz One of the striking resem- blances between America and Israel is the way both take to newspapers. Jefferson helped launch two papers. His great opponent, Hamilton, founded the New York Post. In the set- tlement of the West, the first thing, it seems, one did after reaching some far-away place was to run for Congress or start a newspaper. Israel seems to be much the same way. Tel Aviv seems to have more daily papers than any city in the world. There are some fifteen or twenty dailies and, I understand, they would start more but they have run out of names. Jefferson thought the press was more important than the government, and that, I think, explains the reason for the strength of the press in Amer- ica and Israel. Both go in for democracy-deluxe. * * * I got to thinking about the Bnai Brith Honors Truman Former Presi- dent Harry S. Tru- man examines the Bnai Brith President's Med- al presented to him by Philip M. Klutznick, presi- dent of Bnai Brith. The award, given to Truman at a luncheon celebrating h i,s 75th birthday, cites the former President for speaking " t h e blunt language of courage and greatness." - Sev- eral - members of Mr. Truman's Cabinet and a large number of governors a n d cOngressmen par- ticipated in the lUntheon, held in Kansas City by the elder states- man's home-town friends and neighbors. gentlemen of the press while attending, last week, the con- New Lavry Opera Slated vention of Jewish newspaper for U.S. Debut in 1960 publishers. Jack Fishbein, the TEL AVIV (AJP)—A new to the guests on this occasion. Delegates representing Posts president, invited me to look in, Israeli opera, composed by the COAL & OIL CO. Business sessions of the con- and Auxiliaries of the Depart- for which I am grateful. noted composer Marc Lavry Serving Detroit ment of Michigan of the Jew- ventions will resume Sunday Publishers have their prob- and entitled "Tamar" has been Homes and Industry ish War Veterans will assem- morning at the Jewish War Vet- lems. The business is not always completed and is scheduled to ble in Detroit June 5, 6 and 7, erans Memorial Home, with for Over 45 Years one of affluence. Rather it is be heard in America in 1960. for the annual conventions of memorial services followed by The libretto was written by more concerned' with fluency. the Department and its Ladies reports of the year's activities Who could be more fluent, for Rabbi Louis Newman of New to the delegates. The conven- Auxiliary. instance, than Philip Slomovitz, York. The convention sessions will tions will conclude with elec- editor of The Detroit Jewish tion of officers for the forth- be preceded, on Friday, June 5, News? I understand the makers coming season. by ' a civic luncheon at the of automobiles in his town got A highlight of the business Sheraton Cadillac Hotel, honor- the idea of speeding them up sessions will be the presenta- ing the national commander of watching Slornovitz write . an tion of the annual JWV scholar- the Jewish War Veterans, Sam editorial on his typewriter. He ship award, given each year to Shaikewitz of St. Louis. can also tell funny stories, such ONLY the son or daughter of a vet- 6 Pass. Sedan- Incl. Guests at the luncheon will as the one he told at the con- Full Price eran, and granted without any Factory Equipment be community and veteran special consideration as the race vention about Chaim Cohen, the leaders. or creed of the applicant. Har- art lover who suddenly changed Convention sessions will i.e... old Berry, chairman of the his faith and became trans- cess on Saturday, June .6, and scholarship committee, will formed from Cohen to Cole. delegates and other JWV mem- make the presentation. "Mr. Cole," he was asked, "do at -bers will attend services at Alfred Bricker and Mrs. Sam you still have that precious Congregation Shaarey Zedek. A SpoIan are the general chair- Rubens?" traditiOn of JWV conventions, men in charge of convention "No," he replied, "I changed ithe annual commander's and arrangements-. it for a Goya." president's dinner-dance will be * * * TE 4-4440 12555 Gr. River held at the Sheraton Cadillac The first newspaper was per- Nazi Dentist Released; OPEN 'TIL 10 P.M. Saturday evening. on .