THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEW S -- Fri day, May 8, Strictly Confidential By PHINEAS J. BIRON News Brevities Court Drops Murder Charge Philanthropist Cohen Against Hitler Minister BONN, (JTA) — The public Dies on Israel Visit prosecutor of Schleswig - Hol- stein announced here that he would appeal a decision of the Flensburg criminal court dis- missing murder charges against Hater's former Deputy Minister of Justice. The court held that Franz Schlegelberger, accused of com- plicity in the murder of Markus Luftgrass, a Jew, during the war, could not be brought to trial again since he had been arraigned previously in the Nuremberg war crimes trials and a trial now would involve double jeopardy. TEL AVIV (JTA)—Frank Cohen, New York industrialist and philanthropist, who came to Israel two weeks ago to attend a music festival at an auditorium which he financed at the settlement of Ein Gev, died here May 2 of a heart attack. He was 65. Cohen participated at a spe- cial Passover festival concert in the auditorium at Ein Gev, and dedicated a plaque giving the auditorium his name. While in Israel, he conducted negotiations for industrial re- construction in this country. In the United States, he had been chairman of the board of Empire Ordnance Corp. and affiliated groups since 1942. He was also president of the American Steel Corp. of Cuba. In Jewish affairs, Cohen had been particularly active in Jewish educational work, hav- ing been vice president of the American Association for Jew- ish Education and, earlier, with the Bureau of Jewish Education. He was also author of a book, "Democratization of the Factory." Omitted in error from a list They are Prof. ATLE SEL Science For Peace of Shaarey Zedek religious BERG, winner of the Fields Among the science writers school pupils who were honored Medal and Prize of the Interna- few have the same urge and at the recent performance, in tional Congress of Mathemati- acknowledged as the most earnestness to give scientific Hebrew, of "South Pacific" cians, distinguished award in the field, were the names of MARCIA understanding to their readers and Prof. DEANE MONTGOM- as David Dietz, science editor SPEVAKOW, daughter of Mr. ERY, a noted national research and Mrs. Nathan Spevakow, and of the Scripps-Howard News- FREDERIC (Rickie) WALLER, and Guggenheim Fellow before papers . . . Dietz lives in Cleve- son of Mr. and Mrs. All en joining the Institute. * * land but usually roams all over Waller. The two were given LAWRENCE E. GROSSMAN, the world . . . A few months ago medals for outstanding scholar- of New York, a first-year stu- he spent some time in Israel ship and leadership from the dent at the New York School of National Federation of Jewish Social Work, was granted the to evaluate the advance of sci- Men's Club. Jewish Welfare Board's na- ence in the Jewish State : . . * * tional merit fellowship in the U.S. Circuit Court Again The result has been a series of Rules Against Kasper PALMYRA CIVIC ASS'N. field of social work. atricles on science in Israel will hold its annual meeting at * * CINCINNATI, (JTA) — The which the Cleveland Press has 8 p.m., Tuesday, in the Mum- United States Court of Appeals DR. BERTRAM W. KORN, of now made available in an at- ford High School library. Mem- Philadelphia, a member of Bnai this week sustained for a sec- tractive little booklet . . . Louis bers of the group include resi- Brith's Committee on Jewish ond time the contempt convic- B. Seltzer, one of America's within the area bounded Americana, was appointed to tion of John Kasper, anti-Semit- most distinguished newspaper- dents by 7 Mile, Wyoming, Curtis the Civil War Centennal Corn- ic rascist agitator. men and the editor of the He was convicted in connec- and Meyers. A, social hour will mission's advisory council by Cleveland Press, in his intro- General U. S. Grant III, tion with charges of interfering duction to the Dietz Brochure follow. All residents are wel- Major with the integration of the Clin- chairman of the commission. writes: "It is my hope that the come. * * ton, Tenn., high school in 1956. * * * articles by David Dietz may give Kasper was originally sen- Rabbi SAMUEL M. SILVER, "Balanced Budget vs. Bal- the world an understanding of tenced in Knoxville to a term of since 1952 director of public in- anced Economy" will be dis- the tremendous accomplish- six months. ments of the scientists of Israel cussed by members of the HIGH formation for the Union of American Hebrew Congrega- SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL and of the importance of their Israel Offers Cooperation Jewish Book Publisher, work, not only for Israel, but CLUB at 7:30 p.m., Monday, at tions and editor of its magazine, in Exchange for Peace George W. Joel, Dies the Parkman Branch Library, American Judaism, has been for all humanity." NEW YORK (JTA)—George HAIFA (JTA)—Foreign Min- elected