Israel National Library Aid Advanced Here, in Ann Arbor by Congress Librarian Danny Raskin's LISTENING Ricky Mohr, Millie Goldman, Rhoda Roland, Maxine Kort, Sheldon Pearson and Van Dyan are the guys 'n gals steamheat- ing it all the way during re- hearsals . . . Tickets for "Now Hear This" are available from Ruth Bonus, LI. 6-5003, Lor- raine Gellman, MI. 6-6740, or at Kern's. AMERICAN PREMIERE Dr. Lawrence Marwick, of ing unit to safeguard precious Washington, D. C., head of the Jewish tomes before time and Hebraic Section of the Library negligence destroys them. of Congress, was a guest in De- There are many others who troit and in Ann Arbor, wind- would equip a modern bind- Our human laws are but ing up a tour of the Middle ery for a great library." West in the interests of a move- the copies, more or less imper- Dr. Marwick has in his cus- ment to secure important books tody fect, of the eternal laws, so far in the Library of Congress for the Jewish National and the largest collection of He- as we can read them."—James University Library in • Jerusa- braica and Semitica under gov- Anthony Froude. lem. CURT JURGENS 1)) ernment auspices and one of the Prior to his tour of many largest in the world. Numbering I MUSIC! ENTERTAINMENT! ' cities in this country, he made over 64,000 volumes in Hebrew THERE ARE PROJECTS by extensive trips overseas in be- and Aramaic, Syriac, Ethiopic, various groups in the commu- Sammy Woolf half of the Jerusalem Library. etc., its value for research is nity which receive little or no lEckieViNt 1 -N ,11X MOMS And His Orchestra Through Dr. Marwick's ef- enhanced by 205,000 titles in note . . . but are worthy enough UN 4-3174 UN 3-8982 forts, 42,000 selected volumes western languages related to to gather a bit_ of recognition. UN 3-6501 were shipped to the Jewish the various phases of Semitic, . . . Few people know about the TO 8-8300 Woodward at 6 Mile National and University Li- Hebraic, Judaic and Biblical little kiddies at the Juvenile brary, to the Berl Katznelson history, literature and civiliza- Detention Home Cottages . . . All Newly Remodeled & Air Conditioned Institute, the Israel Standards tion. and one of the unsung happi- Institution and many munici- Dr. Marwick completed his ness bringers is that of servicing pal libraries in Israel. undergraduate training at the these youngsters with parties, Serving Luncheons and Dinners On his visit here, Dr. Mar- University of Chicago in 1931, offering music, handicraft and Banquet Facilities wick pointed out that the Is- received an M.A. degree in 1932 affectionate individual care so Your Host, James Vlisides raeli libraries are interested from the same school, was very desperately needed. . . It 114 PALLISTER TR 3-7444 not only in books but also in awarded an Emma Lazarus fel- has been added as a project by valuable manuscripts, in musi- lowship at Dropsie College for the Detroit Women of Alpha cal instruments, recordings Hebrew and Cognate learning, Omega Dental Auxiliary . . . and important newspapers. where he majored in Biblical, The bewildered children at Delightfully Air-Conditioned Serving as head of the Na- Arabic and Islamic studies and the cottages are not delin- tional Library Committee of researched in early Bible com- quent s, but neglected or Delicatessen • Restaurant • Cocktail Lounge American Friends of the He- mentaries under the late Pro- abandoned . . . mostly wonder- Famous for Fine Food brew University, Dr. Marwick fessor Solomon L. Skoss. inter- ing when their parents are corn- DINNERS 4:30 to 9:30 • AFTER THEATER SNACKS pointed to recent develop- nationally known Arabist and ing to take them home . . . 