-Hotel haps The Fig Leaf, published :-Honored on this occasion will to Continue Practice in Eden—a fashion gazette. Direct JTA Teletype Wire r be John Nemon, commander To The Jewish News Henry Adams wrote that the for the past year of the Depart - . BERLIN — One of the chief first American papers were j•naent of Michigan, and Mrs. 'Oscar Katz, president of the deputies . of Hitler's SS, who really the taverns where trav- _Ladies Auxiliary. Rabbi Morris supervised removal of gold elers over the clinking glasses Adler, Department of Michigan teeth and fillings from mur- of rum exchanged news. I sup- dered concentration camp in- pose, in the same way, one C haplain, will extend greetings mates, has been given permis- might say that the synagogues sion to continue his practice in were the first Jewish news- papers. West Berlin. Herman Pook, who was sen- Rabbi Isaac M. Wise pub- Air Cooled - -Uses No Water tenced- to ten years in jail at lished the American Israelite, Nuremberg for his war crimes, which was one of the supreme One Day Installation was.: cleared when a West Ber- forces moulding American lin • health department_ official Jewry. In Philadelphia, there By Detroit's Largest Air-Conditioning said the summons had been was the important Occident, withdrawn. The official said edited by Isaac Leeser. In New Experts that "proof of serious offenses" York, Philip Cowen, who was by Pock "has up till now not a , cousin of the American novel- ... don't settle for less - Hundreds of Live Longer - Live Healthfully ist Bret Harte, published the been presented." than Leader Quality! trouble-free Pook admitted that extrac- American Hebrew. Among the • Keep dust out! • Keep kitchen, cool!, installations in Loose rugs cleaned on • Keep dust pollen low! • Sleep better! tions which he supervised under writers for his paper was the Oak Park and both sides in our mod- • Get hay fever and sinus relief! Huntington Wds. Himmier's order from Septem- famous Emma Lazarus, and ern plant. Famous • Help relieve emotional and physical Names on request. ber 1943 until the end of the Cowen in his autobiography Stress! Bigelow Karpet Kare war resulted in "profit" of tells of a young fellow in his makes your wall - to- about 4,000,000 Reiehsmarks early teens who was something w a 11 carpeting stay annually. Sentenced in 1948, of a nuisance to his printers. cleaner, brighter long- Pook was released after three The youngster's name was Ste- er. Also, Leader - Dri years by United States authori- phen Wise. You have probably heard of hiin. method for wall-to- ties, In Rochester, N.Y., there w a 11. Workmanship FHA was a weekly called the Shofar. Swiss Zionist Leader, Over guaranteed— Average It was blown by a young fellow Dr. Hans Klee, Succumbs Terms Economical prices. 6-Room House named Louis Lipsky, who, some 1200 Sq. Ft. GENEVA (JTA) — Dr. Hans people then thought might be- (1200 Sq. Ft.) vi•' The LEADER FAMILY Klee, vice-president of the Swiss come a great actor or a Su- No Money Zionist Federation and a mem- Court lawyer, instead of Down takes a PERSONAL INTEREST ber of the Zionist Actions Com- preme. the Zionist leader he did be- In TOUR CARPET CLEANING mittee since 1946, died here come. In Rochester, too, a chap As Low M Complete Friday of a heart ailment. He by the name of Louis Wiley for Complete $14 Month was 53 years old. He fled from a time ran a Jewish weekly. Germany during the Nazi re- Later he came to New York and was the right hand of Adolph gime. Dr. Klee had been a vice- Ochs in building up the New president of the European Ex- York. Times. TW 3-8282 It's a proud heritage the Jew- ecutive of the World Confed- 1170 0 < thrt"1 000 eration of General Zionists and ish publishers of today carry. a member of the executive of Classified Ads bring results! the World Union of OSE. JACOBSON WA 3-3300 For the Best Deal on a New '59 Chevrolet $185 9 See "BERNIE" SHAYNE or MILT LEVIN JOE MAY CHEVROLET AIR CONDITION Rugs & Carpets PERFECTLY CLEANED ! YOUR WHOLE HOUSE 1 You Can Be Sure If It's WESTINGHOUSE $695 $895 SANDERS HTG. & AIR COND. CO. • TY. 5-3400 TW 2-9100 18814 JOHN It. LIN21:60