Israel to Ease Currency Restriction Bulgarian Jewish Consistory Begins Self-Liquidation for 'Errors' JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Deci- maining national organization respective public institutions to Encourage Private Investment sions which amount to steps for declared itself to be guilty for handling. JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The Israel Finance Ministry, in an- other liberalization of currency restrictions, has decided to al- low foreign investors the right to take unlimited profits out of Israel. Present rules permit in- vestors to take out annually a maximum of profits of up to ten percent of their invest- ments. Finance Minister Levi Eshkol told businessmen from 15 coun- tries that plans were underway to make Israel laws for the en- couragement of private capital investment the most liberal in the world. Speaking at the clos- ing session of the Second Inter- national Conference of Bi- national Chambers of Com- merce, he said Israel expected such investment to have a ma- jor role in Israel's development. Israel, he stated, could now be fairly described as a "going concern." He said national pro- duction was expanding steadily, with last year's increase alone nine percent. Unemployment, he reported, was being reduced in spite of increase in popula- tion and a reasonable stability of prices was being maintained. "While in the first decade, Is- rael's main sources of capital were funds from Jewish Appeal campaigns, Israel bond drives, inter-governmental help and some private investments—all of these funds paving the way for private investment—it is an- ticipated now that private cap- ital investment would play the outstanding part in Israel's de- velopment," Eshkol stated. He said the Israel govern- ment had proposed to the Knes- set amendments to the invest- ment bill to encourage private investment. The changes would A Suggestion To My Friends You may have sufficient life insurance for your- self, but do you have an insurance plan for your son? While he N young, the rates are extremely low, and -as he grows to man- hood, he will have a very inexpensive insurance program. We have a wonderful plan, with very -attrac- tive, interesting condi- tions. May I have the privilege of discussing this most important mat- ter with you? Without obligation on your part, of course! A phone call from you will be most highly ap- prec iated. —Harry Cohen liberalize tax concessions to in- vestors and offer opportunities to take out profits in foreign currency. Such liberalization, he explained, was possible now that Israel had accumulated "relatively satisfactory" reserves in foreign currency which per- mitted Israel to pursue a policy of liberalization in this area. Eshkol cited some of the lib- eralization measures, including one which entitles foreign res- idents, paying in foreign cur- rency for some types of stocks registered on the stock ex- change, to receive either div- idends or their capital if they sell them in foreign currency. He said such steps were "rath- er venturesome" for I s r a e l's young economy but that these actions would create better con- ditions for foreign capital in- vestment. Nathan Straus 3rd, president of the American- Israel Chamber of Commerce, was re-elected president of the international association. Israel Again Loosens Tight Money Controls Direct JTA Teletype Wire To The Jewish News JERUSALEM — The Israel Treasury again eased currency restrictions with a decision to allow recipients of restitution payments from West Germany to retain one-third of such funds in foreign currency for unre- stricted use abroad. The remain- ing two thirds must be ex- changed for Israel currency. The recipients also will re- ceive a 20 percent premium for the two thirds in addition to the. official 1.8 pounds per dol- lar rate. Farewell Patty Set for Henri Geldbergs Mr. and Mrs. Henri Gold- berg, of 2930 W. Boston Blvd., will '-)e feted at a farewell par- ty given by the Jewish Folk Chorus at 6 p.m., Sunday, at 14868 Schaefer, prior to their departure for California next month. Goldberg, who was conductor of the Chorus for 17 years, was active in community music cir- cles, having- been affiliated with Shaarey. Zedek as choir con- ductor and with the United Hebrew Schools, Sholem- Alei- chem Institute and Farband Schools. For reservations, call Mrs. R. Baron, DI 1-9231. . `Jewish Teachers Day' Observed by Educators NEW YORK (JTA)—Jewish communities throughout the United States joined in the observance of the first Jewish Teachers Day, an annual event proclaimed by the American Association for Jewish Educa- tion as a key aspect of the cele- bration of Jewish Education Month which begins Tuesday. The annual observance of Jewish Teachers Day took place during the week of Lag B'Omer, historically "the scholar's holi- day." The country-wide observ- ance will culminate at the fourth national conference on Jewish education here June 3-5 A "Teacher of the Year" will be named at the conference. • Millard Cass Honored Columbus Mutual Life Ins. Co. Representing Hordes Agency UN. 3-0873, Res. UN. 3-2900, Office WASHINGTON, (JTA) — Millard Cass, deputy undersec- retary of Labor, was honored three times in a row. He was elected a member of hte board of the International Synagogue at Idlewild Airport, a member of the board of the Washington Hebrew Congregation in Wash- ington, D.C., and President