27 Businessmen's Lunch 11:30 A.M. to 3 P.M. meats of his enterprising com- Doyen of Judeo-Arabic. In his kiddies, ranging from two-years- mittee and to rapid progress will, Prof. Skoss named Dr. Mar- old up, touched very deeply the TRAY CATERING A SPE.2,IALTY in plans for the building of wick executor of his scholarly hearts of the Alpha Omega Wo- 12th at Hazelwood TR. 2-4375 men when, before refreshments, the Jewish National and Uni- estate. In 1935-36 Dr. Marwick was they recited a prayer in unison, versity Library. On his visits here, in Ann Arbor and in Chi- given a year's leave of absence "We thank you for the world cago, he has inspected library to proceed to Cairo, Egypt, and so sweet. We thank you for the collections and discussed Is- he matriculated at the Egyptian food we eat. We thank you for rael'S needs With key academ- National University, Fuad I, the birds that sing. We thank is personalities and book col- where he specialized in Arabic, you, God, for everything." . . . lectors, including Frederick Arab history and literature. The women will have a spring Featuring Exclusively Wagman, director of the Uni- Among his teachers during his planting party for the kiddies 1 months' stay in Egypt was Saturday . . . with the commit- versity of Michigan Library. 18 the noted blind Arab scholar, tee, Roz Tamler, Ruth Blake, At a recent meeting of Taha Hussein, one-time Egyp- Sylvia Barak, Huddy Axons, the AFHU Library Commit- tian Minister Of Education. Non Geffen and Sally Water- tee, Prof. .Isaac Mendelsohn, His study trip abroad and stone, bringing cheese cartons of Columbia University, who es i ll his s work at the Bri- . and seeds for each child, plus preceded Dr. Marwick as especially chairman of the committee, tish Museum in London and the artificial flowers planted in each reported that 12,085 mono- Bodleian, Oxford, and at Cam- carton to show the youngsters graph volumes and 7,840 is- bridge resulted in the comple- what their flower will look like Wish to thank our customers and friends sues of periodicals had re'-: j tion of Several .texts and studies when it comes up ... The com- mittee has been busily collect- of the jives and writings of cently been acquired. for their patronage during the past year. ing from the membership gent- The committee expressed eminent early Bible exegetes. ly-used clothes, toys, games and The most rewarding and memorable experiences are During World War. II he was gratitude to the Book of the Month Club, New York Aca- Special Agent-in-charge with books for the planting party. those which are most profitably spent in association demy of Medicine, American the Counter-Intelligence Corps . . . Bernice Daskal is .president of people you like and respect. We invite you to Jewish Physicians' Committee, in the European Theater of op- of the Detroit Women of Alpha Omega Dental Auxiliary, which enjoy such an experience by helping us celebrate our Alpha Omega Fraternity, Ha- erations.. He participated in the dassah and Medical Advisory battles for Northern and Cen- most folk know only as a group Board of AFHU for their co- tral Germany and in the deci- of gals whose chief projects are 11th ANNIVERSARY — SUNDAY, MAY 3 operation. Special thanks went sive assault from the air across the Israel Dental School, and, through its local dental aid pro- the Rhine and was among the to Mrs. Frank Cohen and the the help given needy peo- Free Gifts For Everyone ! Dr. Julius Jarco Medical Li- first to contact the remaining gram, survivors of Nazi horror camps ple at Sinai Hospital. braries for their gifts. • * * During his visit here, Dr. in Northern Germany and to Marwick pointed to the need enter Berlin with the first BEFORE BEING GIVEN for a modern bindery at the American unit. money to buy some candy, little Prior to his coming to Wash- 7-year-old Jo Ann Metzger was Library in Jerusalem, and de- ington, Dr. Marwick occupied asked by her aunt, Marian Korn, clared: "I would also like to dis- the position of assistant director what she had done during the 15301 E. JerrersOn at Beaconsfield pel the prevailing notion of the Board of Jewish Educa- week to make some person VA 2 4118 tion in St. Louis, Mo. During that libraries are only inter- happy . . . Little Jo Ann replied, Luncheons 11 to 3 — Dinners 5:00 ested in books. Your own his ten years in Washington, he "Well. I