spiritual leader of 1766 Oakman Blvd. Dr. Leonard While in Israel, Dietz studied Maliet, an economics special- Temple Sinai, Stamford, Conn. ister Golda Meir offered Israel's W. Joel, president of the book the accomplishments of the ist at the University of Detroit, cooperation to the Arab States publishing firm, Dial Press, died Weizmann Institute, the He- will lead the panel, which in- Dr. EMERY W. BADUT of in reclaiming their desert suddenly April 28, at the age b•ew University and the Haifa cludes Centralite Irving Gold. Orlando, Fla., formerly Dean of wastes if they would make peace of 56. One-time editor of the Seven Technion . . . He came to the Seudnt Services and Professor with Israel. The new bid was * * * made by Mrs. 1VIeir in a May Arts Feature Syndicate, Mr. conclusion that the develop- of Philosophy at Roosevelt Uni- The unsinkable Titanic sank versity in Chicago, has been ap- Day celebration here in which Joel had been responsible for ment of science in Israel com- pared favorably with that of on April 15, 1912, and ever pointed Dean of the Liberal she said that Israel still held the publication of books by since that memorable night, any country in the world. College of the Jewish Uni- out its hand in peace to the many authors dealing with Jew- recreated in the Rank Organiza- Arts ish or Israeli themes. Skokie, Ill. Arabs. Here are some of the accom- tion's "A NIGHT TO REMEM- versity of America, * * * Last year, he published "The plishments he lists in his ob- BER," opening soon at the Diaries of Theodor Herzl," ed- ABBA KHOUSHI, Mayor of servations: Scientists of Amer- Trans-Lux Krim Theater, new ited and translated by Marvin ica and Europe carrying an im- incidents continue to come to Haifa, a pioneer builder of the Lowenthal, the first English edi- labor movement in Israel, will portant researches in the fields light. tion of the Zionist leader's pa- be one of the principal speakers of physics, chemistry and medi- In sad, but loving, memory of If you have any information— cine, are dependent for their names of local survivors of re- at the 19th quadrennial national our mother and grandmother, pers to be published in this supply of a• rare isotope of latives, crew members of either convention of Farband Labor Zipa (Ceila) Schlussel - Keys, country. oxygen known as heavy oxygen the Carpathia or Californian Zionist Order at Seville Hotel, who passed away nine years ago, Dr. Harry B. Bronston, or Oxygen 18 . . . Well, the (ships which figured in the Miami Beach, May 23-27. on May 10, 1950 (Mother's Day). Chiropodist, Dies at 62 Nothing but memories as we Isotope Department of the tragedy), letters or clippings, Dr. Harry B. Bronston, of journey on Weizmann Institute in Israel is etc.—send them to the theater Israel in All-Out Battle Longing for a smile from a face 3200 W. Chicago, a Detroit the free world's only manufac- manager and you'll see this pic- that is gone; to Fight Locust Swarm We -keep in our memory the love Chiropodist for 38 years, died turer of Oxygen 18 . . . A pilot of the past here April 30, at the age of 62. ture free. plant for the conversion of TEL AVIV, (JTA)—An all- For deep in our hearts it was * * * Dr. Bronston was chairman of planted to last. brackish or saline water into out battle was being waged Sadly missed by us all—Hy the ethics committee of the fresh water is in operation at BRENDA GREENSTONE, against huge swarms of locusts the Negev Institute for Arid 15-year-old tenth grader at which covered large fertile Keys, Marvin Keys, Zelda Levin, Michigan Chiropody Ass'n., a Zone Research in Beersheba Central High School, won sec- areas in the Jordan valley south Sue Weingarden and Doris Ap- member of Perfection Lodge plebaum and her grandchildren. F&AM and a founder of Phi . . . The institute is an Israeli and prize of $30 in the recent of Lake Tiberias. * * * Alpha Phi, professional chirop- Government estabilshment . . . essay award contest sponsored Members of settlements, aided ody fraternity. In loving and sad memory of revolutionary technique of by the Wayne County Auxili- A by special anti-locust squads of He is survived by his wife, using the salt water of the sea ary of the Veterans of Foreign the Agricultural Ministry, and our darling daughter, Joyce Ethel; a son, Dr. Gordon J.; two Weingarden Markle, who left us for irrigation is being developed Wars. by spray planes, were fighting two years ago, on May 19, 1957. brothers, Dr. Walter and Al- * * * by Dr. Hugo Boyko, chief bert; and two sisters, Mrs. We miss your sunny smile, LINDA MILAN, of 16555 the locusts with every available ecologist of the Israel Ministry Your sweet and gentle ways; means. Adolph Einczig and Esther. of Agriculture .. . This, accord- Washburn, a senior at Mum- Without you, darling, Officials reported that the All are lonely days. ing to Dietz, nlay lead to a ford High School, has been green fields of Ein Gedi