of the Sligo Junior High School PTA in Silver Spring, Mary- land. liquidation of Jewish cultural and religious life in Bulgaria were taken at a recent meeting of the Consistory of Bulgarian Jews, according to a report re- ceived here. The Consistory, the only re- 20,000 Argentines Greet Mrs. Meir BUENOS AIRES, (JTA)— Mrs. Golda Meir, currently visit- ing Argentina in her official capacity as Israel Forign Minis- ter, is taking the country by storm. Over 20,000 Jews— the larg est Jewish gathering since the Visit of Prime Minister Moshe Sharett in 1953—assembled in. Luna Park to listen to an ad dress by Mrs. Meir on Monday Expressing thanks to -the Argentine government for "the extraordinary hospitality" • ex tended since her arrival, she termed this a sign of friendship and cooperation between the two governments. In a review of Israel's "great worries" and "great achieve ments" during Israel's first de cade, Mrs. Weir stressed the people's resiliency under the tragic events of the pre-state period. Terming free immigration "the fundemental fact of our independence," t h e Foreign Foreign Minister described the agricultural, in d u s t r ial and scientific advances in Israel, the valor of its soldiers and the friendship and cooperation be- tween - Israel and many Asian and African nations. Later, Mrs. Meir • spoke to more than 300 delegates from 110 Argentine Jewish commu- nities who assembled for the convention of the Argentine Federation of Jewish Com- munities. She told the overflow audience that historically the Jewish people has always been organi- zed, even in the smallest pos- sible groups, to maintain Jew- ish tradition and education: She warned that only internal forces, not external ones could break the Jewish people. On her arrival in Buenos Aires, -the Foreign Minister had an audience with President Arturo Frondizi, which was at- tended by Dr. Luis Mackay, Acting Foreign Minister, nister, and Gen. A. Olascoaga, Chief of the President's Military House. Sees Jewish Victim; Admits Nazi Crimes FRANKFORT (JTA)—A for- mer Nazi _medical orderly has admitted murdering some 500 concentration camp inmates in Ravensbruck, Mauthausen and Melk. His confession followed a dramatic confrontation by a Jewish inmate— a physician who had been imprisioned at the Mauthausen camp. The self-confessed slayer was Gottleib Muzikant, 55, who had served in Hitler's S.S. units as a medical orderly. He was ar- rested on April 30 and had con- fessed to the murder of 50 prisoners before his confronta- tion by Dr. Claus Salomon. Rogosin's Son Produces Apartheid Film in Africa NEW YORK (AJP)—Lionel Rogosin, son of Isaac Rogosin, New York industrialist who has recently built a $20,000,000 rayon factory in Israel, has ar- rived from Africa where, under the very noses of the South African police, he made a highly controversial film on the touching question of "apartheid," entitled "Come Back, Africa." Lionel, educated at Yale, is 35 years of age. At the age of 30, he resigned as presi- dent of Beaunit Mills to be- come a film producer-director. of such "errors" as an insuffi- The Consistory also proposed cient number of lectures and that, on the other hand, the articles in the past on "the im- perialist nature of Zionism" Consistory and the Jewish com- and too many activities munities should engage in such strengthening the "differentia- "constructive activities" as edu- tion of Jews from other Bulgar- cation of Bulgarian Jews "for active participation in Socialist ians." reconstruction" and in "explain- To correct such "faults," the ing the anti-popular nature of Consistory recommended can- the Jewish religion." cellation of financial support for Jewish religious communi- ties, suspension of Jewish wel- FINE'S BARBER SHOP fare activities, abolition of Jew- Offers You A First Class ish summer camps and cessa- Manicure By tion of providing for Jewish RUBY centers. All these activities,. 15317 West Seven Mile Rd. the Consistory recommended, VE 5-9534 should be transferred to the cfinnnnsins-m----crrincrinn iz, FREE Storage for any leath- er or suede garment cleaned and refinished with our exclusive .. Leather-.Nu Process ... at our regular price. Treat your leathers like precious furs by storing them in our air-conditioned vaults. If Fu Manchu only knew, He would have cleaned with LEATHER-NU Repairs & Alterations By Experts . . . Pick Up & Delivery 7575 Puritan UN 1-4461 FOR THE BEST DEAL ON AMERICA'S HOTTEST CAR See HARVEY GELLER General Sales Manager BARNETT Sales 5524 SCHAEFER PONTIAC Service TI 6-1122 Between Ford Rd. & Mich. Ave., Dearborn Many small Bequests help to build Israel If the tradition of including the Jewish National Fund in the Will of every Jew were invariably followed, resources would be accumulated to ensure the future of the young Jewish State on a sound basis of land development, social welfare, and justice. A bequest to the Jewish National Fund should be as traditional as having a Blue Box in one's house. You may desire that your bequest shall be dedicated to afforestation, to a village, to perpetual yahrzeit or kaddish, or to some form of permanent memorial in the names of persons dear to you. Consult the Foundation for Jewish National Fund, 18414 Wyoming, UN 4-2767. They will gladly co-operate with you in working out plans to meet your special requirements, in strict privacy without obligation or expense to you, legal or otherwise.