spent one afternoon at to 10:30. Suppers 10:30 to 2 a.m. great libraries with their has devoted much time and at- my friend's house down the 3020 GRAND RIVER. Free Parking. TE 3-0700. Pri- music collections, their mi- tention to furthering the inter- street, and when I went home vate Banquet Rooms for wedding ar 'e . Serving the World's Finest Steaks, Chops and Sea Foods tot ests of institutions of learning crofilming facilities, modern she was happy." more than 26 years. All Beef aged in our cellars. CHOP HOUSE binderies, newspaper rooms, in Israel. * * Dr. Marwick represented the map collections, art treas- CHORUS LINE THIS year at ROBIN HOOD'S serving the finest and most delicious of foods, Steaks, ures, etc., will help to dispel Library of Congress at the In- Chops Chicken Club Sandwiches. Short Orders. Delicious Hamburgers. this notion. Current books ternational Conference of Ori- the S.O.C. Hadassah show, "Now "Served as you like it." are necessary to supply the entalists in Istanbul, Turkey, in Hear This" being held at Ford 20176 LIVERNOIS AVE., 1%2 blks. S. 8 Mile Rd. Open 24 Hours needs of faculty, student 1951. During 1955-1957 he was Auditorium, May 9 and 10, and body and researchers. But visiting professor of Arabic and called the SOCettes, is made up CHOICE LIQUORS MARIA'S PIZZERIA BANQUET FACILITIES it is as important to Islamic studies at Dropsie Col- of 16 easy-to-look at housewives Specializing in Pizza Pie and Famous Italian Foods preserve for them the thou- lege. His publications include whose household chores include Parking Facilities . . . Carry Out Service sands of volumes printed on an edition of the Second Book being the mothers of 42 chil Open I 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. --- UN 1 3929 poor paper and about to dis- of Psalms by the tenth century dren . . .. The dancing lovelies 7107 PURITAN .integrate. Only microfilming Karaite scholar and exegete are, Ruth Weitz, Audrey Men- will save them. As for an Salmon b. Yeruham, and some delsohn, Maxine Kort, Leah Jay, CLAM SHOP and BAR TR 2-8800 adequate supply of newspa- of his younger contemporary, Carole Durbin, Ilene Steingold, Serving: Oysters, Clams, LOBSTERS, Steaks and Assorted See Foods Gerri Bennett, Audrey Koloff, Yefet b. Ali's commentaries on pers, with the present heavy Music by Muzak 2675 E. GRAND BLVD. output of books, the only way the Minor Prophets. He is the Maisie Levitt, Connie Satovsky, Sylvia Glantz, Reva Shapiro, Prime .. Beef at its Very Best? Pies baked on prem- of preserving them and author of a "Handbook of Dip- i ses. Special Luncheons and Dinners. Menus changed Sally Kaufman, Millie Goldman, thereby saving also precious lomatic Hebrew." daily. Open Ii a.m.-8 p.m. Estelle Cantor and Florence space, is putting them on 19371 W. 8 Mile, I BIk. E. of Evergreen . . . The choreography BEEF BUFFET microfilm. Many maintain Hold Hitler Police Official L is being perfected by Julie Ad- that saving lives must come BIELEFELD, German y, ler and Carol Kimmel . . . The first. And no one would dis- (JTA) — Dr. Herbert Zimmer- two talented teachers also have pute it. The ingathering of man, an attorney, who was Hit- a heavy hand in the S.O.C. the dispersed must not be ler's 123 Kercheval Grosse Pointe Forms chief of security police at Hadassah show's big specialty delayed. But it is my feeling Bialystok Reservations — TU 4 5015 in 1944, was arrested number, "Steamheat", which as that there are enough intel- here. He was accused of having a show stopper is looming hot- LUNCHEON DINNER ligent Jews able and willing ordered the shooting of 100 ter than its Serving Wonderful FOOD, Wines & Liquors . .at Moderate Prices . . . Marge and to underwrite a microfilm- Jews in the Bialystok prison. UNDER PERSONAL SUPERVISION .& MANAGEMENT OF AL WOOLF Bill Zupner, Sally Kaufman, neroe5 anti SittrierS _trans-Lux Arlin PALLISTER HOUSE BOESKY'S - eagle DELICATESSEN Wilno and Vienna Products 13118 DEXTER WHERE TO DINE AL GREEN'S - - - — - IIERCS London East -