were Missed by us all—mother and method of reclaiming the sand awarded a University of Michi- covered by newly-born locust dunes of the whole world as gan Regents-Alumni Scholar- swarms. New swarms were fear- dad, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wein- garten; sisters, Mrs. Ruben well as those of the Israeli sea- ship. ed coming from Jordan. They (Irene) Isaacs, and Mrs. Har- * * * coast . . . The Haifa Technion reported that the chemicals vey (Raundie) Tanner; hus- Sheldon Klimist, George M. also is working on a project de- used to battle the insects had band, Marshall; and baby daugh- signed to provide electronic Maurer, Jr., John I. Bain and been carried by winds from During the coming ears for the deaf and electronic Irving Tukel will represent the Tiberias to Lake Tiberias, pois- ters, Sandra and Francie. week Yeshiva Beth Yehuda will observe eyes for the blind . . . The 17TH DISTRICT YOUNG DEM- oning fish in the lake. Mrs. Max Schneider Dies the Yahrzeit of the scientist engaged in this work OCRATS at the annual conven- following departed at 79 After Long Illness is Dr. Frantz 011endorff, pro- tion this weekend at the Shera- friend s, with the Mrs. Pearl Schneider, of fessor of electrical engineering ton-Cadillac Hotel of the Young Lower Market Price Offsets traditional M e ma - at Israel's Institute of Tech- Democratic Clubs of Michigan. Gains in Citrus Production 18507 Indiana, well known De- rial Prayers, recita- nology . . . Another technologi- Special guests will be Lt. Gov. JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Pro- troiter, died in Ford Hospital tion of Kaddish and cal genius at the Haifa Tech- John B. Swainson and Mrs. duction of citrus fruits in Israel Wednesday morning, after a studying of Mish- nion, Dr. Markus Reiner is Eleanor Roosevelt. nayes. in the season which just closed long illness. Funeral services were held * * engaged in the construction of a was 40 percent higher than last Thursday afternoon at Chesed device which is expected to Child-killing Cystic Fibrosis, year. Hebrew Civil have a revolutionary effect a newly diagnosed disease, sec- The citrus crop this year shel Ernes. lyar May Surviving her are her hus- upon the future design of jet ond only to lukemia in its death totalled 14.5 million cases as 9 Josef Weber band, Max, to whom she was planes and guided missiles. toll, was counter-attacked by the compared to 10.3 million cases 1 9 Louis Cohen married 56 years; two daugh- Cancer research at the Weiz- launching of the MICHIGAN last year. Exports were higher ters, Mrs. Al (Sophie) Prag Rose Eve Lerman 10 2 mann Institute is miles ahead of VYSTIC FIBROSIS CAMPAIGN this y ear, totalling 9.5 million and Minnie Razumna; three Mr. Neuhaus 10 2 most any other research center at a press luncheon at the Sher- cases, but the increased export sons, Al, George and Jack; ten 11 3 in the world according to Dr. aton-Cadillac Hotel. Judge Na- was offset by lower prices for grandchildren and a great- Bella Stein 11 3 Chaim Kransberg Chain and other Nobel laureates than J. Kaufman of Juvenile citrus prevailing on foreign grandchild. 11 3 Abrah. Guttenberg in the biological field . . . Dietz, Court was named chairman of markets. Mrs. Schneider was affiliated confirmed this statement for he the state campaign. The .Mich- 12 4 with many movements here, in- Hyman Silberfarb believes that the theory of the igan • drive is sponsored by the WJ Congress Publishes cluding the Jewish National 13 Society. S Brown genesis of cancer as a two stage National Cystic Fibrosis New Journal of Sociology Fund, congregational Sister- Sarah 13 S * * Alex Grushky affair, advanced by Dr. Isaac LONDON (JTA)—The first hoods, Yeshivot and many Abrah. Narber 13 5 Two leading mathematicians Berenblum, head of the Experi- issue of a new, biennial jour- charities. mental Biology Department at of the Institute of Advanced nal of sociology, published on Sholom Fival 15 7 Agranoyith the Weizmann may well stand Study at Princeton, N.J., have behalf of the World Jewish Dutch Jewish Actor Dies at the treshold of a world- accepted appointments as visit- Congress, came off the press. THE HAGUE, (JTA) — Jo- Yeshiva Beth Yehuda shaking discovery . . . Another ing lecturers in mathematics at Introduced as "an international harm Valk, of Amsterdam, noted rather sensational scientific pro- Yeshiva University's Graduate vehicle for serious writing on Dutch Jewish actor, died at the 12305 Dexter ject at the Weizmann Institute School of Mathematical Sciences Jewish social affairs," the new age of 60. He had performed WE 1-0203 is headed by Dr. Chaim Leib. for the academic year 1959-1960, journal is being edited by for many years in the Royal it was announced by Dr. Abe Pekeris, head of the Applied The Hague. Gelbart, director of the school. Maurice Ginsburg. Theater of Mathematics Department . In Memoriam 1 WE REMEMBER 71-17N 71} 7N